The Lodger from Hell


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She leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on my forehead and then went on, "In the animal kingdom, when a new powerful male challenges and takes over the females in a herd or pack, the deposed leader just adopts to his new role quite naturally. The trouble is that you don't seem able to do that - perhaps it might have been better if you had actually fought for me rather than just giving in. It may be only in thought rather than deed but you do give out a lot of resentment. It's got so bad that I admit I have asked Max to stop letting you watch any more but he didn't agree because he wants you there for the cream-pie stuff - I do rather enjoy that too and not just for the nice way it feels. He also needs you there for the other thing he makes you do that I know you hate. Max says that having a cuckold reluctantly deep rimming him as he shoots his load into the guy's wife is the greatest power trip a man can have. I don't really understand that but it is important to him so you will just have to put up with it."

Again I thought Jane had finished but then as if struck by an additional thought, she blurted out, "What I really don't understand is why you make such a big deal out of having to do that. I would love to do it to him but he won't let me, for some reason he has reserved that activity just for you."

"I hate the whole situation I'm in and especially that so how do you expect me to act as if it didn't?" I protested,

"Darling, you've always got a sullen resentful look on your face. Can't you make a great effort to hide how you feel and at least pretend to be happier? If you were more cheerful about everything, I'm sure that Max would let you fuck me more and I would make you feel so good whenever I got the chance. I have also noticed that when Max knows you feel bad, he gets a kick out of making you feel worse - so if you can manage to get a better attitude it will make everything better all round. Perhaps it would help if you thought of it as doing it for me rather than him. I get so wet watching you and his cock is always even stiffer when he fucks me immediately afterwards. It might be an idea to occasionally do it to him voluntarily without him having to order you."

I did take this little pep talk to heart and made a big effort to appear more laid back about my situation. My wife was correct in her prediction because the atmosphere did become far more relaxed and Max also allowed me to enjoy more sex. This was not so much when he was there but he started to occasionally go to bed early saying, "You two can stay down and amuse yourselves for while." I preferred this because it meant not being intimidated by his critical expert eye. He also went away roughly every three weeks, sometimes being absent for the Friday night as well as Saturday. The cream pie thing remained a constant factor for all the time that Max stayed with us but, although I had become partly inured to my other distasteful duty, it thankfully fell into disuse. I think that this was largely due to me taking my wife's advice and pretending actual eagerness to oblige - this earned me taunts about 'turning gay' but the practice ceased not long afterwards.

We have a wooden summer house at the bottom of the garden but it was in rather poor condition. I should have done something about it but money was in short supply before and it seemed pointless to try improving the house when there was a great likelihood that we would lose it. One of the Saturdays that Max stayed around, I arrived home from my overtime stint to find that he had made himself scarce as was his practice. Looking out the window I could see that something was different so I asked Jane what had happened to the summer house. With a big smile on her face, Jane told me, "Max fixed it and he paid for all the wood and stuff himself. Don't forget to thank him when he comes downstairs."

I wandered outside to inspect it and had to concede that he had done a very good job. However even though Max had saved me a great deal of effort and expense I felt no sense of gratitude. There was a degree of pleasure knowing that the work represented at least part of the day that he hadn't spent screwing my wife. Later when all three of us were sitting round the table eating a meal that Jane had prepared, at her prompting I mumbled my thanks.

"Think nothing of it, it's a pleasure to help you two out," Max said generously." It's not quite finished but I'll do that next week weather permitting. What you really need out there is a hot tub. Pity that I won't be here for longer or I would get one put in for you."

The following Saturday Max finished the job as promised but I knew that there was very little more work involved and it would have left the rest of his day free. Jane was bubbling with excitement as I walked in, telling me the moment she saw me, "Max says that I am a natural submissive." The odd thing is that she said it proudly, as if telling of a newly realised talent. It is a sign of how I had mellowed in that I felt amusement rather than anger.

