The Trip


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"Jenna, this is a charity thing. We'll be building houses. No offense, but you're not exactly the type to get your hands dirty." I replied, trying to dissuade her.

"Whatever. I don't care. I can help out. I'm sure no one will turn away the help. If not, I can stand on the sidelines or something." She replied.

"Jenna, I'm leaving in like an hour. You couldn't possibly get packed in time." I told her.

"Watch me." She said, grabbing her bag and starting to stuff it with clothes. I was still unconvinced.

"Jenna, please. I want to do this alone." I told her, desperate to change her mind. She stopped packing and walked over to me.

"Mary. Listen, you owe me." She said, dropping her trump card on me. She bailed me out of jail. She kept quiet about it. I hate to admit it, but she was right. I shook my head, angry. The logical side of me realized there was no reason not to take her. The stipend was an amount for four people to travel comfortably. Traveling with three people wouldn't be an issue, money wise. There was no reason to not take her. Like she said, no one would turn away the help. There wasn't an issue with money, and, yes, I did owe her. I was too good-hearted to say no to her.

"C'mon, Mare. It'll be room 201's last ride." Jenna added.

"Fine." I said, annoyed.

"Yay!" she said, bouncing up and down and clapping. She came over to me and hugged me. "Don't worry, Mary. You won't regret it."


Somehow, my bitchy roommate had wormed her way into my romantic moment. I was pissed. I didn't even talk to her as she quickly packed. I'm sure she picked up on my annoyance, but she didn't care. She was clearly excited. She was bouncing around, packing quickly. True to her word, she was packed with time to spare. She had packed double what I had packed. Of course, she couldn't make this easy. We started to head down to the parking lot to put our stuff into my car.

My car wasn't too flashy. It was a small, red little thing. It was economical and had good gas mileage. That's why we were taking it. Once we put all of our bags into the trunk, it was almost full. We were gonna have to put Brian's stuff in the back seat. I heard a car pull in a few spots down, then a horn honk. I turned around and see someone emerging from a car. It was Brian!

As he emerged from his car, it struck me again how effortlessly good looking he was. He didn't have to try. His hair looked tussled, but in way that suited him. He smiled that cute smile of his. He was dressed in relaxed clothes, comfortable, but still flattering to his impressive body. I still can't believe that this boy is in to me. I headed over towards him as he walked towards me. Jenna hung near the car.

"Hey, what's up?" I said, with a smile.

"Not much. You ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, there's one thing though." I started, about to break the bad news.

"What?" he said suddenly worried.

"My roommate cashed in a favor I owed her. She wants to come too." I said.

"Oh, okay." he said, a little surprised.

"Is that all right? I mean, I know this wasn't part of the plan, and she's not in the society." I started.

"No, it's fine. Whatever. The more help the better." He said, always finding the best of any situation.

"Are you sure? Because, if you're not, she doesn't have to come." I suggested, hoping he would take me up on it.

"No. It's cool." He replied. He was too nice to ever turn someone away.

"Okay." I replied nervously. I started to lead him over to my car and to Jenna. As I led him over, her eyes opened wide and she smiled as she took him in. She held her hand out.

"Hi, I'm Brian." He said, taking her hand in his.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jenna." She said with a cute little smile.

"Uh, I'd better go get my stuff." He stammered heading back over to his car. As he did, we both watched him.

"He is so cute." Jenna whispered in my ear. I smiled. He came back over with only two bags. One large and one small. He was courteous as always. He packed less than either of us. We put his bags into the back seat.

"It's getting hot out." He said, wiping some sweat from his brow.

"Yeah, I know. It's going to get even hotter as we get out west." I replied.

"You got that right." Jenna added. She volunteered to sit in the back seat, while I drove and Brian would ride in the passenger seat. Before we set out, I wanted to take care of some business. I turned to Brian.

"Hey, would you mind if I put you in charge of the stipend?" I asked him.

"Yeah, no problem." He said, taking the leather packet which housed the money.

"Stipend? What stipend?" Jenna asked.

"The society gave us some money for us to cover our funds during the trip." I explained.

"How much?" she asked.

"About $1500." I replied.

"Wow. Sweet. We should go do something." She offered.

