The Rings Ch. 02


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"Unn!...Ahhh!...Unn!..." Mr. Gerard grunted hoarsely with every surge of come.

"Ummm!...Yesss!...Unn Hnn!...That's it!...Give it to me!...Come on!...Come baby!...Come for me!...Unn Hnn!...Unn Hnn!..." Mrs. Blain encouraged, stripping her hand relentlessly up and down Mr. Gerard's squirting cock.

"You heard the teacher didn't you Steven? ...She wants to see you come!... Well?... Don't keep her waiting!... Are you going to give the teacher what she wants?...Do it!...Do it now!..." Lindsey urged, working Steven's knob with consummate skill. The young woman knew just how to push his buttons. There was no way that Steven could hold it with the two gorgeous women teasing him like that.

His hand flew down to his groin to try and stop Lindsey's devilish fondling. But it was too late. Suddenly his balls lurched and the fiery come was streaming from his cock, erupting under Lindsey's twisting fist in searing pulses.

"Nahhh!...Ahhh!...Ahhh!..." he moaned gutturally as his balls convulsed. He looked down helplessly as a deluge of creamy come began to surge between Lindsey's fingers. The viscous cream was dripping to the floor at his feet as well as trickling down her wrist.

"Umm hmm!...Oh yeah!...That's it!...Show her baby!...Show the teacher how you come for her!..." Lindsey purred, sliding her hand down to mid-shaft of Steven's cock and pointing it towards a smiling Mrs. Blain. Several rapid fire streams of goo arced towards the doorway and splatted wetly on the floor between the two couples.

Lindsey was really pleased to feel Steven coming in her hands. But she knew that Mrs. Blain's lewd performance had been just as responsible for making him come as her own. Even as he trembled and quaked at her touch, and the come continued to stream from his scarlet wand, the two women regarded each other across the room with hooded eyes. Each of them was considering what advantage they might ultimately make of this moment later on.

As their orgasms started to abate, the two men continued to snort and twitch like a pair of thoroughbreds at the end of a race.

An observer would have noted how Lindsey and Mrs. Blain finished off their two studs with exactly the same firm and steady hand strokes, patiently milking them to draw up every ounce of sperm they had.

Eventually, Mrs. Blain released Mr. Gerard's wilted prick and allowed him to raise his head from her sumptuous cleavage. He looked almost lost as he blinked uncertainly under her steady gaze. His cheeks were a flaming crimson as he gasped for breath.

"I...I...didn't really expect that...I mean I thought we'd...that you and I.. together... somehow... you know..." he mumbled anxiously.

Mrs. Blain ignored his stammering.

"Did you enjoy that?..." to which Mr. Gerard nodded enthusiastically.

"Well that's nice because you've got some work to do..." she said with a smile.

She had never dropped her knee and now she looked down at the lines of come that was streaking her thigh. She reached down and with one finger and started smearing one of the pearlescent trails around on her stocking top.

"Whenever you're ready..." she said, her eyes burning into Mr. Gerard's.

The vice principal swallowed uncertainly, hesitated for a long moment and then slowly began to sink to his knees in front of the shameless chemistry teacher.

Mrs. Blain smiled at this. She turned a quick glance over to Steven and Lindsey and gave them a broad wink. Then she returned her attention to her kneeling lover.

Steven had just finally been able to wriggle free of Lindsey's relentlessly pulling hand. He was completely spent and full of remorse over what his favorite teacher must think about him now. He was anxious to get the hell out of there as he stuffed his gooey member back in his pants.

"Lindsey!...Let's go!... Let's get out of here!..." he pleaded in a whisper

"What!...No way!...This just keeps getting better!..." the hot young co-ed whispered back as she watched the vice principal edging his way on his knees towards Mrs. Blain's proffered leg.

"Lindsey!...Come on!...Mrs. Blain may have let us get away with it but I don't think Mr. Gerard's going to be quite so understanding if he finds us here."

But Lindsey wasn't about to miss what was coming next.

"You go!..Go on!...But if you see Danni, tell her where I am...Tell her she's got to see this!..." Lindsey murmured, edging a little further back into the shadows just as Mr. Gerard applied his tongue to Mrs. Blain's gleaming stockings.