As the atmosphere became more generally friendly, Max started taking us out for an expensive meal or a show, as well as buying some pretty baubles for my wife to wear. He also stopped humiliating me but that did not apply to severe embarrassment. Now the firm where I worked had a lively evening social scene but before Max impacted on our lives, financial constraints had prevented Jane and me from attending more than one of the functions. One day a pal at work asked if Jane and I would join the crowd to go bowling that evening saying, "The firm is paying so it won't cost you a thing." I made some excuse about a prior engagement but when I got home my orders from Max were to get dolled up because he was taking us out on the town. As luck would have it our restaurant table was adjacent to one where my work pal and his wife were eating.

I introduced Max as Jane's cousin and of course the bowling invitation was again offered, now extended to include Max. I tried to quickly decline but Max loudly declared that it sounded like a load of fun and it goes without saying that he proved to be an expert at it and finished with easily the top score of the evening.

Afterwards with the whole crowd drinking round a central table, Max was the centre of attention He fielded one or two curious questions and then said, "You deserve to know the truth - I'm not Jane's cousin at all. Dave here can't cut the mustard in the sack so he has hired me on a six month contract to look after his wife's sexual needs." There was a dead silence as everyone stared at him in amazement. Max let the tension grow and then said, "I'm hoping to get the contract renewed, so that means putting in lots of overtime." This time several of the guys had started to grin but Max waited for the right moment before casually providing his punch line, "I'm in the Yellow Pages by the way in case anyone else is interested." There was an explosion of laughter with some pounding the table with mirth but I noticed more than one of the females throwing Max quite speculative looks.

Next day at work I said, "Of course he is Jane's cousin but he is also one hell of a joker - that's why I daren't take him anywhere because I never know what he will say next,"

- only to be told, "Well bring him along again, everybody thinks he's one hell of a guy."

During the further months that Max remained a paying guest in our house there is only one other sexual incident worth relating but that came close to disrupting the equilibrium that had been established. One evening we were sitting round drinking in relaxed fashion with no sexual activity either current or imminent as far as I knew. Suddenly, in casual fashion Max said to me, "Jane mentioned last night that she has never indulged in anal intercourse - you really missed out there Dave. I don't usually bother with the back way because my size makes it difficult but I can't miss out on a first like this - and Jane say's she is eager to give it a try. The problem is that this is not a question of just poking it in and hoping for the best - she will need a lot of getting ready and I'm counting on you to do most of the preparation work Dave. You haven't any objections do you?"

I did have objections, plenty of them, and I was suddenly as knotted up as I had been on the very first day. I could accept that Max had done to my wife everything that I had ever done (and done it far better than I) but the prospect of him venturing into virgin territory brought back all the old jealousy - and with a vengeance. No matter how I felt I had no choice but to go along with it and there was plenty to do. Under orders I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on while Max disappeared upstairs leaving Jane sitting happily expectant on the settee. On return he joined me in the kitchen carrying a small suitcase from which he produced baby oil, lubricant, a standard candle and a realistic looking dildo that looked about six inches long. Also in the case was a cool bag of the kind that is used for picnics, except that this had been modified for the sides to contain warm water instead of ice. After the latter had been filled from the kettle, Max placed the candle and dildo inside and then before we returned to my wife, he explained in detail what my role was to be.

Back in the room with my wife, Max sat on the settee with Jane quickly on her knees attending to his splendid cock. She continued with this occupation while I carried out my allotted task but she was really only going through the motions. There was lots of licking and she occasionally lowered her head to nuzzle his balls but she was not fervently sucking in her usual manner. I started by trickling baby oil onto her backside and then with a hand on each buttock, massaged with complimentary circular motions. As Jane responded to the treatment, I let my fingers stray more and more often into the crack until I had one finger continually performing rings round her tight anus. On the occasions that my fingertip actually crossed her hole I could imagine that it was trying to grab my finger and suck it inside. Max had warned me to watch for this sign, so I withdrew one hand and got my middle finger thoroughly coated with lube. Those lush twin white globes with their sheen of oil and that dark pink puckered anus quivering with excitement made possibly the most erotic sight that I have ever seen and in consequence I pushed my finger into her somewhat faster than intended.

