The Loving Porn Queen Ch. 05


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"I want you naked and on the bed," Ally said to me -- a slight grin at the corners of her mouth betrayed the fact that she had other suppressed motivations.

"Sy, you start from over there and Nancy from here. Sy, remember you're still a little miffed at losing the argument so be curt with Nancy. Aim your affections more at Kara. Lastly, Carl pick-up the bed scene from down here about halfway through the fuck scene -- if you need to stop to move the camera let us know. I want to see Kara's beautiful backend at least at this angle while Sy's cock is buried in her pussy. This angle should get that."

We positioned ourselves and this time Ally held the identifier page in front of the camera then said, "Roll 'em."

I had remained horny from lunch. My motto seemed to be 'One good fuck deserves another,' thus I wanted to fuck more; so as we got into the scene I welcomed Sy's swelling cock and a chance to make love again. Nancy flopped down on the bed beside us supposedly still mad at Sy. She looked pissed.

I sucked on Sy for a couple of minutes as Carl moved in with the camera for a couple of close-ups. He nodded his approval as he pulled back with the camera to encompass the entire scene. Sy's hard and erect cock filled my hand as I masturbated him and then led his cock to the entrance to my vagina.

Sy pushed into me and I went into my little corner of heaven, sighing and breathing heavily as he started to pump into me. I responded naturally to the wonderful penetration, ignoring the camera and the other people in the room. I just wanted to make Sy cum and be happy, cuming myself along the way.

We fucked for twenty minutes in a variety of positions. Every now and then I felt Nancy's hands or tongue enter our scene. I know Carl moved the camera around during that time and also did some hand-held shots. I had two small orgasms again and then a whopper when Sy blew his load into my cunt. After that event, Sy pulled out and I lay back and squeezed my cuntal muscles to expel his semen from my cunt. It apparently worked pretty well; Carl was videoing my cream pie at that point. After a while Ally said "Cut and print," and we stopped our acting.

Of course, Sy and I hadn't been acting. Nancy who'd been stroking her clit as Sy and I fucked hadn't been acting either. She and Sy kissed with great passion and I duck walked back to the bathroom to try to vacate some of the excess cum from my pussy again.

As I sat dripping cum into the toilet I heard Carl announce that drinks were on our patio at five o'clock followed by a barbeque dinner. I felt joy that we could all be together again and particularly glad that Sy and Nancy would be joining us. Even though we'd acted through an argument I wanted to be sure there were no lasting effects.

To have some sense of propriety for cocktails I put on my bikini bottoms and an old shirt. Instead of buttoning the shirt, I tied the shirttails together just below my breasts creating a sexy and revealing look. I wanted to be sure I got laid tonight.

At four-thirty I started to prepare the fixings for our cookout. Carl and Ally helped out. Doug sat on the patio having a long cell phone conversation with his wife Melissa. I watched closely, glad to see him smiling a lot and even laughing. I had encouraged him to tell her about our lovemaking and about Ally before he built up guilt feelings and felt reluctant to talk about the event. After he'd been on the phone about almost an hour, he hung up and came and joined us.

"Is everything all right?" I asked.

"Better than OK," Doug said. "After we talked last night, Mel said she called her old friend. He came over and they talked for three hours and then made love. Mel is so happy with me, with life, with us and with her love, not just that they'd reconnected but also that the two of us were talking and sharing experiences. She told me she could hardly wait for me to come home. We even talked about a threesome and then some."

"Did you tell her what we did?"

"I did, in great detail. I even got a woody talking to her as I described it. I told her you'd said she should come down her and play too. Mel liked the sound of that and said she thought she could get away a couple of weeks from now or at Thanksgiving if that works for you. She told me she wanted to be in a porn film too. Imagine that. My wife in a porn film."

I said, "Oh, I can imagine that very well. Look at your sister. In my wildest fantasies I wouldn't have imagined this a year ago. Now I thank the universe about what we've all discovered and what I've learned about myself."

After we cleaned up dinner, we had 'pool sex.' Those activities went on from deep dusk until almost midnight. Sy and Nancy snuck home through the fence in their birthday suits. Doug and June took the guest room, both apparently ready for one more coupling before they slept. Carl, Ally and I snuggled into the large bed and were asleep in seconds. It had been a strenuous evening.

