The Mouse that Roared


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The thought that, after all the planning and soul-searching, I might not get to go through with the scheme soon had me clamed down. On the surface, at least. Underneath, I was in a state of near-shock, scarcely able to believe what I – or rather, we – were going to be doing. And yet throughout those long hours, I knew that I just had to go through with it, because I just had to know whether what Matt and I suspected about my new desires was really true – that they would bring us more joy than anything we had faced before.

In my state of false calm, I managed to pull on the dress an hour before Danny was due, and went through the oh-so slow 'wardrobe malfunction' with every nerve in my body lit up like a firework. Somehow, Matt and I even found the time for a quickie to steady each other's nerves – perfect preparation.

Of course, all the careful planning and perfect preparation in the world can't ready you for that surge of pure adrenaline-fuelled excitement when the plan finally starts to play out. That surge for me came when Danny knocked on the door, and I swear I almost fainted when his knuckles rapped smartly on the wood. When Matt showed him into the kitchen where I was standing (using the sink to prop myself up), I'm not sure to this day how I managed to smile and say 'hello' as if there was nothing going on.

Matt came to my rescue right from the very start, always making sure that he was pretty much directly in my line of sight whenever I faced Danny, and always with a look on his face that said that what I was doing was the most wonderful thing in the world – and that he was there for me, and happy for me to stop whenever I wanted to. Of course, the more I saw of that look, the less I wanted to stop.

Once Danny had been handed a mug of coffee and he set about arranging his tools on the kitchen table, I took a few hundred deep breaths and with a well-rehearsed move allowed the top of the dress to slip a fraction.

The little cotton frock wasn't exactly a modest affair, but the top rested quite high on my breasts and I had to let it slip three times before Danny so much as registered a glance in that direction. My hours of practice with Matt paid off and I was able to feign complete ignorance of the focus of Danny's eyes – despite the fact that my groin felt a flash of heat as his gaze slid over my bust.

At this point my nerve almost failed me, but at the last moment I thought back to all the fun Matt and I had shared rehearsing this – and remembered just how excited we had both become as my dress slipped ever lower. Add to that the fact that I wasn't sure I could ever pluck up the courage to try something like this again, and I knew I had to go on.

With the decision made, my heart rate rose even higher, and I had to steady my nerves before allowing the top to slip a little further.

As Danny finally began to take a more direct interest in the way things were – literally – moving, Matt managed to keep up a constant flow of chatter and I marvelled at how controlled he managed to sound, even though I could see how aroused he was becoming.

I focused on that arousal and let the dress slip another fraction, and stole a glance at Danny's eyes. They were now firmly fixed on my chest and I peeked down, my heart rising into my throat as I saw that the very top of my right aureole was now visible.

From pangs of doubt and uncertainty, a switch flipped in my mind, and I was now sure that I wasn't just going to go through with this – I now knew I was going to enjoy this more than anything I'd ever done before.

That certainty allowed me to ask Danny and Matt whether they'd like a cold drink and when they both said yes – a little breathlessly – I turned and picked up a pitcher of lemonade that we had prepared earlier. Somehow my hands were steady enough to pour two glasses, and my mind clear enough to enable me to let the dress slip even lower.

I could feel the topmost hem supported by just my erect nipples, aware of the view that Matt and the near-stranger Danny were enjoying, and my heart sang. Unbelievably, shockingly, deliciously, I was going to do this.

I gave Matt the faintest of nods and waited for his cue.

"Um, Mar, I think that-"

Apparently ignoring him I offered the two brimming glasses to the guys. As my arms extended, the dress gave way to gravity, falling to my waist. My mouth opened in partly rehearsed but mainly genuine shock and I froze there with my breasts completely exposed to the guys' hungry eyes.

"Oh god! I'm sorry..." I looked down at my bare boobs and then straight into Matt's eyes... followed by Danny's. I felt another surge of heat at my groin, felt the wetness that was suddenly leaking from me. It was so easy now to feign embarrassment and coyness, and I jiggled the glasses, "Shit! Matt, grab these would you?"

