The Pack Ch. 01

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The lives of a couple change when they move to the country.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 11/10/2008
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I wasn't going to be intimidated by the stupid men who lived in the village. Walking confidently along the narrow path that lead through the woods I was determined to ignore the noises, the infantile cackling and shouts coming from a short distance behind me.

We had been happy at first having moved into the area from the city. Our cottage needed renovating and that's when things started to go wrong. These people had their own ways as country folk do and maybe we were wrong to employ local, and not very professional labour rather than an established city firm. As an affluent couple in our early thirties we need not have tried to make economies. The work was shoddy and the men lazy, and my husband lost no time in complaining.

As for myself I felt a little responsible, guilty that I had encouraged the men to be lax. Having given up work temporarily until we settled in I had become bored at home in that isolated cottage and idle minds get up to mischief. I had enjoyed the attention I was getting from that bunch of rough men and when my husband was at work I sometimes had the urge to do quite naughty things -- like dress to tease. I would wear thin see-through dresses and tops and purposely stand against the light chatting to them, knowing they would be able to see through my clothes. I wore very low cut tops baring my midriff together with skirts so tight and short that they may have qualified as belts. Neither was I bashful about the occasional flash of panties when I bent over or climbed out of the car.

I remember one hot day when all five men were standing in the yard when I drove up and swung open the door of our low sporty soft-top car. I stretched one long leg out of the vehicle then pretended to be sorting out my stuff. The effect on the men was electric -- as it was on me -- their chatter and chuckling stopped and they just stood and stared with lewd grimaces as my short tight skirt rode up my thighs to expose the front of my pink lace panties. When I finally climbed out of the car I smiled sexily and sweetly at them letting them know I had done it all intentionally just to tease them.

It was when they were working on the roof of the old stables that I picked my time to go into the bedroom or bathroom -- and partly undress. The roof was about level with the upstairs windows of the cottage and pretending not to be aware of them looking I would pull my top over my head or slowly unfasten the buttons of my shirt before slipping it off. Sometimes I would parade around a while with just my bra covering my upper body. One of my more daring moments was when I answered the door to two of the men, with my shirt undone and apart, and let them have a leisurely look while I kept the conversation going unnecessarily.

Over the weeks I found that just being stood talking to them or of being a short distance away was enough to arouse. It was the dirty way they looked at me. These were rough men, big men, stripped to their waists when it was hot, dirty and sweaty. They never attempted to hide signs of the lust they felt and would blatantly stare at my breasts, smirking. They liked also to see my embarrassment (and often excitement) when a bulge would start to grow in their groin. They would know my eyes would keep darting to look at their crotch and would smirk at each other then me displaying their manhood's through their pants.

Then came the day when my husbands' patience ran out at the slow pace of their work. He stormed into the barn one morning with a list of things to complain about. The row went on for a long time with threats of litigation and refusal to pay and much more. I kept out of the way after that; until the day it rained very hard.

I was walking across the yard feeling the eyes of the men burrowing into me. It was between heavy showers and the cobbled area was slippy. I had just reached a place where the cobbles gave way to a muddy three-inch deep puddle of rainwater when I stupidly glanced round at the staring men and went sprawling into the mire. With legs akimbo I struggled to get up but fell again into the muddy water to the laughter of the men who by now had approached me. Sobbing and humiliated I stopped struggling for a moment while I tried to regain my composure and dignity. I found myself looking up at the men, helpless and completely at their mercy. I realised that between their laughter and mocking comments that their eyes focused between my legs and roamed over my body. The water had made my clothes see-through and as I glanced down even I could make out the redness of my nipples through the white wet top. But more interesting for them, was as my legs were wide and my right knee bent they had a clear view of my pussy, as my wet skirt, clinging to my thighs, had ridden all the way up my legs.

They stood on the edge of the pool and stared, now silently, down at me with a mixture of lewdness and contempt. I felt a little scared and my heart raced, knowing that they had no intention of helping me -- then I saw evidence of one man getting an erection!

