The Trip

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A lonely man finds a new love with his girl.
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The phone ringing woke me from a restless sleep. I looked at the clock. 10:00 pm “Hello.”

“Dad. It’s Sherry. Were you sleeping?”

“Yes but not very well. What’s up?”

“I don’t want you to go back home alone. I have taken some time off from work and Jerry said its ok he will take the boys and I am in the car on the way over now.”

“You don’t have to go! I’m 52 for hells sake! I think I can drive the 1200 miles by my self for this thing!”

“I’m all most their and I’m going with you and that’s all there is to it!”

The phone went dead and I kind of smiled to my self. I really didn’t want to go back home to my family reunion by my self and the thought of having my 30-year-old little girl go with me to take care of daddy was funny! “Well she has become very protective every since her mom left me.” I thought trying not to get mad thinking about my wife running off with her boss 2 years earlier.

I watched out the window and as Sherry pulled into the drive way I went to help her with her bag. “Hay Pop!” she called as I walked up to her car door. She flung it open and I couldn’t help but look as what seamed to be 6 feet of bare leg sipped out as she put one foot on the ground as she reached for her bag. She was setting with her skirt pulled up all most to her hip and as she turned I got a good long look at her white panties before she stood up and her summer dress feel into place.

At 5 feet 11 in her bare feet Sherry had never been shy around me and I had always thought to my self she liked to tease me. It seamed she was for every running around half dressed when she was growing up and never covered her 36c breasts with a bra until she turned about 20 and went off to school!

“Hay baby! Listen you don’t have to do this.”

“Look dad. I know I don’t have to but I want to go with you. That’s a long way to go even with both of us driving.” She looked side ways at me. “Besides I am looking forward to getting to be with you I mean just you and me, no grand kid’s no husband no nothing but a girl with the man she loves the most!”

“Ok, ok. Is this all of your stuff?” I was trying to be gruff but I knew she could see right through me.

“Yes. That’s it.” She said as I pulled 2 bags from her cars trunk. “What time do you want to leave?”

“4:00am sharp!” I looked at her as I put her bags in my truck. “First do you need one of these to night and second are you hungry?”

She stuck her tongue out at me. “Don’t try to be all tuff with me mister! I will kick your ass!” she smiled as she put her arm around my waist. “I have something for tonight and the trip in the morning in my bag and yes I could use a little snack.” She poked me in the side. “I know you won’t stop for breakfast in the morning!” she pulled away from me as we went through the door and into the kitchen. “I want eggs and bacon with toast. You cook while I go get my pj’s on.” And with that she was down the hall to her old room.

Sherry came back into the kitchen a few minutes later wearing a light blue spaghetti strapped nightgown that only came to the middle of her thighs and although it was by no means shear it did little to hide her hard nipples and all though I tried not to I couldn’t help but look at how the hair of her bush could be seen. “There paper plates are under the cabinet over there.” I said pointing to a spot she all ready knew about as I turned back to my cooking bacon.

“Well shit!” came from her and I turned to see she had dropped the plates but what got me was how she picked them up!

Sherry had bent at the waist as she reached for the few plates on the floor and as her fingers touched them her nightgown pulled up high in the back exposing her panty less pussy to me! I couldn’t help my self as I let my eyes rome over her exposed nether lips taking in that they were clean shaved up to the top of her slit and all though a little darker in color than the skin of her thighs the were full and soft looking!

I turned back to the stove feeling my cock grow in my pants as I thought. “You stop! That’s your little girl you are thinking about! Fuck!” I dropped the fork I was using.

She started to laugh. “Well it looks like dropping stuff is a family thing!” and I smiled at her as I sat her food on the table.

We ate with out saying much and I tried not to look at her breasts pushing the front of he gown. We cleaned up and went to our rooms and as I opened my bedroom door she came to me from hers. She kissed me on the cheek. “It’s ok dad! I love you and this will be a fun trip!”

“Ok baby sleep tight.” I said and went to my room. I lay down and closed my eyes but all I could see was my little girls bare bottom until I again fell into a restless sleep.

I had not set a clock to wake in years and as usual I woke right at 4. I went naked to the kitchen and made coffee not thinking about Sherry sleeping in her room and when I did almost killed my self getting back to slip on my shorts! I went to her room and knocked lightly on her door then opened it slowly. I caught my breath as the light from the hall lit up the bed with her laying on it and with out really thinking about I know now that I was hopping I would get to see something more. Smoothing more like last night!

