The Nudists Next Door


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"Thank you," Maggie said.

"It was a must-have," Crystal said.

I furrowed my brow and looked at her expecting more details.

She obliged and explained, "We're nudists. We know we're in the minority. For Americans, nudity is a touchy subject. I saw a poll that said only 17% of Americans sleep in the buff, 52% are partially clothed, and 31% are fully clothed. How can you be comfortable sleeping fully clothed?"

I took that as a rhetorical question and didn't answer.

"Even in the most laissez-faire country, only 15% of Germans say they are nude at the beach. In France, the number is 5%.

"Having a tall fence that prohibits our neighbors from seeing into our backyard, gives us the freedom to be clothing-free. Mom and I will be sunbathing naked, and our neighbors will be none the wiser. Which means no one leering at us, and no one making unkind remarks behind our backs."

Crystal gave me a mischievous smile and said, "It's a lovely day. Mom and I were going to stretch out in our lounge chairs. In the nude, of course. We have a spare lounge. Why don't you join us?"

Maggie gave the young woman a disapproving look and said, "It's not nice to put him on the spot. He may have plans or concerns."

She turned to me, smiled, and said, "My daughter can be cruel. When she was a child, she pulled the wings off of butterflies. You can decline, or you can join us, clothed or unclothed."

"You'd let me?"

Crystal jumped in and said, "Yes. We've explained that nudity isn't a sexual thing. Why would I care if you saw me naked? And you're old. What are you? Forty-five?"


"Damn. You're as old as..."

A napkin hit her in the face and stopped her from finishing her sentence. Maggie had thrown it.

Crystal was startled. She looked at the mother, saw her scowl, and decided not to finish her thought.

Crystal looked at me and said, "I'm twenty. You're forty-six. We are never going to have sex!"

"I agree. It would be inappropriate and unfair to both of us."

"What do you mean unfair to you? I'm hot. You should be so lucky," Crystal said. She sounded angry and annoyed. I thought I saw steam coming out of her ears.

"Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good idea, and you should," I answered. "There's no future in us. Instead of indulging in a moment of pleasure, you and I would be better off searching for something substantial. Someone age appropriate with similar values who we can love and who will love us for the rest of our lives."

"Oh. Yeah."

"Thank you, Matt," Maggie said. "I've been lecturing my daughter about how the hookup culture demeans women. You'd think that someone who objects to superficial living should reject superficial intimacy."

Maggie cleared the lunch dishes and returned with more lemonade for me. I drank and said, "I liked to take you up on your offer to sunbathe. My yard has lots of trees. I'm not blessed with the sun you get. Sitting here feels good. I imagine lying in it will be even better.

"You've made a good case for nudism, and I suspect rest and sunshine will help my hangover."

"Good. I'm ready to catch some rays," Crystal said. She stood and pulled her top over her head. There were her adorable nipples again.

I forced myself to look her and Maggie in the eyes, and said, "I want to give this a try for the reasons you stated, living in the moment and enjoying life and nature.

"I want the sense of freedom, the honesty, and the child-like joy, but I have fears," I confessed.

"You wouldn't be human if you didn't," Maggie said kindly. "I read a quote somewhere that said, 'For some, moving around the world free of care and clothing is as natural as a gentle breeze or a drop of rain. But for a larger group, getting nude in public is intimidating and confusing."

"I fall into the latter group," I said.

We shared a laugh.

"I want to be honest with you," I said. "I am thrilled and terrified by your invitation. My biggest fear is that I'll get an erection."

"That's a possibility," Maggie said. "Crystal and I have seen an erect penis before. God willing, we'll see more. We've told you it won't upset us."

"My other fear is I will look at your naked bodies."

"That is a certainty," Crystal said. "You will look, and we will look at yours, including your penis. Looking is okay, lusting is not."

"It's the same rule that governs erections," Maggie explained. "Erections will happen; don't flaunt them. We will all look; don't stare and make the other person feel uncomfortable."

"Thousands of people have seen my boobs, my pussy, and my tush," Crystal said. "Don't touch, and don't be a creep. I've seen you look at my boobs. You're not overdoing it."

I'm sure my face turned red, and I said, "I have a third fear. My penis will get sunburned. Do you have a heavy-duty sunscreen I can use?"

The women laughed.

"We do," Maggie said. "My boobs, butt, and vagina had never been exposed to sunshine until I decided to give this nudist thing a try. I had the same fear. I have a bottle in my bag."

