The Sultanah Ch. 03


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Something about that thought seemed to push me deeper into the pleasures provided by the other nuns, like I was finally understanding the nature of my problem. And it also pushed me over the edge. My cock brushed the back of Ikiyüzlü's throat and I felt Rahibe's nose press into the base of my shaft. At the same instant, their mouths and throats tightened on me. I think my surprise and confusion with the entire situation had allowed me to hold on longer than I would have otherwise. But all of the sudden the intense pleasure of their mouths on my body because overwhelming.

I felt my balls seize up first, they pulled hard, slipping an inch out of Rahibe's tight lips. I bit down harder on the belt as the tension inside of me reach a new level. My whole body became rigid and my eyes involuntarily slammed shut. I felt my cock quivering in Ikiyüzlü's mouth. My nipple ached into cold stone wall while my fingernails dug into the flesh of my other breasts. I made a low noise in my throat, low enough that it could barely be heard, but in doing so, I felt the release.

In one beautiful instant my eyes open, my lips quivered uncontrollably, my throat closed around a scream, my breast pressed harder against the wall, involuntarily, my knees bent, my toes stiffened and the whole world around me went black. I forgot for a moment that I was in the bowels of my enemies' cathedral and being pleasured by their perfidious nuns. I focused only on the pleasure. It was a liquid warmth that swelled from my shaft down into my balls and then spread from there. It was a familiar pleasure now, something I could recall. But, it lost nothing in the familiarity, in fact it was better. It is easy to ignore a hunger when you've never tasted food, but I now had a taste for pleasure and it was overwhelming to have it back. My climax rolled lazily through my body, slow but with unbearable force. It found its way into all of the various crevices and secret places of my body, dousing every part of me, eventually, in a euphoric haze.

After a moment contained totally within myself, my vision came into focus. I leaned in more closely to the eye hole in the wall. I saw the result of my orgasm on the women in the room opposite me. Rahibe was still on her knees with my balls in her mouth. I could feel my balls seizing up over and over again in her mouth as my cock spurted my seed. I could still feel Rahibe's tongue against me, lapping at my emptying balls.

More dramatically, Ikiyüzlü had fallen backward, away from the wall. She was sitting on her ass with her arms thrown back behind her and her legs spread and bent. Her cunny was lewdly exposed and I believe that even through the barrier of the wall I could smell her wet excitement. Ikiyüzlü's mouth was open and I could see thick globs of my seed resting on her tongue. A large mouthful, in fact and her tongue and lower teeth were barely visible under the translucent liquid. But that was not all; I had produced an almost unbelievable amount of seed. I could see it on Ikiyüzlü's face (especially her eyes), dribbling down her chin, in thin streams across her pert breasts and pink nipples, and even dripping down between her legs and puddling on the floor below her cunny. Her eyes were wide with astonishment and she looked completely incredulous.

For a moment, everything in the room stayed completely still. I could vaguely hear the burglar beside me stirring slightly, but I did not move. Even the slurping noise of Rahibe's efforts slowed as my balls ceased to seize and the last dribble of my seed fell onto Rahibe's knee. She stopped sucking and, in fact, I could feel the cool breeze on my scrotum as she dropped by balls from her mouth. Finally, a large globule of my seed dripped down from Ikiyüzlü's chin and landed with a splat on the white marble floor. At the noise, Ikiyüzlü's eyes seemed to come into focus. She closed her mouth and I watched as she swallowed my seed. Her tongue stuck out quickly, scooping up slightly more from her lips and then swallowed it as well.

"Tanri be praised!" she said after a moment, "I have never seen so much seed in my life! And it tastes divine!" I felt myself blush at the comment, though I could not say why. I noticed Rahibe stirring below me. I watched as she scooped some of my seed off Ikiyüzlü's leg with her finger and then popped it into her mouth.

"You are right on both counts Ikiyüzlü," She said, and then more frantically began to collect my seed from her friend's body. Soon Ikiyüzlü was searching for more was well, lifting her breast as well as she could to her lips and sucking my seed off of her nipples.

"It is a sin," Ikiyüzlü explained, "To let any of Tanri's seed go to waste. Sometimes it is a chore, but sometimes, like today it is a delight." Rahibe laughed in agreement. I watched, despite the fact that I knew I should leave, with intense curiosity. My spiritual wives, Cin and the others, had devoured my seed as well. But that had seemed less...hungry, more sensual. I watched as Ikiyüzlü's and Rahibe exhausted the supply of see on skin and ravenously dropped to the floor, actually licking the tile to taste Tanri's seed. It was arousing in its debauchery and degradation.

