The Sorority House Ch. 06


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I stared at the door for awhile, which she had slammed shut. I did not deserve her. I could not handle being in a solid relationship. Even with all the sex and the freedom to be with other girls when she was around, I couldn't restrain myself from going after pussy when she was not around. A part of me tried to convince myself that this was a good thing. If Lisa dumped me, I would be free to be with the booty call twins in San Francisco. But I loved her. I had not realized how much she meant to me until she was gone. I missed her. I missed the way she made me laugh. I missed our quiet, loving moments together apart from making love. She made me feel secure. She made me feel like I was more than just a good piece of meat. And even now, I felt that connection between us that screamed out to the universe that she was my soul mate. I only wish I had found her sooner, and that I had not just screwed things up. I had to get her back. I ran to my car, and blitzed off to the Sorority House.

When I arrived in the lot, I saw her car parked in the front row, still hot. While my house was a mess, aKDPhi was still in pristine shape. The girls didn't have to move out at all for the summer since they owned the house, and most of the graduating sisters weren't going to leave for a couple of days. I went straight to Lisa's room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, honey."

"Go away! We are through!"

For ten minutes I stood outside her door, not caring who heard us. I was sorry for everything, without going into details since I was now attracting a small crowd. Lisa kept yelling through the door as I begged her to let me in so we could talk.

I felt sorry, but at the same time I felt embarrased. I was in the middle of the hallway with ten of Lisa's sorority sisters listening to us fight. I was angry at Lisa for walling me away. She didn't want to talk, and we didn't have the time later on. It seemed like she didn't want to be reasonable.

Finally the door opened, and Lisa took one step into the corridor. "You cheated on me. Plain and simple. I don't ever want to see you again." And the door slammed in my face.

I stood mute in that very spot for a few moments, hurt and anger washing through my body and my brain, threatening to overwhelm me. I fought the urge to cry. When I regained my composure, I held my head up, and turned away. The crowd of girls dispersed as I left, and I walked down the hallway with as much dignity as I could come up with, and headed for the stairway. Thus ended my life with Lisa.

I took two steps down the stairs when a voice stopped me. "Hey there, stud."

Trinh was dressed to kill, stylish heeled sandals showing off painted toenails. She had on the tightest jeans that showed off her long legs and round ass. A tight tube top hugged her upper body curves pushing together her great tits and showing off her graceful shoulders. Her hair was up, where dangly earrings highlighted her pretty face. After the verbal thrashing I'd just received, Trinh's sweet smile made her seem like an angel.

She moved to the top of the steps and stood there in a way that I'm sure she knew showed off her luscious curves to full advantage. "You look like you could use some cheering up!"

Forget Lisa. I could still get some old-fashioned no-strings-attached fucking. And banging Trinh would be a pleasant revenge against Lisa. I followed her upstairs as Trinh led me to Quyen's room. She said that Quyen was still with her parents, but should be back soon.

"We'll make you forget you ever met Lisa." And I believed her. Still brimming with angry energy, fantasies of Trinh, Quyen, and I in every possible position flew through my brain.

We fell onto Quyen's bed, our tongues battling and our hands caressing. With one hand I flipped open her jeans and jammed my fingers into her panties. Trinh had both of her hands down the back of my shorts, caressing and squeezing my butt cheeks as we frenched with abandon.

In an anger-adrenaline surge, I violently rolled us over, pinning Trinh to the bed as she giggled with glee. I whipped the tube top over her head, baring her heavy boobs and lucky it did not catch on her earrings. I yanked her jeans and panties off in one motion, taking the sandals with them and suddenly Trinh was flat on her back on the bed wearing nothing but shiny earrings and big smile. My favorite look.

I ripped my shirt off and dove onto her, crushing her breasts against my chest and jamming my tongue down her throat. Trinh was growling with horniness at my domination, and wrapping her naked body about mine as we ground our crotches into each other.

A thought suddenly popped into my head as I remembered whose room we were in. I reached into the corner of the headboard, and finding the object I wanted, reached over and slapped a handcuff onto Trinh's outstretched wrist. I did the same to her other wrist, then both of her legs. Now Trinh was spread eagle across the bed moaning with arousal as my hands roamed across her taut body, my tongue caressing her every fold. My palms ravaged her tits, rubbing furiously against the erect nipples as I knelt at the foot of the bed and ducked my head into Trinh's waiting pussy.

