The Screamer Ch. 11


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Gary and Mark walked outside and they stopped dead in their tracks.

"You didn't tell me you were going to do this," Mark said as he stared incredulously at the pool. "It's stunning. Damn this is sweet."

Red and Nancy watched them as they walked around and looked at the finished pool.

"Is that what I think it is?" Mark asked.

"Damned right it is. What is with you? You and I grew up doing this. Are you telling me you have forgotten how to dive?"

"It was never this high before. There is no way that is a five meter platform."

"And that is a three meter springboard. Holy shit Mark, are you chickening out?"

"We're insane, you know that don't you. We are fucking insane."

"It is gorgeous at night. It is the sexiest thing you ever saw. Come on, go put your suits on and break this thing in. Everyone has been waiting but I wouldn't let them use it until you two did." Red remarked.

"We'll be right back."

A few minutes later, they climbed to the top of the platform. Gary hit a switch and two streams of water broke the surface and gave him a point of reference. He walked up to the edge and looked down. "I really am insane. How long has it been since we've done this?"

"Way too long my friend. Now do it and make it pretty."

He inhaled and completed a double front somersault not well but not too bad.

Mark went next and his dive was better. As Gary started to climb back up, he was looking at Jill's sweet butt climbing ahead of him.

"Oh great, steal our thunder will ya," Gary laughed.

"Don't I always?" Jill laughed. Everyone was at poolside as she walked to the platform. She turned around and completed a reverse two and a half in the pike position perfectly. There was no splash; she entered the water in her usual perfect way."

"Showoff," Mark yelled at her as she surfaced. "No one likes a fucking showoff."

As one, the crowd yelled, "Yes we do!"

He offered her his hand and kissed her as she stood on the deck. "My darling, it is good to see you haven't lost your touch. That was fucking pretty."

Brenda walked up and looked at Gary and Mark. "Didn't I teach you better than that? You two were disgusting. I taught the four of you better than that. Obviously, Jill can retain what she knows. Now get up there and do it again."

They both did and this time it was better. Jill completed another perfect dive and Brenda walked to the edge of the platform.

"Listen up gang, there is one thing you don't know. Brenda isn't just a Tony award winning dancer and choreographer. She is also the 1984 Olympic Silver Medalist in High Dive. She taught us this as well," Gary, explained.

Brenda sliced the water effortlessly and surfaced to huge applause. Gary went off the springboard and his dive was perfect. They each took several more dives and opened it up to everyone.

Wendy climbed the ladder and she went off the board. Her dive was awesome. Brenda smiled as she surfaced. Rose went off the platform and her dive was not bad at all. Debbie sat there, looking at the platform and she sighed. Gary looked at her but never said a word. He watched as she approached the edge and suddenly it hit him. She had told him that she used to do competitive diving when she was in school. He stood at the back of the platform smiling at her. She saw in his eyes that he remembered that conversation. She turned and faced him as she slid her heels over the edge. She smiled and completed perfectly a reverse two and a half in the pike position. Jill had done this same dive.

Brenda was speechless. Jill was laughing as she looked at Brenda.

"Girlfriend, it's going to get interesting around here. She's good." Jill said.

Mark laughed, "That's enough humiliation for one day. I'm going to break in something else. Gary looked and laughed. Mark was sitting in one of the blowjob chairs.

Brianna walked up to see what he was talking about. When she stepped on the cushioned mat, she laughed and sank to her knees. "Gee Mark, if you want a blowjob darling, all you have to do is say so. Ever since that first night, I decided that you and Gary were my top priorities. Gina and Jill told me what to expect but I never thought anything could be that good. Boy, I was wrong."

She began to suck him sensuously. Her hands caressed his cock and she inhaled him deeply. She was an excellent pilot, a beautiful woman and an exceptional slut. Gina was right about that. Brianna was constantly horny and she made no bones about it. She was a born cocksucker. Whoever taught her, taught her very well.

Everyone was in the pool, on the platform or on the springboard. Red climbed onto the platform and opened a small hatch. She removed a microphone and turned it on. "Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes but before that, I'd like to direct your attention my way for a moment."

Linda had climbed the platform and she stood there in a gold lame micro mini skirt. She picked up the mike and announced, "I can sing, I can dance and I can dive as well."