She reached in, pulled it out, and set it on the table.

"Okay," I said. "Here goes!"

I stripped. I struggled. I was nervous.

"Next time, wear looser, easier-to-remove clothing," Maggie said.

She and Crystal undressed quickly.

We stood in the nude and looked at each other. I thought they were gorgeous. Two medium-height, fit blondes. They had the same large reddish-brown nipples. Crystal had diminutive, athletic breasts. Maggie's were shapely, larger, and more rounded.

Their tan bodies were very much alike. The younger one was slimmer. The older one was more womanly. They each had dainty feet with painted nails that matched the color on their fingers.

Of course, I checked out their vaginas. They were hairless. I could see everything. The slits and puffy outer lips. Crystal had a bit of her inner labia showing.

I couldn't stop myself, I exclaimed, "You shave!"

"It's not just porn stars who remove their pubic hair," Maggie said. She laughed.

"It's neater and cleaner," Crystal said. She ran her hand from her across her belly and vulva and added, "Guys like it smooth."

Maggie pointed to my groin full of black curly hair and said, "You might want to clean up down there. It's a bit of a jungle."

Her comment caused all eyes to focus on my crotch. It was awkward for me. Especially since my shy dick was only three inches long.

It got more awkward when Crystal said, "I guess you're a grower, not a shower."

"Really, Crystal," Maggie said. "Dial it back. We talked about Matt behaving. That remark crossed the line."

"You commented on his man jungle," she shot back.

"My comment was a well-meaning suggestion," Maggie said, defending herself. "There was nothing derogatory or sexual. I didn't mention any body parts."

Crystal acquiesced and said, "I'm sorry, Matt. I know better. That remark was uncalled for. A couple of weeks ago a man complimented me on my thick outer labia. Can you believe it?"

She looked at us, expecting us to be as outraged as she was. Maggie was horrified. My shocked expression was caused by the guilt I felt since I had the same thought.

"I'm not shocked," I said. "Most men are pigs."

In my head, I said, "Me included."

Maggie smiled and said, "Matt you are very brave. The first time is the hardest. You've seen us, and we've seen you, and no one has laughed, cried, or died."

We laughed.

I guess I owe you a description of me. I mentioned my mouse of a penis. I'm slightly more than six feet. What's the opposite of fit? I'm slightly overweight, and I'm soft. No six-pack abs or well-defined muscles.

Twenty-five years ago, I was twenty pounds lighter, in shape, and I played college football until a knee injury took me out of the game.

I've been told I'm not bad-looking. I have brown eyes and brown hair with more gray sneaking in than I like. I am hairy. I have hair on my arms, legs, and chest. There's a thick nest between my legs. Thank God! I don't have much on my back.

I responded to Maggie's joke with one of my own. As we grabbed our bottles of sunscreen, I said, "You are very attractive women. What's going to get me in more trouble? Having an erection or not having one?"

They laughed and didn't answer my question.

We doused ourselves with sunscreen. We did what we could reach. Maggie did Crystal's and my back. Crystal did her mother's.

We aligned our chairs with the sun, and lay down. I was off to one side. I could see their bronze bodies glistening in the sun. Crystal young firm breasts held up well to gravity. Maggie's larger older ones puddled and slid into her armpits.

"Thank you for inviting me to join you. This feels good!" I said.

"I told you so," Crystal said.

"Yes. Sunshine is warm and welcoming," Maggie said.

We lay face-up, wore sunglasses, and basked in the sun.

I confessed, "I was afraid to undress. You would have thought I was going into battle and my clothes were my armor by how I resisted removing them. I was scared of being judged, or being laughed at."

"We know," Maggie said. "We've been there. You were brave and took a leap of faith."

"We must live with the flaws we are given. All we can do is accept them," Crystal said.

"Did my daughter say that?" Maggie asked. She lifted her head, looked over, and said. "That was profound."

"I have my moments," Crystal said playfully. "Or am I supposed to say I take after my mother?"

We laughed.

A few minutes later, I said, "I hope you don't think my complaining doesn't mean I don't appreciate how hard being a nudist is for you. For all women. If the internet has taught us anything, it is that women will be sexualized. Especially naked women.

Crystal said. "One of the reasons I am a nudist is in defiance of men who harass, body shame, and sexualize women.

