The Legend of The Great Pump-Kin


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In this position, her breasts were pressing into Zoey's stomach and hers into Mom's. her mother's pussy was just over her face, and she lifted her head, plunging her tongue inside it.

Mom made a high pitched gurgling sound, but continued to suck, now jerking Nate off into her mouth.

"I...oh, stop!" Nate whimpered. "S...stop, please...there's no more!"

Mom eased him from her mouth and slid back up the bed until her face was directly over Zoey's. She smiled and pointed to her mouth.

Zoey obediently opened her mouth, and Mom leaned closer, parting her lips, and letting Nate's huge thick load pour into Zoey's mouth.

"Je-sus!" Nate wheezed. "That's so fucking dirty!"

Zoey giggled, then sat up as Mom laid back. Mom opened wide as she had, and Zoey passed her Nate's hot cum. She groaned as some of it slid down her chin and splattered onto Mom's.

Mom sat up and taking Zoey's face in her hands, kissed her. They parted their lips, passing Nate's cum back and forth, more of it spilling down onto their chests and tits.

"Forgive me, if I sit this kiss out." Nate joked, and it made Zoey laugh, sending a squirt of cum spilling down her chin to land on her breasts.

She swallowed what was left in her mouth and watched Mom do the same.

"Aw, you're all messy." Mom kissed her chin, slurping t cum from it. She lowered her head, and Zoey's heart raced as her mother proceeded to lick every drop of her son's come from her daughter's chest and tits.

She finished with the few drops that had slid down to her nipple and smacked her lips.

"That's so much sweeter and stickier than candy!" she laughed.

"Its not really sweet," Zoey pointed out. "Kind of salty and slimy," she shrugged. "Doesn't really taste good," she smiled. "But taking a load in the mouth is so fucking hot anyway."

"Your sister is a good girl, Nate." Mom kissed her fondly on the cheek.

"Did that just happen?" Nate shook his head as he sat with his hands on his knees, his exhausted cock, soft and dripping from being in Zoey's flooded cunt.

"It did, baby." Mom kissed him as she had Zoey.

"Holy fuck!" Nate shouted, pointing across the room.

On top of the bureau sat the Pump-Kin. It was silent, and dimly lit, which was why they hadn't noticed it, but one of its eyes was now closed in a wink.

"How the hell did he get up here?" Zoey asked.

"Mr. P can be where he wants to be as long as he's around his family, we're his seed come to fruition, a source of power to him. Just leave him be, he's an old perv who likes to watch and a softie who likes seeing his kids happy."

She slid up the bed, lying in the middle and patted the bed on either side of her.

Nate slid up on her right, and Zoey to her left. Mom put her arms out, and they stretched out on their sides, each of them sliding into her embrace, resting their heads on her shoulders, as she put her arms around them.

"That's what they call a win," Mom sighed. "All of us got something we needed from that."

"I was wondering if I could keep up with Zoe," Nate told her. "But two of you?"

"This was just once, honey." Mom kissed the top of his head. "You and your sister are going to be very happy together. This was my reward for my part in things, and you two will no longer think about something you felt you missed out on."

"But you shouldn't be alone." Zoey put her arm across her mother's waist and took Nate's hand. "We want you to be happy."

"I'm happy, baby girl. I truly am."

"You going to try and meet someone with this over?" Nate asked. "You can always say I'm your son in law, not son."

"Maybe, but once you've had family no one else can compare. Your father loved me and fucked me like no other man could." She winked at Nate. "Present company excluded.

"You're too young to never have any fun, Mom." Zoey insisted. "I don't think I have to ask Nate to know he'd be okay with more of this."

"That's sweet, Zoey, but the rest of your lives is for you. You're siblings, but now a young couple just starting out. Your hearts belong to each other."

"We love you too," Nate told her.

"It's a very different love." Mom explained. "The seed worked for the three of us because there is love, and you both once had a fantasy about me. But my love for you is as a parent, my lust for you was," she shrugged against them.

"Part a victory celebration, part one last hot night with family, me knowing you'd each desired me however briefly, and," she giggled, "A lot of Pumpkin schnapps and our good friend is a bad influence."

"I don't think you should never not have any fun." Nate looked meaningfully at Zoey.

"Nate's right. I get you don't want to get in the middle of us as a couple, but maybe sometimes we could play?"

"Honey, it's okay."

"Special occasions!" Nate said. "Our birthdays! That would be a great gift, no?"

"Then Christmas too," Zoey followed up. "And Thanksgiving," she giggled. "It is all about eating, and we have some sweet pies we could share."

"That's bad, honey." Mom winced.

"Valentines." Nate snapped his fingers. "No way can mom be alone on Valentines."

"What do you think, Mom? We can all play on special occasions. Nate and I have more than enough love to go around."

"That wasn't love we were passing around."