Brianna looked at her and exclaimed, "Holy shit, Beyonce is on the platform. Isn't she elegant? I didn't know you knew her. Holy fuck Mark, she is topless. Look at those gorgeous tits. I can't believe she's here."

Linda turned, walked to the edge and executed a perfect dive. The crowd went wild. She climbed back up and before she walked out onto the platform, Mark called her over. She looked at Brianna who was holding Mark's cock and staring at her intently.

"Beyonce, I'd like you to meet Brianna Mathews. Brianna is Gary's new pilot. She will be living here. I hope you two can become good friends."

"Darling, any woman who holds your lovely cock the way she does, will definitely be a friend of mine. Can I have a taste darling?"

Linda leaned over, kissed Brianna passionately and then she sucked Mark down. Brianna fed her Marks long cock and thrilled at the thought she was feeding Beyonce Knowles. She came at the thought."

Linda made one more dive and returned to the veranda where she had a nice dinner prepared.

"Oh Mark, I can't believe I just fed Beyonce your cock. She even kissed me. What the fuck else can happen around here."

"Darling, that is not Beyonce. That is Linda Langford, Gary's head chef. She is Beyonce's double. Amazing isn't she," Mark laughed.

"She lives here too? I can't believe it. There are so many gorgeous people. No wonder Gina told me I had to be horny all the time."

"To answer your question, there is one more thing and it is going to happen to you and Gina tonight."

He walked onto the platform and picked up the microphone. "It's good to be back home. I am sure you all have noticed we have a pair of new and, trust me, delicious additions to our family. I want everyone to welcome Gina and Brianna into the fold. Be careful guys, both these women are pilots and Brianna is a fighter pilot so handle with care," he laughed. "Speaking of handling, neither of these two gorgeous women has been 'certified'. Now we all know the importance of being 'certified' so would I be wrong in assuming that before the sun rises, they will both be completely 'certified'."

A huge chorus of "Hell no, you won't be wrong," wafted through the air.

"Come on baby, there is good food to be had and you'll need your strength to make it through the night."

They walked arm in arm up onto the patio. Gina was standing talking to Holly. Gina turned and looked at Brianna with a wild look on her face. "Do you know what 'certified' means sweetie?"

"Mark won't tell me, he just grinned and told me I'd need my strength."

Holly burst out laughing, "Oh that's a good one. Take a look around you dear. Every man here is going to fuck you, fuck your ass and slide those delicious cocks down your throat tonight. Every woman will lick your pussy, nibble your tits and generally get you off as well. We've all been 'certified' many times. Personally, I get 'certified' at least once a week."

Mark stood there laughing. Gary had walked up during the discussion. "She's a fucking liar. We've been away for six weeks. Did she email you a piece of ass? I know I didn't get one."

"I didn't hear any massive wailing coming from this side of the pond either, did you Gary?" Mark quipped as they both broke put in uproarious laughter.

"I know I can get loud dear but sometimes, I've been known to bite a few dicks off too. You should be afraid," Holly smirked.

"Gina, what happens when we wake up and discover this has been a wild wet dream?" Brianna asked.

"That is exactly what we thought too," Debbie grinned. "One day we woke up and found out it was actually very real. It is one fucking nice reality."

Dinner was amazing and after they ate, Gary took the women on a tour of the property. They rode the property and saw all the cabanas and the now completed guesthouses. They walked into the playhouse and Gary poured them drinks. Gina walked into the theater and the beauty of the place took her breath away. They walked into the Glory Hole room and the two women stopped dead in their tracks. The room was already in use and people were sucking cock everywhere they looked. Their next stop was the playroom, which was also in use. People were fucking everywhere and the scent of unbridled sex filled the air. Their last destination was, of course, the darkroom. As they entered, unseen hands began to caress them, touch them and mouths began licking them.

Gary stayed for a few minutes and then he left the room. He walked out and saw Red standing talking to Nancy. "Where is Jill?" he asked.

"She is at the Tiki Bar. We haven't shown her anything yet. Let's go get her," Nancy said.

Gary motioned for his girls to join them and he walked over and took Jill's hand. "Come with me darling," he said as Mark joined them. The girls were in the 'certification' program and apparently loving it immensely. They walked into Gary's wing and onto the elevator. Gary hit the third floor button, stood back, and watched Jill's reaction. The elevator opened and she didn't move a muscle. The view from the elevator was incredible. The living room was awesome, the colors, tapestries and accessories were spectacular. They had built her a breakfast kitchen and it had everything she could ever want in there. She walked into the bedroom and she started to cry.