"Oh my God!..." Steven heard Lindsey gasp echoed by a..."Umm!...That's a good start...But there's lots more up here!...I want to see you get it all!..." from Mrs. Blain.

Steven finally managed to tear his eyes away from the kinky little show going on in front of him and crept back out into the hallway. He didn't want to go back to the gym but he couldn't just hang around in the hallways. That could lead to some awkward questions if he was found there by any of the teachers. So he decided to go outside. He tried to act nonchalant as he wandered down the hall but he didn't hesitate to punch the cross bar opener of the first exit door he came to and then stepped out into the cool night air.

But he wasn't the only one who was finding himself in a surreal sexual encounter that evening.

Vance the Lance had been keeping something of a low profile since his unexpected run-in with Danni Spencer, that little bitch! The last time he had got lucky was with Nadia Adamo. He had hooked up with her at a bar one night and she had seemed up for anything. So he had slipped her one of his 'Roofies' and soon after that he had half coaxed, half carried her back to his place where he had banged the shit out of her. He got her home while she was still in something of a daze. When he called her the next Saturday and asked her to meet him back at the same place she said sure. After they had a couple of drinks it was obvious that she didn't remember a thing from the previous weekend. So he dropped another pill into one of her drinks and waited for it to do its magic. Sure enough, about an hour later Nadia was higher than a kite and ready to agree to anything. The only hitch came as they were leaving the bar.

One of her friends came up to her and after a little chit chat asked her if she was all right. Fortunately Nadia's head seemed to clear for a moment and she said she was fine and that she was going out to a party with her friend Lance.

After that it was a repeat of the previous weekend. He took her back to his place and fucked her stupid until each of them had been a quivering mess. Later, once he had taken her home, he started worrying about the friend who had talked to her at the club. If they started comparing notes there might be some awkward questions raised and young Mr. Rudetski decided he better move on from Miss Adamo.

This was all before he had been taken to task by Danni Spencer. Fortunately Nadia's name hadn't come up when Danni was rhyming off the girls she knew who Lance had taken advantage of. That just proved that her little network of spy bitches wasn't as all seeing as she wanted him to believe. Still it was probably better to be safe than sorry. He didn't want any part of that malicious little cunt again.

He had heard about a new bar a little way out of town. Apparently it was quite a meat market on weekends. And since you needed a car to get there he wasn't likely to run into many, if any, of the kids from school who were always hanging out at the local places.

Saturday night he drove out to 'Maxine's' around 10:00 and got a seat by himself at the bar. The intel on this place had been right. It was busy with lots of young people keen to see and be seen; guys, couples, and a generous contingent of good looking young women, mostly in groups of two, three or more. These were circulating like bees in a field, looking, hovering, stopping briefly then moving on, in search of 'Mister Do-Bee'.

Lance smiled as he surveyed his options, fairly certain that he could eventually entice one of these attractive young honeys into his web. He wasn't in any hurry. But all his cool was shattered a few moments later when this goddess strutted into the place and pulled up at a seat at the bar just two down from him.

This young woman was gorgeous. She was fairly tall, about five foot eight, with blonde hair, cut straight and short so it just framed her face. She had an incredible body. She was wearing a beige, sleeveless knit dress that clung to every curve of her hourglass figure. The dress ended at mid thigh. Below that she was wearing glossy black boots with stacked heels. The boots went up almost to her knee. There was a glimpse of dark nylons between the top of her boots and the bottom of her dress. Vance tried not to stare too obviously at this vision of loveliness. But even a dead man would open his eyes to sneak a peak at those incredible knockers jutting through that form fitting little dress of hers.

Vance tried to wait patiently just to be sure that there wasn't a boy friend or a gaggle of girls following this lovely but after ten minutes he couldn't restrain himself any longer. He picked up his drink and moved over so that he was standing between the chairs at the girl's side. He noticed that she had two drinks in front of her. They looked like rum and coke. Just what he was drinking. This could mean he'd been too hasty.

"Hi. I noticed you when you came in just a while ago and hoped you wouldn't mind if I said hello. But if you're expecting someone I wouldn't want to be in the way."

The blonde turned and looked at him with an amused smile for a moment. She seemed to be totally at ease. Probably used to guys hitting on her all the time.

