The Third Wheel


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I was lasting longer than I had thought possible, but the moment was coming and I hadn't taken any precautions. The feeling of her hot flesh against my naked cock was much too good to wear a condom. "I can't last much longer. Do I need to pull out?"

"You do and I will cut off you cock. I have waited a long time to be with you like this. I want to feel you in me, and that means all of you." That was all it took as I climaxed. She was with me all the way and we both almost passed out from the intense pleasure we gave each other. When I came it was Carol's name I was crying out.

We showered together and that was fun. So was the round of sex we started in the shower and finished on her bed.

In the kitchen we made coffee and she fixed breakfast. She was already late for work. I called in to my boss and told him I needed the next two days off for personal business. I am the best salesman he has so I knew there wouldn't be a problem. Carol did the same and we went back to bed. We only got out of bed to shower and change bed sheets. We went through several that day and the next.

Friday night I told her to get dressed and we were going out to eat and maybe a little dancing. "You sure? Someone might see us that know us."

"Not likely this far from home, but I don't care. Tonight you are my date and I am going to take you out on the town." It was late when we got back to her place. I and I alone had danced with her tonight. I was the one that made love to her until the wee hours of the morning. She pushed back to me and I wrapped her in my arms. Her warm tender body felt good curled up in my arms. I slept the sleep of a baby.

Saturday morning, when we finally got out of bed, she cooked and we sat down together. It felt natural to be here with her like this. I guess she could feel the same thing. "Joe, you need to call Julie."

"I have nothing to say to her."

"Yes you do. You love her. I know right now you are hurt and mad, but she is your one true love."

"I'm not sure I don't have another one."

She laughed, "No you have a special friend, just as I do. I wouldn't change anything that happened the last few days for anything. I love the way you love me and I want you to know that I will always be available to you."

"Let me get this right. You are telling me to work things out with Julie but you will still have sex with me?"

"That's pretty much it. I am going to call Matt and see if he wants to try again. I do love him as you love Julie. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to be with you from time to time."

I pulled her into my arms. "You are the most remarkable person I know. Why don't I call Julie right after we get out of bed again?" Man oh man does that woman know how to please a man!" I turned on my cell phone as I got out of the shower.

My mail box was full and I don't know how many missed calls I had. Most were from Julie and the others were from Matt. Both wanted to talk to me. I wasn't sure what I had to say to Matt but I new Julie and I had to talk. Carol was right about one thing. I loved her and wanted her back even seeing what I had. I never got a chance to call as she was already calling me again. "Yes."

"Joe! Oh Joe! Please come home! Please!"

"Ok, be there in about an hour." I hung up and saw Carol watching me.

"Go home and work it out. You two are meant to be together the rest of your life."

"Thanks for all you did for me."

"I just did what we both have wanted to do for years, and it was just as good as I thought it would be." I kissed her again.

"I could learn to like this."

"Anytime, now go get things right with Julie."

I knew I was going to forgive her because I loved her. I liked Carol a lot, and the sex was wonderful, but it was Julie I loved. So she had been to bed with my best friend. I had just spend a couple of days in bed with her best friend; not that I was going to let her know about that part. I was still pissed enough that I wanted her to suffer some herself. An hour later I pulled into our drive way.

I only had time to get the door open when Julie came running from the house. She threw herself into my arms and hugged me as if she was going to squeeze the life out of me. "Joe, oh Joe, I am so sorry!" Please don't ever leave me; I couldn't stand not being with you!" I hugged her back as I worked our way to the house. Her arms were around my neck and she was holding on for dear life; in some ways I guess it was.

I kicked the door closed behind us. It was then I kissed her. Her kisses were always hot and sweet and this time it wasn't any different. She kissed me back as if she was dying of thirst and my mouth was the only water around. Just holding her in my arms again was the most wonderful feeling in the world. For a while I could forget seeing her and Matt in bed together.

It took a while but I finally got her to calm down enough that we could talk. She just kept repeating how sorry she was and hugging me. "Julie we need to talk." I could tell from her expression that she feared the worst. I could have let her off the hook then but I needed a little revenge for myself. "Get some coffee and let's talk." I sat down at the table and she put my coffee in front of me and set across from me. "Talk."