"This is the most gorgeous bedroom I've ever seen." The fireplace was burning brightly and everything shone perfectly. Everything she looked at overwhelmed her.

She could barely speak when she walked into the bathroom. That is where she broke down. Gary looked at the bathroom and then he looked at Red and Nancy.

"You told me what you wanted darling. I hope you're happy with it," Red smiled. "We just decided to give her everything we've ever wanted ourselves. When we found the granite, everything fell in place. This is, without a doubt, the finest granite we've ever worked with. She has her own steam room, and sauna. The shower is unique. We were able to use the same granite and the fixtures were ideal."

"Look at this tub," Jill mumbled. "We could all fit in it. How many jets are there? I've never seen anything like this in my life. It is so pretty. Holy shit; there is a fireplace in here too."

"Take a look in there," Red pointed to beautiful double oak doors.

Jill opened the doors and started crying again. She saw the largest, most well appointed closet imaginable. It was massive. There were drawers for her lingerie and her dresses were arranged by colors. A huge triple mirror stood in the center of the closet. She walked past the hanging area and saw that the room was in effect L shaped. She stopped and started to laugh. The shoe room was set up to hold a thousand pair of shoes and boots.

Gary looked at everything in total amazement and then he started to laugh. Jill looked to him to see what he found funny. He pointed upwards to the sign that read, "Imelda's Domain"

Everyone cracked up and Red felt vindicated. Apparently, she and Nancy argued over that but she thought it was funny.

Jill was crying and she hugged Gary so tightly she almost hurt him, "I love you, I have always loved you but dammit babe, you've outdone yourself on this. She kissed him again and then she kissed everyone else. Wendy, Rose and Debbie were crying themselves. They were so happy that Jill was so pleased. Jill walked back out into the living room and shrieked, "Ohmigod, I missed this. I can't believe you."

"What did you miss?" Mark asked.

"There is a fireplace in the living room too. I'm never leaving here. This is too much Gary, way too much but I love you for it. Wow look at that view," Jill exclaimed as she opened the double doors out onto the veranda. "I don't remember seeing so much of the lake from here before."

"I had a few trees trimmed to open it up for you my love," Red exclaimed. "The furniture is really comfortable too."

"This is truly amazing. I never expected any of this. Now I feel like a millionaire myself."

"You are one dumb redhead. You really are," Mark, laughed. "You have always been a multi-millionaire. You just never spent any of your money."

"I never see any of my money. You arrogant son of a bitch, I have no idea how much money I have. You handle my money honey," she snapped at Mark.

"Oh, remind me to fill you in on the details someday."

"There is one more thing you have to see Jill," Nancy said as she took her hand and walked her to the elevator.

They entered and pressed the button for the second floor. The doors opened and they stepped out onto the office and gym floor. They walked past Gary's office and told her to keep walking.

Jill let a shriek out and nearly fainted. Nancy had truly topped herself. The office was huge, gorgeous and absolutely awe inspiring. A sixty-inch flat panel dominated one wall surrounded by six smaller monitors.

"As each club comes online, you'll have the ability to monitor each store in real time. You'll have two-way communication between the stores. Ron and Tina are having this installed this week. They will be monitoring more of the production end but you and Gary will have everything readily available. Do you like the colors baby?" Nancy asked.

"Everything is perfect. I can't think of anything I would want that isn't here already. This is mind-blowing and I love you all more than I can ever say."

Gary walked into his office and saw that his video wall had been redone as well.

"Are you happy with everything darling?" Red asked.

"This is truly wonderful. Yes, I am happy. Thank you," he said as he kissed her deeply. "You always blow my mind and I can't see that stopping anytime soon."

Jill had that glazed, 'I don't believe what I've just seen' look on her face. She kissed everyone repeatedly. They headed outside to see how the 'certification' was coming along.

Holly met them with a tray of Rum Runners and they sat at the Tiki Bar and watched the action. The girls were being given the Royal Treatment. Hank looked over and saw them. He gave Gary the two thumbs up signal. Everyone laughed at that one.