"No. I'm not expecting anyone. Why would you ask that?..."

"Well. The two drinks. You don't look like a two fisted drinker and happy hour was over a long time ago.

"Oh these..." the blonde said looking down at the two drinks as if she hadn't even noticed they were there.

"I guess the bartender likes me...." she said, giving Vance a little wink as if to say she knew exactly why the bartender liked her. She looked at the nearly finished drink Vance was holding and said..."Rum and coke? You want this one?..." she asked nodding towards the second drink on the bar.

"Well if it's not going to spoil your evening I wouldn't mind..." Vance said leaning in closer.

"Is it O.K. if I sit down? If you wanted to tell me a little something about yourself I'd be all ears. Or I could talk about myself but sometimes I can be pretty boring. Not always, but it happens..." Vance offered, putting on his most winning smile.

The blonde smiled at this particular little inanity but didn't object as Vance sat down on the stool next to her.

She told him that her name was Karin and that she worked as a junior analyst at one of the big brokerage firms in town. She had just broken up with the latest in a long string of boyfriends and she was pretty disheartened by the whole dating thing. She was thinking about trying to go a year without a relationship and see how that worked out.

Vance was all over this line of conversation. Commitment was fine, it was a good thing, but it had to evolve slowly, naturally. You couldn't force it. If it was going to happen it would. But there were a lot of disappointments in life and until you found exactly the right person you were only setting yourself up for a fall if you started relying on someone who wasn't mature enough to understand what you really wanted.

He had a limitless supply of this happy horse shit but Karin seemed to find it riveting. What was really going through Vance's mind was how long was it going to be before she had to go to the bathroom and he could drop the little brown 'Roofie' he was fingering in his pocket into her drink. He had been out of service for too long now and the prospect of getting this little hottie into his bed had his pulse racing.

Or he assumed that's what it was. He kept on waiting for Karin to put her drink down. It would only take an instant. But she seemed quite content to keep it constantly in her hand. Even as the conversation got more animated and more intimate and they ordered another round, she always had her drink in front of her as she gazed over its rim into his increasingly blurry eyes.

He found himself losing track of the conversation even as Karin leaned closer to him and started whispering little suggestions into his ear. Oh this was going to be so sweet.

Finally she said something about going to a party and was he interested.

'Hell yes!..." Vance replied, but found himself staggering a little as he got up off his bar stool. What the hell was this? He hadn't had that much to drink. But then Karin had him by the elbow and was snuggling those pneumatic tits of hers into his arm as she led him out of the club. He would have gone anywhere with her at that point.

Then they were in a car. It wasn't his car. They were in the back. It must have been a taxi. Vance tried to make a move but Karin held him back with a stiff arm and murmured promises that they'd be there soon. Something about a party he wouldn't forget. She was pretty sure there would be some people he knew there. He wasn't really taking it all in. His head was swimming and he was losing track completely of what was going on.

Some time later Vance found himself shaking his head like he was trying to wake up. Then a flash bulb popped in his brain and he shook his head some more to try and clear it. The flash bulb went off again and this time it stayed on in his brain. Vance couldn't breathe and he shook his head so hard he could feel his brain wobbling in his skull. He gasped and coughed and twisted around as he tried to register where he was.

Around him he could see shapes that were all blurry but slowly coming into focus. He could feel the warmth of a body beside him and another body on his other side as well. Then the flashbulb popped again and he started coughing.

His vision started to clear much more quickly and he looked around himself in confusion. He tried to move but it was like he was trapped inside a giant snowball. He had somehow lost the ability to move. And he was naked. It didn't take long to figure that out. He was on the floor on his ass, leaning against a couch wearing nothing but a frown. When you're naked, you're naked and some times that was a good thing but he didn't think this was one of those times.

And then the flashbulb went off again and he started to twist and gasp... "Don't... Whatever you're doing!...Don't!..."

"O.K Nadia. That's enough!...I think he's awake now!..."

Vance shook his head one final time as someone's hands moved in front of his face. He followed them until he was looking at Nadia Adamo who was sitting next to him on the floor. She wasn't naked like he was but she was wearing a very tight spandex top that showed off her perky little breasts nicely. She had the word 'Double' emblazoned across her chest in sequined letters. Beneath that she was wearing a short skirt and sneakers.