"I'd love to, but are you sure you want me to in front of Danny?"

I pretended shock when I 'realised' he was referring to my still exposed breasts, "The glasses!"

"Spoilsport," Matt finally took the glasses with hands that shook so badly, lemonade slopped all over the floor.

I finally covered my nakedness and looked directly at the grinning Danny, "I really am so sorry to embarrass you like that."

When he said, "Really, there's absolutely no problem" I felt a quivering deep inside my belly and had to breath fast and hard to stop it developing. I spun on my heel and make a big show of pulling the top of the dress up over my boobs.

In rehearsals I had never imagined that it would excite me anything like this much – and nor did I think that I would actually feel anything but intense shyness by this point. But as I stood there making sure that I was properly covered, I realised that I was anything but shy. I was loving this! And all the more so because Matt was almost out of control and Danny... Danny was getting very worked up by it as well.

When I turned back to face them, I kept my gaze on the floor, lifting it slowly in apparent coyness but in reality checking out the front of Danny's jeans. The obvious bulge there almost took my breath away but I somehow managed to lift my eyes and gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry."

"Don't be," Danny grinned, "And I hope you don't mind me saying this, Matt, but your wife has the most gorgeous tits."

As I gasped in delight, Matt nodded, "Fantastic, aren't they?"

"The best."

"Please!" I said, "Don't! I'm embarrassed enough as it is."

"I can see that," Danny said, "but I just had to say it."

Matt stepped to my side, "I tell her all the time but she won't believe me. Perhaps she will now. She's always been far too shy for me to get a second opinion before today."

"I still am that shy!"

"In fact," Matt went on, winging the words from a scenario we had fantasised over just once, "I won a bet with her ages ago which would have got me the opinion I needed, but she's been too shy to pay up."

"Matt!" I protested, "That's not fair!"

Danny's eyebrows rose, "What was the bet?"

Despite my efforts to put a hand over Matt's mouth, he said, "She has to deliberately show her boobs to a guy so he can tell us what he thinks of them."

"Matt! We talked about that-"

"She just hasn't got the nerve to pay up."

"It's not that exactly."

"So go on then," he said, grinning from ear to ear, "This is the perfect opportunity. After all, Danny's seen them already."

"No! I mean, I can't just-"

"See?" Matt said to Danny, "Too scared to do it."

He nodded, "Shame, but yeah."

"I am not scared!"

"Well," Matt said, "Prove it."

"No need," I tried, my heart drowning out everything, "He has already seen them and commented."

"Ah, but that wasn't the cost of the bet, was it?" Matt said, "The bet was for you to deliberately show him. Once a chicken, always a chicken, I guess."

"I am not!"

"Well do it then – get that debt paid off once and for all."

I stared into Matt's eyes and the excitement I saw there was having a very dangerous effect on my self-control. I scarcely believed it when I heard myself say, "Oh, all right, I will!"

Matt's cheer was joined by Danny's, and I half turned to face the handyman, my legs trembling. My mind seemed to have become a spectator as I lifted my hands to the top of the dress. I paused for a few seconds, amazed to find that I was savouring every moment. And then I pulled the top down in one quick, easy movement.

As my breasts were exposed once more and Danny's eager gaze drank in the view, I turned my head to Matt, "I love you." I dropped my voice to a hoarse whisper, "And I want this."

My words seemed to break something inside of my wonderful husband. He shook his head once, a disbelieving smile flickering across his face, and then reached for me, turning my face to his, his lips finding mine and his tongue darting into my welcoming mouth.

In the background I heard Danny let out another whoop of delight and the last vestiges of my self-control seemed to melt away, just as an insistent fluttering began to grow deep within my belly.

I kissed Matt as hard as I could, grinding my mouth against his, my body swinging around so that we were suddenly chest to chest, hips to hips. As his erection pressed into my belly I gave up any semblance of control, pulled my head back for a second, and whispered, "I want this... and you".

