The New Deal Ch. 09


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"Matt, I'm going to come."

Cindy quickly jumped off of Beth and kneeled over to reach out and pull the wet, hard cock out of her husband's mouth and sank her own down gulping as Chip erupted into her.

After she let the wet flesh out of her mouth she looked at her husband, "I'm sorry, I didn't know if you wanted to do that yet."

Matt smiled, "No, you were fine. I didn't know what I was going to do, honestly."

Cindy smiled and kissed her grinning husband hard on the lips.

Matt sat back on the couch, his hard flesh snapping up at his belly.

Cindy smirked at the hard penis. "Wow, were you stroking yourself while you were doing that?"

Matt shook his head.

"Wow, you really got into that." Cindy leaned forward and swallowed his flesh bobbing her head.

Beth swung her legs to the floor so she was sitting on the couch and looked at her boyfriend.

"Did you want to try sucking Matt, Chip?"

Chip looked at Cindy bobbing up and down on Matt next to him.

"I don't know. Maybe?"

Beth smiled and got off the couch to kneel next to Cindy. She continued to look at Chip. "How about we do it together?"

Chip smiled and nodded.

Cindy pulled her mouth off of her husband and leaned over to kiss Beth next to her.

Cindy moved around to get up on the couch leaning against Matt as Beth shifted over on Matt's left side while Chip got down on his knees on Matt's right side.

Chip watched as Beth held the stiff flesh and wrapped her mouth around the head as her tongue swirled before she sank her head up and down several times.

She popped off and leaned over to kiss Chip before she leaned the cock over toward him.

Chip took a deep breath and leaned down to wipe his own tongue around the outside. Beth leaned forward and the two with their eyes not inches apart from each other let their tongues glide up and down the smooth hard flesh between them, their tongues constantly hitting each other. Beth let her mouth drop down again on the tube as she bobbed her head several times before she came back up again and watched as Chip replaced her, letting his mouth sink over the head and then stalk of hard flesh, and he bobbed his head several times. The two switched multiple times getting more and more aggressive as they continued. Matt groaned and closed his eyes feeling his stomach twitch. Cindy rested her head on his shoulder watching the two kneeling before them, all the while stroking Matt's chest.

"Oh Fuck," groaned Matt as he jerked and came in Beth's mouth.

Beth held still with half his flesh in her mouth until Matt stopped and sank back into the couch.

Beth slid back off and swallowed before leaning in to kiss Chip next to her.

The two got back up onto the couch next to the other cuddling couple.

The four rested for a while.

Cindy looked over at Chip and Beth, "Do you two want to use our shower and then we will, and we'll take this party into the bed for the rest of the night and see where things take us?"

Beth got a gleam in her eyes at the thought of Chip washing her and nodded her head happily.

Soon the four were all in the large bed letting things take them where it would for a very long time with another shower in between.


The next morning a nude Cindy smiled as she watched Beth with her hair all over the place and bleary eyed walk from the living room into the kitchen.

"MMmmmmm, I thought I smelled coffee."

"Morning sweetheart," Cindy said standing up to kiss the sleepy girl.

"Let me get you a cup. How do you want it?"

"Little cream and sugar please. Thank you."

Soon the two were sitting next to each other at the table grinning over their steaming cups of coffee.

"So?" Cindy asked.

Beth blushed, "That was incredible. I loved every minute of it."

Cindy beamed, "I'm so glad. It was a lot of fun. I like you a lot."

Beth just blushed more and drank.

Cindy looked toward the living room and bedroom. "I'm so happy the boys played together. I know Matt has been curious."

Beth shook her head, "Never in a million years would I ever imagine things like this."

Cindy laughed, "I know, right! But isn't it so cool?"

"Way cool."

"So what are your plans for today?"

Beth smiled, "Well, apparently, I'm getting a new roommate so I guess we need to make some room and figure things out."

Cindy beamed, "That's right. I'm so happy for you. Chip really is an incredible guy."

Beth nodded vigorously, "I am definitely going to spend the rest of my life with him. If he doesn't ask me to marry me before too long I'm going to ask."

Cindy laughed loudly.

"What say we make breakfast and spoil them in bed?"

Beth's eyes gleamed, "Sounds great to me."

The boys were incredibly spoiled and returned the favor causing more trips to the shower.


Cindy knocked on the door and waited until a nude Diana opened the door smiling. Cindy walked into the welcoming arms and squeezed her mother-in-law tightly.

The two walked through the living room of Cindy's old home with Diana and Matt to find Gwen sitting at the kitchen table. Gwen was wearing her usual sleep shirt over her form. Cindy came over to kiss and hug the smiling woman.

Cindy smiled as Diana poured her a cup of coffee and the three sat at the table.

Cindy looked at the notebook open in front of Gwen.

Gwen smirked, "If I don't write things down I never remember them."

Diana looked at Cindy, "So how's Vinnie doing today?"

