The Lost Tablet


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Lucas couldn't decide what he wanted more as she squirmed. He moved his hips and fed her his cock. Her lips and mouth felt so warm and inviting. He fucked her mouth without any resistance. He could feel his cockhead touch the back of her throat and his balls striking her chin. He looked down and saw she liked what he was doing to her.

After a few minutes, he pulled out and mounted her without a word. He slammed his cock inside her pussy and she cried out in pleasure. She felt more wonderful than he imagined. He pumped within her, filling her and fucking her.

"Say it!" he growled.

She shook her head no as he pumped. "I said, 'say it!'"

Again she refused. He reached up and tugged her left nipple. She cried out then said, "More!"

"More what?"

"Your cock, I want more."

Lucas caressed her breasts. "Beg me. Beg me to let you cum."

"No," she whispered.

Lucas slowed down, then reached down and began to rub her clit with his thumb. "No?"

Nadia gasped and squirmed. "I... I..."

"You what?" he growled and thrust.

"Please sir," she whimpered. "Let me cum on your cock."

Lucas smiled. "Why?"

Lucas pumped and rubbed her clit more. Nadia squirmed and said, "I need to cum and it feels better when I can cum on your amazing cock."

Lucas smiled wickedly. "Do you like to cum on my cock?"

"Yes sir, I do."

With that said, Lucas pounded Nadia and he felt her pussy walls tighten as she screamed. Her orgasm pushed him over the edge as he filled her with his seed.

Lucas's eyes opened as he felt the moisture of his orgasm on his stomach, thighs, and fist. He awoke alone in his bed. "Damn," he hissed. "It was just a fucking dream."

Lucas walked to the bathroom, cleaned himself off and went back to bed. The erotic dream still lingering in his memory.


Lucas spent the next few weeks working on her story, sending emails, and meeting at the coffee shop. They found they had much in common and their friendship began to grow. But Lucas' erotic dreams were also haunting his sleep nightly now resulting in him cleaning a mess or changing his boxers. Nadia also seemed to come out of her shell a bit more with each meeting. Lucas was now torn between his desire to get Nadia's book published, and taking their relationship to a more intimate level.

One evening, while Nadia waited for Lucas, a tall man with salt and pepper hair walked in. Nadia had seen him a few times before when she met Lucas, but he had always arrived after Lucas had left, not before he arrived. The man looked around then spotted Nadia. He stepped up and said, "Excuse me, are you Nadia?"

"Yeah," said Nadia softly.

"Mr. Barrett told me to let you know he'd can't meet with you tonight."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"He's busy banging some other whore," said Edwards, smiling wickedly.

"Oh, we're not dating."

"You're not?" asked Edwards, surprised.

"No," she said. "He's helping me with... something."

Nadia couldn't explain why she didn't trust this man, only that she didn't. "What is he helping you with?"

"It's a school assignment," lied Nadia. "I have to interview people from different industries. Since Mr. Barrett was so kind in returning my tablet, I asked him if I could interview him."

"Oh, so why have you two met so often?"

"I only have a limited amount of time, and every time I think we're done, I have more questions than answers. Mr. Barrett has been very nice about all the meetings. Well, I'd better be going since he's not coming tonight."

Nadia began to gather her things when Edwards said, "What's the class for?"

"It's a communications class. Our assignment is to interview different people in different fields."

"So Mr. Barrett is your publishing mogul I take it."

"He told me he was a copy editor."

"Really?" said Edwards, in a surprised tone. "Because he father owns the publishing company he works at."

Nadia looked up at Edwards, then said, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Edward Dean."

"Well Mr. Dean, it was nice meeting you."

"What's your hurry?"

"I have a train to catch and since Mr. Barrett isn't coming to meet me, I can catch the earlier one."

"I'd be happy to give you a lift."

Nadia's heart raced. This stranger made her uneasy and his offer terrified her, though she didn't know why. "It's okay," she said. "Even Mr. Barrett doesn't know where I live. A girl can't be too careful these days. Good day Mr. Dean."

Nadia quickly left the coffee shop and headed for the train. She darted into the woman's restroom and sent a text message to Lucas. "I think we've been found out. Some guy who claimed his name was Edward Dean told me u couldn't meet me because u were, and I quote, 'busy banging some whore.' Something about him makes me nervous. He even offered me a ride home, but I turned him down. I'm going home so just do the same. We'll meet 2morrow."

As Nadia boarded the train, her phone pinged. "R u on the train?"

"Yes," she replied.

"T or b?"


"Damn! See u 2morrow. Be safe."