"Sexy wet bitch doesn't look so high and mighty now!" said one.

I gasped as the hand of another man went to feel his crotch and grabbing the bulge circled his palm like he was stimulating his penis openly. It was then I became aware that because of my stunned disbelief of their ungentlemanly behaviour that I had made no attempt to cover myself. I saw several pairs of eyes focused between my legs and conscious of the sexual effect it was having on the men I experienced a very shocking and unexpected emotion. I was getting a strange feeling, a thrill from being in this position of complete helplessness. I knew that if the men chose to, they could do all manner of things to me and make me beg for mercy as I submitted to their lust.

A foot came out and pressing against the inner thigh of my left leg he forced my knees wider apart. I could have just as quickly closed my thighs together but I didn't. Leaning up on my forearms I sat there in the mud, not crying, not screaming, just looking back at them -- and they noticed right away my unusual and unexpected response and seemed to detect a certain telling expression on my face.

The men had become serious and were no longer laughing loudly. Still, three of them played with the front of their pants and now I openly stared back watching with interest the movement of their hands. One man, who had always seemed more evil and lewd, stepped up the edge of the muddy puddle. His eyes told me he was going to do something to shock me, to upset me, make me scream out, amuse his uncouth friends. They were just as shocked as I was when he undid his fly and pulling out his cock he began to urinate into the water.

He showed his utter contempt for both my husband and I by his humiliating dirty act. He remarked that now, 'the posh stuck up rich city bitch' was getting what she deserved. If he expected me to scream he had got it wrong. The incredible feeling I was experiencing from being a total submissive was intensified. Instead of screaming I found myself focusing intently on the thickness of the penis and the bulbous red head that had that little slit gushing forth a strong stream of piss into the water I was sitting in. I felt the warmness reach my legs and took in a deep breath -- and still, to the men's amazement my legs stayed wide apart. I didn't care that all men stood waiting for me to react in a way a normal woman should, I ogled at the semi-flaccid penis, much thicker than my husbands' or indeed any other I had even seen. I watched patiently, until his piss finished streaming.

Two hands came from nowhere and I was lifted up. An unshaven face was close to mine looking coldly into my eyes. I could feel a hardness against my tummy and I'm sure the man detected the faint sign of a smile on my face. My hands were lifted above my head, and before I knew it the wet top was pulled off, over my head. I felt all eyes on my breasts before someone said I should be hosed down. My wet skirt was clinging to my hips now and the mud was doing a better job of covering my modesty than my clothes were.

Now I cried out -- the water was cold and took away my breath. Stood there in the corner of the yard one man doused me with the slow flowing hosepipe while two others wiped away the mud from my body. The others watched quietly as the hands and fingers of their pals touched and rubbed my very private places. I whimpered, but not because of the wandering hand or liberties taken, I complained only about the coldness of the water. Almost simultaneously one voice suggested we should all go inside where they could 'warm me up' while the other commanded, 'Take her bra off'.

None of those things happened but I was ashamed later to admit that I was happy to have gone along with both requests, and the men knew that. My arms had already moved out from my side, bent at the elbows as they do allow garments to fall away. One strap was already slipped off my shoulder. Unprompted I had taken several steps toward the house with the men following me.

It was the sound of an engine that prevented any plans from being completed. The men, startled, and brought back to reality quickly bundled me away but I resisted and yelled urgently for someone to retrieve my top. I was as anxious as the men were to hide any evidence of what had transpired -- a fact that I'm sure would get their brain cells pondering for many a hour afterwards. Shouldn't I have screamed and called for help - not assist them in covering their tracks?

When the approaching vehicle pulled into the yard the men were back at their tasks. It was not my husband as they had feared but one of our suppliers, come to bring a quote. With a robe pulled around me I explained calmly my accident in the yard, falling into a muddy puddle and avoided any questioning by letting my robe slip open to both divert his attention and prove my story was true in essence. His eyes popped out of his head and it was actually harder to get rid of him.