"It's also a way to push back on society, which demands women be pretty. We're expected to wear make-up and push-up bras. To shave our legs and pits, to fuss over our hair, and to get mani's and pedi's.

"Men are not required to do any of these things," she said with disgust.

Maggie said, "Society's expectations weigh heavily on women. It causes us to scrutinize our bodies and compare them to an unrealistic standard under which we all fall short.

"This causes women to hate their bodies, to be miserable, and to have eating disorders. It affects how women live their everyday lives. In a recent survey, 62 percent said they choose not to wear certain clothes, and 48 percent admitted they have avoided beaches or pools for fear of being seen in a swimsuit. Seven out of ten women say they have an 'I hate my body moment' every week."

Crystal said, "I hope other females see me naked. See my small boobs, my big pores, and skinny chicken legs, and say 'She's like me. Imperfect. If she can do this. I can'.

"I want them to say, 'This is my body. People have tried to steal it from me. I won't let them, and I don't have to listen to the voices inside my head that say I'm not good enough."

"Here I was thinking this was just innocent fun," I said, purposely sounding like a smartass. "I thought this was a way to enjoy the sensation of the warm sunshine and a cool breeze on bare skin."

Crystal swatted me and said, "You're a dick!"

"I can't help myself," I said, laughing. "The discussion is getting heavy. I was worried you were going to turn this pleasant afternoon into a feminist protest against the patriarchy."

I laughed.

Maggie chuckled and said, "She gets carried away sometimes, but she's not wrong. Every day women are expected to dress a certain way and behave a certain way. It's liberating to leave those expectations behind. Nudism does that."

We were silent for a while. Maggie got up to go inside. Why? I don't know. I stared at her butt and watched her hips sway. She had a great ass: firm and nicely rounded.

My dick twitched. I said to myself, "Oh. So you're not dead."

I looked at Crystal. She had sunglasses on. I couldn't tell if her eyes were open or closed. I took a chance and stared at her boobs. I could see her mons pubis but not her vulva.

I was getting an erection. I felt it unfurl as the blood surged in.

Maggie returned. I watched breasts jiggle enticingly. I got a full-blown erection. In my brain, I shouted, "Fuck! What am I going to do?" I was scared. I froze.

"Oh," Maggie gasped. I saw her lift her sunglasses to get a better look at my cock. After a quick inspection, she lay on her lounge face down.

Crystal opened her eyes when her mother made a noise. She saw the sunglasses move, followed Maggie's eyes, and saw my cock. After her mother lay on the lounge with her head turned away from us. Crystal removed her glasses and winked at me. She pointed to my dick and gave my thick six-inch prick a thumbs-up sign.

I wanted to shout 'Yes!" and do a fist pump. I was relieved; no one was upset with me. I felt redeemed. Now, when they think of me I hope they picture my big cock instead of the limp 'Mini-Me' version.

"Well, it's happened," I said to myself. "My greatest fear was having an erection. I did, they both saw it, and I don't think I'm in trouble." I smiled.

Eventually, my erection went away. That's when I rolled over.

More time passed, I rolled over, and I said, "This has been nice. I can't tell if it's silly or sinful, but I liked it."

"Would you do it again?" Crystal asked.

I said, "A man smarter than me once opined, 'If you were meant to be naked, you would have been born that way'."

We laughed.

Maggie said, "I take that to mean 'yes'.

I said, "Yes. I would love to do this again with you."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Weird, arrogant, long winded diatribe. It's all about you, isn't it? Quite boring. You need to get over yourself.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It's very nice to take into account that there were no flashlights in iPhones (and not everyone had one, anyway) until 2013 (I didn't know there were no flashlights until iPhone 5, that was a surprising fact!)

But then, the TikTok reference felt like a complete anachronism. It wasn't to be launched for 6 more years, September 2016 (in China only, as this story happens in the US that would be September 2017), plus some more years to rise to the fame. Crystal makes a good comparison, but not the right year.

Giorgio66EpzGiorgio66Epz10 months ago

The banter was great and the insightful discussion on the subject matter felt natural and informative. I enjoyed the playfulness of the female characters and their willingness to include their male neighbor.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Perfect for Nude Day! I'm sure Lit readers will enjoy the erotic voyeurism but the story feels genuine to nudism's intent and educates that it is not about eroticism.

Very well written (with minor blips) - Would love to read a followup with Maggie and a the start of a romance.

zooliciouszoolicious11 months ago

Fun and realistic.

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