There Goes The Neighborhood

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Husband learns that swapping wasn't such a good idea.
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Author's note: This story has swapping, infidelity, watching your wife with other men, drugs and some violence (not against women), so if any of that bothers you don't read any further. I have very little knowledge about drugs (or many things) so please forgive me if my story is loose with the facts.

Chapter 1 - Introductions

Why did I become a tax attorney? Right now I can't think of too many reasons except I make good money, have a nice house, a beautiful wife and work too many hours. I don't know why I work so much except my commute is awful and once I'm at work at O dark thirty, I stay until the rush hour thins in the evening.

My wife, Marissa, is a gifted Web designer and is able to work from home. She to works too many hours.

We live in a little town northeast of San Diego. We've got a few acres surrounded by orange groves, and a pool with a hot tub overlooking the valley. It's a gated community and somewhat exclusive.

I go off to work each day; work at least nine, sometimes twelve hours and then come home. With the commute I'm out before she gets up and not home until seven or later. Marissa always seems to have dinner waiting when I walk in the door. Then I go to sleep in order to get up at four thirty the next morning in order to beat the rush hour traffic.

We're both in our early thirties. As I just told you, my wife is very pretty, although she doesn't think so. She's petite with short dyed blond hair and has a pixyish quality that immediately endears her to males, young and old.

She had a rough childhood. Her father was an alcoholic and her mother left when she was an infant. Our marriage is far from perfect. I work too much and she carries a lot of baggage. She's positively anal about keeping a clean house and meeting deadlines for her clients; which is probably one of the reasons I work so much.

Me? I'm tall, HWP with looks that some women find attractive. I enjoy it when a nice looking woman gives me a second look, but I'm much more used to having men and women stare at my wife when we go somewhere. Having a pretty wife isn't all that easy. You have to stay cool when other men are hitting on her. You have to trust her because if you don't the marriage won't work.

Marissa is always polite when other men flirt with her. Since she doesn't think that she's attractive and she doesn't realize that all of these guys just want to get her into bed. She's kind of naïve that way. I guess that fortunately for me, what they don't know is that she's a dynamo in bed. At times our love making has lasted for hours. She can have orgasm after orgasm while I have to slow things down so that I don't cum to soon.

If only I could get Marissa to bang me more instead of her keyboard. She's always under pressure to get a web site up, or fixed, or something. I think that she's too willing to sacrifice her personal life for her clients; but whenever I bring that up she tells me that I'm the one that's always at work. Then she storms off and vacuums the living room so I can't argue back. But after she's worked off her anger with the vacuum cleaner we make up and end up having great sex.

Friday, when I got home there was a man walking down our stairs with my wife. He was a sort of dark, muscular, Mediterranean type. He looked to be in his early forties. Marissa was laughing at something he said. She saw me at the bottom of the stairs. "Brad, this is Tony, our new neighbor."

Tony was a tough looking guy, the type that women seem to be attracted to for some reason. I was sure that I didn't like him already. Little did I know that Tony was going to make my life a whole lot less boring.

"Tony just moved into the Swanson's house next door," she continued. "I was showing him our house."

"Pleased to meet you Brad," he said as he grasped my hand in a manly shake. I tried to match the pressure that he was exerting on my fingers; at least enough to let him know that I was a man's man too. "You have a lovely house," he added, giving my fingers one last squeeze.

"Thank you Tony. Actually Marissa is the decorator."

"Really? Maybe you'd help me with my house?" Tony gestured with his hands.

"Sure Tony, I'd love to," smiled my wife.

"You'd better ask your wife first," I smiled.

"That's no problem, I'm divorced," he paused. "Say, I'm having a little house warming party at my place tonight. Why don't you two come?"

As much as I didn't like the guy already, a party sounded great to me. "What time and what can we bring?"

"Any time after eight and don't bring anything. I rented a bunch of furniture so forgive me for how it looks."

"We understand," said Marissa.

"I can really use your help with decorating," he added, looking at my wife, a little too friendly I thought.

"It would be fun," she answered. How could she pass up a chance to spend money? At least it wouldn't be my money.