The next day, Sunday, Ally and I went grocery shopping and ran a few errands. June disappeared to tend to things in her house. Carl took Doug under his wing to show him how he uploaded the videos from the camera to the large computers and then did some editing. Things were reasonably back to normal.

We swam in the pool and hung around the patio the rest of the afternoon. The warm weather held a hint of autumn in the air. We paired off again in the evening, shifting pairs partway through our lovemaking. I slept with Doug while Ally slept with Carl. Doug and I awoke in the middle of the night and made love one last time before his departure. We were very tender with each other, enjoying every erotic nuance of our coupling. We were building memories to savor in the time before we met again.

Monday, Doug disappeared to conduct his day of business and then fly back to Ohio. I wondered about Doug's enlightenment and Mel's newfound freedom. I hoped the two of them would come back in a few weeks and that the transformation of their relationship would last. If the timing for their visit worked right, it would be right before Thanksgiving and we could create some kind of family "do" around the visit.

As the day went on, we got back on schedule with filming and editing our third film -- Love Stokes. Things seemed to be moving rapidly and we shot scene after scene in rapid succession.

At the end of the week Ally and I met alone just to talk. She confirmed that we might finish in two more weeks.

I said, "That'd be great because we could take the entire month from Thanksgiving to New Years off and do nothing but play and shop. I have no winter clothes for the Festival."

I'd never talked to Ally about her family. I picked up a comment here and there and knew she had a sister somewhere but she'd never mentioned 'home' or her parents. I figured she'd talk about it when she was ready but that day I forgot my resolution and asked."

"What are your plans over the holiday, Ally? Can you stay with us or will you go home and see your relatives?"

Ally dissolved into tears almost instantly. I knew I'd inadvertently touched an open wound. I went and held her, now having enough sense to keep my mouth shut. I kissed and stroked her beautiful long hair as I held her.

Ally cried for a few moments and then obviously started to try to get control of herself. I continued to hold her. Things got very quiet for a while. I wondered if she went to sleep for I couldn't see her face the way I held her.

Ally's small voice said, "I can't go home, at least not now. I need to be here. This is so different, so loving compared to home. This is the best." She sobbed again.

"Anything you want to share? Whenever you're ready I'm here for you. We all are."

A minute went by. Ally sniffled then said briefly, "It's a family thing. I'm sort of an outcast and have been for a couple of years. That's why I came down here -- to get away from them, and their friends, and the whole scene. They're a 'holier than thou' group that feels it is their duty to judge other people and tell them how to behave and live their lives. They keep thumping the Bible to make their points. It all got too heavy, I rebelled, moved out, got a boyfriend, moved in with him, got royally embarrassed by the lot of them -- even my boyfriend, and so I moved away completely. They don't even know where I am and I'd like to keep it that way for a long time."

"I'm so sorry," I said. I hugged her.

She went on, "I found you, Carl and everybody my second week here looking for a job. I'd found a warm friendly waterfall to stand in with all of you and how you thought about life. I realized your philosophy about love and life was exactly what I'd been looking for all my life. You honor the individual. You're not oppressive; you're liberating and open-minded. You want to know why I've adopted you guys so willingly, that's why. This is the family I'd always wished I'd had."

I told her, "Our values, at least some of them, would be very controversial to a lot of people. Our open sexual mores are not everyone's cup of tea. I'm sure as we get 'discovered' by our more distant neighbors for what we've been doing -- the videos -- that we'll get shunned and probably even asked to move away. I try to be realistic about this and how it'll end up."

"Well, if you go I want to go with you. I hope you don't mind my dependency on you so much. You're a great role model but more than that you're showing me how to live a wonderful life in this screwed up world." Another tear rolled down Ally's cheek. I leaned in and kissed it away.

"Ally, I love you. I want you with me all the time. This isn't a casual ending to a letter -- like 'Love, Kara.' I mean I love you with all my heart and all my soul. We're soul mates. You're my alter ego and are closer to me sometimes than I am to myself. Carl feels the same way; I know, we've talked about how close we feel to you and how much a part of our lives you've become. Now I sort of know part of the 'why'. You're part of 'us' my love." I kissed her eyelids and held her again.

