The Shrinking Machine Ch. 01


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A few moments later, she was the size of a child, though nobody would mistake her for one - not with that figure, those proportions. I felt the first couple waves of orgasm approaching faster than ever inside me as she became impossibly small, going below two feet in height; her legs no longer hung off the side of the bed, and she diminished further.

Her head jerked around, taking in the gigantic world around her as it grew progressively more enormous, the everyday items in the room soon looming like skyscrapers in all directions. Despite her reducing size, I could make out her expression of mixed fear, arousal, and surrender, which sent me over the edge.

I came and came, shouting unintelligibly - but I doubt she heard me over the hissing steam of the machine's cooling system stressed to its limit. She kept shrinking, now less than a foot tall as I felt the waves of orgasm pulse inside over and over, incredibly strong as my most twisted fantasy was fulfilled.

The machine finally powered down as the charge on the accumulator ran out, leaving my newly minted toy quivering on the gurney - and staring at me, her owner. The world had to be huge around her now, terrifyingly so. She was curled up to herself on the bed, staring wide-eyed all around her, and I let the last of my orgasm wash through me as I took in her new form.

She was the size of a toy - no, she was a toy now. My toy. She had no other purpose than to be my pleasure-thing, and I would teach her to utterly love it. I almost lost balance as the final pulses coming out from my clit made my legs shake, and I caught myself on the edge of the table with one free arm. I stayed there a few moments, catching my breath. I had to feel her, touch her.

I stood up and padded over lightly toward the gurney. She was so tiny and vulnerable now, absolutely nothing like the arrogant and callous woman who had come to the house. She came up on her knees, and looked up at her gigantic goddess; I could see the shine of her mixture of love, anticipation, and giddy fear in those tiny brown eyes. She knew how utterly defenseless she was, and that there was nothing she could ever do to fix it; she was totally dependent on me now.

I cupped both palms on either side of her and brought them together, feeling her warm skin on my palms as the wonderful creature steadied itself against the flesh of my fingers. She looked quite scared, but my wide, gloating smile at her made her fears melt - for a few moments, at least. She smiled back, coming back to the kneeling position I already knew was how she showed subservience.

I held her in one hand as I fished across a nearby table to find a measuring tape. I laid her out flat on her back, and, extending it next to her, I surveyed the accomplishment. Her new size was just over eight inches tall.

I bent forward to kiss her, and was pleased to find my wet lips covered her face completely. I felt small hands slapping against my cheeks in surprise, and I released my lips from her, coming back a few inches as I held her up higher. The machine was still in its cooling cycle, and one of the coolant jets was blasting near us, making the spot almost room temperature. She was beautiful, gorgeous, precious; and even better, she belonged completely to me now.

"I can't believe this... how is this possible?" Her voice - now much smaller and higher - still shook with fear, but I already knew that sense of helplessness in her mind was stimulating her arousal - making her wet and horny even as she trembled. I heard her tiny, peeping voice again. "I'm... I'm so small... it's cold, and scary..."

"You're perfect." I brought her up closer to my face. Opening my mouth, I stuck my tongue out and ran it along her body, leaving a trail of wet, gooey spittle from her waist to her chin; I especially loved the feel of those big tits - now only the size of grapes - yielding under my tongue.

She squealed in shock, her tiny hands slapping against the enormous, gooey tentacle assaulting her. I stuck my tongue out again, this time playing with her more and wrapping it around her extremities, tasting her whole existence. Her tiny form trembled in my hand, alternately squirming as if to break free, and bucking her hips in uncontrollable lust.

I used my tongue to push her onto her back, and with a free pinky and thumb, pinned her legs open wide. Her arms tried feebly to hold my tongue back as I licked at her more, then the tip came to rest right over her pussy.

Of course, there could be no precision at our difference in size. There was no need for it, though - my touch alone could set her off. I could see even on her miniscule face her expression changing as something in her mind twisted and snapped, her mind falling into something new and exhilarating. Being so utterly inferior to me had lit up something inside her, and turned her into a purely sexual being. Her tiny hands went out lovingly caressed the slimy muscle of my tongue as she opened herself to my colossal love.