Chapter 2 - Party

We drove to Tony's house for the party. Even though he lives next door, with five acre lots it would have been quite a walk; especially for Marissa in her high heels. The door was answered by a cute, buxom girl in a miniskirt with a shot glass in her hand. A lot of laughter and drunkenness drifted out into the night. "Come on in," she drawled, turned and went back to the party. I couldn't help but notice that her skirt barely covered her butt. Marissa took my arm to pull my attention away. I looked down and she smiled sweetly with a look that said, "Don't even think about it."

As soon as I walked into the living room I realized that this party was different than any other I'd ever attended. All of the men, young, old and in between looked, I don't know, sort of rough. All of the women were young; several were attractive. And the way that they were dressed my Marissa didn't attract the usual attention she gets when she enters a room. Smoke hung in the air and I noticed that nearly all of the men were puffing on a cigarette or a cigar. I felt my eyes start to water.

Tony had a tall, beautiful girl on his arm. She was dressed in a tight fitting blue dress that showed her ample cleavage and was short enough to just cover her crotch. And she was dressed more demurely than most of the women here. Marissa saw my eyes roving and hit me on the arm. "I'd better get you out of here," she whispered.

"Marissa, so glad you could come. And you too Brad," quipped Tony when we made our way to him.

"Thank you for inviting us," she said as she handed him a bottle of our best wine. I'd suggested something cheaper, but got overruled.

"Thank you," he said. "But I told you not to bring anything."

"How could we come to a house warming and not bring a gift?" she added. I noticed several of the men standing around Tony looking down at the floor as she said this. I'll bet they hadn't brought gifts.

"Well thank you," he said and put the bottle, rather dismissively, on the nearby end table. So much for good wine. I got the feeling that Tony was more the whiskey kind of guy. "Please forgive the furniture and stuff; I just rented it, you know, until I can buy something better." For the first time I stopped looking at all of the young women and looked at his furniture. Yep, he was right, it had a rented look. "See what I mean by needing your help?" He said to my wife.

Then he turned to the redhead who'd been hanging off of his arm when we walked in. "Brad, Marissa this is Toni," said Tony. The two women nodded to each other.

"Another Toni? She's not your sister is she?" I joked. Everyone around us laughed politely. As I said earlier, Toni was fantastic. Did I mention her knockers? Like wow! Long red hair, green eyes, red pouty lips, and when she held out her hand, long thin fingers.

"Pleased to meet you Bradley," Toni breathed huskily. How did she know my full name was Bradley? I didn't usually like to be called Bradley. When she said it it sounded sexy as hell. I felt like turning to Tony and asking him to show us to a bedroom.

"Hi," I said lamely. She held out her hand and I took it. I only briefly dropped my eyes to her cleavage. I quickly looked back into her eyes and could see that I was busted. She gave me that beautiful woman smile that says she knows exactly what's going through your head. Her hand lingered in mine and reluctantly I let it go. I didn't want to get into trouble with my host; I was already in trouble with my wife. I could tell by the frozen smile on her face.

Tony then took Marissa's arm and led her toward a group of men smoking cigars. It didn't seem too important whether I followed or not, but I knew that if I stayed back with his girlfriend I would get into trouble with my wife, so I followed. We walked up to the oldest one. The guy looked to be about eighty. "Marissa, Brad I would like to introduce you to my boss, Frank Monassario."

"Incantato," he said. Taking my wife's hand he bent his head and kissed it.

"Che piacere incontrarla," she answered.

"Ok, I'd better go out and come back in if they were going to speak in some foreign language," I thought to myself.

The old man beamed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Tony, where did you find this lovely flower?" he said with a heavy accent. I looked at my wife and I think that she blushed.

Tony beamed, obviously pleased that his boss was happy. "She's my new neighbor."

Tony's boss physically turned Marissa away from us and began introducing her to his cronies. I was obviously chopped liver. I may as well been invisible. Tony turned back to me and put his arms around my shoulders and led me away as several of the boss's sycophants crowded around my wife.

"Well Brad let me introduce you to a few of my friends." He leaned over conspiratorially. "My uncle likes your wife."

"Your uncle?"

"Yeah, my boss and my uncle. All in the family huh?" I looked back at Marissa. She was laughing, encircled by a group of older men.