"This money is only for necessary expenses. If you want to 'do stuff', it's coming out of your pocket. This money was donated to us so we would be able to help the underprivileged. I want to use as little of this as possible. It's not for frivolous stuff." I explained, annoyed at her self-centeredness. I can see her roll her eyes in my peripheral vision.

"All right, all right. Just a suggestion. I didn't know." Jenna explained. I laid out my plans for where we would stop. Once I did, and once we were ready, I pulled out of the spot, and started to head out. The trip was a go.


It was a couple of hours into the trip when the first speed bump happened. Everything was going great. We were chatting and having a great time. Brian was really coming out of his shell. Then, the AC went out in my car. There's was nothing we could do short of taking the car into the shop, which was not an option, so we would just have to tough it out. I was fine with it, and Brian, ever the optimist, was fine with it as well. Jenna, not so much.

"Are you kidding? It's really fucking hot out. We should, like, stop and get it fixed, or, like, rent a car or something." She whined.

"Jenna, we can't afford it. We just have to tough it out." I explained.

"This is a necessary expense. You don't expect us to drive all the way to California sweating like pigs, do you?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

"Jenna, the people we are driving out to help don't even have homes. They would consider it a blessing to have air conditioning." I explained. I look at Brian and roll my eyes. He smiled. In the circles we run in, we just can't stand people who act so entitled. Like a princess. It seemed like Jenna was about to say something else, but she held her tongue. She pulled out her phone and started to text. We rolled down the windows and drove in silence. We were all starting to sweat. With the windows down, it was hard to talk over the roar of the air blasting in through the windows. Eventually, the tension started to dissipate.

As we hit some traffic and had to slow down, the conversation started to pick up again. Brian would tell some stories, which would make both of us laugh. Jenna's mood started to pick up, despite the heat. She was chatting as if nothing ever happened. She talked to Brian more than me, but that was fine. I could tell she was feeling him out. I could tell Jenna was still annoyed at the heat, but she hid it better. I think Brian picked up on this too. He suggested we stop at a gas station and pick up some cold drinks, and maybe a cooler with some ice. I agreed, as we needed to get gas anyway. We stopped at the cheapest gas station I could find. As I got out to pump gas, Brian went inside to get the supplies. Jenna got out to stretch her legs. She walked over to me.

"So what do you think of him?" I asked, wanting her opinion.

"He's great. I can see why you like him. He's totally, like, husband material." She told me.

"Do you think I'm doing okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're doing fine. You guys are great together. Just keep doing what you're doing." She explained. Sage wisdom, Jenna. Thank god I brought her along for nuggets of info like that. I finish pumping the gas. Brian payed for it inside, and emerged with some cold Cokes and water's in a decent sized cooler filled with ice. He put it in the middle of the back seat. I get into the driver's seat waiting for them to follow. I see Jenna waiting for Brian to get the cooler set. For a second I thought I saw her look at his butt, but when I looked back again, she was not. Brian got the cooler set and sat back into the passenger seat. I looked back in the mirror, and my eyes met Jenna's. I couldn't read her expression. I have always had trouble telling what her mood was based on her expression. I have no idea what she was thinking. That's probably for the best. I jump backed on the highway, and the drive continued.



The plan changed the minute I met Brian. I just wanted to go to California. Maybe go to the beach, wear a teeny bikini, and maybe meet a cute Cali boy. I was honest when I told Mary I would help her with her cute little crush. I had never met this guy, but Mary wouldn't stop talking about him. I figured this Brian was some nerdy guy. Probably a nerd like Mary. I liked Mary, even though she was kind of lame. But I figured I would be unusually charitable and help Mary get this guy, with the help of my considerable talents at landing men. Then I met Brian.

My mouth opened in genuine surprise when I saw Brian walk towards Mary after getting out of his car. 'Who is that hot guy talking to Mary' I wondered to myself. This was not what I expected at all. When he came over and held out his hand to mine, I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and flashed my eyes at him. He was too innocent to notice. That was so cute.

As the drive began, I couldn't get Brian out of my head. I kept checking him out whenever I got the chance. He was clearly a virgin. With a boy that hot, if he was getting laid, he would be getting laid constantly. If you're getting laid that constantly, you wouldn't be shy. 'What a waste?' I thought to myself. Then, like a bolt of lightning, a plan hit me. A new plan, a better plan than the one before.