Matt let out a guttural moan and then he just said, "Sorry Danny, can't wait."

For a second I didn't understand what he meant. Then I felt Matt's hands slide under the waist of the skirt – and the waistband of my panties. With the understanding came first shock, second panic, and third, pure, unadulterated lust.

When Matt yanked at my clothing I drew my legs together, helping him to push everything down my legs. When Matt started to unzip his jeans I leaned back, inviting – no, demanding – Danny look at my exposed pussy. When Matt's erection sprang free I moved forward and grasped it tightly.

Towels from the shelf landed at our feet and I looked at Danny who had thrown them there. I smiled – actually smiled – and nodded.

I knelt, dragging Matt with me, and then spread the towels around before rolling onto my back and spreading my legs. "I want this," I gasped up at him.

"And you're gonna get it," he managed.

My mind whirled with the understanding of what I was doing in front of this complete stranger. As Matt's erection slid easily into my soaking wet depths I gasped with pure joy. I understood at some primal level that I'd never have had the nerve to do anything like this if it had been planned, and that it was pure lust that was driving me on now. But I also knew that I wanted to experience this and that this was the one chance the mouse in me had to throw off its shyness and explore what could be.

Just by the feel of Matt's massive hardness, now pounding in me, I knew that he was beyond control as well, knew also that he was finding this just as exciting as me.

A wave of liberation swamped me. This was my one chance because I knew along with everything else that I'd never dare do something like this again. And I was suddenly determined to enjoy it to the full.

The realisation sent another shock of pleasure through me and I arched my back, crying out with the ecstasy of the moment. As Matt continued to pump me, I grasped his head and stared into his eyes. "You know I want this so much, don't you?"

He gasped and nodded, "Yeah – and me."

"I want it all. Anything. Everything. Whatever you want."

As a flare of lustful understanding lit up Matt's eyes I began to climax. It was all I could do to concentrate enough to make out his words, "You want to try everything?"

"Yes!" It came from deep within me, a roar. I had to let him know what I really meant, "One time. I need to know, Matt. I want to know! Do you...?"

"Oh fuck, Mar, oh god yes!"

It felt as if Matt exploded inside me and that, coupled with his answer brought another wave of orgasm shuddering through me. I barely registered the fact that Matt suddenly withdrew from me, so helpless was I in the throes of my climax. It was only when I heard him say "Danny, I need some help here. She needs to know" that I understood what was happening.

Was this what I wanted so badly? Surely not? Surely the sudden surge of excitement that was prolonging my orgasm was a coincidence? I realised that it wasn't just at the same moment that I realised I was helpless anyway. Something deep inside me thrilled to the realisation and when I heard Danny's zipper sliding down I almost blacked out with desire.

Before I knew what was happening, Danny's face appeared a few inches in front of mine. "You sure?" he managed.

Matt clasped my hand, "Say the truth, Mar!"

I whimpered, "I... I don't believe this, but yes! Yes, I want this." My free reached down of its own volition and I grasped Danny's hot, hard cock. It brought the reality home to me in a single crashing wave, "Oh my god, yes I want it. I really, really want it."

Above me Danny groaned, "This is so fucking hot!" He shifted his weight jerkily and I guided his cock to my hot, wet pussy, my mind screaming in delight as I felt the tip part my labia.

I paused for a second and looked into Matt's eyes. The excitement, joy, lust that filled them was a perfect match for my own. Somehow I tore my gaze away and focused on Danny, "Come on then. I want it right now. I want..." I paused and swallowed hard, " I want you to fuck me now!"

For all that I was so desperate now, the feel if this stranger's cock sliding deep within me was still beyond anything that I had experienced before. I screamed 'yes!' over and over, louder when his hands squeezed my naked breasts, louder still when Danny began to pump my hyper-sensitive pussy.

As Danny pounded into me, his hands roaming all over my naked, sweating body, Matt leaned in and kissed me hard on the mouth. I reached around and found Matt's cock, hard again already and the feel of it in my hand had another orgasm coursing through me.