Tony led me over to another group of younger men and women who didn't appear to be wives. "This is my cousin Gino," said Tony, steering me to a short body builder type nearby. My hand was crushed by Gino. He introduced me to a few other guys, their girl friends didn't seem to matter; all of their names sounded Italian and it dawned on me that Marissa had minored in Italian. I did notice though that my hand was now sore.

When I commented on all the Italian names to my host he laughed, "We're a very close knit group. Don't worry, you're gonna fit right in." In fact, all of his friends and cousins were very impressed that I was a lawyer. That is until I admitted that I was a tax lawyer and then their attentions went back to the girls on their arms. I realized that it would be best if I quit being so forthcoming about the details of my career.

"Come on, let's get you a drink," he said and guided me over to a well stocked bar. I ordered a rum and Coke from the bartender. Taking a sip, it was mostly rum. I think that the bartender forgot to put any Coke in even though I'd watched him do it.

Then Tony led me over to a couple. I missed the guy's name as Tony said to me, "And this is Heather." Heather was short with jet black hair. Her boobs were almost hanging out of her skimpy dress and I could see her hard nipples under the fabric.

"Hi," she smiled in a cute little sexy voice, showing off her dimples. Suddenly I realized that Tony and the other guy had left and I was left to entertain Heather. I looked and didn't see Marissa anywhere and so 'reluctantly' I turned my attention back to Heather. Heather was impressed that I was an attorney so I didn't bother telling her my legal specialty. It turned out that she worked as an exotic dancer in the night club that Tony owned. It was fascinating.

We talked and she seemed to hang on my every word. But I couldn't help but notice that every now and then a couple would head upstairs, hand in hand. And then fifteen or so minutes later, return a little out of breath. The other guys would clap the returning guy on the back. Then when one of them came down and made a point of holding up a pair of thong panties it became a game and from there on every guy made a show of holding up the girl's panties when they returned. I began to wonder if any woman in the room still had her panties on except for maybe Heather and hopefully still, my wife.

"Do you like being a dancer?" There was no way I was going to say stripper.

"It pays the bills. Tony is good to us, ya know." No I didn't know. I kinda wondered what her job was like but I wasn't about to ask. "He let's us keep half our tips and we get extra for coming to parties." "In other words, he's a pimp," I thought to myself.

Somehow I was on my third rum and Coke when Heather pressed up against me and pressed her hand against my crotch. "Would you like to go upstairs?" she asked, giving me that dimpled smile. Her perfume filled my nostrils and I could feel that she was getting my attention; if you know what I mean.

Amazingly, as fate would have it, Marissa appeared out of nowhere and took my arm. "Dear, I think that it's time for us to leave. If you'll excuse us," she said to Heather, without looking at her.

I looked down and could see the daggers emerging from my wife's eyes. She pointedly looked down at the bulge in my pants and by the look on her face I knew that I was in trouble. There'd be no panties for me tonight and no sex for little Bradley who was quickly shrinking in my pants.

Marissa pulled me over to Tony and we made our regrets about leaving. He seemed genuinely sorry that we had to leave and said, "Say listen, Toni and I are going out to dinner tomorrow night. Why don't you join us?" I briefly looked at Toni and she smiled demurely. I looked back at Tony.

"I don't know, we have a long day ahead of us," answered my wife. "We did?" I thought to myself.

"Come on, tomorrow's Saturday and dinner's on me. I'll pick you up at seven."

"Well alright, but we insist on paying," said Marissa. "We do?" I thought to myself.

"No listen, I own a piece of the restaurant and it will be my treat." Tony seemed to be quite the businessman.

Outside, the first thing I noticed was that my clothes reeked of cigarette, cigar smoke and maybe just a hint of Heather's perfume; well that and I couldn't walk too steadily. Marissa was quiet as she purposely strode toward our car. "Nice party," I commented.

She turned and looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Did you know that Tony owns a strip club?" I asked.

"OH that explains it; a stripper hanging all over you."

"Well, exotic dancer is what she told me." Oops, big foot in the mouth Brad. I almost had to run to keep up with Marissa as she charged to the car.

Chapter 3 -- Man talk

Saturday afternoon, before our dinner date with Tony, I was out washing Marissa's Jag in the driveway and saw a big black Mercedes drive by; then stop. It backed up and pulled into our driveway. The door opened and out stepped Tony. "Hey Brad, how's it going?" He had on jeans and a sports shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down his chest, showing off his hairy chest. Honest to God, he was wearing a heavy gold necklace.