She was screaming in ecstasy as I licked every fold, rimming her cunt and trailing down to her ass. I popped first one and then a second finger up into her rectum, causing her to howl with joy. I plunged my tongue into her gaping slit and then replaced my tongue with my other hand, plugging her cunt tight with three fingers. Trinh's pussy was spasming out of control, and her orgasmic juices were making my hand wonderfully slick. When it seemed that she had adjusted to my fingers, I surprised her by jamming my entire hand into her fuckhole, setting off the loudest scream of ecstasy as Trinh came, her pussy muscles massaging my fingers and trying to suck me deeper into her.

In the middle of Trinh's screaming, she was yelling out about how she was going to enjoy me as her fucktoy. About how I was such a great piece of meat. How I was such a stud in bed. She was struggling against her chains, trying to shove more of her pussy into my face.

I was still attacking her cunt with my lips, but the words began to sink into me. My erection was painfully hard. I felt like it was on fire and the only water to douse it was seven inches up Trinh's pussy. But I was thinking. Trinh was just a slut. She was a gorgeous slut, and a fantastic fuck. But she didn't really care about me. She just enjoyed her sex. Not that that was a bad thing, especially since she had apparently chosen me. But how long could that last? Is that all I wanted, a booty call whenever I got the urge?

I was an idiot. I had betrayed Lisa. But I couldn't blame Trinh. It wasn't Trinh's fault. If I'd truly been the loyal man I should have been, I wouldn't have strayed, no matter what the temptation. And I had to go. My tongue and fingers were still working her and I felt the quaking in Trinh's hips as she spilled over into her second orgasm. And that's when I stood up.

"Come here stud and fuck me! Fuck me good and hard!"

She was panting with lust and obviously looking forward to some vigorous shagging. But then I did something I've never done before. I turned down a fantastic fuck. "I've got to go, Trinh."

"What? Heck no, you're going to fuck me silly right now!" Her eyes were playful, as if I was just playing hard to get. She could play along. "Don't you want to come and suck on my supple breasts? If you're a good boy, I'll let you put it anywhere you want." Her face was seductive as she caressed her own hot body and sexily trailed her tongue across her lips.

"No, I'm leaving, Trinh." I was dead serious, and she got the message this time.

Her eyes had taken on an edge. Apparently she was not used to being turned down. "Get back here and fuck me!" It was an order, not a request.

"Trinh, you are a helluva fuck. And you're gorgeous. You can have any man in the world you want... except me." And I turned to gather my clothes.

She had by now figured that I really was leaving. "But, you can't leave me like this." She struggled uselessly at the handcuffs tying her to the bed and that aristocratic superior air about her was back. "Hey shithead! Nobody does this to me!" She was still panting with lust, her skin glowing from the two orgasms I had given her.

"Quyen will be here soon. She can finish you off. Bye Trinh."

And I was gone.

I went straight back to my room in my house, ignoring the sounds of my roommates all halfway through the process of moving out. A couple of them said hi and wished me luck in San Francisco. But my face was set, and I didn't answer them back. I simply went straight for the phone.


My eyes slowly opened, blinking against the sunlight pouring in through the window. It was Sunday morning, and my back hurt. I was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall where I had slept this past night. I must have smelled pretty bad; these were the same clothes I was wearing yesterday while I was packing all night. I took a deep breath, and shook my head to clear the cobwebs in my brain. I rubbed my face to clear the sleep crusted on my eyelids. Looking down I checked my watch, only 8AM. Taking another deep breath, I adjusted my butt to get some blood circling and settled in, prepared to wait.

I didn't have to wait long before the door cracked open. "What are you doing here?"

I looked up from my spot on the floor. I was in the hallway on the second floor of House alpha Kappa Delta Phi, and I was now looking at the most beautiful angel I had ever seen in my life. The light from the window illuminated her in a soft glow, making her loose bedclothes seem like a heavenly white robe. Her hair fell in a smooth waterfall off her shoulders, shining brightly. There were bags under her eyes, I could tell she had been crying, but I could see the golden sparkle in Lisa's irises, and they made me smile.

I could see a little smile trying to tug at the corners of her mouth, but then she smothered it, setting her face in a hard glare, folding her arms across her chest and dispelling the angelic illusion. "I said, 'What are you doing here?'"

I exhaled loudly, my shoulders sagging. I didn't make any moves to get up, only stared at my feet in front of me. "I just wanted to tell you..." Another deep breath. " tell you that I put in for a transfer. I called yesterday. I had to bug one of the senior managers at home which didn't make him to happy, but I apologized for bothering him at home and stressed how important it was."

She looked at me expectantly, as if to say "so what?"

"I am officially unemployed. I quit my job. Well, he's going to try and find a position for me in their L.A. office, but for now I'm out of work."

"And what was this reason that was so important you had to quit?" That little smile was starting to spread across Lisa's face. She seemed to already suspect the answer, although perhaps not to the magnitude I meant.