"What in the name of Tanri has just happened?" Acemi said suddenly. I had nearly forgotten that she was there. Apparently, the other nuns had as well. They looked up quickly at the young novice. Her eyes were wide and she was still stuck in place, looking beautiful and innocent.

"Is that the sound of rebuke in your voice?" Ikiyüzlü said accusatorily. She licked up the last of my seed on the floor and then stood up. Rahibe did as well.

"Your edifice of lies and sharp tongues kept me in check before and...shock kept me silent during your sin. But I cannot ignore what I have seen here. My father prepared me for my induction as a nun since childhood. I have read all of the books of Tanri, I have read the scholars' commentaries. Sexual congress for anyone is a sin and it is banned in all forms for nuns. You have invented a 'ritual' to satisfy your base desires. Or maybe it was not you, perhaps this tradition is as old as you claim, but it still finds no basis in the laws of Tanri. It is in direct contradiction of everything our Lord stands for. You are liars and hypocrites!" Acemi said boldly, but her body shook as she spoke. For a moment, the other nuns were silent. I wondered if the young nun had shamed them into silence. Then, to my surprise, I heard laughter. Both Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü began to laugh uproariously at Acemi's impassioned moralizing.

"A true believer it seems? It think I hear Tanri laughing on the other side of the wall," Ikiyüzlü said between bouts of high-pitched giggling. She placed her hand on her soft breast as she did so. I did not laugh, I watched from the other side, not sure of the reason but unable to look away.

"You were once as well," Rahibe said casually, as her laughter faded. Acemi looked shocked by the fact that her outburst produced no great effect. The weight of her morals and her god's beliefs afforded her nothing. In fact, I could see her resolve crumbling. The things she had believed to be true collapsed around her and her shoulders went limp.

"I was never that bad," Ikiyüzlü said. Rahibe started to walk toward Acemi now, Ikiyüzlü noticed and followed her lead. While she walked, she spoke.

"Be that as it may, Acemi needs, like you once did, to understand the true nature of the world and to be bound more closely to her Tanril Sisters. Despite her more acute case of fanaticism, I think that which cured you will cure her as well." Now the two older nuns were standing on either side of Acemi, staring at her. Acemi was looking towards my wall, her eyes glassy and nervous. Ikiyüzlü smiled and turned towards my wall as well.

"It appears that Tanri is prepared for that rite as well," she said lasciviously. She was staring directly at my cock, which had never truly softened, even after my powerful orgasm. If ever I had wanted to pull out from the wall and run before (as I should have), that option was now foreclosed to me. I was once again called to remain at the wall for some reason.

"It is truly a miracle!" Rahibe said with heavy jest on her voice, "A cock that rises twice!" Without further word, Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü began to grab at Acemi's clothing. The younger nun made a few noises of protest, barely above squeaks and not substantial enough to constitute words. It was as though she had expected her anger at their hypocrisy to set them straight and, failing that, had nothing else to fall back on. Her eyes showed innocence, trapped behind chains of fear.

In a few moments, Acemi's robes lay in a pile at her feet. Her small, pert breasts and youthful, feminine body making her look more innocent, rather than less. Her long black hair tumbled down over her shoulders and framed around her breasts, her nipples sticking out hard in the cooler air of the basement. Or perhaps it was arousal, unbidden but present nonetheless. I knew that feeling, I had once believed my life was destined for celibacy, and I had known the passions that roiled just below the surface, unknown until confronted. Or perhaps, I just wanted to believe that it was there is Acemi as well, an animal need for contact that I now associated with Gunes. I knew since my ceremony with Cin that Gunes lived in that need and its satisfaction, it was the stuff of which she was made. My eye fell to the area between her curved hips. A small, short patch of black hair stood over her cunny. She was too far away, but I thought that perhaps she was wet with excitement. The view did not last long, Acemi threw one arm across her large pink nipples and her free hand over her cunny. I felt my cock growing harder and my cunny growing wet against the hole in the wall.

Whatever the political situation in the city might be, or even my peril in the passage under the Cathedral, was no longer even a shadow of a concern. I ignored it all. I focused on what I was looking at and feeling. Whatever would happen after this would happen, but I was savoring the moment. My body, so long denied, demanded it and my mind, so tired from troubles, was happy to give way. I focused so intently on the three nuns in the room next to me that I nearly forgot about my burglar or even the passage around me.

Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü closed ranks around Acemi. Rahibe was on her left and Ikiyüzlü on her right. Rahibe grabbed the arm across Acemi's tits and Ikiyüzlü grabbed the hand over her cunny. Acemi gave a slight struggle but she seemed almost dazed, like she was in some sort of trance now. The older nuns jerked her arms away from her body, exposing her again. They each took her now limp arms and threw it over their respective shoulders. They bent at the knee. Their arms closer to Acemi snaked behind her back well, their outside arms relative to the younger nun grasped her legs, scooping each one under the knee. The two nuns stood quickly now, easily lifting the petite Acemi. As they stood, Acemi's feet rose from the floor. Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü pulled out slightly on her knee as they lifted, spreading her legs wide.

Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü started to walk towards me. They kept their feet in unison, though they did not seem to need much coordination. Acemi gave them no trouble, she was so delicate that it was as though they were carrying a bird, rather than a young woman. Acemi's eyes looked wild with fright and her mouth was pursed tightly. She shook her head to the side slightly, but did not actually resist in anyway. She could've easily twisted and kicked, made it difficult (likely impossible) for the other two nuns to move. But it seemed she was too broken by the circumstances around her to do anything.

In a moment, Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü were standing just a foot from the wall. I looked out of my small peephole at Acemi. She was staring down at my cock, her eyes slightly veiled. Her body was trembling all over and was covered in goosebumps. However, I could now see that her cheeks were flushed, her nipples were taut, and there was a slight glistening between her legs. She was torn between desire and the rejection of that desire and the result was paralysis. This suited Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü nicely.

"Tanri, we know from long experience that you prefer the purest brides for your ritual. Look at our delicate flower? Is she not beautiful? And pure as the driven snow?" Rahibe asked and bit her lip. I took a moment to savor the view of Acemi. I don't know if I was enticed simply by the fact that she was a naked woman, opened for my enjoyment or if there was something more. I don't know if I liked her degradation and the humiliation of her false beliefs. Perhaps a chance to stain Tanri's virgin would strike a blow for Gunes as well. Regardless, I felt my cock quiver and my breath catch in my throat. I found myself pressing against the cold wall eagerly, my cunny rubbing against the barrier. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to look into Acemi's big, innocent eyes while I poured my seed inside of her.

"Tanri appears to be quite ready," Ikiyüzlü said, looking at my shaking cock. Rahibe smiled.

"Is our virgin ready?" Rahibe asked. But it did not seem that they particularly cared about Acemi's opinion. Even before she had finished speaking, the two older nuns were lifting Acemi a little higher and pushed her forward so that her knees were against the wall. Acemi's pink cunny was suspended just an inch above my quivering cock and I could feel the heat of her body.

"Say a prayer to Tanri, and see it fulfilled," Ikiyüzlü said. It was hard to tell whether she was serious or mocking. Regardless, I could hear the barest whisper of Acemi's voice.

"Tanri give me strength," she whispered.

"Gunes give us victory," I whispered back even more quietly, around the belt that was still clamped tightly in my mouth. As though that unheard prayer was a signal, Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü started to lower Acemi down onto my cock. After a moment, I felt the warm, wet kiss of Acemi's cunny lips as they pressed against the tip of my cock. It groaned as quietly as possible. Her warmth was overwhelming and I felt the sensation spread down the base of my cock. I looked out of my eyehole and saw Acemi's breasts at eye level.

But soon she began to fall and I saw her throat, and then her chin. More importantly, I could feel the lips of her cunny spread and I could feel my cock piercing her body. Acemi let out a high groan as the bulbous tip of my cock passed her cunny lips and entered her. I sucked in breath quickly. Acemi's cunt was incredibly tight. As I entered her I felt a hot tightness squeezing around me. I felt her cherry give way.

"Not a virgin any longer!" Ikiyüzlü cried and Acemi let out a low whimper. As if that were a cue, I could see through my hole as Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü turned their heads quickly towards the younger nun. I watched as their heads tilted slightly inwards and their mouths opened. In a moment, Acemi's nipples slipped into their respective mouths. I heard a slight sucking sound and Acemi gasped. I knew that Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü's tongues, still coated in some of my seed, were lapping at Acemi's nipples and that their teeth were nibbling on her gently.