Cindy giggled, "He's resting up after a very long night. Beth and I got him and Chip to experiment with each other."

Diana gasped, "No! Get out!"

Cindy nodded, "Baby steps but I'm sure that was not the end of it."

Gwen chuckled, "I'm proud of them. That was very brave."

"Are you two still up for a sleep over tonight with us?" Diana asked.

"You bet we are." Cindy laughed.

Gwen looked down at the pad in front of her, "Okay let's take care of business for a bit. Any things we need to change about the café Cindy?"

Cindy took a drag from her coffee, "I'm worried Tony won't be able to keep up with demand. We didn't sell out any day last week but we came close. Tony has a restaurant to run I don't know if he can really keep up with this side business without it interfering."

Diana looked at Cindy, "I'm sure Tony will let you know if that is the case. He's been in the biz a long time. What say we keep an eye on it and stay with things as planned for now before we go looking for another source."

Cindy nodded.

Gwen looked at her, "Anything else?"

Cindy shook her head, "Jesse and Heather are working out great. We were able to handle everything well. If we stay this busy we'll be fine until one of them takes a vacation."

Diana looked at her, "Let's have you train Beth and Kim so in a pinch one of them could switch over."

Cindy nodded, "Great idea but that would leave you shorthanded and from this week you desperately need all hands-on deck, you guys were flat out busy all week."

Diana nodded, "When we get to my part I was going to say I plan to hire at least two more part-time workers."

Cindy nodded.

"Anything else from the café?" Gwen asked.

Cindy shook her head, "Nope, we had a great first week and everything worked great."

Diana looked at her wife, "So Dreamlands?"

Gwen smiled, "Well the half week easily made as much money as my normal full weeks used to do. It is working great being in the same store as the bookstore, so many book customers are curious and checking things out. I have a lot more traffic already. It's mostly women and they seem comfortable with Sue and me so they do come over and spend money. Between the two of us we can handle things fine."

Diana smiled, "Great, so no problems?"

Gwen shook her head.

Cindy looked at Diana, "So the bookstore."

Diana smiled, "We were busy. I definitely need more than just Beth and Kim. They're great but run ragged by the end of the day. I think two or three part-timers working separate shifts in the afternoon when we are our busiest should be fine. It would also be nice to have someone help me with the special ordering process as that is far busier than I expected and we already have a ton of orders. I don't want to make any mistakes. I'm thinking Beth or Kim would be perfect for that."

Gwen smiled, "Sounds good. We definitely brought in a lot of money this week. I expect things will quiet down a bit once we've been open a while but then before you know it the Holidays will be here, and we will pick up again even stronger."

Gwen looked down at her list, "Keep an eye on Tony. Hire two or three part-timers for the bookstore. Train Beth and Kim for special orders and the café."

The other two nodded.

Diana spoke up, "I figured we'd let things go for one month as so far so good financially. After a month I'll have our accountant, Richard, look things over to make sure we are on track for us as owners and Sue, Kim, Beth, Heather and Jesse as full-time employees with our benefits. I still agree we should keep a percentage of the profits for an emergency slush fund, a percentage to grow the business and the remaining percentage after all costs as a bonus pay out to the staff every quarter."

Cindy and Gwen smiled and nodded. This was something that they had not told the rest that they were doing, but it was something that they all agreed on as family takes care of family.

Thanks to the settlement from the court case against the bank and careful investing, Diana, Gwen, Matt and Cindy would never want for anything. They all intended after the initial investment that the business was going to take care of itself and early indicators showed it would have an easy time of it.

"Well, I guess that wraps up our first weekly recap meeting on the store," Gwen announced.

Diana looked at Cindy, "Did you want to come over for dinner tonight before our sleepover?"

"Let me check with Matt and get back to you," Cindy replied.


Several hours later, Diana, Gwen, Matt and Cindy were finishing up cleaning after their dinner. The four grabbed glasses of water and walked off toward the master bedroom. The four slept together at least twice a week and had a comfortable routine down.

Gwen walked from the bathroom to find the three standing in the middle of the bedroom. She walked over to Cindy and Matt giving a kiss to Cindy before stepping over to Matt wrapping her arms around his neck looking him deep in the eyes.

"I just want you to know I am so proud of you."

Matt started, "Me? What did I do?"

Diana put her hand on Matt's shoulder, "Cindy told us about last night and Chip."

Matt didn't say anything but turned a noticeable shade of red.

Gwen gave a light chuckle, "Sweetie, there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. I love you Matt, a lot. You are such a sweet man, so much like your mother."

Gwen kissed Matt, "Time for me to be brave too. I really do love you. There is no reason we can't pleasure each other."

Matt looked at Gwen carefully, "You don' t have to do that."

Gwen smiled, "I know I don't have to, but I want to. I just can't promise that it's going to do that much for me. I had sex with Uncle Jimmy several times, and it just wasn't my thing. Let's just see what will happen. I'm sure Cindy and Diana can manage to keep themselves busy without us."