I got my wish as the light ran up and over her lying on the bed. She had kicked off her covers and lying there on the sheet her gown had pulled up around her waist! “OH!” Came from my lips before I even thought of it and then I walked softly over to her, looking her laying on her back with her right leg bent just enough that the hall light lit her woman hood completely! Now I could see that she shaved her vagina lips and had her pubic mound trimmed very short. I could see that her clit slipped out just a little from her bare lips and I began to tremble as I looked at her!

“Oh my god what are you doing! Stop it!” I told my self as I leaned over to touch her shoulder. “Wake up baby! I said softly as I again looked at her exposed mound. “I have the coffee on all ready.”

She stretched as her eyes opened and she looked up me and with a slight smile said. “Then go pour me a cup.” And I realized she was looking at my hard cock pushing out my shorts in the dim light and I also realized she now had to know her gown was pulled way up and that I had been looking at her. She took my hand as I started to turn away from her. “I love you dad!”

“I umm, a, I love you to baby girl. I’ll get your coffee!” as I got to the door I turned to look at her one more time to find her leaning back on her elbows looking at me with a smile on her face and her gown still pulled up. “I like one sugar in m y coffee, just in case you have forgotten!”

I smiled at her realizing she knew I was looking at her. “I haven’t for got any thing! Trust me!”

“I do!” she said as I walked out of the door.

I heard the shower start as I went into my room and slipped on my T-shirt and flip flops to drive in. I couldn’t help but pull on my hard dick just a little as I thought about what had just happened and suddenly I was pumping it for all I was worth and growling as I shot my seed all over the floor and my hand! “God I haven’t jacked off in years!” I though as I felt my cheek flush from my cum!


“Coming sweetheart!” I smiled as I thought “In more ways than one!”

I went into the kitchen to find Sherry pouring coffee into a thermos. She had her back to me as I looked at her standing their wearing a halter-top and mine skirt.

“I put together and ice chest last night and have snacks and soda in the truck. Good morning again by the way.” I said. “How did you sleep?”

She screwed the top on the bottle and picked up her coffee cup as she turned and smiled at me. “I slept grate! It was nice to be in my bed again.” She had a funny look on her face as she spoke. “I miss my house some times more than you could ever know!” She looked at me smiling. “Ready?”

“Yep! Let’s go!”

We drove into the morning with out talking too much and it was just after day light when Sherry reached over putting her hand on my leg. “Do you see that little hill over there just past that turn off up a head?”


“Can we pull off over there? I haven’t been out here in the desert in years! Don’t you think it would bee fun to set there and watch the sun coming up?”

Her hand was still on my leg as I pulled us off the freeway and up the dirt road. “Sure it might be nice. I was with you the last time remember?” I found a good spot and stopped getting out and walking around the truck to open the door for her. I watched her get out again marveling at her long legs as I dropped the tailgate and she walked back to set on it with me. Sherry sat very close to me hooking her arm in mine as I took a sip of coffee and waited for the sun to rise. Neither of us spoke for a long time as we sat there and she was the first to break the silence.

“Lets do something different. Want to?” she looked up at me.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. Let’s see.” She was quiet as she looked at me. “Lets don’t be father and daughter. I want to call you Sam.” She put her hand on my thigh again as I looked at her. “I mean Sam is your name and I am just tire of the same thing all the time.” She put her head on my shoulder and very softly said. “I just love you so much!”

“I love you to Sherry!” I said smiling at her as she jumped up taking my hands in hers.

She was all excited. “Ok then! I want to be your girl friend on this trip! Acting of course but it will be fun! OK,” She looked at me as she held my hands in hers. “Ok Sam!”

By this time the sun was up and as I guided her back to the front of the truck she stopped and kissed me! I was taken by surprise but found my arms around her kissing her back until she pulled back smiling at me. “Ok then that was a test to see if you will play my game!” she climbed up into the truck and I got a flash of white as she moved her legs, “It wasn’t to yucky was it? Kissing me I mean.”

“Now sweet hart! In fact I don’t think I should have liked it as much as I did!” she just smiled at me as I closed the door.

We drove on through the day playing her game as she called it stopping only for fuel and to pee. At one stop I was pumping gas into the truck when another car pulled up next to us. Sherry came out of the bathroom and up to me hooking her arms around my waist from the back. “Still want to play?” she said.