"The pool definitely looks great in the evening. The lighting is simply perfect," Gary said. "The waterfall is exactly what I wanted."

"It's perfect and comfortable too hon," Red told him. "It's much larger than I thought it would be. At least six can play in there with no problem."

"What the hell are you talking about," Mark asked.

"Dive in and swim through the waterfall. I had this back in Ft. Lauderdale but I know Red and Nancy don't remember it. I don't think they ever saw it."

Everyone hit the pool and swam to the waterfall. Mark swam in and back out quickly. He looked at Gary and shook his head. "That is one of the neatest things I've seen ever. You could be there all day and no one would know it."

Jill, Wendy, Rose, Debbie and Holly were already on the oversized mattress. Red and Nancy followed Mark and Gary in as well. Red and Nancy joined the rest of the women and Gary and Mark pulled Jill and Wendy to them. They wrapped their legs around their necks and the two began to lick them insanely. Both women came in short order and they moved on to Rose and Debbie. Eventually, Holly, Red and Nancy came loudly and lovingly.

Everyone loved the cave and the sound system was special too. There were multiple mood levels of illumination, which just heightened the experience.

They swam back and hit the Tiki Bar again. Ainsley joined them and asked Mark what time he was planning on leaving. He told her they would leave in the morning. Jack and Tom had arranged to hangar the G5 until he could get his new pilots hired.

Gina and Brianna were having a blast and Jim was directing the action. Gary and Holly laughed, as he stood naked with a clipboard in hand.

"He loves his work, doesn't he?" Gary grinned.

"He's multi-talented darling," Holly smirked.

Gary grabbed Red and motioned for Mark to join them. "Is everything done in Fort Worth?"

"It is and it is gorgeous. The reception area is very nice. When you walk into her office, it is Country Chic. Her plant manager was very helpful. He found the photos and I had them redone. We went to the ranch and we were taken to the river. I brought Jim with us so we could reshoot it the way you wanted. It is in silhouette and since we kinda look alike, Jim and I recreated the scene. You'll see it. It's fucking fantastic. She'll never forget that one if she lives to be a million.

She is going to be very surprised as well. There is a photo wall filled with photos she's never seen. When Variety ran the story of Norris Boots being a part of D'Orgasmic, Lori's phone went wild. Do you know how many Country Superstars wear her designs? Anyway, the door to her suite is absolutely hidden. The photo wall I told you about is actually a hidden pocket door. One flip of a switch and it opens to a truly elegant suite with a full kitchen, sitting room and a drop dead sexy bedroom. I think she'll love it. The keys for her Mercedes are in the top drawer of her desk. The car is inside the building. You can't miss it. Her staff has no idea about the apartment. They have never seen it. They do know about the car and they all want to see her face when she sees it."

"Good job darling, thank you. When you get a chance, you can completely redo my Glory Hole room in Las Vegas. I really like what you did here."

"Now that all this is done, you need to concentrate on the interiors of the clubs and Brenda's place. Everything is going spectacularly. I can't tell you how happy we are baby," Gary told her.

"Just so long as you show us how happy you are from time to time my loves. We love our men, don't ever forget it." Red kissed them both and they walked into the playhouse.

Wendy was laughing, as she looked at Gina who was dripping wet and begging for more. Brianna was luxuriating with Tyrone in her ass and Hank down her throat. Both men were giving it to her extremely well.

"Well, would you look at that," Mark laughed. Pete and Jeff had Brenda on the Circle and she was spinning wonderfully. Mark and Gary walked over and saw this luscious tall redhead with cocks filling her sweetly. Mark and Gary traded places and Gary took the controls. Mark filled her throat and Gary plugged her ass.

"I always wanted to tell you to sit on this and spin," Gary, laughed. "Now I can and I'll set the rate too. You are such a delicious bitch baby. Your ass feels so good." He had her spinning nicely and then he turned it up. Brenda loved it.

They helped her off the Circle and she was smiling her usually beautiful smile. "If we had this thing years ago, I doubt any of us would have ever left home. That thing is wild."

Gina and Brianna were reclining, sipping a drink and enjoying a smoke. The women were doing their own 'certification' ritual and both women were smiling widely.

Gina looked at Gary and called him over to her. He looked at her lovely body with Tammy's face pressed into her pussy. "I'm curious baby, what happens after we are certified?"