"Great Tony. Beautiful day isn't it."

We chatted about the weather and about the Chargers. He even helped me wash the car. When it was done I offered him a beer and he accepted. We went into the house and as I got two beers from the refrigerator, Marissa walked in. "I thought I heard voices down here."

"Ah Marissa, my little flower," said Tony bowing and taking her hand. He kissed it and we all laughed. "You look lovely as always." And she did. She was wearing tight jeans, a white blouse unbuttoned enough to give you an occasional peek at the top of a white bra, and open toed sandals.

"Would you like a beer, dear?" I asked.

"No thank you. If you gentlemen would excuse me I have appointments with my hairdresser and manicurist. You want me to look beautiful tonight don't you?"

"Marissa, you're already more beautiful than words can express," answered Tony.

I smiled, "Quit flirting with my wife." Marissa left, grinning from ear to ear. She was eating up the attention.

"You're a very lucky guy my friend."

"That I am," I agreed.

We took our beers out to the back deck and sat next to each other, facing the pool. "You've got a nice place here. Ah this is the life." He sighed contentedly. "Well Brad did you enjoy my little party the other night?"

"Sure Tony it was great," I said while thinking it was one of the most bizarre parties I'd ever been to. It was more like a bachelor party.

"What did you think of Heather?"

"She was, ah, very nice."

"She had the hots for you, or didn't you notice?" I smiled as I remembered her propositioning me just before Marissa showed up. "You know, just between us, I could set you up with her."

"Thanks Tony, but I think I'd better pass."

"Come on Brad don't tell me you wouldn't have liked to fuck her." This conversation was unbelievable. "Men weren't made to be faithful to one woman," he continued, lightly punching my arm. "Although, I have to admit with a wife as pretty as yours; you don't need to fuck around." He waited for a minute, looking pensive. "Is Marissa as good in bed as she is to look at?"

"Jesus Tony!"

"Come on, tell your old buddy. Is she good in the sack?" I smiled at him and shook my head as if to say 'wouldn't you like to know'. "Hey, would you like a cigar?" he asked.

"No thanks."

"Cuban?" I shook my head no. "Do you mind if I have one?" he asked as he pulled a cigar from his shirt pocket. After going through the light ritual, he blew smoke in the air. "You know all of the broads I go out with have fake boobs. It's refreshing meeting someone like your wife who doesn't feel like she needs big tits to make herself attractive."

I was starting to figure out why Tony was divorced.

"Say do you mind if I get another beer?"

"I'm sorry, let me get you one."

"No that's ok. You just stay there." He jumped up and went into the kitchen, smoke trailing in his wake. I drained my beer just as he returned with four more in his hands. He handed me two. Twisting the cap off of one of his he said, "Evviva," and lifted the bottle to me.

I had no idea what he said, but guessed, "Cheers," I responded, twisting the top off of mine and taking a drink.

We finished our second beers and opened a third while he told me how good his wife had been in bed. "So why'd you get divorced?" I asked.

"The bitch was fucking her dentist." He thought that was funny and started to laugh. "I'll tell you that little prick wished he'd never met my wife." I was afraid to ask why. I wondered if the dentist still had all of his teeth.

"Your marriage good? Your wife ever step out on you?"

"Oh well, we have our ups and downs, but no, Marissa's never cheated."

"How can you be so sure? She must get hit on all the time."

"I just don't think she ever has. I think that I would know."

"She's alone here all day isn't she? Maybe the pool guy has a big package." He grabbed his groin to emphasize his meaning.

"I just don't think that she ever has Tony."

"How about you? You ever cheat?" This was getting a little too personal so instead of answering I took another drink of beer. He looked over at me and grinned. I must have blushed or something. "You have someone on the side don't you."

"No, nothing like that."

"Like what then?"

"One time at a conference."

"Only once? You pussy. Shit I've heard about those conferences. How often do you go?"

"Once, sometimes twice a year. I usually take Marissa."

"So you and Marissa are good then? I mean in bed."

"Yeah, generally. I mean she's great in bed; I could use it a little more often I guess." I couldn't believe that I was having this conversation with a near stranger. The second beer had loosened up my tongue too much.
