Thorne Ch. 03


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The two men stared at each other for several seconds before Ethan spoke.

"You are here because there is a potential threat to all of us. You are not here to cause trouble or to dredge up old animosities. If you wish, we can deal with those later." Ethan said. "I am no happier about you being here than you are, but it's necessary. I want your word that there will be no problems."

Thorne listened to Ethan and then responded.

"I have no interest in dredging up old animosities as you call them. I am only here because I received a call from your nephew explaining the situation. After this is over, you won't see me again unless another mutual enemy arises. As far as my... behavior is concerned, you have my word that I will respect your house and everyone in it."

Ethan nodded and then spoke again.

"We are now tied together simply because of who your mate is. That means that you and your family are now under our protection as we are under yours. Just as you have given your word that you will respect my house and everyone in it, I and all of mine will do the same. This house and any that I own are open to you if there is a need. My family will stand with you if the need should arise."

Barb listened as Thorne offered their homes as sanctuary. She started to say something, but Thorne silenced her with a glare that made her skin tingle and not in a good way.

"Come in." Ethan said stepping back and letting them in.

Barb looked around the foyer comparing it to Thorne's. It wasn't as ornate, but it was just as nice. She wondered if she could get a tour of the house.

"We're in the meeting room down the hall." Ethan said as he led the way.


Louise jumped up as soon as she saw Barb walk in. She rushed over to her and threw her arms around her ignoring the fact that Barb wasn't returning the hug.

"How are you? Are you alright? Do you need anything?" Louise asked releasing Barb and looking at her.

Thorne stood back and watched Louise greet Barb. What he didn't understand was why Barb was reacting the way that she was. It was obvious that her sister loved her. He had seen it the night that they came to the club. He noted that with each person that greeted her, the reaction was the same. He didn't get the sense that it was show; they were genuinely concerned for her.

The last one to greet Barb was a male, also a relative Thorne surmised. The hairs on the back of his neck tingled as the male looked at him meeting his eyes and then looked away. Several minutes later, Ethan called the meeting to order.

"First, I want to do a quick introduction." He said. "Without going into detail, I want to introduce Thorne Blackwell. Our families have known each other for centuries. He is here because he is mated to a member of the Yancy family. He and I have spoken and I have extended to him the same courtesies that I extend to family. He in turn has done the same. Until we know what or who is here, we need to work together."

"How do we know that there's a problem?" Vanessa asked.

"You've been out of the country." Ethan said and then went on to explain the feelings that Louise and Nathan were experiencing. "In the past, the feelings were fleeting, but now they remain. The only thing that they know for sure is that it has nothing to do with the rapes. I'll let them explain."

Ethan sat down and Nathan stood up. He quickly explained how they knew what they knew.

"It appears that Louise and I are the family's first seers in centuries if not ever. Louise can actually see shapes, but I can only feel things. I've stopped her from reaching out to them because I have no way of knowing whether they can reach out to her."

"They?" someone called out.

"Yes they." Nathan confirmed. "As Ethan said, the only thing that we know for certain is that it has nothing to do with the Sinclaire past, at least not in the way that we're thinking."

Nathan sat down after answering more questions most of which he directed to Ethan.

Barb had stopped listening when the word rape was mentioned. She looked over at Thorne whose eyes were on Ethan and then Nathan. She looked around the room wondering who or what they were talking about. When Nathan started talking about him and Louise being seers and Louise seeing things, it began to sink in that Thorne hadn't lied to her. On one level she knew that he hadn't lied, but somehow; surrounded by all of these people...

"Pay attention!" Thorne snapped.

Ethan was still talking about the security measures and the importance of secrecy.

"No one goes anywhere alone and I don't care where it is. Cell phones stay on with the GPS activated. Are there any questions? One more thing, everyone exchange phone numbers. If your cell phone rings, answer it. It could be important. If there are no further questions, the ladies have food ready in the dining room. Thorne, could I speak with you please?"

Barb stayed in her seat watching the different couples as they left the room. She noticed that they all had one thing in common; all of the men were touching the women. Even though it was an informal setting, the men held the chair of whatever woman that they happened to be with and there was always that kiss on the temple. Thorne stood up and held her chair for her, but there was no kiss. In an attempt to make it appear as though they really were a couple, Barb smiled up at him and put a hand on his arm. As he did at the club, Thorne pulled away and walked toward Ethan without looking back. Barb looked around to see if anyone was watching and made her way to the dining room.