“Sure!” I said and she moved in front of me lifting her short skirt up high enough to let both me and the other guy pumping his gas see almost to her crotch! She pulled me up to her kissing me softly as I let my free hand go to her bottom pulling her to me. Her tongue went into my mouth and a soft groan came from me as she stepped back biting my bottom lip as she did! “I love you Sam! Now hurry up will you!” She opened the door on my side and pulled her skirt up high on her thigh as she slipped behind the wheel as my hard dick throbbed in my pants! I looked at the other driver to see him smiling at me knowing he had liked looking at Sherry’s legs and how her breasts had moved in her loose halter-top!

I went around and got in the other side and closed the door. “My god woman!” I said to her as I looked at her legs to see that she had left her skirt pulled up so high I could see her pussy mound covered in her white panties! “I may be your dad but I am still a man you know!”

She had pulled us back onto the highway and looked over at me. “No, no you’re not my dad on this trip. Remember?”

I reached over and ran my hand up her bare thigh almost to her crotch thinking she would push it away. “Be careful that you have not started something you can’t stop!” I started to pull my hand back but she stopped me by putting her hand on mine.

“Who says I would want to stop it?”

I leaned over kissing her on the cheek. “Oh you are bad!” I smiled. “You ok if I sleep a while?”

“Sure!” she said as I adjusted my hard on in my shorts and leaned back on the truck door. The last thing I saw before I went to sleep was her little white panty!

The truck bouncing woke me. “What’s up?” I asked as I looked to see us pulling into a rest stop.

“I’m sorry but I really need to pee.” “Ok me to!”

Sherry pulled us to a stop and as I slipped out slid across the seat letting her skirt pulled up higher as she slipped out of the truck. She took me by the hand pulling me along as she rushed over to the rest rooms gave me a quick kiss and ran into the girls room.

I went did my thing and was standing by the door when she came out taking my hand as she bounced up to me. We walked back to the truck and as we reached it she pushed me up agents the hood and put her arms around me as she kissed me. “Are you awake enough to drive now?”

“Yes I’m fine until we stop and get a room.” She smiled at me.

“Good!” I knew she had to feel my hard dick pushing into her belly through her short dress but she didn’t back off at all! In stead she slipped her hand between us gripping me through my shorts!

“Shit Sherry!” I said as I stepped away from her. “You just can’t do that! You have no idea what you’re doing to me!”

“What you think I’m stupid! Of course I know what I’m doing!” she looked around the rest stop and seeing a table off away from every thing started pulling me toward it. “I’m going to get what I have wanted since I was 15!” she stopped at the table. “Here turn and set this way!”

The back of my knees hit the bench and I sat down. “Unzip your pants Sam!” she kissed me as I pulled out my cock! I watched as Sherry pulled her skirt up over her hips and hooked her thumb in her tiny panties and pulled them off letting them fall around her ankles. With out a word she turned her back to me and sat in my lap. She reached between her legs taking my cock in her hand and lifting just a little guided it into her hot wet waiting pussy! She moved in such a way that my legs were between hers as she took my hand and put it over her leaking pussy!

“Play with it Sam! Oh god touch me!” I ran my finger over her clit as she moved on my cock fucking her self on me! “Oh yesss! I have wanted you in me for so long Sam oohhh! Shit I’m cumming ohhhhhhAAAAAAAAAAAaaaayessssssssss!” I held her as she shook in my arms letting her relax just a little.

“Stand up Sherry!” she did as I ask letting me slip out of her. I turned her bending her over the table so that her bottom was sticking up and held her open with one hand as I guided my stiff cock back into her! I started pumping into her as I held her by the hips feeling my 9-inch cock hit bottom with each thrust!

“Wait Sam! Let, me turn, over oh godddd!” I pulled out of her and she turned around and slipped up so she was setting on the edge of the table. She took my cock in her hand pulling me, guiding me back into her waiting hole as she kissed me sticking he tongue deep into my mouth! Her nose flared as I started pumping into her fast pumping, pounding into her!

“Oh, oh, oh god cumin cu, cu, cumming again ohhhhhhhh Sammmmm!”

“It pushed me over the top watching her face twist up as she came and I went off in her pushing in as deep as I could go!

“That’s it baby take it! Ohhhhhhhyaaaaaaaaaaa!” I held her tits in my hands pinching her nipples as I filled her with my seed!

We held each other close as I looked around and realize there were more than a few people looking at us, as I grew soft in her.

“Umm, I think we need to go Sherry! I think we have drawn a crowed!”

She looked around and then back at me smiling. “Well then you had better get to that motel room fast my friend because I am in no way through fucking you!” she kissed me. “I think I am going to like having a boy friend! She said as we walked back to my truck!

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