The Shepherd of Ashburn Court Pt. 05


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He stood up and kissed her, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth to tangle with hers. She sucked hungrily at his tongue as her hands clawed at his back. Soon they were both breathing hard and tingling madly.

Ben pulled back from the kiss and spun Trish around. He grabbed her around the waist from behind and carried her into the living room. He laid her over the ottoman on her stomach and yanked down her running pants. He grabbed her ass cheeks, spread them, and ran a stiffened tongue upwards from her clit to her anus.

"OH FUCK, BEN! YES!" Trish screamed and jolted.

He stroked her pussy with his tongue and each time she'd cry out his name. Soon her juices were flowing and Ben switched to fucking her with his tongue. Trish forced herself back on his tongue with a grunt. She began to make loud animalistic noises which fired up Ben's lust even further. He latched his mouth on her swollen clit and sucked it.

"AAAAAAFFFFFFFFUUUUUCCCKKK! FUCKFUCKFUUUUUUCK! BEN! FUCK ME!" Trish screamed as her legs shot straight out trembling.

Ben held Trish down against the ottoman with his left hand while he undid his belt and pants with his right. He yanked his pants and underwear down to his knees and slapped his hard cock hard against her pussy lips soaking the head with her juices.

"AH! FUCK! OH! OH! O-FUCK! FUCK! AH! Don't tease me god dammit! FUCK ME!" she roared.

Ben lined himself up to her opening and slammed his hips forwards, driving his cock in down to the base in one stroke.

"FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!" Trish screamed dropping her head over the end of the ottoman and biting the edge of it. Her legs were shaking and she reached back to grab at Ben to keep him from moving as she tried to adjust to the sudden fullness.

Ben could feel her clamping down fiercely so he waited but her body just kept trembling. He pulled out and slammed it home again. That time was much easier so he did it again and each stroke was wetter and faster. Trish was growling and lifting her ass with each stroke.

He reached forward and filled his hands with her big tits as he pounded deep into her pussy. He squeezed the flesh and felt her stiff nipples pressing against his fingers so he flicked them and her hips began to rotate each time he slammed home. She slipped a hand under her body and frantically rubbed her clit in tight circles.

"Ben! I'm gonna- I'm gonna- I'm- FUCK! COMING! FFFFFUUCKKKKAAAAHHHHHHH!" she wailed.

He felt her muscles trembling and her pussy clamped down on him pushing his own orgasm to its peak. He sped up his thrusts and slammed her ass harder. He growled as he felt his cock firing jet after jet into her body. The bliss overrode this thoughts as he buried his cock one last time.

A full minute passed as they each floated back to their minds. Ben pulled out of Trish and she gasped and relaxed again.

"That was wonderful! Thanks Ben!" she sighed.

Ben looked down at the physically spent woman with a conflicted expression. Why did she affect him like this? Why couldn't he ever say no to her? She'd made it clear she wasn't looking for a relationship and he kept saying he wasn't interested in casual sex but he just couldn't refuse her. It would be easier on him if he could think of it as therapeutic like he had for Beth or even a behavioral tool like he did for the twins. Trish had even told him to consider their sex as a therapy but somehow he just couldn't. He looked down at her lovely profile resting on the ottoman and his heart gave a little pang. It confused him.

He stood up and walked into the guest bathroom and quickly cleaned himself off. He brought a warm, wet facecloth back and handed it to Trish so she could clean herself up.

"Uh, I don't have any clean clothes to go home in. Can I use your washer and dryer for my jogging stuff?" she asked.

Ben didn't have anywhere else to go today so he shrugged. "Sure, you can go take a shower and use my robe when you're done. I'll get the washer started."

She tugged off the pants and handed them to him as she held the facecloth to her dripping pussy. "Thanks Ben! Excuse me." she hustled awkwardly down the hall into his bedroom. He watched her go.

Ben picked up the rest of her clothes and dropped them in the machine. He set it to synthetics and started the cycle.

He went back into the living room and noticed they'd made a bit of a mess on the ottoman. He unzipped the cover and took it off. He'd bought the furniture with removable slip covers so he could wash them easily. Ever the practical man. He dropped it in the laundry basket to wash later.