A guy like Brian would be wasted on Mary. An uptight girl like her doesn't deserve him. The only guys who are interested in her are the ones who don't know any better. I could show him better. He's a young guy, probably 19, same age as me, but he was so different from the older college guys that are usually after me. His destiny could still be molded. He could be molded, changed, corrupted. Mary had no idea what she brought on herself by letting me come along. He was a nice boy, too shy to ask out the girl he was crushing on. But to me, that was such an awkward, teenage thing to do. I could show him how an adult relationship works. Show him what adult guys should do to hot girls. He started this trip interested in Mary. She was sweet, funny, and selfless. I was a mean, bitchy, selfish princess. But I was also fucking hot. And that's all that mattered.

He's never dealt with someone like me. In any facet that matters, I was superior to Mary. I had longer, sexier, more stylish hair. I was tanner. I always dressed more fashionably than Mary. My legs were long and sexy. My face was much prettier. My ass was rounder and fuller. And my massive, perky breasts obliterated whatever Mary's got. I was superior in every way, and Brian was about to realize that, because he was about to get a good look at my body, a good look at what I have to offer.

I regretted wearing the clothes I had on now, just a plain pink tank top and jeans. I had dressed quickly, without thinking. But I vowed to change that. I would wear tighter clothing, sluttier clothing. I would wear as little as I could get away with. And Mary wouldn't realize a thing, because she knows I'm a slut, and that I like to wear slutty clothing. It's the norm for a slut like me. She wouldn't realize anything, but her cute little boyfriend would. Her cute little innocent boyfriend wouldn't know what to do with a slut like me in his life. Being trapped in a car with me, it'd be impossible for him to not notice. Notice the cleavage I was going to bare for him. Notice my long legs that I planned to give him a good look at. Notice my full sexy lips, in a perpetual pout. Notice my smoky, sexy eyes that would always be on him. There would be no way he could be trapped in a car with a complete slut in as little clothes as possible, and plain as hell Mary, and not compare the two. There would be no way Mary would come up as anything but inferior in every way.

I would drive him nuts by the mere sight of my body. His natural male instincts would make him gravitate to me. I could sense which guys had large equipment, and I could tell that he was huge. I would induce massive amounts to cum to build up in his no doubt huge balls. Being trapped in a car, he would have no way to take care of it. All that cum, and nowhere to go with it. And when he reached the point where he could take it no longer, he wouldn't go to Mary to take care of him. She was too nice to do what was necessary. He would turn to me. The massive amount of cum that will build up in his balls will find a home deep inside my wet cunt. And when that happens, when Brian's hard no-longer-virginal dick would be smothered by the warm tightness of my slutty cunt, he would want nothing else. There's no going back for a man once he started to fuck slutty girls. And I would make a man out of him. When I got done with him, he would no longer be shy, selfless cute boyfriend Brian. He would be a pussy-crazed man who would betray the girl who clearly loves him in favor of the dark delights that a slut like me could offer.

It was with this thought, the thought of corrupting Brian, of stealing him away from a clueless Mary, that hardened my nipples even more. My pussy became wet. I looked at the back of Mary's head. In my mind, I had one thought:

"Sorry roomie, but you're at war."



I drove for as long as I could before we finally decided to stop for the night. We pulled into the cheapest hotel that we could find that didn't look too shady. The only rooms they had were one bed, so we decided that me and Jenna would share the bed, and Brian offered to sleep on the floor. We unpacked what we needed to and found our room. It wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but it would do. We picked up some fast food. Brian and I got some burgers, and Jenna got a salad. We ate the food in the room. We were all pretty zonked out from the drive, so we decided to go to bed early. Brian got changed in the bathroom, as Jenna and I waited for him to emerge so we could each make use of the bathroom.

He walked out in just a pair of gym shorts. It was the first time I had seen him shirtless, and he did not disappoint. He clearly was in great shape. I could see the muscles on his chest and stomach. I had to stop myself from drooling. He didn't notice anything amiss as he walked by us. I looked over at Jenna as she looked at me. We shared a giggle in admiration. Jenna went into the bathroom next. She quickly emerged in a tight black tank top and gray and purple pajama pants. I quickly changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants. I was disappointed when I saw that she was on the same side of the bed that he was. Typical. I didn't want to start anything, so I just slipped into bed.