"Because the woman I loved was here in L.A., and I couldn't bear to leave her." Gingerly, I stood up. My knees ached. My elbows ached. Actually, every part of my body ached. Sleeping on the floor against a wall is not something I would recommend.

Lisa looked a little shocked, her face was bunched up like she was going to cry again. "The... the woman you--"

I cut her off with a finger gently pressed to her lips. Then I took a hold of her shoulders, and looked directly into those eyes that fascinated me so much. "I love you." And then I kissed her.

Damn that felt good. I felt all the pain and ache and worry in my heart melt away with that kiss. Only now could I truly understand what Lisa felt whenever she murmured "soul mates." I felt her spirit bonding to mine, a shared energy flowing between us that sparked between our lips.

When I finally released her, she gave a little contented sigh. But then she screwed up her face again and glared at me. "You know, you can't just waltz up here and expect me to just fall into your arms again. You think just because you quit your job that I'm going to forgive you! If so, then you're in for a big surprise because--."

I cut her off with another kiss, a soul searing kiss into which I poured out every feeling of joy and love I could drum up from my heart. She moaned into my mouth and flowed back into me, hugging me tightly. When I let her go this time, I murmured, "But, I love you."

"Okay, I'm not dumping you. I'll give you another chance." She smiled brightly. "As long as you never go behind my back again! If you do, God help me I'll--! What's this?"

Her hands were on my ass and apparently brushed against a hard object in my pocket. Before I could do anything she ducked her hand into it, pulling out the black velvet box I'd had there.

Her mouth was agape as she held the box, mixed astonishment and fear in her face. "This isn't--."

"No, it's not an engagement ring." I gently took the box from her hand and opened it for her. Then I delicately extracted the diamond encrusted band, holding it up for her to see. "Besides, I can't afford a big enough rock for you yet. Maybe someday later."

This brought a wider smile to her face. "This is just a promise. I will never stray from you again. What I did was wrong and selfish. And I am terribly sorry and wish I could take it back." The deep, nervous, breathing was back. "But I can't take back what I have done. I can only swear never to do it again. I truly love you, and only you."

Now she really was crying, happy tears tumbling down her face as her smile reached its maximum proportions while I slipped the band onto her finger. She gazed at it for a moment, turning it this way and that to see the sparkling of the diamonds. Then she leaned forwards and kissed me again.

"You're forgiven," she sniffed, wiping away the tears. "But you smell pretty bad."

I had to laugh at this, a nervous bark that released a mountain of tension from me. Soon my smile was as wide as Lisa's.

"So let's get you inside and cleaned up. It's been a while since we took a shower together, and I missed your cute butt."

EPILOGUE: I found myself in great demand that summer until the girls gradually found new boys to play with. I did get a position at my employer's L.A. office, and I'm having a relatively easy time with it, so I have plenty of free time after work. Vivian joined our little circle of sex and with many tutors, she quickly became an expert lover. Aika never spoke to Officer Bobby again after he passed out on her at the beach party; but he probably will remember that night for the rest of his life. Daphne and Tim still keep in touch, although Tim now has a casual girlfriend at Graduate School. He came back to visit a few times and joined us for a few all-night orgies. Kiana moved to Washington D.C. to become an Intern where I hear she's moving through Congressmen pretty fast, and will soon become one of the youngest Senatorial Aides in history. Trinh and Quyen are quite happy in San Francisco, where I hear they have a veritable harem of men hanging around, ready to carry out their every wish. As for Lisa and I, we are completely in love, and I have found that being dedicated to her has produced nothing but happiness for the both of us. She still lets me play with her friends, but she will always be my one and only soul mate.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Lots of fun!!!!!! BUT.......a very good story. A very fun story. A modern day morality play in word form.

Thank You,

Old Silver

Bridget69Bridget69about 11 years ago
Started at the end...

through the story spinner search. I will go back and read the previous chapters. It delivers a nice blend of the physical and the emotional which I love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

While the sex is nice when you know that there is someone for you its happy im a guy and i was almost in tears very goodjob i loved this story keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I think I'm going to cry

What a beautiful ending!

You combined hot porno with a love story that stirs our other (non-sexual) emotions.

I have no idea why you give your work away for free on a website.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

ive been down lately. since it seemed that the only story i was ever going to enjoy was nikki 2021's a brother and sister saga.

and then i found your stuff. i started out reading the twins series and really enjoyed it. you had all the sex nailed down in that best way. and the story was interesting.

but you really out did yorself here. i started the sorority series today and even after uhh finishing lol, i read the last 3 chapters because i simply wanted to know what would happen with the characters.

well done and more would def be appreciated.

im looking forward to reading your other stories.

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