Nadia smiled and tried to enjoy her ride home, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was being followed and watched. When the train arrived at her stop, she stood up and spotted the man with the salt and pepper hair who met her at the coffee shop. Nadia left the train and ran to the women's restroom.

"Help!" she texted. "He followed me on the train."


"That man! Edward Dean."

"Whr r u now?"

"Wmn's rr. Our stop."

"Stay put. Help is coming."

Nadia paced nervously within the restroom, staying clear of the door in case she was being watched. After a few minutes she got a reply. "Go to mag stnd near entrance. A man named Paul is coming 4 u. He's my roomie. I need him 2 c the man following u. Pretend he's ur bro. We'll talk soon. Be careful."

Nadia squared her shoulders and did exactly as Lucas had instructed. A few minutes later a handsome man with curly hair walked up, threw his arms around her and said, "Hey Sis! You're early!"

"Paul!" she cried. "I thought you forgot about me!"

"Are you kidding? Mom would have my ass."

Nadia giggled and turned toward the man who was following her. Then turned back to Paul. "I thought you said be here at... oh shit... I am early aren't I?"

Nadia pretended to look at her watch and gestured toward the man. Paul looked past her and said, "Typical kid sister. Well, better early than late. Shall we?"

Nadia and Paul walked out and climbed into his car. Once he started the engine he said, "It's nice to finally meet you. Lucas talks about you all the time."

"Thanks for doing this."

"What did you say that man's name was?"

"He told me his name was Edward Dean."

"Try Dean Edwards. That's the prick who screwed Lucas. Did he hurt you?"

"No," said Nadia. "Just scared me."

"We'll drive around for a bit until I'm sure he's not following us, then I'll take you home."

"Thanks again."

Paul drove around for a bit, then his phone rang through the speakers of his car he pushed a button on the steering wheel. "Hello?"

"Is she safe?" asked Lucas' voice though the car's speakers.

"Yes," said Paul, "and she's with me now."

"Did you see the man who was scaring her?"

"Yup. It was Edwards."

"Shit!" snapped Lucas. "Nadia, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said. "Thank you again."

"I don't know what that prick is up to, but I need to put an end to this shit and soon."

"I don't think Edwards followed us and I doubt he knew who I was," said Paul.

"Don't be too sure about that," said Lucas. "Nadia, how did he know who you were?"

"I've seen him in the coffee shop before. Usually he arrives after you leave, but he never stays very long."

There was a long silence. Paul continued driving. "Why didn't you mention this before?" asked Lucas.

"I didn't think much about it before," she said. "I thought he was just some guy who likes a late cup of coffee. I'm sorry."

There was another long pause, then Lucas said, "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who should be sorry."

"How about you two discuss this later so I can take her home?" asked Paul.

"Yeah, thanks man" said Lucas. "I'll meet with you later Nadia."

"Okay, bye Lucas."

"Later man," said Paul.

"Bye," said Lucas.

There was a beeping sound, then silence. Paul glanced at Nadia, then said, "He's not upset with you, you know. He's upset that he might have put you in any danger."

"That man offered to take me home."

"What did you say?"

"I said that even Lucas didn't know where I live. He made my skin crawl."

"You made the right call. I'd hate to think what might have happened."

Nadia smiled. "Does Lucas have a girlfriend?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"That man said he was 'banging some whore' and I thought maybe Lucas had a girlfriend. I mean, if he wants to fuck another woman who am I to protest?"

Paul looked at Nadia. "Sweetie, don't you know he's crazy about you? All I hear anymore is Nadia this and Nadia that. I for one am glad you're letting him help you with that story. I think he's right, you'll be great. But do me a favor."


"If he asks you out, please say yes."

Nadia blushed. "I'll think about it."

Nadia had Paul take her to her apartment and he insisted on walking her to her door. Nadia's roommate Marie saw them walk up and opened the door. "What happened to the other one?"

"What other one?" asked Nadia.

"You know, the taller one who's been bringing you home."

"Oh, he had to work late. This is his roommate, Paul."

"Hello," said Marie in a seductive voice.

Nadia rolled her eyes as she said, "Paul, my roommate Marie. Marie, Paul."

"Nice to meet you," said Paul, politely.

"Thanks again Paul," said Nadia.

"My pleasure. Good night ladies."

Paul walked back to his car and drove off. Marie sighed and said, "You lucky bitch!"


"Two hot guys bring you home and one gives you the googly eyes every time he's here."

Nadia rolled her eyes at Marie. "He's just helping me edit my story."

"And he wants to be the leading man in your story. Not that I could blame him."

Nadia giggled as the two women stepped into their apartment. "He doesn't want me like that. It's strictly a business relationship."


