The Rule Of Twenty-Three

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Gift shared with loving older woman changes his life.
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Naked, 26 year old Franklin Dryor strolled back toward the queen sized bed from the tiny bath of his hotel room. Although he could have easily grabbed a washcloth to clean up after himself, he didn't. He decided to enjoy the wetness and the pungent odor of clover and vinegar, of green tea and yeast which clung to his saturated penis after love making. The cool, breezy feeling blowing across his cock encouraged him to savor the moist sticky sensation following a particularly juicy fuck.

There on top of the bedclothes laid an older white woman, also naked, still panting from sexual exertion and rolled up in a loose ball suggesting the fetal position. As he sat down on the edge of the bed, he let his hand rub against her hip. His companion only curled up tighter. Franklin smiled at the irony. Ulyssa Cumberland had borne five children in her lifetime, but here she was, curled up in the fetal position because of an intense hour long fuck with somebody approximately half her age.

Grinning, Franklin felt pretty smug at the moment. Now that he'd bedded her once again, Franklin felt as if in some way he'd re-established a family tradition, especially since his own brother, Stephen, had sported the first black dick Lyssa had ever consented to take into her Caucasian pussy. In fact, she'd conceived a child with his brother. Their affair lasted for seven months right up until Stephen died in a scuba diving accident. Totally aware of her importance in his life, Franklin had quietly coveted the most important heirloom from his brother's legacy for years.

One year ago, Ulyssa brought her oldest child--his nephew--to see Franklin off before he left for a tour of duty in Agra, India at the end of March 2002. After about a day and a half of talking, sharing little dreams and keeping surprisingly close to each other, Lyssa and Franklin found themselves eager to give and take a sweet little gift to remember each other by. A little over a year ago, hidden down in the basement of his mother's house, wrapped tightly in a large blanket, the two of them began the pleasurable process which would end up with Franklin showing Lyssa his natural facility for endowing her with several hundred million tokens of his own esteem.

A day later, during her drive back to the west side of the state, Ulyssa unknowingly bestowed her equally important gift on Franklin. It was, in fact, to become the most memorable gift she could offer to a young man flying off into harm's way.

Once the Iraqi War began, Franklin flew refueling tankers out of Qatar's Alheud air base. Each and every time he linked to a bomber, flying over the receiving plane and depositing a load of fuel into its interior tanks, it made him recall that momentary link he'd made with Lyssa and the sweet results thereafter.

Lyssa was a big woman in her early forties. Although he didn't consider her fat, his blond companion definitely displayed the weight of her maturity--a side effect of her many pregnancies. In a hotel crib off to the side of the room, a four month old infant girl snoozed. This baby girl was the biggest reason that the two of them had agreed to meet again, here in this place after being separated for well over a year. Sylvie Zola had born with a tiny birthmark on her side and skin tones were more the color of oak than the maple coloring of her husband's children. Perry's children were a dark mix, but Sylvie was really dark as if this were the first time any white blood had spilled into her African lineage. None of Perry's children have that birthmark, but her older brother Benjamin has a similar mark in a similar place. His paternal grandmother passed the Dryor mark along through his father, Stephen. Even though Sylvie's birthmark followed a slightly different path, it was most definitely the Dryor mark.

"Hey," Franklin whispered slowly slipping his fingers down the back of her thighs where the flowback of their combined juices seeped. "Lyssa, are you okay?"

"Umm-hmm, yeah," she answered. "I'm fine. Just tired. Really tired."

Looking for a reasonable excuse to touch her pale warm feminine flesh again, Franklin reached over to caress her. "Want me to rub your back?"

"Mmmm. Now that would be heavenly, thanks," Ulyssa answered.

Franklin smiled. "I've had my small share of heaven tonight already," he murmured. Slowly, carefully, he began massaging the muscles in her back. "Thank you."

Ulyssa sighed and relaxed under his ministrations. "You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Enjoyed it? Whew!" His own dark skin the color of warm umber contrasted with the moonlit pale skin of her body. As Franklin pressed forward in a full back rub, he brought his hands, arms, shoulders and chest down close to her and, taking a big emotional chance, he whispered in her ear. "I think I finally understand why you've had so many lovers."

"What?" She stretched, flipped over on her back, and looked back at her young companion. "What kind of thing is that to say to the woman who just let you make love to her--again?"

"The fact is that you're addictive." Franklin dropped his hand to rest it on her pussy. "Down here. It all feels so good." In his mind, Franklin wallowed on how his dick obsessively craved the feeling of her. His cock had wanted to remain buried deep in the confines of her warm loving pussy--so what if this was the pussy that so many men had used for their pleasure, at least Franklin understood the lure and the joy of it. Yeah, it might be wrong, he thought. But, out loud, he murmured. "I've never found anything to compare with this feeling. It's like the human form of heroin."

She snickered. "Only to young heterosexual men."

"Lucky for me that I fall into that category."

