This House of Incest! Ch. 05


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The Karlsons all went up the staircase, single file, and entered a small crescent area, which had a white carpet and white wallpaper. There was a tall white man standing there, in front of a white oval shaped room. He seemed to be in his 30's, wore a sharp black jacket, a white shirt, black trousers and black shoes, and a matching pork pie hat.

"Who the fuck is that?" asked Leonard.

"That's the attending of the house," replied Denise. "You wanna explain the rules to us, Joachim?"

"Yes," he said in a deep, chilling voice. "What you see in front of you is the intense sex chamber: the Roombed. Designed to be as gruelling and stimulating as possible, we chose to make this room at the highest peek of the household; with a slight altitude of sixty feet; the air is slightly thinner here. The air pressure and the confined space also leads to a very heated room. Now, I will explain the layout of the Roombed–"

"Do we have to listen to the whole thing?" moaned Kelly.

"Yes," he gave her one blank stare, and went on with his speech. "The Roombed is a six-sided room with the walls being made out of the finest mattress, all Grand King Quality. These same mattresses are laid out on the floor, and there is also a soft layer on the ceiling. Next, the rules,"

Joachim moved a little to the left of the door, kicked the wall, and revealed a small panel located to the lower-left of the door, "This is the exit." To the surprise of the whole family, the exit resembled a cat-flap

The family listened intently to what Joachim had to say, "If anyone in this group is made to submit or give up in a sexual manner, they will leave through this panel, and be made to crawl out. The winner is the last person in the room. To summarise, you all enter and try to put each other in sexual submission and whoever is deemed too tired to continue, has to crawl out, understand?"

The Karlsons nodded in agreement, all feeling the tension around them as they mentally prepared themselves for the Roombed.

"You should all get naked too, it get's pretty hot in there," noted Joachim.

Shelly stepped back as Joseph, Kelly, Denise, and Cynthia all striped off. Leonard openly fondled with himself as he ogled the sexy women, getting excited in particular by Cynthia's all-over hot, toned body, as he had never seen her naked before.

"...Ok," Joachim took a key out his pocket, and unlocked the door. "Now go inside and experience the Roombed."

Denise put her hand on the doorknob, and with her family behind her, made the first tentative steps into the Roombed.

They all shielded their eyes as soon as they went in, the room was strikingly white.

From the soft, cushiony surface, to the large, padded walls and even the layered ceiling; the whole room was covered in a glowy whiteness. It was a well-lit area, with the strobe lighting being covered by the aforementioned white-layer. The room was quite spacious; it looked like it was right out of a sci-fi movie set.

The family wandered around in awe at how the Roombed was like one big mattress and were amazed that it was at its name implied; a room that is a bed.

As soon as the door was closed, the Karlsons sized each other up, thinking about whom they'd like to go with. As they circled around each other, Joseph glided over to Chen without her noticing, crept up behind her, and grabbed her forcefully by the wrists.

"Oh, wh–," she did not get to finish her sentence, because Joseph, without warning, had jackhammerd his cock right into her ass!

The family watched in stunned silence as he viscously thrust his cock deep into her. With a soulless, expressionless face, he slammed himself in-and-out of her, pulled her arms and painfully pushed her shoulder blades together, making her groan in a high-pitched squeal.

After ten seconds of relentless fucking, he cummed hard on her ass, let go of her, and let her crumple down to the ground.

"You're out, Chen," he said with a smirk. "You better crawl out now."

The Karlsons watched Chen crawl to the exit; she used her head to open the panel, and went out the room like a disgraced animal. Joseph was beaming from ear-to-ear at getting the first elimination.

Joseph locked eyes with Kelly, "You!" he pointed at his daughter, and spear-tackled her to the ground, somewhat gently. He moved near Kelly's face, and peppered her with kisses; she responded by grabbing him by the back of the head, pulled him in close, and had a full-on make-out session with her father.