A few nights after Paul took Nadia home, Lucas brought her to his apartment instead of hers from the train station. Paul was watching the news when they walked in.

"Hey bro," he called out. "You're home early."

"I'm not alone," said Lucas.

Paul turned to see Nadia standing in the foyer. "Hey! Nice to see you again."

"Hi Paul," said Nadia, smiling.

"Should I take off for a bit?" asked Paul.

"We decided to work here instead of the coffee shop after Nadia's encounter," said Lucas.

Paul smiled wickedly and stood up. "I think I'll go see what Julie's doing. Text me when you two are done, man."

Paul grabbed his jacket and left. Lucas shook his head and Nadia giggled. "I swear sometimes he's such a dork," said Lucas.

"Because he wants to spend time with his girlfriend?" asked Nadia.

"Because he left so we could be alone."

"Is that a problem?"

"No," said Lucas. "It's only... he seems to think there is more to our relationship than your story."

"Oh," said Nadia, sounding a bit disappointed.

Lucas looked at her. "Not you too."

"My roommate gives me the same grief. Though, on some level, it's not the worst idea in the world, you and me, that is."

Lucas looked at Nadia. Memories of the erotic dreams he'd had danced through his head. "I try not to think of you like that."

"But you have thought of me that way?"

Lucas sighed. "I'd be lying if I said no."

Nadia smiled. Lucas always thought her smile lit up her face and made her more beautiful. "Tell me Lucas, what thoughts have you had?"

Lucas bit his lip. Just the mere thought of those dreams made his cock harden. He had spent many hours fantasizing, dreaming, and lusting for Nadia. He looked up into her blue eyes, something deep inside him stirred. He stepped over and kissed her hard and passionately on the lips. He forced his tongue into her mouth and took her into his arms. Nadia didn't resist, didn't fight, but kissed him back. The electricity between them was unmistakable.

Lucas's hands roamed down and quickly unbuttoned Nadia's blouse, never breaking their kiss. He could feel her breasts under the satin and lace bra. The blouse fell to the floor. Lucas broke the kiss and said, "Come with me."

Lucas led Nadia to his room, closing the door, and resumed their kiss. He felt her soft skin under his fingers. He reached behind her and unhooked her bra as she unbuttoned his shirt. Her bra and his shirt hit the floor as he pushed her to his bed. Nadia fell with a soft thud and giggled. She reached up and began releasing his belt and unzipping his pants. Lucas kicked off his shoes as Nadia freed his rock hard cock. She looked at the swollen mushroom head, shiny with his precum, then slid it into her mouth. Lucas moaned as he wove his fingers into her hair. Part of him wanted to fuck her mouth the way he had in his dreams, but he decided for their first time he'd let her run the show.

Nadia licked and sucked his cock, expecting him to fuck her mouth. She took more and more of his cock until his balls hit her chin and his cockhead hit the back of her throat. She moved faster, sucking, licking, and letting her teeth drag along his shaft. Lucas was sure he was going to explode. But he felt her grab his balls and hold them in a way that kept him from climaxing. It was a trick Lucas had heard of, but had never experienced before now.

When he could take no more, he pulled her off his cock and pushed her back. He was panting and sweaty as he reached down and removed her skirt. Her stocking-covered legs and garter belt added to his arousal. He released the garter belt and slid her panties down. They were stained with the juice of her arousal. He held the panties to his nose, breathing in her musky aroma.

"Fuck Nadia," he hissed. "You smell delicious."

"Well you tasted pretty fucking delicious," she said with a seductive smile.

"My turn."

Lucas grabbed Nadia's legs and spread them wide as he knelt down. The blonde mound of curly pubic hair pointed to the apex of her womanhood, and was soaked. Lucas leaned in and smelled her musky aroma. He licked her labia and the sweet taste drove his desire to madness. He ran his tongue along the sides, from anus to clit, and back. Nadia squirmed and moaned, pulling him into her pussy, guiding him to where she wanted his tongue and lips. Lucas had never had a woman take such control before, but he enjoyed it.

"Make me cum!" she demanded.

Lucas sucked her clit into his mouth and Nadia screamed. Her body shook and his face was soaked with her sweet womanly juices. He lapped up her nectar, savoring the sweet taste. Quickly, he crawled up her body, reached into his bedside table drawer, and removed a condom. He tore open the foil with is teeth, rolled it on his penis, and slid his cock into her pussy. Nadia moaned softly as she felt his condom-covered cock fill her the way she had only dreamed.

After a few gentle thrusts, she growled, "Fuck me, damn it!"