Over the next couple of days the men must have been on tenterhooks. I glanced at them frequently from a distance seeing the confusion and anxiety on their faces. When I was with my husband I avoided directly looking at them but I knew what was going through their minds and guessed what they talked about over a drink. They had gone just a little too far that day and they would wonder why I hadn't called the police or at least told my husband. Some of them had committed very dirty depraved acts and it must have confused then no end when later they realised I would have let them take me in the house and I was about to allow them to take off my bra.

It must have been obvious to them -- as it was to me -- that if the visitor hadn't interrupted that things would have gone much further -- that sex of some sort would have almost certainly have taken place. Like the men I also pondered the question; why had I been so willing and submissive?

Anyway, that was a couple of months ago and since then the men had been fired off. I still ran into them occasionally in the village and got this funny feeling when I caught them staring at me. They held a grudge over losing the work as everyone in the village knew and it seemed to me that they would have loved to get revenge on my husband through me. They would intimidate me by looking for a chance to corner me when they would just stand in front of me blocking my path and smirk while they blatantly ogled my breasts and legs.

If Steve, my husband, and I were in the pub of an evening and I made a visit to the ladies room I would expect to be cornered in the little corridor and sometimes one of them would stroke my arm and they would grin when I gasped and looked frightened. Even when at the village stores I would expect that when I went back to the little secluded car park that two or more would watch me load my shopping away and openly stare from a few yards away watching while I got into the car and drove off.

I can't explain why I still wore short skirts and low tops and bent over into the vehicle or didn't take enough care when stretching my legs into the driver's seat. Maybe I hoped if they enjoyed a brief look and knew they had succeeds in humiliating me that they would be satisfied and they would leave Steve and me alone.

It was silly for me to carry on into the woods when I had known they were following me. I walked along and tried to ignore both them, and the fact that I was experiencing a strange kind of excitement inside. The feeling was weird and it made me feel very disturbed and guilty somewhat; because it felt like their was something sexual about it. I denied that fact to myself continually as I walked along and told my 'other self' that I was simply going to carry on exercising my right to walk in the woods and maybe sit and take in the sun for a while.

Behind me was quiet now and I walked a little further till I came to a small clearing and sat down on the coat I had brought in case there was a shower. I relaxed but every now and then certain noises from the shrubs made me feel I was being watched. My weird feeling increased but I stayed put where I was. Determined to carry on enjoying my leisure time I took off my top let the sun warm my skin. What did it matter if someone was there as I wore not underwear but swimwear, a simple everyday bikini? For that same reason, when I lay back, what did it matter if my dress blew up around my hips?

Relaxing I lay back and felt the sun on my skin and now dozing I felt my thoughts drifting away and that odd feeling was creating fantasy's inside my head. The fantasy that I was being surrounded my those crude men was swiftly dispelled when I felt the warmth of the sun give way to a cool darker draft and opening my eyes to see what was shading me I tensed, giving off a cry when I discovered that my fantasy was fact.

I looked up at the grinning and mocking men, scared of making a move. One, who had my top in his hands, began to rub it against his crotch. I noticed now that each and every one of the four men had a considerable bulge in the front of his pants.

"Can I have my clothing back?" I pleaded, knowing full well it wouldn't be that easy.

The eyes of the men examined every inch of my body and I even saw how their penises twitched and stiffened.

"Sure," said one, "Follow us, we'll give it back when we reach the edge of the woods."

I sat up now and watched them stroll away turning and waving the top at me giggling like immature boys teasing other kids.

"Come on then!" they goaded.

I stood and slowly followed them back into the woods but just as I was at the edge of the clearing hands grabbed me and pulled me to the ground. One of the men had hidden behind a bush and jumped out on me. As I struggled and screamed the others laughed; my arms were raised over my head and strong hands clamped my wrists holding me down making my breasts heave and push out as I sucked in deep breaths. The men went quieter now while they fed their lust by gazing at my rising chest covered only by my bikini top. I went very weak and stopped struggling, just gazing back up at them.

"There will also be a forfeit to pay!" sneered the man holding me down.