"Oh Daddy, oh Daddy!" she said as she romantically kissed him, "Kiss me, kiss me! Love me Daddy, love me!"

"Daddy loves you baby, he loves you."

"Ohhh!" Receiving her father's affection made Kelly's body shiver widely. She hurryingly grabbed her father's penis, and inserted it inside her.

Leonard, Denise and Cynthia watched on as Kelly and Joseph roll around with each other.

"I got you bitches, huh," grunted Leonard.

"Seems that way," shrugged Denise.

"Ok, good, I want you, Denise, on me first, then Cyntho, or whatever your name is, you go second, got it?"

They both nodded to him. He replied with a large perverse grin.

Leonard grabbed Denise's shoulders, pushed her down, forcefully, to her knees. He then held his erect cock in his left hand, and hovered it around her face

"Go on, put some moisture on it, bitch."

She put her full, juicy lips around it and proceeded to suck his cock. Leonard quivered as Denise licked and swallowed his impressive-sized member, using the experience and technique she had from pleasing a countless number of males.

"Yeah, yeah, bitch, just like that, fuck yes."

"Ohhh, ahh, ooh", Kelly was getting herself wet as she watched her mother give her grandfather a blowjob.

"You like that?" asked Joseph. "Then keep watching your mom suck your grandpa, while I keep getting myself warmed up in my good girl's pussy, kay?

"Yes, Daddy!" she replied with a beaming smile. She placed her chin on her dad's shoulders, rubbed her hands over her his back, and watched her mother perform oral sex on her grandfather.

"Ahhh!" Denise took Leonard's cock out her mouth so she could grab some air, but Leonard had other plans. He grabbed her by her short curled-up hair, and shoved his cock back in there. Leonard slammed his pelvis in her face, shoving himself deeper into her.

With his penis still in her mouth, Leonard pushed his bodyweight forward and made Denise move towards the floor. He kept pushing and pushing, eventually moving down to his knees, getting Denise on her back, with his dick in her mouth; she had been outmanoeuvred. Her face going red and with no way out of her predicament, Denise slapped Leonard's leg as a way of admitting defeat.

"Ah," Joseph said proudly. "The classic skull fuck, that's my dad for you."

Leonard mercifully took his cock out her mouth, and stood proudly over her. He let the saliva she had put on him drip down onto her tired body.

"Go on, get on your hands and knees," bellowed Leonard. "Crawl on out."

She sighed, got on all fours, and slowly crawled out the room.

"Go on, get, get!" giggled Leonard as he, in an act of humiliation, playfully patted Denise on the butt as she went out the room.

"Grandpa's strong," marvelled Kelly.

"Stronger then your daddy?"

"Oh no, no!" she pecked her dad on the lips, and proudly stated, "No one is stronger then my daddy."

"Hmm, good girl."

Leonard rubbed his cock as he looked at his next target: Cynthia. "You're next, bitch."

He grabbed her by the shoulders, and shoved her into the cushioned wall. He kissed her on the neck, and grabbed her soft, smooth ass with his rough, sweaty hands.

"Ohhh yes, Asian bitches skin feels so good, ohh fuck yes."

Leonard moved his hands over to her breasts, grabbed them, and painfully sucked on her tits.

"Ah, ah!" she winced in pain and in pleasure from Leonard's rough tactics.

"That's right bitch, take it, take it!"

"Ahh, ah, yes."

Cynthia pulled apart her legs, and spread open her pussy, "Inside me, yes?"

"Oh yes, I can see why my son loves you so much," he grabbed his cock, shoved it into her and held onto the walls as he fucked his daughter in-law's pussy.

Even though Leonard was infamous for his large amount of stamina, he himself was getting tired after having sex with three straight women. Cynthia sensed this, and decided to up the tempo. She held onto his shoulders and shimmied her body, back and forth, left and right, up and down.

Leonard was grinning at first; he enjoyed watching her groove her tight body on him. He eventually realised what she was trying to do when his chest began feeling tight.

