The Microbrew


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"But what do you want?"

"Me?" Zylen asked. It seemed my question surprised him.

"Yes. What do you want?"

"You, Phoebe. I want you. Zyana may have blocked your memories, but not mine. There hasn't been a moment since I left that bar that I haven't thought of you. You've been on my mind so much that even my commanding officer was concerned."

"Commanding officer?"

"I work on the ship I took you on, but I'm not the commanding officer. The night I took you on board only a few of us were on the ship including Zyana. They were afraid you might think we were going to harm you, so they hid when I brought you on board. And after your little panic attack, it was a good call."

"What are you then?"

Zylen bit his lower lip, then said, "Medical officer."

An alien doctor. Well, my mother would be happy I finally hooked up with a doctor. "And what we did wasn't for some sick experiment was it?"

"No. I went to the bar with Zyana to listen to the music when I saw you walk in. I sent the special drinks to you, and then when I was ready, I asked you to dance."

"What was it? The drinks I mean."

"I guess it's like your Earth beer. It's my personal favorite."

"I really did like it. What happened to the picture I took of the label?"

"Zyana deleted off your phone while we were... um... together."

I smiled. I was finally not feeling so crazy. "Why didn't the waitress remember the drink?"

"Zyana again. She is a medical officer like me. The difference is, her specialty is the mind, and mine is the body."

"If she was in the bar, with you, how did she get on the ship?"

"I sent her onboard when I went to meet you. Again Phoebe, you forget, we can stop time."

"Yeah, how do you do that?"

"Well, truthfully, we don't stop time, we slow it down. The reason the ship was at the bar door was... oh... it's kinda complicated."

"Try me. I'm not an idiot."

"No, you're not. It would be easier if I could show you like I did on our ship."

I got nervous. I liked it when he touched me, but I did fear the insanity risk. "Will it cause me harm?"

"No. Zyana taught me a better way to connect with you that won't risk your mind."


Zylen stepped up and put his hands on my face. A peaceful, calming sensation filled my mind and body. Then I saw it all, the ship, the way they slow time, and I understood. The problem is, I can't explain it, nor am I going to try. You'll just have to take my word for it, it was really fucking cool.

"Wow," I said when Zylen finished.

"Yeah, I think so too."

"So, that still leaves me with one question."

"And that is?"

"Why are you here?"

"You called me."

I sighed. I could see I wasn't asking the question the right way. "Zylen, you could have left a long time ago. You didn't need to tell or show me all that you have. Why did you come back? Why me?"

"Oh," he said, then smiled. "I came back for you because... I want to be with you. I want... oh Phoebe... I want to share my life with you."

"Me?" His statement came as a huge surprise to me.

"Yes Phoebe, you."

"Here on Earth?"

"Well, no. I wanted to take you with me on our ship. Our commanding officer has said you're welcome to join us."

My heart swelled with joy. He wanted me. A sexy, handsome man, wanted... me. Then, reality hit me hard. "I... I... I can't."

Zylen's face sunk. "Why?"

"Well... remember what your sister said about my mental issues."

"Zyana can help with that."

"Then there's my students. If I were to leave now, they'd have a string of shitty substitute teachers. I can't do that to them."

"But Phoebe, I... I... I love you."

I bit my lower lip. "You don't know me."

"Yes... I do. I read your mind, remember?"

I sighed. I looked around my room. That's when I saw the answer. "Zylen, how soon must we leave?"

"There is no rush," he said, his voice sounded so down and sad.

"Could we stay until say... June or July? It's only a few months away."

Zylen looked up at me. "I know there was much talk about extending our stay."

"If I could finish up the school year with the kids, then I could just... disappear over the summer. And during that time, you could teach me about your world, and your sister could work with me so I don't lose my mind."

Zylen smiled that strange but beautiful smile and said, "And then you would come with me?"

"Maybe. I want to get to know you better first."

Zylen wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard. I melted under his lips. I pulled back and gasped, "I need you Zylen. I need you to fuck me and fuck me hard."

"But what about-"

"Without the mind connection!" I shrieked. "Just fuck me like a man!"

I was beyond horny and I had to have him. It was almost like a flood gate of desire had been opened within me that only his cock could fill and fix. Zylen and I stripped quickly. His cock was hard and his tentacle appendages were seeking me out, my pussy was wet and ready. I climbed onto my bed, on my hands and knees and said, "If you need to make a quick connection to know what to do, then do it. But please Zylen, fuck me now."

Zylen put his hands on my head for a brief moment, then moved behind me so he was standing on the floor. I moved so my knees were on the edge of my bed and my feet hung over. Zylen grabbed my hips and guided his cock into my pussy. I moaned as I felt him fill me like before. Then I waited as one of the tentacle appendages entered my ass.

"Now fuck me, damn it!" I growled.

"My pleasure," he replied.

Zylen began to thrust, fucking me hard like on the ship. The difference this time was he wasn't using the mind connection like before. Thought the difference was noticeable, it didn't take from the sex. The double penetration sex was even more incredible without it, though I didn't want to tell him that. I could focus on how amazing his huge cock felt in my pussy as he thrust, and how the tentacle in my ass fed my desire. The other appendage rubbed my clit as Zylen fucked me. It didn't take long before my first orgasm hit.

"Don't stop!" I cried.

"No ma'am."

I felt Zylen's fingers dig into my hip as he pumped his cock and tentacle within me. Each thrust filled me more. I could hear the squishing, slapping sound from our union. Sweat formed all over my body and my second orgasm raged through. I moaned, screamed, and cursed.

"I'm... I'm close Phoebe. I can't stop it."