He moved into the kitchen to make lunch. He whipped up a garden salad and made egg salad for sandwiches. Trish wandered into the kitchen bundled up in Ben's oversize robe. She gave him a big grin. He smiled back then quickly turned back to the counter so she wouldn't see when his smile broke. "Would you like some lunch? I have egg salad for sandwiches and a garden sal-" he stopped when he felt Trish lean her body against his back and her arms reach around to hug him. She rested her cheek on his shoulder. He put his arms on top of hers.

"I'm sorry Ben. I know you need more. I keep telling myself to leave you alone but then I find myself at your door. You deserve better but I can't seem to stay away. I told Rochelle to leave you be if she couldn't find a way to open her heart to you yet I'm such a hypocrite. The idea of opening my heart is so terrifying. I- I'm just not ready." She rubbed her face on his back.

Ben couldn't trust his voice so he just patted her arms and gave them a squeeze. He moved his hands back to the task of making lunch and felt Trish pull away.

Ben cleared his throat. "So, is an egg salad sandwich and a small garden alright with you?" he asked.

"Sure, that would be nice. Just the egg salad with no bread for me though." Trish responded.

Ben set her lunch in front of her and heard the washer buzz. He moved the clothes over to the dryer got it started. The slipcover went into the washer with Trish's towels.

He went back to the kitchen and ate his lunch with Trish.

"Have you seen the new neighbors?" he asked.

"Yes, I met them when I started my run this morning. The mother's name is Ashley Beaumont. She's quite young. Mid-twenties maybe? The two teen daughters, Madison and Savannah, must be adopted as Ashley's too young to have had them. The baby Joshua is probably hers though. Apparently her husband is driving his car up from Texas and will get here later in the week. Must be taking the scenic route." Trish reported.

"Geez! Between you and Tina we have a neighborhood watch patrol! How did you get all this information?" Ben exclaimed.

"Simple. I stopped and said hello." she smiled at him.

"I saw the two teens when I got my mail and waved at them and they ran like I was some kind of monster chasing them!" Ben grumbled.

"Well you ARE a big monstrous man while I am a delicate lady in spandex. Much less threatening." she grinned and he had to nod.

"So the Beaumonts from Texas. She seem nice?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, a little shy and the girls did seem a little more timid than I expected. Almost unnaturally quiet but that's just my impression from a first time meeting." Trish said recalling the conversation. "I'm sure they'll warm up. If you don't go all monster on them."

Ben felt that uncomfortable feeling in the back of his mind again but it just wouldn't resolve into anything concrete. He shook off the feeling.

"So my network tells me the twins were finally victorious in bedding their fantasy man!" she grinned at him. "When I spoke with them they were actually at a loss for words to describe the evening. Lisa in particular seemed... different. Calmer."

"Don't think I didn't figure out it was you who was coaching them in their efforts!" Ben growled and she made an exaggerated expression of innocence. "Actually Gabriella suggested I could use their desire for me as a tool to reward them if they agreed to alter some bad behavior they suffer from. It seems to be working so far. Tina is happy about it too as she benefited as well."

"Tina? How?" she asked.

"Well... the twins wanted a more extreme form of dominance and Tina found this made me more comfortable being dominant with her. She seems... very happy." he explained with a blush.

"So all's well that ends well!" Trish smiled.

Ben looked at her in surprise then nodded with a smile.

"But is it the end for Lisa and Lori?" she asked.

"Well, no. I promised them a repeat if they passed their probation period at the daycare, no returning to old behavioral patterns."

"Ooo! I look forward to their next update!" she rubbed her hands together with a look of wicked glee.

Ben rolled his eyes.

The dryer buzzed so Trish jumped to her feet and dropped the robe. She pranced away completely naked as Ben shook his head with a smile.

Minutes later she returned dressed in her jogging suit minus the sports bra which she held in her hand. Her tits were seriously bulging out of the suit and Ben did his best not to stare.

"Mmm! Fresh and warm from the dryer!" she hugged herself making her tits threaten to spill out.

"Trish! Please!" Ben gasped.

"Sorry!" she said with a grin and gave him a quick kiss. She tugged the zipper up a little more and made her way to the front door. He gave her ass a pat as she headed out and she grinned back at him. He watched her leave and she gave him a show all the way down to the end of his driveway. He saw her turn her head to the right as if someone had called out to her. She jogged over to the driveway of the Beaumont's place, tits bouncing all the way, and Ben saw her speaking with Ashley and got his first look at the woman. Ben saw Trish gesturing towards the end of the block then pointing to the right. He saw the bra was still clenched in the hand she was gesturing with. Damn. Maybe the woman wouldn't notice? Maybe she didn't see Trish come from his place?