She was in the process of discarding a little broken capsule that she had apparently been holding up under his nose. It was ammonia smelling salts which must have been the cause of the flash bulbs popping in his brain.

"Welcome back baby! We were afraid we were going to have to start the party without you."

Vance turned to his other side to see who was speaking. At first he thought he must be imagining things. But after a moment he realized it really was Danni Spencer sitting there next to him on the floor, a very amused smile creasing her face. She was wearing the same outfit as Nadia. Sneakers, short skirt and the tight black spandex top clinging to her nubile young breasts. Only this one had the word 'Trouble' sequined across it.

Vance did the association quickly. 'Double Trouble'! Well it could be some punk band maybe. But he didn't think so. He wasn't happy at all to see her and Nadia Adamo together, especially after the way Danni had busted his balls the last time. He tried to get up again but found that all he could do was sort of rock around on his ass.

"What the hell is going on here? What is this? Why have you got me tied up like this? Where are my clothes?..." Vance demanded, opting for the old reliable 'a good offense is the best defense' strategy. But his aggressive posturing was somewhat undermined by his lack of mobility.

His elbows were lashed together behind his back by a twelve inch Velcro strap. His hands were free but effectively pinned at his sides. His ankles were fastened to either end of a three foot spreader bar. As he struggled clumsily to move he looked like an open umbrella rolling around in the street on a windy day. He noticed that the two girls were sitting just far enough away from his sides that he couldn't get a hand on them.

"What the fuck are you doing?..." Vance groaned unhappily as he began to realize his helplessness.

"Why nothing baby. Just getting you ready for the party..." Danni said with her perpetual smile.

And it was then that Vance noticed that she was doing something at his crotch. 'Oh my God! Please not again!" he groaned to himself.

He actually found that he was holding his breath as he looked down into his exposed groin. Danny had tied a noose of red ribbon just behind his cock crown and was just then feeding the free end of it through a little grey tube. It was a piece of rigid 1-1/2" PVC pipe, a 60 degree elbow, only about 3" long. It was a common enough plumbing fitting.

As he watched spellbound, Danni slid the plastic tube down the ribbon until it stopped against his knob. Then she pulled up on the ribbon and pushed down on the little tube, twisting it back and forth. She was biting her lip in concentration as she worked Vance's cock into and then through the snug little sleeve like she were coaxing a mouse out of its hole.

"There! That's just right don't you think?..." Danni asked, once she had pulled his cock through the wickedly curved little device. She only pushed it far enough down his shaft so that his helmet shaped knob bulged out over the top of the cylinder.

Vance wasn't sure what to say to this. It was a little uncomfortable but not too bad. It did look pretty unnatural the way the top third of his prick was bent out almost horizontally from the rest of his shaft. He decided his best move was to convince these girls that he had learned his lesson.

"Nahhh!...Oh God!...Don't!...Geez!...It hurts!...It hurts so much!...Please take it off!...I'll do whatever...whatever you say...whatever you want...please!..." he pleaded, trying to force a little tear from the corner of his eye, but without any success.

Danni looked at him appraisingly for a moment.

"Oh don't be such a baby! I don't think it hurts that much... yet...but it will! Now don't be unpleasant! Besides, you haven't said hello to your latest conquest. I think you've met my friend Karin. Karin...don't be shy. You can't stand in the shadows all night long."

Vance looked up when Danni said that just as Karin stepped forward from a little kitchenette in the corner. It was then that he realized they were probably in some sort of motel room.

He had virtually forgotten Karin but as she stood there smiling down on him in her little knitted dress and black boots it all started coming back to him.

"You bitch!..." he murmured almost under his breath.

"Yeah.." Danni said sympathetically.

"Now you're starting to get it. I guess it wasn't true love after all. You see Nadia approached me just recently and told me about her dates with you. Now this was after the last time you and I had a little chat so I realized that, sadly, you hadn't kept your promise to be a good boy. So I asked my friend Karin to help us. It was easy enough to slip that 'Roofie' I confiscated from you at Lindsey's house into your drink at the bar. And after that it was even easier to get you back here. All Karin had to do was promise you a little party and you were totally hers. You know how that goes. And so here we are."