Sensing that she was trying to tire him out, Leonard went right for his big finish. He grabbed her right inner-thigh, and pushed it up.

"Bitch!" he snarled at her. "I'm gonna give it to you hard, bitch!"

"Ahh," winced Cynthia.

Knowing he had a winning formula, Leonard pushed her knee to the wall, put her right leg over his shoulder, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and then rapidly torpedoed his cock into her!

"Ahh, ahh! Ahh!!!" he had Cynthia screaming loudly.

"Fuck, fuck, take it you fuckin bitch!"He kept thrusting hard for a full minute, took his cock out, and cummed on her chest.

Cynthia fell on the floor, clutching her right leg. Leonard was gasping for air with his hands on his thighs; the Roombed was getting the best of him.

"Crawl," he commanded to her, "This white old man wants to see you wiggle that cute butt out the door."

She smiled at him, and as he instructed, wiggled her cute little butt out the room.

Leonard knew there was only one combo left, he walked over to his son and granddaughter, and immediately waved that prospect off. "No, no, no way, I ain't joining this, that would be too gay."

He went over to the door, and banged on it loudly. "Come on, I'm done, let me out!"

"You know where the exit is," replied Joachim.

"Fuck, you expect me to crawl?"

"It's the only way out, unless you want to stay."

Leonard looked at his son and granddaughter, and then quickly made his decision. "Fuck!" he sat down next to the small panel, tucked his legs and arms in, and scooted on out.

There was only two left inside the Roombed: Joseph and Kelly.

"Harder, Daddy," moaned Kelly. "Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me hard. Ohhh yes Daddy, you're the best."

Joseph could feel the heat generating from his daughter. He turned himself around, and let her get on top.

"You like this baby?"

"Oh Daddy, I love it, I love it!"

Joseph put his hands up and dug his claws into his daughter's sweaty breasts.

She put her hands over her father's as he groped her tits. "Soooo, good Daddy, oh god, oh god, fuck, oh yes, you're the best fuck ever!"

He nodded to his daughter, moved his arms up her legs, to her ass, and grabbed a big handful of it with both hands.

He squeezed very tightly, "Ohh wow, you got such a great butt, my baby girl has the best butt I ever felt!"

She winced and smiled, "T-thanks, Daddy."

Joseph let go of her ass, grabbed her arms, pulled them down, got her face close to his, and whispered romantically, "Baby, I wanna hear you tell me how much you love me. Tell me, it will make me feel so good."

"I love you; I love you more than anything."

"More, tell me more, just speak as much as you can, go nuts for me, please baby, I wanna hear it."

She took a deep breath, looked into her father's eyes, and spoke quickly. "I love you more than anyone, you my everything, I want you so bad, I want you inside me, I want you outside me, I want you inside and outside me, I want you here, there, everywhere, fuck, I never wanna leave your side! I want you with me, everywhere; I want you as my father, as my lover. I need you, I want you, Daddy, I need you! I need you more than anyone! Use me, have me, marry me Daddy, take me Daddy! I love you Daddy! I love you!"

Kelly was left completely breathless in the scorching hot room, with sweat pouring all over her.

Joseph smirked, grabbed her, and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. He then rolled over, got on top, and relentlessly pounded his cock deep into her.

"Ohhhh my god," she screamed, "oh my god! Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

She was on an orgasmic level she had never experienced before; the heat, the room, her exhaustion, had all pushed her to her peak of pleasure.

Joseph was close, very close to climaxing, "Fuck yeah, fuck yeah baby, yes!"

When he got close to his limit, he took his cock out so he could cum on his daughter's chest, but was stopped by doing so when she grabbed his hand and shook her head.

"No Daddy, No! Don't, don't cum on me, inside me, please! I want it inside me."

Joseph shrugged his shoulders, thrust into her, and cummed inside his very own daughter.

"OH MY GOD! OH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!! DADDY YES!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she climaxed. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...Oh god...Oh god...Yes..."