She dropped he head. "What do you want me to say? You saw us together."

"I want to know everything. When did this start? I know it sure wasn't the first time. Just how dumb was I to not see what was going on?"

She started talking then. She told me things that had gone on before Carol left Matt. "Ok, I'll tell you everything. I love you more than life itself. I don't want any secrets between us, ever."

"I have been friends with Carol longer than you and Matt have been friends. I was so glad when they got together. Other than you I care more for Matt than any man I know. If I had not met you first I could have married Matt and loved him. I know you feel the same way about Carol." I nodded that she was right. "We have been so close to them all this time that it was the most natural thing to kiss him or even touch him. When we danced it was natural to like the way he held me."

"Over time it seemed to get a little more involved. I know you were doing the same with Carol and I wasn't jealous. I could see the times you had your hands on her legs and under her skirt. Matt was doing the same to me. The flirting was fun, which all four of us were enjoying. It was even more fun to feel his hands on me. It turned me on when he would slide his hand under my skirt when we would be seated at a table together. I knew you knew it and was probably doing the same to Carol."

"It was getting pretty for out a few months before Carol left him. He wanted to go farther each time. Before he would stop when I lay my hand on his, but now he was more insistent. Like I said, it felt good and I let him have more freedom."

"Just how much more freedom do you mean?"

"I let him touch me. I love when you touch me down there and Matt was just the same. The first time he finally got his fingers under my panties and in me I climaxed. Lucky you and carol were up dancing and didn't see that. After then he touched me all the way."


That was all it was until Carol left him. You know how low he was for months until we got him to go out with us again. For a long time he didn't touch me. Then he started getting over Carol and it became the normal thing to do. I didn't try to stop him since he had touched me so much before. He got more insistent when we danced. I could feel his hard on touching me. It turned me on and then we would come home and you fucked me. I liked the idea of both of you touching me and then you fucking me. I had two men that made me feel good."

"Every time we were alone he would whisper that he wanted to fuck me. I wanted to tell you but didn't have the nerve. Do you remember two months ago when we all had been out and had too much to drink and Matt slept over? He went to bed in the guest bedroom and you and I went in ours. You made love to me and I didn't tell you but I saw Matt looking in our door as we climaxed. He only had on his shorts and he was hard. We both made eye contact before you kissed me and rolled away. I let him see my naked body before I went in the bath to clean up. He left and you were asleep when I came out."

"I tried to sleep but all I could think about was Matt and that he no longer had Carol to love. I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of tea and sat down at the table. I looked up and he was standing in the door. I asked him if he wanted a glass of tea."

"Yea, I would like one. I had too much to drink tonight."

"I gave him a glass and sat down across from him. I only had on you t shirt I sleep in. I knew he was looking at me as I got the tea, but didn't bother to cover up. He only had on his shorts and he was hard. I told him I saw him watching."

"I wish it had been me in bed with you instead of Joe."

"Matt. I'm sorry about Carol and I know you are lonesome, but I can't do that to Joe."

"You could still come and set in my lap. I could use a little kiss."

"I knew you were sound asleep and that you had seen us kissing more than once so it wasn't a big deal to have him kiss me and maybe touch me again if it would make him feel better. "I turned off the kitchen light, the hall night light was still on and it gave a little light in the kitchen. I moved around to where he was setting. He had pushed his chair back from the table. I went too sat across his lap but he turned me and pulled me down with one leg on each side of his. It was then I realized that he had pulled off his shorts as I cut out the light."

"Matt! What are you doing?" I tried to get up but he caught me.

"Please Julie, don't go. I just want to touch you." His hands came up under the shirt and he touched my breasts. It felt good and I let him play a little and then he took the shirt off. His hands on my hips lifted me and I help him. Then he lowered me and his cock slid in me. Joe, I could have stopped him but I didn't. Matt is a handsome sexy man that has been touching me for years. It wasn't hard to take him in me as I care a lot for him. He fucked me; we fucked each other right there in the kitchen with you asleep in our room."