The other three laughed.

Gwen took Matt's hand and led him over to the bed as Cindy with her arms around Diana walked with her around to the other side of the bed.

Gwen laid down and shifted over so Matt could get in next to her as Cindy and Diana slide into the other side of the bed and wrapped their arms around each other kissing. Gwen put her hands on Matt's arms guiding him onto her.

Diana broke off from her kiss with Cindy to lean over and kiss her smiling wife. She shifted down in the bed slightly to tug on Matt's cock. Cindy climbed on top of Diana and leaned forward to kiss and lick her husband's shoulder. Diana shifted a bit more to take her son's cock into her mouth sucking hard.

Matt groaned and in no time was hard.

Diana shifted up as Gwen laughed leaning in for another kiss, "Thank you my love."

Gwen looked back up at Matt, "Well?"

With a soft smile, Matt shifted over and slowly plunged himself into his step-mother.

Gwen briefly closed her eyes, concerning Matt.

"You okay Gwen?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart, just getting used to things. Go ahead, you won't break me. If I'm going to have any chance of getting off you are going to have to do it a lot harder than that."

Matt laughed and stopped worrying about things and just thrust himself in and out of Gwen who pushed her hips into his.

Diana and Cindy went from watching the couple next to them back to each other and again gave a deep kiss.

"Oh, shit. I forgot a condom," Matt suddenly paused.

Gwen laughed, "That ship sailed a long, long time ago for me, sweetie. I had that medically shut down many years ago. Knew I was never going to use it so why bother."

Matt laughed and just continued as he leaned down to kiss the smiling woman beneath him. With their lips locked together the two pushed and shoved their hips at each other growing more and more frantic. Matt gave a soft smile when he saw Gwen bite her lower lip, much like Cindy did during sex.

Suddenly, Matt felt the familiar pull in his stomach and he jerked in release as Gwen gasped.

After he stilled, Matt again looked into the smiling face of Gwen.

"That wasn't too bad at all. Much better than with Uncle Jimmy, I'm happy to say, though no offense to my dear Uncle!"

Matt just chuckled and kissed the smiling woman.

He watched as Cindy crawled over Diana and tucked under Matt's arm to kiss Gwen.

"My turn," Cindy giggled.

Matt laughed and shifted over to his smiling mother. "Hi mom."

Diana laughed, "Hello, love."

The two collapsed into a hard embrace.

Cindy swiveled around so she could lick and kiss the juncture between Gwen's open legs to plunge her tongue into the older woman's depths.

Diana reached down to grab Matt's wet and semi flaccid flesh tugging on it forcefully. It wasn't long before Matt was hard again and grinning as he looked at his mother who settled back beneath him reaching up to pull her son down on top of her, "My turn."

The two wiggled their hips until with a groan he sank onto her.

Once again, Matt set up a steady rhythm with his thrusts. Diana groaned and pushed back against him.

Diana puffed and gasped as a strong wave of emotion washed over her causing her to scream into Matt's mouth sealed over hers.

Matt eased up a bit until Diana settled down. As he felt her hips drive into his he started to push harder. He aggressively thrust into her. Diana started to swing her head back and forth until with a groan Matt held still and shuddered his release into his mother as she gasped her second orgasm.

Once the two came down from their shared high they looked at each other and just laughed a gentle, happy chuckle.

Diana turned her head to the sight of Cindy and Gwen cuddling, their bodies covered in sweat.

Gwen saw Diana watching her, "Shower time?"

Diana laughed and leaned over to kiss her wife.

It would be a long time before the four finally went to sleep with another shower in between.


Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the continuing adventures of Diana and gang. While waiting for the next installment please check out these other wonderful writers here at Literotica, Emmeline, 36FF_Tiki - with new chapters to Quinn!! Pussynbloome, LinneaLundin and PeterTowers.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I have read both of the deal stories and loved them both. I am sorry I did not leave comments on the others it I just wanted to contine until I had finished all the chapters. I would like you to write some more chapters including Craig and Jenny with the fun nights.

randysbrandysb10 months ago

Loving this New Deal series. Please write more. Craig and Jenny have yet to join the family games. Chip and Beth and Craig and Jenny yet to marry.

Will you take it to the next generation?

Roland58Roland58over 2 years ago

I'm hoping you finish this part soon. I like the start .

No1holywoodNo1holywoodover 2 years ago

Would love to have more chapters to this story

nashman1000nashman1000almost 3 years ago

I really loved this series. Unfortunately, I see nothing new from the author since 2017. I hope everything is okay. Also, this is the only chapter without any comments from the author as well. Not sure what that means... It was nice to see the characters grow, and the family feeling that developed with all of them. I enjoyed each chapter immensely, and I gave each chapter 5 stars. Hopefully, we'll see things continue one day!

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