Both lay in the middle of the Roombed in a heap of sweat, fluids, and deliciously ultra-taboo delight.

"You wanna stop baby? End it? You want us to stop fucking?" asked Joseph.

"Hmm, yeah, Daddy, I'm really tired."

"So you quit?"

"Yeah, Daddy lets–"

Joseph suddenly sprung up, put his arms high in the air, and shouted, "Yes! You hear that? She quit! I made her quit! I win! I win! I won!"

"W-what? What you win, Daddy?" Kelly was bemused by her father's reaction.

"Huh? You don't know? Last person in the room is the winner, that's me! woo!"

Joseph grabbed her by her feet, and rolled her over, "Go on, on your knees, I ain't got all day."

Kelly reluctantly got on all-fours, gave a sad, disappointed look to her father, and proceeded to crawl towards the exit.

"Hahaha! Get on out!" Joseph playfully rubbed his foot on his daughter's bottom as she was leaving the Roombed. "I win, I win, wooo."

She pushed the door open with her head, and left the room, leaving Joseph as the last man standing.

"I won, I won, I won!" he did a short victory lap around the arena. "Yes, yes, I did it, I did it..."


"No two ways about it, Dad, I won. I was the last one there, I won. We both got two eliminations, but I was the last one there, so I won."

"What the fuck you talking about, Joe? I fucked Chen first! So that elimination is mine, I got three, so I win."

"That's not even part of the rules! I fucked Chen in the Roombed, that elimination is mine! Either way, I was the last man there, so I win anyway."

"Fuck that, I didn't get eliminated, so I won!"

Joseph and Leonard were bickering about the results of the Roombed. They were in the men's section of the sauna room; the only rooms in the house that were separated by gender.

"Ok, ok, ok, Dad, we never gonna agree, so let's let it rest. Hey, you had a good time, right?"

"The best fuckin time; I got to fuck some hot bitches, got a bitch to take home with me, plus I got to spend time with my son. Hey, you know what? Cause you got me a take-home bitch, we can say you won at that Roombed thing."

"But I did win," chuckled Joseph, "I won, I won it."

Meanwhile, over in the women's sauna, all of the Karlson women were laying around, totally naked.

Kelly was lying down on the bench, face-first, completely spent – both physically and perhaps emotionally.

Shelly, with her hair draped over her shoulders, perky tits on display, looked at her sister with concern.

"She ok? She is just laying there like a zombie."

"Oh you know your father," noted Denise. "He's always such a brute in the bedroom; he must have taken her to the limit."

Shelly lightly slapped her sister's bottom, "Hey, you alive?"

Kelly replied with a quiet grunt.

"Oh she'll be fine," shrugged Denise. "I'm just so happy that the Roombed is a success! I can stick it to the Felix's if they ever come to visit."

Opposite the three ladies were Cynthia and Chen. Cynthia was examining her breast, holding it up, looking for bite marks. Both ladies spoke to each other in their native Mandarin.

"Oh my," noted Cynthia, "Mr Leonard really took a bite out of my breast. I have great patience for this family of mine, but Mr Leonard is such an ogre. I feel bad for you, Chen, having to marry such a man."

"Whatever do you mean?" replied Chen

"Well, you will be sleeping with that man; I don't envy you for that."

"I think you have misunderstood me, I in fact love this family! Leonard is actually a man that acts like a man, he really takes charge, he knows what he wants, and he knows how to get it; I love that."

Cynthia was left stunned; she got the opposite reaction she expected. "What about the lifestyle?" she asked.

"A small sacrifice for a privileged life. Beside, though I do prefer Leonard, your husband really knows how to treat a woman the right way. Did you see how rough he was with me!? You are one lucky woman. Tomorrow could not come fast enough; I hear the apartment we will be living in is really lavish"

Cynthia gave a reassuring smile, and rubbed Chen's shoulder. "You will fit in just fine."

"Besides," Chen flashed a sly smirk, "I'm marrying a man that's sixty-four years old."


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