It was not a comfortable night. It was hot outside, and it was stuffy on the inside. I was able to get a few hours sleep, but I woke up early and I was so uncomfortable with the heat that I wasn't able to fall back asleep. I finally committed to being awake around six, so I took a quick shower, which felt great by the way. I tried to quietly pack my bags. But I wasn't quiet enough, and Brian woke up. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, as he walked into the bathroom. He took a quick shower, and soon joined me to pack. We got as much as we could packed as the sun started to rise. Jenna was still asleep, surprise, surprise. Typical of her to avoid hard work. It reached the point that we were almost ready to go, but we were waiting on her to wake up. We started to pack loudly, trying to wake her up. I had hoped to get an early start, but Jenna was not helping. Finally, I had to wake her lazy ass up. She said to give her a few minutes, and that she'll be out soon.

Brian and I decided to wait outside. We chatted for a bit, and it was nice. This was the first time we really had any privacy. We were talking about nothing really, just small talk. I could tell we were dancing around the real thing we both wanted to talk about. The sun was rising. It was a beautiful morning. The temperature was cool right now, and it was quiet. I realized this is it. This is the moment. I might not get another chance at this. I turned to him.

"Hey, I was thinking..." I started to say, when we both heard the door open. Out emerged Jenna, bag in hand. She was wearing a tight blue halter top, and short, tight, cutoff shorts. She had put on large sunglasses. She always tried to act like one of those Hollywood party girls. I looked at Brian and rolled my eyes. He smiled.

"I don't know about you guys, but I did not get any sleep last night." She said to us.

"Yeah, I didn't get much either." I told her.

"Yeah." Brian added.

"Hey, Brian, would you mind getting my bag? I couldn't carry it." She said.

"Sure." Brian said, heading into the room.

"So, did you ask him?" she said, once Brian was out of earshot.

"Well, I was about to when you came out." I said.

"Oh. Sorry." she replied. Brian emerged seconds later with Jenna's bag. We quickly packed it up, and checked out of the hotel. Brian offered to drive. Such a gentleman. I took the passenger seat, while Jenna hung in back. We picked up a quick breakfast, then continued on.



Today was the day I began my plan to seduce Brian. I watched him sleep most of the night. He had a great body, and a few quick glances at his shorts confirmed my earlier suspicions: He was big. Like, really big. Finding this out for sure made my pussy moist. I fought the urge to touch myself, but stopped myself. I had to be patient. The next orgasm I would have would be with Brian's massive dick buried inside me.

I finally fell asleep later on in the night. I could tell they were both annoyed that I slept in, but so what? They could wait. I took a nice shower, but tried to keep it pretty quick. I didn't want to give them too much alone time. I quickly found some of my short shorts and my blue halter. Brian would start to understand today what I had to offer. I made myself look perfect and stepped out the door.

I could immediately tell that Mary was annoyed. I had to stop myself from smiling when she said that she was about to ask him out when I interrupted. That was a close one.

The drive was even more uncomfortable than the day before. It was just so hot. We were all sweating as we reached the afternoon. It was uncomfortable, yes, but it actually helped me in my plan. To be honest, I looked great with a sheen of sweat of me. Many guys could tell you that. I reached into the cooler to grab an ice cube. I leaned up and rub the cube against my forehead. The water dripped down my face and down onto my chest. It started to soak my top a little bit. I looked up into the mirror, and saw Brian's eyes dart away.

Ha! So he's started to notice. Well, time to turn it up a bit. I grabbed another ice cube, and started to rub it on my chest, just above my breasts. The water drips all over my large breasts. Down the top of them, soaking my top. Or right between them, disappearing in the cavern of my cleavage. I look up into the mirror. He's staring right at me. Or at my tits, to be specific. I drop the cube down my cleavage. I see him gulp. I stare at the mirror until he noticed that I noticed. He looked away and his cheeks turned red. I smiled. Of course, clueless in the passenger seat didn't notice a thing. This was almost too easy.