The New Deal Ch. 02


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"Hey! That was no finger; you best be planning on using that if you are going to poke me with it, buster."

Even in the dark it was quite a while before any of the four got any sleep.


As the four sat at the kitchen table eating toast and drinking lots of coffee the next morning, Matt grinned at his mother.

"You know, I think I get a lot less sleep now with you two on sleepovers then I ever did with Craig and Chip growing up. Just saying."

Diana looked at her son with her half closed eyes staring at him over the rim of her steaming cup of coffee still pressed against her lips.

"Hey, you don't go poking someone with that weapon of yours and expect to just drift off to sleep without getting jumped. Just saying back."

Cindy looked over at the smirking Gwen, "Don't give me that smirk you. I bet I can get some pretty clear fingerprints off my ass and breasts that I can match to yours."

"Who? Sweet, innocent me?" Gwen gasped.

Diana snorted her coffee splashing some on the table.


In a couple of hours the two cars pulled into the empty lot at Dreamlands. A sign on the door heralded the temporary closing and reopening in its new location.

Diana and Gwen got out of the car laughing at the sight of Sue's car and the woman herself practically dancing at the locked door.

Sue clapped her hands at the sight of the three women and Matt. "I've been waiting all week to play with this stuff."

Gwen came over and put her arm around Sue's "We really need to have a talk about product demonstration duties some time."

Sue laughed, "You know we might just want to cut out the middle man and you can just pay me in an equivalent amount of Dreamlands merchandise rather than a paycheck."

Diana laughed, "I could just imagine the IRS audit with that itemized list."

Cindy and Matt laughed along with Sue and Gwen as Gwen unlocked the door and flicked on the lights. Leaning against the counter were wrapped bundles of flattened boxes as well as tape and tape guns.

"Once we have all the merchandise off the racks I'll look them over but I believe most of them are in great shape so I should not really need anything new."

Cindy looked at Gwen and Diana, "So how do you want us to do this?"

Gwen smiled, "Easy, just get boxes, tape and a marker and pack everything in each section into boxes carefully but not going crazy. We're just going to load them onto Jeff's truck and a U-haul Saturday."

The door pushed open and a smiling red head peeked in, "Hi, am I late?"

Diana and Gwen smiled, "Hey Beth, no, you are right on time."

Soon everyone had grabbed boxes and went to various areas of the store and started to pack everything.

Beth looked around at all the merchandise, "Oh, I'm really looking forward to working in Paradise."

Diana laughed, "Oh, do you fit right in with us."

"I can't believe your wife is the owner of Dreamlands. I always meant to check it out."

Gwen gave a soft smile, "Why didn't you?"

Beth blushed lightly, "Generally, I've been more between boyfriends than with them."

"Are you seeing anyone now?"

"I'm kinda hoping," Beth said with a blush staining her face.

Diana smiled, "Chip?"

Beth just blushed more and ducked her head as the smile grew on her face.

Cindy came over to hug the surprised woman, "Chip is fantastic. I adore him. It would be so great if you two got together."

"Oh my God!" Sue exclaimed. "You do have handcuffs! Jeff always wanted to experiment with those. I think he never grew out of that 'wish to be a big bad police officer' phase kids go through."

Gwen laughed, "Ever since Fifty Shades we can't keep them in stock. Tell you what, grab a pair on me. Consider it an opening present."

Sue laughed and after carefully looking over the wide selection picked a set and placed them by the register while giving Gwen a huge hug."

Even with a break for lunch the crew made short work and had the whole store packed up that day.

Everyone left making plans for the next day back at Paradise.


Later Sue looked at her husband and daughter around the table. "Any plans tonight, my loved ones?"

Cindy Lynn looked at her mother, "I'm planning on going over to Kelly's so we can study for our Chemistry test."

Sue's grin got bigger, "And you my love?"

Jeff shook his head. He knew that gleam in his wife's eyes, "Just going to watch a ball game if I can find a good one."

Soon enough Sue was doing the dishes as Cindy walked by giving her a kiss on the cheek to head out the door to Kelly's.

Sue rushed through the rest of the dishes and practically flew to the living room. Jeff looked up at his excited wife, "You packed up Dreamlands today right?"

Sue just nodded.

"I take it they were giving away free samples?" Jeff asked.

"Just meet me in the bedroom in five minutes," Sue growled in response before dashing away.