"Was it good? Did you feel guilty doing it with him?"

"Yes, it was very good. I climaxed twice before he did. No, I didn't feel guilty then. He was our friend and he needed what I gave him. This had been coming on for years; I wonder why we had not already swapped around. I know you had a thing for Carol. I did feel guilty the next morning without having a few drinks to reinforce me."

"When did you do it again?"

"That following weekend we just did what we have always done. Wednesday when you were gone he came to the house."

"Matt, what are you doing here?"

"I came for you."

"Matt, we can't do that again."

"Julie, you like being with me."

"Yes, but I can't do it anymore." He doesn't take no for an answer very well and I wasn't very insistent that he stop. I like Matt and I liked what he had did to me before. The only time I felt guilty was the day you came home. When I saw the look on your face I knew then I had really fucked up. Up until then I hadn't really thought you might mind if I was with him. You have never been the jealous type. I guess I thought you might not care. Now I know how wrong I was."

For the next month it was just Julie and I when we went out. Carol and Matt had gotten back together after he promised never to call another woman's name while he fucked her. She was really making him walk a straight line; much the way I was doing Julie. We were back to having sex together and it was as good as it had ever been. She was really going out of her way to make it good for me.

On the weekends it was Julie and me, but during the week Carol and I found time to be together. Our few nights together after I caught Matt and Julie showed just how much Carol and I liked being together. We were almost to the point of letting them do what they wanted so we didn't have to slip around.

After a month of going out, just the two of us I suggested that she call Carol and see if they would like to go out with us that Friday night. They were just as happy as we were to be getting back together. After all we have been friends for many years. Carol and I were our usual selves. Julie and Matt walked around on egg shells. They were so afraid they might touch each other and we get mad that they almost wouldn't even dance together.

Carol and in knew what was going on but didn't let them off the hook. Mean while my hands were under her dress every time were alone. She hadn't worn panties since we started back together. We were having a ball while they suffered.

After a couple of weeks of this Carol and I decided it was time to bring all this to a head.

We had been out on Friday to one of our favorite places. All of us had been drinking and Carol and I were up to our old tricks. I was dancing with her and squeezing her tits. "You ready to stop all this foolishness and get down to having fun?" She agreed that we had made them suffer long enough.

Back at the table I called for the ticket. Julie and Matt looked at me as it was a lot earlier than we usually headed home. They wondered why I was pissed off and what they had done to deserve it. Anyway, they got in the car and we headed home where they had left their car. Nothing much was said on the trip and until we got in the house. Julie fixed us all another drink.

I took Carol by the hand and headed down the hall. I stopped and turned to Julie and Matt. "Carol and I are going to try out our king size bed. It may take some time so I would suggest the two of you find something you would like to do and do it." I turned and shut the door behind us. A few minutes later we were naked and I was eating her hot little cunt when I heard the other bedroom door shut. I looked up at Carol. "I guess they thought of something to do."

"Good, I'm tired of slipping around and there is a lot more I want to do with you." We had practiced before but that night we did it for real. As Carol cried out her climax I heard Julie doing the same down the hall. It was a good night.

It has been six months since that night. The four of us have had sex in almost every way possible. Except for Matt and I, neither one of us is into that. When I am out of town Julie spends the night with them at their home. Our weekends out together are still fun and games, but when the night is over it is good to know I can have either woman I want. Or even both of them. Life is good as long as a third man doesn't start hanging around. Matt knew what he was talking about.

Are you and your wife entertaining a close friend every weekend?

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


GiganticGiganticover 1 year ago

I thought it was a really good story. I can relate to most of the feelings with a good friend at times. Never crossed the line, but got very close a few times. Could have been a tale about us real easy. Nicely done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Like, what was the 'kink' here? I like some pretty debauched stuff, but this didn't really get into that territory; it was just a story about four selfish assholes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well, that was royal flaming dumpster fire. Four unfaithful scumbags screwing around together. Joy.

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