He sighed.

So much for first impressions.

Ben went inside. He decided slipping away to make a grocery run would be a good thing.

He made a list then looked through the fridge and cabinets to see if anything was missed. Then he checked the medicine cabinets and linen closet to see if he needed anything. He added shampoo to the list. As he was leaving his bedroom he spotted the almost empty tube of lubricant. He smiled and added that to the list as well.

Ben backed out of his driveway and saw the movers were packing up. They'd been pretty fast and efficient to be done so quickly. He saw no sign of the new neighbors but their van was still there.

He stopped to get gas and car wash. There was a bit of a line up as the clear spring weather brought the same idea to many motorists. Finally he was on his way with a shiny truck. He decided to stop at the drug store first.

Grabbing a basket he got the shampoo, some lady products Tina has added to the list, and then he was standing in the aisle facing a huge variety of lubricants. He was amazed at the different kinds and what they promised. Tingling, heating, cooling, flavors, and even numbing! He found some that didn't have any extra effects just lubrication. As a bargain hunter he was delighted to see they had a sale on the larger bottles when you purchased three. He checked the expiry dates but they were good so into the basket they went. Ben also grabbed a box of individual use packets of lubricant for those spontaneous moments. He could keep a few packets in his pocket.

Taking his purchases up to the counter he picked up a Popular Scientific magazine and browsed through it while he waited his turn. When it was his turn he emptied his basket on the counter.

"Sir, you're aware Ultra Glide isn't on sale anymore?" the clerk said.

He looked up in surprise into the kohl rimmed eyes of a short, plump woman with thick black lipstick, red streaked straight black hair and three nose rings. "Excuse me?" he blinked.

"The deal for three bottles of Ultra Glide ended yesterday." she repeated.

"Not according to the sale sign on the shelf." he said.

The girl sighed like life was ending and her soul was eternally damned to remain chained to the drudgery of customer service. She picked up the phone and paged. "Wally, price check on the three large Ultra Glide bundle, customer indicates sale price still displayed."

She smiled maliciously at Ben's embarrassment and pushed the three bottles to the side as she rang in the other products. Her smile dropped when she saw the box of lube packets. She looked up at Ben in surprise.

"I'm big." he said quietly and it was her turn to blush as her eyes unconsciously dropped to his pants then quickly away.

Ben heard the out of breath voice of 'Wally' who had the sale sign in his hand. "Sorry, I forgot to remove the sign. Customer gets the sale price." The clerk rang the three bottles through at the discounted price but avoided looking at him.

He turned to thank the man and saw the woman standing behind him in line was his new neighbor. Ben froze and his face flushed. Ashley was tall, almost six foot, with a slim body and long yellow blond hair currently tied back in a pony-tail. She wore no make-up. Her eyes were large and sky blue and perhaps a little weary. Currently those eyes were staring at him cautiously. Ben glanced behind her and saw the teen girls at her back, one wearing a wrist cast and the other with the baby in her arms. Even the baby seemed to be staring at him in shock.

This wasn't the time or place for introductions so he just smiled and nodded then turned back to complete his transaction.

He made his way out of the store and put his purchases in the back. Bad second impression. He sighed.

Ben drove to the grocery store and lost himself in the homey and mundane task of filling his cart with groceries. He took his time as it felt good to just be in the moment. There were some excellent cuts of beef and he spent some time talking with the butcher. He let the man talk him into a beautiful, if large, sirloin roast. He rationalized he would use the leftovers in lunches.

As always happened he found more than was on the list and had quite a full cart when he reached the checkout. He loaded the belt and waited for his turn when, in the lane next to his, he heard some arguing and the accent jumped out at him. The voice was like honey, smooth and pure but he heard a tremor in it like nerves pushed just a little too far. He looked over the divider and saw it was Ashley and her face was starting to become red. He thought he might have seen the beginnings of a tear as well. Ben moved through the lane to move over to hers.

"Please try the card again. I couldn't have reached my limit already." Ashley said to the clerk.

"Ma'am, I've tried twice already. The machine says you've reached your limit. Do you have another card?" the clerk said with an annoyed tone.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry for the awkward introduction but I'm Ben Shepherd. I'm your neighbor, two door over, number 16. I couldn't help overhear. May I?" Ben said, holding up his credit card.