I let my tongue tremble and twist over her clit, the vibrations proportionally far stronger than anything powered by batteries. I hear her high-pitched shrieks of joy, louder each time but each still pathetically small, as I brought her miniature body to orgasm. There was no hint of propriety in it; her head thrashed around, her body shook and convulsed, and she made a series of animal grunting noise as the pleasure took over completely.

I'd already gone inside and closed the door when she recovered. The air was much cooler within the house proper, and I found myself hustling over to the bathroom as the sixty-degree air inside made my wet, nude body shiver. The sweat covering me felt like it was freezing over already.

The house was old, just like Dad; he'd bought it brand new, over thirty years ago. The walls were wood-paneled and the carpets were shaggy, and aging faux-leather furniture with a number of cracks showing the fabric underneath. The kitchen had a dark linoleum floor and maple cabinets, along with a sturdy but unadorned family kitchen table. He hadn't really changed the place around at all when Mom had left more than fifteen years ago.

All memories here - memories of boredom and the surly mischief that was borne from it. Memories of Mom ignoring me being a brat in school in favor of more time with her real lover - Cuervo - and Dad with his own obsession, a bizarre cosmic theory only he understood. No, I wouldn't miss it at all when the bank took everything... I'd just want to take the machine first, and my new favorite possession... Summer.

Looking down into my hand, I saw that she had curled up into a ball again, and was looking down to my palm. She had both hands held to the side of her head, and I could feel her trembling - at first, I thought it was from the cold, but as I looked at her more closely, I felt it might be something else.

"Summer? Summer. Tell me what's wrong - are you cold?" As I said it, I wrapped my other hand over her back, feeling the tiny, short breaths of her rib cage against my fingers. She was so precious.

"Mistress... I... I... yes, it's very cold, but..." She looked up, and I could see her face was white as a sheet. "I'm scared of heights!" She screamed it, probably louder than intended - though it was still not very loud. "I'm sorry, please don't drop me, please, I should have said something before you shrank me, please don't drop me, I'm so scared, I should have thought-"

Before she could continue, I let the hand behind her wrap closed, surrounding her in darkness. I brought her up close to my face, whispering inside. "Shh... you're my pet now. I promise to take good care of you, and a good pet will get special treats. I'm very good to my pets, you know." I brought her up close to my chest. "Calm down. Don't look down for now. That's an order from your Mistress; don't look down again until I set you down somewhere safe. Just look at me, at my face."

She seemed to tremble less, than, as she focused her tiny blue-eyed gaze like lasers on my face. I held her tight to my chest as I opened the doorknob to the bathroom. Her hand and legs stuck out in between my fingers, but I could feel her breathing steadily, tiny and fragile ribs gently moving under my fingers. She peeked up at me as I placed her lightly on the countertop, at least a full foot away from any of its edges. Summer seemed chilled by it, but at least she wasn't taken by fear anymore.

I was surprised how much I cared about her reaction. I mean, I'd just mind-controlled her into becoming a lesbian sex slave and permanently reduced her to eight inches tall. I surely wouldn't have done that if I was the sort that cared about these things. Now, suddenly, I found myself totally focused on the tiny woman; how could I make this better for her? I had to make her safe and comfortable, so she could accept her new state and be happy with me.

I guess I should have anticipated the acrophobia thing; maybe I could find some way to use the machine to address the problem? It could do anything else... I gathered a few things, then turned on the shower. The sound confused her for a time, then she looked over at me again, still hugging herself - but now, it seemed like it was just because of the cold, and her panic was at least temporarily averted.

I stroked one finger atop her head and down her incredibly fine hair. "You're filthy, little thing. Really, we both are. Let's get cleaned up then get ready for a little shower. Don't worry, I'll hold onto you tight and won't let you fall no matter how soapy that hot little body gets. Once we're clean, I'll wrap you up in something warm, then naptime. I'm kind of tired as hell."