"Not an 80's song lyric." Nate said so seriously, Zoey laughed.

"The two of you are adorable," Mom hugged them close, and using her foot hooked the comforter she'd pushed to the end of the bed and pulled it up so Nate could reach it and pull it up over their waists. "It does feel good, the three of us naked together in bed."

"Holding you feels good too," Nate squeezed Zoey's hand. "Both of you."

"Such a sweet boy," Mom told him.

"What do you say?" Zoey pressed. "We can do this sometimes?"

"Well, let's put it this way," Mom looked at each of them in turn, a serious expression on her face.

"What way?" Nate now looked just as serious, and Zoey felt the same.

Mom broke into a smile. "I guess I know what I'm getting for Mother's Day from now on."

Chapter Seven

Miranda opened her eyes and released a contented sigh. Naked between her beautiful children, happy and satisfied. She took a deep breath and smiled. The room smelled of sex.

She had the taste of her son's cum in her mouth and the scent of her daughter on her face. Life was good. Miranda meant what she said, their love was theirs, she wasn't going to enter a polyamorous, and incestuous, love affair with them.

But their offer for some occasional fun was one she had agreed to so they would go to sleep. Humoring them just like when they were little, but she had a feeling she might 'let' it happen from time to time, after all, no mother wanted to disappoint their kids at Christmas.

A soft gurgling from her left caused her to look over at the Pump-Kin. It was glowing brighter and now that it had her attention it wobbled back and forth. Miranda gently eased her arms from beneath Zoey and Nate, then moved their arms from across her waist.

The two of them were out cold. A huge day for them, and for Nate the eye opening truth about their family. Miranda paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling of Nates semi hard cock pressed to her thigh.

On the other side, Zoey had draped one long leg over hers, and Miranda felt her daughter's warm, pussy pushing against her. She slipped her leg from under her daughter's and carefully slid down the bed until she was no longer between them.

Miranda walked naked over to the Pump-Kin.

"What are you on about, old friend?" She affectionately stroked it.

It made a crackling sound and its smile grew wider. Miranda turned to look at the bed. "Yes, they are beautiful, aren't they? So perfect. John is smiling at all of us from wherever he is."

The Pump-Kin wobbled harder and would have fallen off the bureau had she not caught it.

"Easy, there, you don't want to end up like Humpty Dumpty." Miranda chided him.

She felt it tugging against her, wanting her to move towards the door.

"Okay, let's see what you want me to see."

Not bothering to dress, after all, her kids has seen everything she had, Miranda quietly slipped out of the room, gently pulling the door closed behind her while cradling the Pump-Kin under one arm.

He was hot, which meant he was up to something, and Miranda wondered what. Everything had gone as it was meant to, but she followed his lead as he tugged towards the end of the hall.

"Downstairs it is."

Cradling him against her breasts, she carried him downstairs and into the dining room. The candles which had guttered out, flared into life.

"Did you put them out?" she asked while placing him on the table next to the bottle of Schnapps and the glasses. It sputtered at her.

"You didn't want us to die in a fire? You're the best, Mr. P." It made a happy sound and spun in a circle.

"You like that nickname? It is catchy." Miranda sat down and put her hands out.

"Well, what's the big deal that you had me take you back down here?"

The Pump-Kin went into a serious of hisses and pops as it vibrated and spun in several fast circles.

"You seem awfully happy with yourself."

The top popped off, and a small plume of smoke rose from it.

"Another show?"

The smoke thickened and Miranda's eyes widened when an image formed in front of her. Mindy in bed with her father, her eyes wide and a terrified look on her face. Next to her, her father stood by the bed in his underwear while a woman who looked like an older version of Mindy pointed at him, screaming.

"With our daughter? Our daughter, you sick fucking bastard!?!"

He tried to say something, but looked as scared as Mindy, but the woman pointed to the door.

"Get out! Get out of this house and never come back! We're through and if you try to contest the divorce I'll tell everyone what you did!"

The scene changed, Nick, in a living room, naked, standing by a couch where Lisa sat with a cushion over her breasts. Nick had his hands up defensively as a man that bore a close resemblance to him bellowed.

"She's your fucking niece! My little girl!"

"Rich!" Nick exclaimed. "I...I don't know what..." his words were cut off when Rich stepped forward and hit him in the face, knocking him on the floor, while Lisa screamed "Daddy, don't!"

"What did you give us?" The two sisters, now out of the bed, their clothes back on, pointing down at their brother.

"N...nothing! You two came home and you just started sucking my..."

"Bullshit!' The girl on the left yelled at him. "There was something in that blunt wasn't there? You're disgusting Vince! I can't believe you date raped your sisters!"

"I didn't!' Vince remained on the bed, the sheet over his crotch. "I swear I..."

The door burst open and a man and woman, both in robes came in "What the hell is going on?"