Ashley looked like she might burst into tears at any minute. She looked back at the girls who looked scared but hungry. She dropped her eyes and nodded. She and the girls moved out of the aisle and Ben moved in to pay. He handed the receipt to Ashley. "I'll pay you back as soon as I get the credit card issue resolved." she blurted.

"It's not a problem. You have a good day!" Ben said and moved back to pay for his own groceries. The taller teen with the cast on her wrist was staring wide eyed at the meat and vegetables Ben was buying. He saw her lick her lips and swallow. He glanced back at the food Ashley was bagging and realized it was mostly instant food and TV dinners.

He bagged his groceries and stuffed it all in the cart they left together and the idea of the new arrivals sitting down to TV dinners in a house full of boxes just bothered him. As they got outside Ben called out.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Beaumont? Trish, who you met earlier, told me your name. Anyway I went a little overboard at the butcher shop and bought a roast much too large for myself and Tina." Suddenly he realized he didn't know what to call Tina. "She's a friend who lives with me. She has a son who is just about as old as yours. I was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner tonight. Tina is an amazing cook! It will save you the effort of having to make dinner on your first night here. Kind of a welcome to the neighborhood dinner?" he said with a hopeful smile.

"That is very kind of you Mr.... Shepherd?" He nodded. "But we've just arrived and the house is a mess of boxes." She looked at the teens and saw the taller girl was looking at her with pleading eyes. Her sister picked up the signal and started to campaign for the free meal as well. Ashley still looked unsure but her daughters seemed to sway her decision. "Uh, well... I suppose we could."

"It will take a little time to cook this roast so how about 7PM tonight?" he suggested.

She smiled and the girls smiled (finally) and Ben returned it.

"Excellent! Number 16, see you then!" he said and made his way to his truck. He loaded his groceries and began to pull out of the lane when he saw the teen with the cast running towards his truck. He rolled down the window. "What's wrong?" he asked to the breathless girl.

"The van's gone." she said.

"What?" Ben gasped. "Hop in. I'll drive you back to your mom."

The girl climbed in and buckled up. She guided Ben three aisles over at the edge of the lot where Ashley had finally had enough and was in tears. There was an empty parking spot and glass on the ground from a broken window. Ben turned off the engine, gave Ashley his handkerchief and sat her in the passenger seat. He directed the teen with the baby in her arms to strap the boy into Christopher's child seat in the center of the bench seat. The girls got in on either side of the boy and buckled up. He opened the back hatch and put their groceries inside. Ben got in then called the police. He handed the phone over to Ashley who gave the police the details. Ben heard her say the van was a rental from the airport. A few minutes later she hung up and handed him the phone back. He drove them all home. Ashley explained that the police said that model of van was targeted for their air bags. The van would be likely be found a couple of blocks away with all of the bags removed for resale on the black market for auto parts. They told her to contact the rental agency with the police incident report number.

Ben apologized for her first day in the city proving to be so trying. Ashley just looked at him like he's grown antlers. He backed into her driveway right up to the door and everyone got out. He opened the hatch and handed them their bags. Ashley seemed reticent to allowing him into the house so he didn't press and allowed them to move all of the bags. He slipped an extra bag from his into theirs containing apples and oranges. The taller teen looked inside then at him and he winked at her. She gave him just the hint of a smile then rushed into the house with the bag.

Ashley came back outside thanked him again for his help.

"See you all at 7PM?" he asked.

She nodded shakily.

He drove home and pulled into the garage. He made a few trips and carried all of the groceries into the house and Tina met him in the kitchen. He gave her a kiss.

"How did it go at the University?" he asked.

Tina was vibrating with excitement. "I'm all sighed up for the summer classes and enrolled for the Fall Term!" she cheered.

"Excellent news! Do you like the campus?"

"It is wonderful! I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful this is for me!" she gushed and gave him a big hug. "I will cook you the most amazing meal tonight!"

"Ah, well tonight I have a special request." he began and Tina looked questioningly at him. "I bumped into our new neighbors at the grocery store today. They were loading up on TV dinners and the teens looked like they really needed a good meal. Their credit card was denied so I paid for their groceries. Then someone stole their rental van so I drove them home. I invited them to dinner. Could you possibly cook this roast with the baby roasted potatoes, corn, and biscuits? Dinner for five people for 7PM? I'll help."