In four minutes, Jeff opened the bedroom door to find his wife nude on the floor by the bottom of the bed, kneeling with her hands behind her back.

She shifted slightly to show him her handcuffed hands.

Jeff beamed a huge grin, "Oh this is even better than the French maid outfit."

Sue just giggled as she watched her husband walk towards her unbuckling his pants. When he got to her his hard flesh was poking straight out at her.

"Ooooooo, you do like this a lot."

Jeff just chuckled, "Shut up."

He slid his flesh into her open mouth.

Sue's eyes gleamed up at her husband as he fed his stiff cock to her. Once her nose hit his shirt she drew her mouth back to slam it forward again, a loud gluck noise came from her full mouth. She sawed back and forth on his flesh as he groaned and held her bare shoulders.

After a minute or two, Jeff growled and reached down to pick his wife up by her arm pits. She laughed as he tossed her face down on the bottom of the bed, her knees pressed against the side as her feet stayed on the floor her hands on the center of her lower back, still securely cuffed.

She felt Jeff grab her hands raising them slightly as he rammed his hard length into her without any preamble.

"Oh fuck!" she yelled.

Jeff just groaned and held her handcuffed hands as he pounded in her driving her face and chest into the bed until with a loud grunt he spurted into her.

He twisted to fall onto the bed while Sue slithered down to the ground to kneel next to him, resting her head on his leg.

She shifted to look up at her panting husband, "I knew you'd like them."

"Oh, me like. Me like A LOT."

Sue chuckled until she heard a soft knock at the door.

She gasped and looked up at her husband shifting her cuffed hands as Jeff started to stand.

She whispered, "The keys are on my dresser."

Cindy Lynn's voice came out through the closed door, "Relax, it's just me and I'm not coming in. If you two are finished reenacting that mating episode of Wild Kingdom, I just want you to know I'm home."

They could hear her tromp down the hall.

Sue looked up at her husband and burst out in a gale of laughter which he joined.

Even over their laughter they could hear Cindy's response of "Perverts" which just made them laugh until tears came from their eyes.

Jeff took in the sight of his nude wife at his knees, hands still cuffed behind her. He growled and reached for her, his already stiffening flesh poking into her side.

Sue giggled, "Oh me like. Me like A LOT."

Soon enough Cindy was blasting music to drown out the sound of her pervert parents.


The next day found Cindy Hughes back in her café taking notes as Tony made suggestions to make for a smoother operation.

Diana watched as two men strung speakers into the pillars supporting the roof. Another man was wiring the cables for Internet access to the registers, back office computers and the two computers on the sales floor for staff use.

A buzz at the back door heralded a furniture delivery for more fixtures they needed as well as couches and chairs for the sales floor and break room.

Sue and Kim arrived before noon with bags of stuffed animals they had purchased for the children's area.

That afternoon Richard, Diana's accountant, came over to teach them all how to use the new software for sales and receiving as well as other office needs and inventory management. The timing was perfect as they expected their first delivery of new books the next day.


After locking up after another productive day the Hollister-Hughes and Hughes drove off to the local Chinese eatery.

Cindy giggled and grabbed Matt's arm. "Matt, look."

Diana and Matt looked where Cindy was pointing to find Chip and Beth sitting at a table laughing and putting food into each other's mouths with chopsticks often missing so the food plopped on the table to their mutual amusement, completely oblivious to anyone else but themselves.

Diana chuckled, "You think if we sat next to them that they would ever notice?"

Cindy laughed shaking her head, "No bet."

"A herd of monkeys could run by them and I'll bet they'd never notice." Matt added.

"Is it a herd with monkeys?" Cindy asked.

Diana answered, "I think it is a troop."

Matt turned to look at her, "How do you know that?"

Diana laughed, "Hey, I watched Tarzan. Besides, I'm your mother; I'm supposed to know these things for when my children ask questions."

Gwen laughed, "Can't argue with that."

Soon the four were at their own table on the other side of the restaurant enjoying dinner.

Diana smiled when she saw Chip and Beth leave their table holding hands. Beth happened to look over and beamed a smile and waved with her free hand.

The two walked over to the grinning foursome.

"Hi" Beth said.

Matt got up to man hug his grinning friend slapping him on the back. "Hey buddy."