"Then don't!"

Zylen's pace increased so he was pounding me with a violent force. I clawed at my bedding under my hands as I felt my breasts swing in the air. Zylen growled and I felt his cock pulse as he filled me with his cum. My pussy clamped down for a third and final orgasm, milking his cock. Even the tentacle in my ass pulsed and I'm sure it squirted something there as well. My limbs buckled and I fell onto my bed, with Zylen still inside me, and on my back. We stayed like that for a bit, Zylen kissing my shoulder and back until his cock and tentacle slipped out. I could feel the sticky cum leaking out.

"Oh Phoebe," moaned Zylen, softly, "that was incredible."

"Thanks," I gasped. It was hard to breathe with him on my back. Zylen slid off me, laying by my side and stroked my hair. I turned toward him and smiled.

He said, "I never thought sex without the mind connection would be so... amazing."

Now that it was over, and I was starting to come to my senses, I realized what I had done, and what I had said.


"Yes Phoebe."

"Do you know why I got so aroused when you kissed me?"

"My best guess, my sister did something."

"But why?"

"If I had to guess, it was to keep you safe. Your mind that is."

"And why did your kiss cause me to react that way?"

"It must have been the trigger. She knew how I felt about you. Maybe she figured you would only kiss me if you felt the same way."

"I don't know you well enough to know how I feel, yet."

Zylen kissed my head. "Well my dear, we have time to find out."

I smiled. "We do indeed."

The remainder of the school year was interesting. I taught my kids during the week, and met with Zylen and his sister Zyana on the weekends and vacations. Turns out she had put a block in my mind to keep me from reliving that night too much, and thus risking my sanity. She just didn't realized it would cause such a rush of hormones that would make me a temporary nymphomaniac. Luckily, it was a short-lived reaction. I met the ship's commanding officer and other crew members. Zyana helped me better understand the mental connection they could perform, and Zylen, well, he just fucked me silly.

In early June, I bade my students goodbye, and wished them a good summer. I packed up my room, completed my reports, and left. Zylen met me at my apartment once, again wearing his uniform from the ship.

"Good afternoon Phoebe."

"Good afternoon Zylen."

"Is your school year over?" I could hear the anticipation in his voice.

"Yes Zylen, it is."

"And have you made a decision?"

I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Zylen's special microbrew. He made sure I always had some in my fridge.

"I have."


I took a few sips, then said, "And, I'd like to go visit my parents next week."

"Oh, that sounds nice," he said, not sounding all that thrilled.

"To tell them goodbye."

I took another sip of my microbrew and watched Zylen. It took a moment or twelve for him to realize what I had said. "Goodbye?"

"Yeah, because I'm going to be leaving Earth with the man I love."

Zylen's head snapped up and he stared to walk toward me. "You're what?"

I smiled, set the bottle down, and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm going to be leaving Earth with the man I fell in love with."

Zylen wrapped his arms around me. "Really?"

"I love you Zylen. You don't need to read my mind to know I'm telling you the truth."

Zylen kissed my tenderly, and held me tight. "I love you too, Phoebe."

A few day later we went to visit my parents. At first, they weren't impressed with Zylen, especially when I told them we were getting married. My mother loved the fact I was marrying a doctor; my dad was trying to be happy I found someone finally. Neither were happy about the trip to Reno I insisted on, or the fact for the most part, Zylen and I eloped. Even though they did come with us, along with Zyana, and Dad got to give me away, it wasn't the big wedding Mom always dreamt of for me. I knew there was only one thing to do, tell them the truth.

At first, they were furious with me for lying. They were sure I was really pregnant, which sadly, I wasn't. Then, Zylen used his mind connection to show them the truth. I had him show Mom first, because I knew she'd understand and would be a huge help with Dad. I was right; after she stopped crying that is. Not only did she understand Zylen better, she also felt how much he loved me. Dad on the other hand, let's just say he and Zylen had a long, private, father to son-in-law talk one day on the lake. Neither Zylen nor Dad would tell me what they talked about, but Dad assured me he knew the truth.

On our last day, Mom presented me a photo album filled with pictures of my childhood, my high school and college graduation, and my wedding. She said it was so I never forgot them, or my life here on Earth. Dad took Zylen off for another "fishing trip" on the lake, and one last talk. Our last dinner was bittersweet and heartbreaking. I was starting to think I had made a huge mistake, when my dad told me how proud he was of me, and how he knew I was doing the right thing.

The next morning, we packed our things and bade our goodbyes. Mom and I both cried as we hugged one last time. Dad shed one tear, then kissed my cheek and told Zylen if he ever hurt me, he'd hunt him down no matter where in the universe we were. They both hugged Zylen and welcomed him to our family. I was so happy I had been honest with them, even if it did hurt a bit.

In mid-July, Zylen and I walked out of my apartment, and were never seen by anyone on Earth again. I boarded Zylen's ship, and became the newest member of the ship's crew. Though they had no need for a teacher, it turned out there was a job I could do, and do well. I'd try to describe it, but I really can't. Since I can't perform the mind connection like Zylen, or the others, there's nothing I can do to make you understand.

My life is much happier now than it ever was before. Zylen treats me like a queen and Zyana is my best friend. The crew has been amazingly supportive with me. Though I've yet to see his home world or meet the rest of his family, I sure they will be as amazing as Zylen and Zyana are.

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MitchFraellMitchFraellalmost 10 years ago
Sci-Fi happiness

Could be a metaphor for all that is desired. I enjoyed the story, please don't stop.

Sid0604Sid0604almost 10 years ago
Thank you...

I enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for sharing.

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