"Relationships are tough," I told Ally. "Not every relationship will go as you wish, even ours will bother you some times. You've seen Carl and me have a moment every now and then, when we disagree or have a hiccup. Just be realistic about this. We're two imperfect people and it's unlikely we'll create a perfect relationship given that." I kissed her again and added, "But we can try."

I went on, "As for your family, I can't advise you how to deal with them. Separation seems to be working for you now. Someday you may be ready to deal with that estrangement and we'll help you. Just let us give you the love you hoped to get from them."


Our third film got finished a week before Thanksgiving. Carl and Mike said the unveiling of the film would be when Doug and Melissa joined us and we had a gala evening for our entire crew and special guests. Besides, he said, he still had some minor things to edit.

I encouraged Ally to invite Ed to join us for Thanksgiving as well. He'd get to see the new film and be able to start to plan the marketing for the "R" release of the film. Ed accepted but wouldn't arrive in Texas until Friday morning since he'd promised to be with his family on Thanksgiving Day.

In Carl's mind that meant that the 'gala' and the premier ofLoving Strokes would be Friday night.

Doug and Melissa arrived at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport just before lunch on Tuesday. Ally and I had driven in to pick them up. We thought this welcoming committee would be an interesting subset of our extended family. I had talked a couple of times to Mel before the trip about such things and clothes to bring, meals, and pick-up logistics, but we had carefully avoided anything philosophical or personal.

Mel is the quintessential pixie -- with tits. In contrast to her husband's six-foot-plus frame, Melissa is five feet tall. She is shapely but petite. My guess is that she weighs in at about a hundred ten pounds. Carl once said that half that weight must be in her knockers."

As the pair came out of the security gates at the airport, I ran to Doug and gave him a big hug and kiss and then repeated the process on Melissa. Ally stood right behind me then hugged Doug and politely hugged Mel in greeting. Mel stood and appraised the two of us.

"My God," she said, "my husband's consorting with the prettiest women in the country. I guess I better get with the agenda." She then laughed and we joined in.

I took Mel's arm and we headed off to the luggage carousels. She looked gorgeous. One of the advantages of being a stacked pixie is that when you wear four-inch heels, a short skirt and a tight blouse, you turn every head in sight. Melissa was having that affect on people.

The airport was mobbed. Ally held onto Doug's arm close behind us. Mel told me they'd ditched the kids for five days with her parents that were visiting from near Boston. She smiled broadly and said, "This is the first serious holiday I've taken since motherhood began. I intend to make the most of it too. Wait until you see the bikini I bought last week -- two postage stamps and a cork." We both snickered at her old joke.

We collected their luggage, retrieved the car and drove back to the house. I noted that Ally and Doug claimed the backseat of the car while Mel sat in front with me. We had an easy conversation.

Carl came out to meet us and help with the luggage. Mel had never been to our house and expressed her happiness for our investment. She went from room to room commenting favorably about the house, our decorating or a piece of artwork. She might have been little nervous. I gave her time and space to settle in and get used to all of us.

We had a late lunch on the patio and I could see Melissa winding down. Perhaps the glass of wine at lunch helped. Carl winked at me at one point. I gave him a questioning glance. A moment or two later, in an aside to me, he said, "I like Mel more and more every time I see her. She's cute. Natural. She fits in." I thought, 'My husband is smitten with my brother's wife.' I smiled because I actually thought 'That's great'.

The afternoon sun baked into the backyard and as we sat around talking Carl finally declared it had just become swim time - just to cool off. Everyone agreed. Since I already wore my bikini bottom under my skirt and my trademark tied shirt, all I practically had to do was dive in. Carl and the others went off to change.

Ally came back in seconds with her bikini bottoms on. She carried the top. She stopped at the door and asked, "Tops or not?"

"Not," I replied with my devilish grin. Ally gave me a big grin in return and tossed her top inside on a chair.

The two of us hit the water as soon as she came back out.

Carl came out next with his little Speedo bathing suit on. Truth be told, Carl's suit verged on illegal, immoral, lewd and lascivious. Ally and I had bought it for him a few months earlier. It revealed a lot and when wet revealed even more. Carl dove into the pool.