I was coated in my own sweat and would probably smell awful as soon as I'd come down from this sexual high I was on, and Summer... well, she was coated in both sweat and gooey spittle that was drying on her skin. I shrugged as I looked in the mirror. I cupped my small tits with both hands - really, something had to be done there, but I told myself a second time - later.

Grabbing her with one hand, hearing her soft wail at the sudden acceleration, she shook in my soft but firm grip as I opened the shower and stepped inside. Instantly I felt myself relax as the jets of steaming water pounded into me. I let it wash down my back for a time, just relaxing and reveling in what an amazing morning this had been - and it was only just getting started.

I gently deposited Summer onto the soap dish, holding her in place with one finger as she first scrambled to keep herself away from its edge, then slipping on its soap-covered surface. Both my hands were ready beneath it to catch her, but her butt was planted firmly between the little raised bevels inside the dish. It still didn't look very safe. Should I draw a bath instead? I wondered to myself briefly; maybe there was something else I could try with her.

I opened my mouth, carefully putting my lips over my teeth, and took the trembling Summer inside. I wrapped my lips tightly over her midsection, letting her upper body and legs stick out the sides - firm enough to hold her securely, but not painfully so. From the look in her eyes I could see out of the corner of my own left eye, she didn't think it was quite so safe, but I knew that would only make her hotter.

I smiled to myself around the girl in my mouth as I took the soap and began to wash myself. I made sure I was nice and squeaky clean all over, then washed and conditioned my hair, all with my miniature lover stuck between my loving teeth. I could even feel her little, fast heartbeat through my tongue and the gentle teeth holding her. I felt her small hand resting against my cheek, and was tempted to just rub myself to orgasm right there - but I held off.

I cupped both palms again, carefully positioning them under my face, and opened my mouth to release her - letting the shocked Summer fall with a wet, soapy 'slap' into my hands, hair in a soggy tangle. She gasped, and flipped over from her poor landing, slipping once then twice as she tried to stand. She finally settled into a curled ball, her taut little ass and feet resting on my palm - tiny pink sex carelessly on display.

"Mistress, I'm sorry I'm acting like this... I'm so scared... but so... so..." She was shaking in my hands, remaining on her knees, and I knew the wetness between her thighs wasn't completely water. I slowly closed my palms together, and she looked up as the world went dark just over her head. She barely fit inside; I could feel her warm skin on my wet palms, and the tiny beat of her heart, the slow breaths she was taking inside the hot and dark space.

She was learning, at least. I saw fit to reward her. Lying her onto her back in one palm, I wound her calves under my thumb and pinky to force her legs apart. I held up one index finger, waggling it at her, and ever so slowly lowered it toward her body as I felt the tiny vibrations of her fear and anticipation in my hand.

I pressed it against one of her boobs, feeling the wonderful springiness of the grape-sized tit underneath; I pressed it up and down a few times, smiling to myself, then did it to the other. I slid my finger down her chest and stomach toward her pussy, where - only because I had her held up so close - I could see her miniscule clit peeking out.

I pressed hard on her sex, then began to wiggle and spin my finger around, instantly making her wail. I felt small hands around my other hand's fingers as she held on, struggling to grip something as she was assaulted by the massive fleshy appendage. She looked fairly nice with her slick hair down the back of her head, I decided. I would bathe with her often. Yeah, I would switch back to baths; the thought of her naked form swimming around in there with me, between bubbles and my limbs rising and falling around her... and the possibilities it all offered... sent a shiver through me.

She was like my puppet; I enjoyed watching her squirm and quail as my teasing finger brutally squashed her clit. Her back arched, and she gave a pathetic and tiny scream as I brought her to a short orgasm. Her body involuntarily thrashed around briefly, but not strongly enough to break free. Seconds later, her ass was flat against my palm again, and she was breathing hard as she lazed there, recovering.