Diana looked at the hands still being held and then back up to Beth's face, "Still between or is somebody going to start taking advantage of her employee discount."

Chip looked bewildered while Beth grinned and blushed a deep crimson.

"Maybe" was the answer to the chuckles at the table.

Diana, Cindy, and Gwen all got up to give the couple hugs before seeing them off as they returned to giggling amongst themselves even Matt.


Beth looked at the smiling man sitting next to her in the car. "So, your place or mine?"

Chip ducked his head and looked at the smiling girl.

"I guess I could kick my roommate out for a while."

"My place it is, as I don't have a roommate," Beth laughed as she pulled out of the parking space.

Soon Chip was standing next to Beth as she fumbled for her keys. Chip held out his hand, "Are you nervous too?"

Beth gave a soft smile, "Of course I am, silly."

"We don't have to do anything," Chip said shaking his head.

Beth's smile grew bigger, "I like you Chip. I like you a lot. I'm nervous because I'm excited. I want to do this. How about you?"

For all his inherent dorkiness, Chip gave the perfect answer by leaning in and kissing the slightly trembling girl deeply. After a moment there was the soft sound of Beth's purse hitting the ground, contents spilling everywhere, as she reached up to entwine her hands in Chip's hair pulling him in tighter to the kiss, their tongues pushing against each other and past into their mouths.

They pulled apart gasping for air.

"Wow" Beth stammered.

The two looked at the spilled purse on the ground and both bent at the same time clunking heads.

Rubbing their heads they looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Chip kissed the spot on her forehead that he had hit, "I got this."

He pushed the various unfamiliar woman's stuff back into her purse and leaning back up handed her the keys.

Beth turned and opened the door and then turned back to grab Chip's shirt with both her hands on the collar as she dragged him into her apartment.

She used her leg to shut the door.

In the dark Chip heard her growl, "Oh, you have to kiss me again just like you did."

This time Chip didn't hit her head but sank his tongue deep into the moaning girl.

Beth wrapped her arms around Chip. Chip reached around to cup his hands on Beth's denim encased ass. Her moans turned to loud purrs in his mouth as his hands squeezed her firm yet soft flesh.

The two kicked their shoes off.

Keeping their lips locked, Beth walked the couple backwards toward her bedroom. As she passed through the doorway she freed one hand from behind Chip to flip the light switch on.

Chip looked at the room filled with pinks and greens and stuffed animals over every surface. As his eyes completed their circuit he looked back at the smiling face of the red head before him.

Beth reached down and pulled the sweater over her head. Chip loved the sight of the pale flesh of her stomach briefly exposed as her shirt rode up a bit with the sweater.

Chip stepped forward, "Allow me." He leaned in to kiss Beth as his hands slowly but steadily opened the buttons on the blouse one after the other. Once the buttons were all opened Beth shrugged her shoulders so the blouse slid down her back to fall on the floor leaving her in jeans and a cute, lacy lime green bra. Beth reached forward to grab the bottom of Chip's college sweatshirt pulling it up and over Chip's head. His bare chest was exposed to the smiling woman.

She ran her hands over the smooth, dark flesh. "Ooooo you are gorgeous. I'll have you know I wore my favorite bra in hopes you would be seeing it."

Chip smiled and reached around to unclasp her bra which she let fall between them.

"It was very nice."

Beth giggled, "I was also hoping you wouldn't be admiring it for too long either."

Chip gasped at the sight of Beth's bare, pale breasts. She had an expanse of freckles over her chest with rosy nipples capping the well-rounded breasts, the nipples already pebbling at their sudden exposure.

"Oh fuck, you are beautiful."

Beth smiled at his exclamation.

They pressed their bare chests into each other as they again kissed deeply. Both pairs of hands found the other's ass and squeezed tightly.

With a slight wet pop the two split a part. Grinning at each other they each unsnapped their own pants to slide them down their bodies. They looked at each other clad only in socks and underwear bottoms.

After another moment the two skimmed the underwear off and shimmied out of their socks leaving them naked in the middle of the room.

Beth stepped forward to cup her hand under Chip's testicles. "Mmmmmm, you're a very big boy, I like that."

Beth dropped down to her knees in front of Chip. He rested his hands on her shoulders as she licked and bathed his stiffening flesh. Slowly she opened her lips and let the head of his cock slip past her teeth. She breathed through her nose and slid her mouth down a bit more the flat of her tongue pushing into the underside of Chip's hard flesh tickling it.