Franklin slid his hand possessively along her vulval lips. Lyssa had a surprisingly thin matte of fine hair growing out from the last time she'd depiliated her pubic mound. Franklin had known for a very long time that she colored her hair, but still it excited him to learn the truth the way he did. She'd allowed his eyes and fingers to discover that her hair was not naturally blond, and his dick soon discovered that her hair color didn't matter in the least.

She reached up to place her hand gently upon his cheek. "Lucky for me as well." She dropped her fingers down close to where his hand had been resting. "You leave lots of natural wetness behind, as well." She paused. "Very, very wet--very, very potent."

Franklin grinned. Never in his life had he expected to be in a position such as this. He was the father of a baby that was only half black. "I can't believe Sylvie," he whispered. "I mean she looks like you and yet..."

"She looks so much like her father," she murmured. Reaching down to take hold of his thickening erection, Ulyssa added. "The rule of twenty-three."

"The what?"

"Each of us is capable of supplying only twenty-three chromsomes. You've got to double number that somehow to make a baby."

Franklin shuddered under her tender touch--a combination of both delight and confusion. He sat up to look into the baby crib once more. "I'd say you've got that doubling process down pat."

"Hey, Daddy," she murmured. "Do you want to see if all this extra wetness can handle an erection again?"

Her young lover smiled. "Do I ever." Quickly Franklin clambered up onto his mature white partner. "Absolutely!"

Lyssa didn't have to say another word. She opened her knees and thighs so that he could balance himself over her torso, and then she reached down to grasp the tip of his penis firmly with her hand. Carefully rubbing the business end of his shaft directly into the moist opening at the base of her abdomen until he confidently able to thrust his penis all the way forward. "There. Now you're where you need to be."

Franklin moaned as he felt the length of his erection sliding forward, burrowing straight into the warmth of his partner's underbelly. He was sinking warmly, luxuriously into his woman's spreading labial lips. Pushing his cock inward, he found himself looking directly into the beautiful face of his lover--the happy familiar face he'd known for many years.

"Awwwe-some!" Franklin gasped. "It's so wonderful to linger here inside of you again. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it, honey."

"Mm-hmm," Franklin whimpered, as he re-established that perfect, primal two-two rhythm which has worked so well for mankind since well before recorded history. Only a year ago, this same loving act had transformed his life totally. Now, in the relatively short time he'd been with her physically, everything inside changed dramatically for him. He opened his eyes and looked down at his white partner. Then he turned his head and looked at his half white baby. A burst of aching heat suddenly ignited in Franklin's loins, and he began to breathe irregularly. "Oh, God!"

Ulyssa gripped his naked buttocks as Franklin grunted and groaned and panted over her naked body--roiling emotionally deep within her open loins. "It's okay, babe. Let go."

That was all he needed. Franklin's hips and loins jerked. He ejaculated with the impressive potency of any young man in his twenties--a true cascade of teeming semen flushed from his system out into the world. Of course, his flowing world was enclosed tightly within Lyssa's vagina. "Ohhh, Jesus!"

Franklin brought his mouth down hard onto her mouth again, and they kissed passionately for several minutes all the while his body spewed and spurted another loving gift deep inside her. "Ohhh, God! I love you so much."

"I know, baby." Ulyssa stretched out her arms to hold the young dark skinned black man selfishly atop her and deep inside her for several long moments of solace. "I love you, too."

"Wonderful," he answered. His body trembled over her and soon both of them sensed that he was going soft. He felt of two minds about the whole affair. Sure they both knew this was wrong. But Franklin felt so damn proud--so completely thrilled that he didn't believe for a minute that he ever could be damned to hell for feeling so blessed.

"I wonder why this feels so--so damn good?"

"I don't really know," Lyssa answered. "My guess is because the human race has such a strong desire to go on. If the act that makes babies feels this good, then people will continue to indulge themselves in the act, and babies will continue to be made."

"Babies," Franklin whispered. "Hey, thank you for giving me a daughter."

Ulyssa rubbed her hands across her lover's back as he sprawled limply down atop of her. "You're welcome, sweetheart."

Franklin raised his head up and looked at her in a brand new light. "Will you tell me something."

"If I can."

"Does the thought of getting pregnant again frighten you?"

She looked him in the eyes. Then she shook her head. "Maybe it did a few days back, Franklin. Not any more."

Franklin Dryor didn't say anything. He just kept his eyes riveted on the one woman he'd ever really wanted in his life. No it didn't make any sense, but when did everything in life make sense? "Lyssa, leave him and marry me."

"Oh, sweetheart, no," she replied. "I love you. I love that little girl we made, but you deserve somebody better--someone closer to your own age."

"Why would I want someone closer to my age when I can have the mother of my child?" Franklin asked as he allowed his body to settle down on top of Ulyssa's. "I'd be honored to have you as my wife. I can stay in the Air Force. You could live on base with me, and we might even have another baby."

She threw her arms around him and pulled him down close to her. "I'm not sure. I suppose I could handle getting pregnant again," Ulyssa replied. "I have a dear friend who called me a professional mother. I guess it fits."

"A professional mother?" Franklin laughed. "I like the sound of that. Makes you sound like a firm believer in the rule of twenty-three."

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