"Ooooh," Jane gasped from around his penis, which happened to be in her mouth at that moment. Her inside felt hot and squishy (if that is a word). The sphincter muscle closed tightly around my digit and I felt the surrounding tissue quiver in reaction to the intrusion. I began moving my finger in and out with increasing speed and it was easy to see that I was getting a positive reaction to my efforts. "That feels so nice," she sighed in verbal confirmation.

On my next visit to the lube jar, I greased up two fingers to my wife's very obvious approval because she started squirming and pushing back against my hand. Three fingers opened her up (as per instructions) but I found that I could not go in so deep because my little finger kept trying to be part of the act and then, when I introduced the candle it was very nearly a disaster. I don't know if it was some kind of suction effect or simply my over-enthusiasm but I almost lost the damn thing on the first push. Very quickly thereafter I resorted to using the candle in combination with two fingers, holding the base of the candle in place with my thumb, and this seemed to be the ideal solution. I was having the time of my life. I loved doing it and the more I enjoyed it the less I seemed to resent the fact that I was merely getting my wife ready for Max to use - and that is perhaps a measure of how far I had travelled since the nightmare began.

I felt that I could have made Jane cum with just this manual manipulation and I think that she thought the same thing because she suddenly said, "I want the real thing - please put it in me Max now." He gave the impression that he was going to do what she wanted, getting up and leaving Jane with her knees resting on the settee instead of his legs but having joined me at the business end of my wife's body he gave me a big wink. While I continued with fingers and candle he lubed up the dildo and handed it to me. Choosing my moment, I pushed it in and Jane shrieked, "Oh God that feels good - I knew it would."

For two or three minutes she was deceived by the illusion but then she slowed down her enthusiastic reciprocal thrusts and asked suspiciously, "Is that you in me Dave and not Max?" The game was nearly up but neither of us spoke and I continued the fucking motion with my hand while Max crouched down behind me. My wife could not be fooled for long, "I don't think it is even a real prick," she accused, craning her neck round to see what was happening behind her. "Stop buggering me about. If you don't put your cock in me this second Max, I'm not going to play. "

Even before Jane issued her ultimatum, Max had been greasing himself up, so as I scrambled out of his of the way, Max moved into position. There was one brief symbolic moment as he paused with his swollen cock head just touching her slightly distended anus and then he pushed. I reckon that he gave her about half his length in one quick thrust. "Oh God, Oh God, it hurts. Take it out please - it's too big," my wife cried out in shock. She froze waiting for Max to comply. He remained perfectly still, he did not push further but neither did he make any move to withdraw. Jane continued to beg for the cause of her pain to be removed, until on realising that nothing was going to happen, she began urgently scrambling forward, trying the escape the thick column of flesh impaled in her rectum.

Max tried to pull her back but his greasy hands failed to get a grip on her hips. "Hold her head or something," he snarled at me, referring to Jane as if she were a horse. Obedient as ever, I restrained my wife's flight, only to earn a share of the vitriol as she shouted, "You're a couple of sadistic bastards and I hate the pair of you." Possibly to shut her up, Max slipped in some more inches. This caused another big shriek and some more foul language but with no real alternative, Jane resigned herself to endure.

I don't know exactly when the change came but Max did because he started moving, only slowly at first but with a gradually increasing rhythm and within an amazingly short period of time, I witnessed my wife's rapid transition from very reluctant participant into a fervent convert to rectal intercourse. He gave her a couple of quick orgasms (the ones I had primed) but then paused to catch his breath and let Jane regain hers. "I love it," she enthused. "It's so huge - I swear I can feel it coming up my throat." After that he gave her the works and my wife was in another world, shrieking like a cat and frantically throwing her body back in the hope of feeling even greater penetration.