When Matt pulled back I wondered why for a few seconds before I realised that Danny was approaching orgasm. He began to pull away but I clung on, "Oh no, I want it ALL!"

My words took him over the edge and his already hard cock stiffened further, deep inside me. His mouth descended onto mine, his tongue thrusting deep into my mouth, his hands squeezing my breasts hard. I was his completely for the next few seconds and I bucked wildly as he started to spurt deep inside me. I tore my mouth away from his long enough to yell at him to 'fill me, fill my fucking pussy' and then lost control completely, arching my back to take him as deep inside as I could, another wave of orgasm pulsing wildly through me.

As I shuddered and moaned, a stranger's cock inside me, my mind was celebrating my courage, the joy I was feeling, the strangely comforting feeling of power that washed through me.

I should have been sated, but when Matt nudged Danny and said 'I need some now', my excitement surged again. As Danny's cock was replaced with Matt's I let out a cry that threatened to deafen the two guys. For the next few minutes I was lost in a daze of ecstasy as four hands caressed every inch of me and two mouths explored every contour.

I was no longer aware of waves of pleasure, just a single, prolonged tingling that pulsed constantly through my mind and body. The only stand out peak happened when Matt came hard once more and the thought of his juices mixing with mine and Danny's sent me off into a parallel world where the only sensation available to me was pure, unadulterated ecstasy.

It was maybe half an hour before any of us were sufficiently aware of our surroundings to say anything other than 'wow'. As my mind cleared a tiny voice told me that I should feel embarrassed or even worse, but the vast majority of my mind knew different.

I was elated.

I stood and stared down at the two guys – one stranger, one familiar – and smiled with a warmth that I'd never experienced before. I was still naked but it felt right, and I had no desire to cover up. On the table the two half-empty glasses reminded me that I was incredibly, unbelievably thirsty, and a couple of minutes later all three of us were guzzling lemonade.

Danny eventually – and obviously reluctantly – pulled on his clothes and headed out into the daylight. He had thanked both of us profusely before he left and had even vowed not to tell a soul about what had happened. It hadn't really bothered me anyway since anyone that knew us would never believe such a thing, but it was nice to know.

After he had left Matt and I went up to the bedroom and made love, slowly (necessarily so since we were both somewhat sore), and with an intensity that brought tears to my eyes.

I had to assure my loving husband that they were tears of joy, and further assure him that I was completely and totally happy with what had happened. Afterwards – after orgasms of a strange intensity – we lay together and discussed what it all meant. To my surprise I found myself content with the events of the day, but with a desire to experience something similar again. Matt agreed with me, and we marvelled at what we had discovered about ourselves.

Everything had changed on one level, but on another – what Matt and I had between us – nothing had changed at all. Or at least, if it had then it was for the better.

Matt's reaction to my newfound desires leant me the strength to enjoy them without guilt, and my enjoyment meant that he could enjoy them even more himself. It was a perfect circle, and better still, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities.

That was six months ago, and I've some really exciting stories to tell everyone. In fact, I think I'll start writing them down right now...

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FlexibilityFlexibilityabout 10 years ago

Beautifully paced - even if I began to want you to hurry up! Call me naive, but I still didn't expect the threesome to happen, even as the couple started to make love, because you were so convincing as a shy woman new to this exhibitionism. The transformation was totally convincing and the threesome was very hotly described. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Loved this story

I loved this story and wish there were more out there like this one. Very sensual and erotic. Hope you keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
A fine story,

I doubt the previous commentor even read the story. He was not reading the same story I read. I thought this was well done and very erotic. Thanks.-- UK CYNIC

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Do all these cockold wannabees come from. Not swinging, not threesoms with two woman just fuck the shit out of my loving wife cause you can't have a good marriage till you have a slut wife. Well I guess I'm just stuck with a bad marriage, even thou having a faithfull loving wife feels pretty damm good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Loved it

Moved along at jus the right pace to be provacative and exciting. Loved the plot. Can't wait to see more.

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