"Vince!" The other sister pointed to him. "He made us have sex with him!"

A switch to the blonde woman, now in a robe and confronted by her husband while the two boys sat on the bed behind her, identical looks of fear and confusion on their faces.

"You're sleeping with our sons?" The man asked with an incredulous look on his face. "Is this why you always tell me you don't mind when I have to travel? You're molesting your own boys?"

The couple and their daughter, the daughter sitting on her bed, her head in her hands, sobbing while the parents argued.

"How could you do this to her?" The woman demanded.

"Me? You're the one that came home all fucked up and started this! Jesus, Kristin, you asked me if I ever wondered what our daughter's cunt tasted like!"

"Oh, my god!" The wife burst into tears, "Kelsea, baby, we're so sorry, we...."

"Stay away from me!' The girl yelled. "Both of you! I want to go live with Uncle Steve!"

More scenes of rage, blame and arguments flashed before Miranda's eyes, and she was glad the Pump-Kin was only showing these to her, Zoey and Nate wouldn't have wanted to know about this, especially Nate, who had such a sweet disposition.

The scenes slowed and she saw the sisters still in bed together, the covers pulled up to their necks as a man stood in the doorway.

"Mandy, have you seen your...oh, there you are." He cocked his head. "Why are you in your sister's bed?"

"We were watching horror movies, dad," Mandy answered. "We got sleepy so we just shut the TV off." She giggled. "Lily got scared and didn't want to go back to her room."

"Oh, okay, well, you protect your scaredy cat sister. Happy Halloween, girls."

"Happy Halloween, Daddy!" They chirped together.

When he left, Lily slumped back in the bed.

"That was close, I should probably go back to my room."

"No," Mandy rolled over so she was looking down at her. "You're not going anywhere."

"Oh, no?" Lily gave her a sly smile. "Why should I stay?"

Mandy smiled, "I'll give you two reasons."

She pulled the blanket down exposing her breasts.

"Those are two good reasons!' Lily sat up and put her arms around her, kissing her softly. "I love you, Mandy."

"I love you too," Lily." Mandy gave her an adorably shy smile. "I'm so happy you were my first."

"I'm even happier that I'm going to be your only," Lily whispered, then shoved her sister down onto the bed, and buried her face between her breasts as Mandy laughed delightedly.

"Aw, that's nice," Miranda felt her eyes misting up. "Those two beautiful little angels together."

The Pump-Kin wobbled happily as the smoke faded, gurgling away at her.

"Yes, it was a very good night, old friend." Miranda poured two shots of Schnapps. "Here's to family!"

Removing the top of the Pump-Kin, Miranda tapped the glasses to it, then poured one in while downing the other.

The Pump-Kin crackled away and Miranda put its top back on and laid her hand on it fondly.

"Happy Halloween to you too, Mr. P."

Author's Note. Well, that wasn't Charlie Brown's Great Pump-kin now was it? This was a cool piece to write, especially the early homage to Pet Sematary and creating the legend and lore of Mr. P. This is a contest entry so votes and comments are appreciated, as is your support of my work for the last 13 years. Hmm, 13 is a great number isn't it? Happy Halloween, and remember, scare responsibly. LC68

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SatyrDickSatyrDick7 days ago


Excellent world/mythos building, great characters, excellent sex scenes, and a great resolution.

My one niggle as Captain Pedantic...the words 'coffin' and 'casket' are NOT interchangeable as most people believe -

A Coffin is a six sided, roughly humanoid shaped container for a corpse.

A Casket is (typically*) a four sided rectangular container for a corpse.

*- except in the case of 'custom' caskets that can be anything-shaped (like an airplane or race car).


ToughSailorToughSailor3 months ago

As others have commented, you need to get a good proofreader - Now what was the point of hyphenating Pump-Kin? Unless I missed it, you never did explain that one - The sex scenes were way too long and became repetitious to the point where they became monotonous . . . .

4chuckssite4chuckssite3 months ago

This appears to be your latest story, and they are infrequent now. I hope you are well and maybe just running out of new ideas. Soon I will have read all of your submissions and feel your stories are excellent (with the exception of multiple usage and spelling errors). I hope you can continue your excellent content soon.

4chuckssite4chuckssite3 months ago

I think it’s tough to keep track of the developments among all the characters and actions many of which were dictated by an involved pumpkin. I prefer fewer details, but the mom’s involvement added enough variety to the story to make it interesting. Wish you’d get a proofreader as there are multiple usage errors such as when to use “to” or “too.” The stories are interesting, but there are many grammatical mistakes.

202GE202GE6 months ago

Great story. The two female characters sort of berating the son in the beginning was a bit much but overall well written. The story seem to waver between whether it was going to be a tale about destiny or if these characters were making choices. Though that part was minor. 4.5/5

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