I greatly regretted that I was still trapped by her head because the view from the other end must have been spectacular as he slammed into her. Both of their bodies were running with sweat and I have to admit that I felt pretty warm myself. The end when it came was peculiar because, instead of the usual final frenzy, Max suddenly froze and although he remained still for a long time, the twitching of his pelvis showed that he continued to pump cum deep into her bowels. I could easily believe that he had tied with her in the way a dog might.

Eventually he pulled out. I was poised for a different flavour of cream pie and although I was to enjoy that dubious pleasure on other occasions, this time he waved me forward, saying, "That was too good not to share - come on, dip your wick before I change my mind."

A rabbit down a hole had nothing on me and to parrot my wife's words, 'God it felt good'.

It felt like a furnace in there and her whole lower body was dithering, as if in aftershock from her last massive orgasm, the new sensation titillating my nerve ends to an unwelcome extent. I was determined that in this at least I would not be a one shot wonder, so controlled myself to do it slow and easy. Jane I think welcomed the change of pace for she was either crooning or crying with pleasure. It was still sooner than I had hoped that I found myself sitting on the floor by Max with only Jane's legs separating us. That situation did not pertain for long because she suddenly jumped up and made a run for the bathroom. "That was fucking fantastic," Max told me.

"Fucking fantastic," I echoed back.

"You owe me one," he said.

"I owe you one," I agreed.

"Tell you what," Max suggested. "While we are waiting, you might as well be sucking me stiff, ready for when she gets back.

It is ironic that during the six months I was on a constant sexual high and actually had my dick inside Jane far more frequently than I ever did before Max imposed himself on our lives. When she had a period I drew a blank where Max either enjoyed a blow job or had her roll over but he had the decency to reserve this for when they were alone. Generally, any day he had her I did too (on a ratio of roughly one to three), apart from the admittedly rare times that some malicious whim caused him to decree that Jane was too tired for any more and I had to toss myself off while they watched. Sometimes on those occasions my happily promiscuous wife gave visual inspiration by sitting naked in front of me, with thighs spread, pleasuring herself with a long handled hair brush,

On the last day, having carried a pile of luggage out to his car, Max came back to say goodbye. Jane rushed forward to kiss him passionately. "I will miss you," she said simply and that must be about the greatest understatement of all time. He then turned to me and held out his hand, inevitably making me remember the first moment that he had entered our home. With few reservations, I returned the handshake and in doing so effectively condoned everything that had happened. Only at this point did Max remove a fat envelope from an inside pocket. Handing it to me he said, "I have made a nice profit staying with you instead of hotels so it's only fare that you should get a share the bonus - take Jane on a nice holiday, you both deserve one, especially you." With that he was gone. The envelope contained £1200 in notes.

"I will never forget him," Jane said sorrowfully. I would never forget him either but perhaps the memory holds less bitterness than had he left earlier in the saga.


Max proved to be correct in his prediction that large cocks were addictive but so too is the role of cuckold - not to mention that unique amalgam of pain, pleasure and self disgust involved in sucking another man's cum from a much loved wife's well fucked cunt.

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Hornydevil47Hornydevil4710 months ago

I actually was not keen on this story. I would have walked out the moment my wife joined with this man, or as soon as possible to be safe. Not cowardice but commense. The wife would receive the divorce papers as soon as possible. Mel B known as Hornydevil47

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Pure crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Diagusting, poorly constructed, miles away from reality

A wierd, made out, bizarre, forced, poorly executed story from a crippled mind. I hope u get some work ur way so u can clear the gutter ur brain has turend into.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very Good Story

Very good story actually and towards the end, a couple of amusing moments.

Ignore the wannabe cucks who always trash cuckold stories. Unaccountably they keep reading this type of story but then the author is "the pathetic wimp who shoud just shoot himself." lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
only a limp dick fag that calls himself a writer

would put out shit like this. I'll let you borrow my do the world a favor and use it.

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