Lucas didn't hesitate, but began to pound her. He grabbed her legs, pulling them up to her chest, giving him the depth he so longed for. He kissed her face, her mouth, and fucked her like he'd never fucked another woman before. He tugged at her nipples and she gasped.

"Beg me," he hissed. "Beg me to let you cum."

She started to push him off, but he grabbed her hands and pinned them under his body. "I said beg me, woman!"

"Please Lucas, please, let me cum on your cock," she whimpered. It wasn't the forceful tone she had used with him earlier.


"Because I have dreamed of this moment for months. Please Lucas!"

Lucas knew how close she was, as he was equally close. He reached down and played with her clit while he pounded her with a force like never before. He kissed her forcefully as he felt her pussy clamp down on his cock. Nadia screamed in his mouth as he filled the condom with his sperm, pumping and thrusting until he was drained.

They held each other for several minutes, or several hours, neither one knew for sure. At some point they dozed off for a bit. Lucas awoke to find an almost naked Nadia still in his arms, sleeping. His pants were still around his ankles, the condom on his spent cock, and her stockings still on her legs. He pulled up his boxers, pushed off his pants, discarded the condom, and wandered to the living room. Paul was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"How was she?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" asked Lucas.

Paul turned and held up Nadia's blouse with a huge grin on his face. "The owner if this fine garment. I sure hope it was Nadia."

Lucas smiled. "She's fucking amazing."

"Why thank you," said Nadia, standing at his bedroom door wearing his work shirt, and nothing else.

"I thought you said you two had a business relationship," said Paul, grinning.

"It's... evolving," said Lucas, smiling.

Nadia giggled. "Clever."

"Well," said Paul, tossing the blouse to Nadia, "I think this belongs to you."

Nadia caught her blouse. "Thanks."

"By the way Lucas, your dad called," said Paul. "He said something about Edwards and wants you to call him back."


As Lucas walked into his room, he kissed Nadia softly. "Hurry back lover," she purred.

Lucas grinned and walked away. Nadia stepped into the kitchen. "Was this your first time?" asked Paul.

"If you mean with Lucas, then yes. But not my first fuck."

Paul laughed. "I've read your work. I know you're not a virgin."

"Oh really now," said Nadia, smiling. "Well I'll have you know that-"

Lucas stormed back into the living room, clearly pissed, and Nadia stopped mid-sentence. "What is it?" asked Paul.

"Fucking Edwards wants me fired for my inability to find a decent fucking author."

"So what?" questioned Paul. "Introduce him to Nadia."

Lucas sighed. "I can't now that I've fucked her."

"Why not?" she asked. "The only people who know are all in this room."

"Nadia," Lucas said, "I never mix business with pleasure."

"So introduce her to your dad and let him publish her. Then you can continue fucking her, if that's what you want."

Lucas looked at Nadia. "That was pretty fucking awesome."

"I'm glad," she said, smiling. "And besides, who says you can't mix business with pleasure? The way I see it, our business is pleasure."

"But what about Edwards?" asked Lucas.

"Why don't you use your cell phone to record him?" she asked.

"You can do that?"

Nadia rolled her eyes. "You really aren't very tech savvy now are you?"

"Sadly no," he said.

"Does your phone have a speakerphone option?"

"I think so."

"Lucas, you've done so much for me, let me do something for you."

"I've done nothing yet, Nadia."

"You rocked my world. So please Lucas, let me help."

Nadia shared her plan that included her and Paul coming to his office to meet his father. Lucas was to make sure Edwards knew about this meeting and that he was being bypassed on purpose. As the day approached, Lucas feared their plan wouldn't work, but Nadia assured him it would and he needed to trust her. Trusting her was the only thing he could do.


Nadia and Paul arrived early that day and Lucas met her in the lobby. "I'm so glad you came," he said.

"I made you a promise," she said.

"And Paul, thanks for bringing her along."

"No problem," said Paul.

"Come with me," said Lucas as he led her to the elevator.

"Maybe later," she purred.

Lucas pushed the button, then glanced down at Nadia. She wasn't acting like the timid young girl he met at the coffee shop a few weeks prior, but more like the woman he had in his bed a few night before. He liked this new more aggressive Nadia and found she turned him on just as much as timid Nadia. As they rode in the elevator, he noticed the buttons on her blouse seemed to be unbuttoned a bit lower than normal and her suit was fitting her more tightly than usual. Part of Lucas wanted to stop the elevator, pin Nadia to the wall, and fuck her silly while Paul watched, but all too quickly the doors slid open and there stood Dean Edwards with a wicked smile on his face and an evil gleam in his eye.