I smelt his sweat and felt the roughness of his unshaven face against my cheek as he whispered aloud in my ear. His lips brushed mine when he moved his head forward and then our eyes locked. He kissed me briefly again before staring back into my eyes, surprised that I hadn't struggled or screamed. I sensed that the other men were tense and watching intently then saw for myself when the man nuzzled his mouth into my neck making me squirm and wriggle. Now he was becoming very aroused and at least one of the standing men played with the front of his pants.

It was an electric shocking moment when again our eyes locked and I tried to push myself up before going limp -- and submissive. The man took advantage and pressing his lips hard against mine he forced his tongue into my mouth making me automatically attempt to resist -- because that is what a woman ought to do isn't it? I wriggled and squirmed for a minute as he alternately nibbled my neck kissed me full on the lips and ran his tongue down my cleavage. I felt his hardness and it seemed futile and pointless to maintain my struggle but involuntarily I still wriggled my body and it took a while for me to realise I was doing it in a very different way.

I caught glimpses of the other men and felt they could read my mind and sense the weirdness of my emotions. I let out a moan instead of a desperate cry and everyone saw how my mouth opened to accept the tongue of the slobbering man holding me down. Between wet kisses our eyes locked and I gave up any attempt to hide the fact that I was feeling thrilled and aroused. As he pushed his cock against my belly I even gave off a faint smile kissing him back and responding.

"Hey, you've had your turn!" yelled one of the men pulling back his shoulder.

At the very same time a laughing moron yanked down my loose skirt and dancing around with it over his head he and the others returned to their normal state of stupidity. Now, in just my bikini I felt vulnerable in that wood as the men bid me to follow them carrying all three items of clothing, the third being my coat which had my keys, phone and money inside the pocket.

It felt chilly now as I followed them into the wood protesting, appealing to their better nature and simply begging for them to be reasonable -- to no avail.

"Please!" I begged for the thousandth time.

The men had slowed and now I was stood amongst them. I was startled when I felt two hands take hold of me from behind and shivered a little when they traced a line around my midriff, one hand resting just under my breasts. I guessed they would all want a kiss and a grope before they returned my clothes and had really resigned myself to this fact. So when I easily succumbed to the man's advances it was read a different way.

"She's loving it!"

Many hands now fondled me ignoring my sobs and pleas while slobbering mouths wet my face and body. For a couple of minutes they mauled and felt me then I cried out when suddenly the strap holding my bikini top fell loose. Instantly my arms covered my bust, hiding my nipples from view, as it was too late to grab the garment.

"Please, no!" I cried constantly as the men tried to make me uncover my breasts tempting me with the promise they would return my clothes in exchange for my cooperation.

"We could rip off your lower half as well!" threatened one.

"No, Please!"

Stood in the middle and helpless I held my arms across my breasts as the one I called the evil one -- the one who had urinated in the pool unzipped his pants. Clearly he had dark propensity to piss in front of women as he answered his friends' shout of, "You're not going to fucking do that again are you?" with an affirmative answer. Hands and fingers were all over me once again as they coaxed me, feeling me while they licked and kissed me.

With all the different hands touching my together with the feeling of helpless vulnerability and virtual nakedness the strange emotion returned, more intense and powerful than before. I looked directly at the stiff cock being handled right before me and found I had allowed a finger or two to delve between spaces in the folds of my arms and touch my nipple.

"Come on, move your hand, lets see your tits!"

The urge was too much and whispering that they had to keep their promise I moved my left hand and let them see my naked breast, complete with stiff nipple. Immediately a mouth closed around it and sucked making me cry out while the men gasped with lust. Through the haze of abnormal thoughts and sensations I could tell the other men expected and were waiting, for me to change my mind and fight. They may have been as confused as I was when I sobbed and moaned but stayed quite still letting the man lick and suck my tit, sometimes hard and roughly, before letting my right hand fall away from my right breast to surrender it to their depravity. In no time at all another mouth closed over my nipple and there I stood, a man on each tit, arms outstretched, whimpering, but gazing intently at a third who was masturbating in front of me.