I cut off the water and stepped out. With Summer firmly in one hand, I grabbed a hand towel, drying her off first. It didn't take long. I put her on the countertop over the discarded hand towel and began to dry myself off. I tossed it aside as I figured I'd done enough, and picked her up again, this time carrying her out and into the bedroom.

It was surprisingly small for a master bedroom, the walls lined with pictures of people I guessed were my ancestors, but neither Mom nor Dad ever bothered to explain who the hell they were. The furniture was heavy and baroque, totally different from the plush leatherette in the living room. Neither was my style at all; I wasn't a big fan of this house, too many memories of utter boredom and pretending to be a good little girl when I was young. Dad's distracted parenting, and Mom's booze habit, had taught me early on: it's not whether you do it, it's whether you get caught.

I rummaged around in the closet, finding an old pair of mittens and a warm wool scarf for Summer; I put them on the bedside table, side by side, then gently deposited her on the scarf. We'd figure out which one worked better for her - and if neither did, I'd find something else. I'd been thinking before I shrank her that I'd keep her on the pillow or something, but what if I rolled around in my sleep? I couldn't hurt her.

When I laid down and curled up in the bed, I found my thoughts drifting. I idly speculated about how Summer would react to the outdoors at this time of year, with her tiny body; how long would she last when it got cold enough to snow out? Hours, minutes? I struggled with the odd thought that I couldn't stand the thought of losing her, especially not like that. Would I have to think up something, or... yeah, for now I would just crank the heater in my place up to the level of body temperature. That actually didn't sound so bad, and I planned to spend a lot of time naked or barely dressed now that Summer belonged to me.

I slept at some point. It was around noon when I woke up. Summer was still asleep too, dozing quietly - wrapped up tight in the scarf like she was cotton candy. I smiled, leaving here there as I got dressed. I fished out some panties, and noted her waking up and staring at me in wonder as I put a set of clothes on. It was still fairly cold out - and despite living in upstate Pennsylvania, I didn't deal with cold weather well.

Maybe the machine could offer a solution for and her, if the cold was as big a problem for my toys as I was thinking... once I figured more of it out. She seemed okay for the moment just bundled up in the blanket - so I tabled it. I snapped a small white bra on, then some fresh panties, donned my trademark two different colored socks, stepped into another pair of jeans, then picked out my favorite oversized sweater and pulled it over my head.

I got up, gave a quick glance at myself in the mirror - fixing my hair a little - and grabbed Summer again, pulling the hand clasping her inside my sleeve as she curled herself up on some reflex. I could feel her tiny breathing and shifting as she nestled herself in my closed palm, surrounded by wool and my warm hand - probably dozing off, if her slowing breaths were any indication.

I set to gathering up Dad's old notes, working with one hand as I carefully filed all of the blueprints and sketches he'd left around as well. Even what looked like idle doodles might be important; I took it all. Summer was surprisingly helpful on that, and while she was vulnerable to the cold, I was able to crank up the heat and drape her in a cut patch of flannel blanket with holes for her head and hands.

It looked cute on her, and it gave me easy access when I decided to play with her. Flipping it up and nibbling at her feet, licking her sex, making her squeal on my tongue... so fun and easy. After the second day, I left her to file the notes and things by herself - surprisingly easy at her size - so I set to working on carefully disassembling the machine.

It took a few days, all told; Summer and I discovered a lot of things to do together in our frequent breaks. It was the end of the week before it was all piled into the trunk, and I climbed in my car - Summer snugly curled up inside my coat pocket - as I set out back to the condo, a few hours away.

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calumnyandliescalumnyandliesabout 1 year ago

second time reading this story, still crazy good! Both the protagonist's sadistic desires and the fear of her little experiments are very satisfyingly written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Size trouble

I'm having slight trouble imagining the size. Is she Barbie doll sized or Polly pocket sized?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Why take her that small. She's of no use like that. Should have left her in the obedient Sex slave state.

Writer345Writer345almost 9 years ago

I'm interested to see how this story pans out... I hope that there will be more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story

Please write a second chapter

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