But even as they sucked on the younger nun's nipples, they did not cease to slip her body down onto me. Some of the pressure had given way with Acemi's cherry, but she was still incredibly tight. But she was wet as well, I felt her, a fraction of an inch at a time, allow me to enter her. She moaned and groaned (though I could not tell if she was enraptured or enraged) as I disappeared inside of her.

After a few moments, I felt the curve of Acemi's ass press against my balls and then stop. I had completely entered the young nun. He cunny was hotter, wetter, and tighter than I had imagined possible. Even the slightest motion in my body or hers seemed to tighten her around me. I could feel every speck of my cock and the way her virgin body felt around it. My body was aching on the far side of the barrier and I wanted nothing more than to reach through the wall and feel Acemi's soft skin wrap around me. Instead, I moved my remaining hand to my other breast so that I was grasping both of them now. I started to knead my breasts, feeling my nipples against my palms and trying to soothe my passion.

I looked through the peephole and now saw Acemi's face. Her eyes were open wide and she was looking forward, almost directly at me. Her innocence and beauty was even more pronounced here. Her body was shaking, but the look on her face was far from clear. I saw a slightly pained and confused expression, but roiling beneath the surface was something more. I could sense Gunes inside of her, desperately trying to get out.

This thought took me out of my passive state. I had stood quietly while Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü sucked my cock and drank my seed, I had watched quietly while they lifted Acemi and placed her on my cock. But now, looking into the nun's eyes, I could sit still no longer. Without thought, I pulled my cock back through the hole in the wall. I felt the cool air on my wet cock and the release of pressure was divine. I felt my balls slip back into the passage. When simply the tip of my cock remained inside of Acemi, I paused for a moment and savored the concentrated pressure. I could hear Acemi panting, I wondered if she wanted my cock out of her entirely, or if she wanted me to put the whole thing back in.

Regardless of her desires, I chose the latter. In a swift motion, I thrust my hips forward. I heard Acemi moan loudly. My cock pushed through her tight cunny, slipping back inside of her body. I groaned as well, feeling it wrap around me once again.

"Tanri has grown bold!" Ikiyüzlü exclaimed, pulling her head briefly away from Acemi's breast. I heard Rahibe groan and the vibrations from her voice seemed to made Acemi shake. Her trembling squeezed my cock tighter. But I was not content with mere vibrations. The feeling of slipping my cock in and out of Acemi's tight cunt was too delicious to do just a single time.

I squeezed my breasts harder and pulled my cock out again. Just as I reached the point where only the tip remained, I slammed it back home into Acemi's cunny. Acemi had sucked in sharply when I'd pulled my cock out and moaned loudly when I returned it. But the moan she gave now was different than her earlier noises. This was not pain or anger. This was more primal. It was pleasure. Acemi moaned like a whore.

After that, I could not control my body if I desired it. My cock once again slipped out of Acemi's cunt and them pressed back into it. I began to pick up my momentum, slipping my cock in and out of the young nun's body as quickly as my hips would allow me. I moved faster and faster as Acemi's cunny grew wetter and wetter from her arousal. Though it became easier to get inside of her as her cunny began to drip, she was no less tight on the first thrust than the thirty-first.

While I thrust into Acemi, I kept my eye tight to the peephole. I could see Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü's heads moving around on Acemi's breasts as they licked at her nipples, I could see Acemi's eyes staring with wanton abandon at the wall, her long hair thrown back. I could hear Acemi's loud moans which grew more and more impassioned with each thrust. Whatever she would feel about this encounter when it was finished, she was totally within the moment at that time. She screamed out Tanri's name and groaned out her most obscene desires. I could hear the slurping sound of the older nuns' tongues and their giggles as she did so. I could also hear my own panting in the echoing confines of the passage. I could smell the musky aroma of Acemi's cunt and my own arousal all around me.

After a few minutes, I noticed something change. It was, in many ways, imperceptible. Perhaps it built slowly. But after a while, while I grabbed at my own nipples and thrust my hips wildly, I felt Acemi asserting herself. I looked out the peephole and I saw her eyes. The innocence had been completely subsumed by something greater. The spirit of Gunes, the heat of the sun, lust. And I felt her cunny more forcefully. Acemi was thrusting her hips into me! She was forcing herself down from the grip of Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü. She was shoving my cock deeper into her body.