Slowly she bobbed her head back and forth on his engorged flesh getting down to taking half of his rod into her mouth before sliding back. She breathed and repeated sliding back and forth on the now wet, hard flesh.

After a couple of minutes, Chip reached down to pull the girl back up into his arms.

"But you haven't come yet," Beth complained.

Chip smiled, "Don't worry, I know before the night is through I will. Your turn."

He pushed the surprised girl back so she fell onto her bed giggling.

Chip stepped forward and using his knees pushed her legs open. She leaned up on her elbow to watch him, her breasts flattening out a bit to rest near her sides.

Chip looked from her smiling face to her breasts then her smooth stomach. He liked the shaved bare look between her legs and the very red open sex before him. Without any pubic hair, she looked so exposed before him, her mons a slight bump above the start of her slit. He liked that a lot.

He dropped down and leaned forward to drive his tongue deep into her sex.

"Oh my God!" Beth exclaimed as she clutched his head.

Chip let his tongue dance around the unfamiliar lush flesh in front of him. Soon Beth was panting and then wailed a cry of release as she bathed Chip's tongue with her fluids.

She just lay back with a hand of her brow, panting.

"Oh you are one in a million. I can never get a boyfriend to do that. And you made me come so quickly. Holy shit."

Chip leaned back on his ass and reached around in his pants for his wallet.

Beth looked up to watch what he was doing. Soon she saw him pull a small gold packet with the impression of a circle along the outer edge from a divider in his wallet.

She smirked, "A boy scout or you do this a lot?"

Chip blushed, "This is the first time I've used one from my wallet. My mother told me to always keep one handy."

Beth laughed, "Smart woman."

Chip chuckled and after running the soft material down the long, hard length of his flesh he leaned back up and stood before the excited girl.

He moved forward to sink his flesh into her as he pressed his chest into hers, his mouth seeking hers. The two kissed as Beth wrapped her legs around Chip's ass and she drove her pelvis into his. Chip leaned up to look down at the smiling woman clutching his arms running her hands up and down his muscles. The two ground together pushing and pulling. Soon enough Beth started to pant again and with desperation slammed her hips into Chip sending him over the edge as he groaned while she wailed another cry as he emptied himself into the condom deep inside her.

The two shook then stilled. Chip collapsed to roll over next to the panting girl.

Beth leaned over to gently cup his face, "That was amazing. Thank you." She let her hand glide down Chip's smooth chest. Her body shifted over so she had her face pressed into his prickly pubic hair. Her fingers pulled the condom off his soft flesh as she gently took his cock in her mouth swirling her tongue around cleaning his flesh. After she was satisfied that he was clean she gave a soft kiss to the head of his penis before she slid back up to look at his smiling face. Her hand reached down to gently dance over his cock.

"Can you stay the night?"

"I have an eight o'clock class."

"I promise to get you there on time."


"No, but I'll try my best if it means you'll stay."

She was true to her word but Chip was in no state of mind to hear anything his professor was saying that day.

And he couldn't care less as he sat in the lecture hall bleary eyed with a huge grin plastered on his face the entire class.


Thanks for reading. Please feel free to leave a comment or email me and I'll be glad to respond.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

Although late to the party, Chip had many wonderful, thoughtful teachers. Beth is the beneficiary. Hopefully, she is as open and mature as Chip's family and friends.

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 7 years ago

well as you know i was never a fan of how everyone was always fucking everyone but now im used fo it i wonder is beth gonna go airtight in the near future however great chapter and five stars from me.

prop69prop69almost 7 years ago
Nice start to a long relationship

Won't be long until Chip will be fucking Cindy as Matt fucks Beth. Then we will be able to add Craig and Jenny.

What about Cindy Lynn? We need a cock for her also.

Am I correct...Gwyn has not be fucked by Matt or any of the other men?

krakbaknsak58krakbaknsak58almost 7 years ago

I'm loving the gentle pace you have set with New Chapter. The insight into their lives and new businesses is fascinating.

I loved the comeuppance for Mrs. Wilson, and look forward to any future interaction between Di and her.

The blossoming romance between Chip and Beth is intriguing, as I/we await to see if she becomes aware/part of the incest. And her reaction to it.

Keep up the excellent work Litfan. 5 stars is not enough.

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