Doug and Melissa came out a minute later. Doug had a conservative bathing suit on. Melissa wore a bikini that left little to the imagination about her pixie frame - a string bikini that had a day glow pattern on it that said "Here I Am!"

We didn't say anything about our near nudity, just commented about how nice the water felt. Mel started in at the shallow end descending the few steps into the pool. Doug went to the other end to dive in.

I swam more towards the shallow end. There were some pool noodles to float around on at that end. Just as Melissa launched herself into the water, keeping her hair dry, I stood to retrieve one of the noodles. I'm well endowed in the breast department. When I'm fifty I'll probably have a sag problem but as I'm thirty, no sag, just lovely taut erectness to both boobs and nipples.

I retrieved the noodle, smiled at Mel and launched myself back towards the middle of the pool. I secretly screamed with laughter because Mel's jaw had dropped open and a little rivulet of saliva had dribbled out when she'd taken in my near nakedness. She quickly looked at Ally and realized she was topless too.

I got the noodle behind me and started to float on my back.

I heard Melissa ask me, "Kara, am I over dressed?"

I turned to her. "No, Mel. There are no rules here. This is what we often wear and we figured since you were close family it'd be all right. If you're embarrassed we'll put our tops on."

"Oh no," Mel said. "I don't want you to do that. I want to take mine off." With that Mel stood and undid the string behind her neck. The two little triangles of bright cloth fell forward revealing the eighth and ninth wonders of the world. She turned the fabric around her body and undid the clasp and tossed the fabric onto the patio.

Now my mouth hung open. Mel had a magnificent pair of breasts and the most alluring nipples and dark areolas I'd ever seen. Her brief exposure to the water had made her nipples erect. Now I know women aren't supposed to get all excited about other women's tits, but let me assure you that we do. I was excited.

Doug swam up next to me and said, "Aren't they great? That's why I married her. She's got the best set of knockers in the country."

Carl and Ally swam towards us, both looking at Melissa as she stood in the shallow water rubbing her breasts.

I heard Carl say, "Wow!" under his breath.

Ally's eyes popped out of her head. She said in a stage whisper, "I shall feel inadequate all the remaining days of my life." We all laughed, even Melissa.

Mel put her arms at her sides; "I love the feel of air on my tits - plus the water. This is all so refreshing." She splashed a little of the water up on chest.

"Are they real?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," Mel said. "Do you want to feel? Here." She took a couple of steps towards me.

I automatically put out both hands and grasped a breast in each hand. I could feel the nipples harden even more. The weight and balance of her breasts were superb.

I turned to Carl, "Don't you wish Ally or I had these?"

He nodded and diplomatically added, "But I'm very happy with what I have."

Mel looked at Carl and said, "You can feel too. I know guys like to touch."

Carl came towards her, his frame towering over the stacked pixie. He put out his big hands and grasped the two mounds, gently pinching and rolling her nipples in the process. I watched as Mel's eyes closed in some sort of ecstasy as he did.

Carl lowered his head to one of her breasts and suckled on the nipple and the large areola. Mel cradled his head to her, keeping her eyes closed. I watched her bite her lower lip as he created a little wave of pleasure for her.

Finally, he stopped and said to her, "I can now go to my grave a happy man." We all laughed to take the edge off the erotic moment. He looked at the two mounds and added, "I hope we get to play later guys!"

As he turned in the pool I could see he'd developed a hard-on at the sights and touches he'd experienced. His bathing suit did little to contain his arousal, even underwater. Carl turned and swam away with a big smile on his face.

We all turned our attention to swimming and frolicking for an hour. Mike and June came through the fence and joined us. Mike wore his little Speedo and June came topless, of course. Introductions were made and everyone just blended into the water together. The two of them also paid appropriate homage to Mel's chest.

Since we'd shifted to standard time, the sun set early by the clock. Thus, about five o'clock we all bailed from the pool and officially started the cocktail hour. June and Mike excused themselves and disappeared again. The rest of us didn't bother to change or add further clothing to his or her bodies; thus, we all took delight as Mel sat around displaying her magnificent chest. The weather that evening favored nakedness, after all.