Leon sat back in the corner watching. As far as he could tell Barb didn't seem to be hurt in anyway, but he was still going to talk to Thorne. He sent Nadine to the dining room and waited.


"What do you want?" Thorne asked when he and Ethan were alone.

"Two things." Ethan replied. "One, we need to work together so let's put the attitudes away for now. You are now the head of household for the Blackwell family so it's up to you to decide what you tell them. My offer of safety extends to them as well. Two, I could see by the look on your mates face that she doesn't know about us. If you wish, I can have Katrina or her sisters talk to her, but she needs to know."

Thorne was silent for several minutes before he responded.

"I also offer safety to any of your family. As far as my mate is concerned, I'll take care of it. I will let her know that she may approach any of your females about the subject. Now, if you will excuse me; there is one who waits to confront me."

Thorne walked over to Leon and waited for him to stand up.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Thorne asked when Leon was standing.

Much to Thorne's surprise, Leon didn't flinch or back down. Instead he took a step forward and looked Thorne in the eye.

"I've got one question for you." Leon said. "Did you hurt my sister?"

"Are you asking if I took her against her will?" Thorne asked returning Leon's direct gaze.

"Did you hurt her by forcing her or by laying hands on her?" Leon asked his voice tinged with irritation. He knew that Thorne knew exactly what he was asking.

"No." Thorne said matching Leon's tone. "If you don't believe me then ask her, but you should know that she's already played the rape card."

"Why would she do that?" Leon demanded.

"I'll tell you what." Thorne said. "Why don't we ask her?"

"Before we do that, I want to tell you something." Leon said. "I don't give a shit who you are or what you do. If you lay a hand on her, I will come for you."

"Duly noted." Thorne replied drily. "Now let's find your darling sister so that we can get this over with."

"You act as if you don't even like her." Leon said.

"It's no act." Thorne said. "I don't like her. She is my mate only because she denied her original mate one too many times and in front of witnesses and I fucked up. But I'll let her tell you the story."

Leon looked at Thorne and remembered what Nathan said finding it to be true. He also knew that Thorne wasn't lying, but he had to hear what Barb had to say.


Barb was in the dining room trying to stay out of sight. The sight of so many couples obviously in love was disturbing to her. All of the women were being served by the men which made her feel left out. A few minutes later, Louise came to her with a plate of food.

"I kind of stayed away from the spicy stuff just in case the baby doesn't like it." She said handing Barb the plate. "So how have you been feeling?"

"Good." Barb replied and looked away.

"I'm glad." Louise said. "I know that it's a hard transition to make but..."

"Are you a vampire?" Barb asked.


"Is Kevyn and Leon?"

"Kevyn no although she's thinking about it, Leon; yes."

"Does Gene know?"

"No and he can't." Louise replied. "It wouldn't be safe for him."

"I don't believe this." Barb said. "I never believed in this crap and now I'm in the middle of it? And this kid that I'm carrying could be one too? I mean, I finally got what I want and he's a dead guy? And you... are you dead?"

"Barb," Louise said gently. "I know that it's a lot to take in, but if you let us; we can help you."

"No thanks." Barb replied.

"Why are you still so angry?" Louise asked. "You're upset about the vampirism, but that isn't the real reason why you're angry. I don't get it. You got what you wanted didn't you? You've got Thorne Blackwell! I thought that you'd be dancing in the streets..."

"Hey Lou." Leon interrupted. "Do you mind if I talk to Barb for a minute?"

Louise and Barb looked at Thorne and Leon and then at each other. Louise stood up, started to say something but thought better of it. As she walked away, a feeling of intense sadness assailed her. She put her shields up and went in search of Nathan.


"I want to talk to her alone." Leon said looking at Thorne. He wasn't intimidated by the fact that Thorne was a good three to four inches taller than he was and outweighed him by a good fifty pounds. He had taken down bigger men before.

"As you wish." Thorne said and walked away.

Leon turned to Barb and looked at her long and hard before speaking.

"I just talked with your mate." He said. "I gave him the same talk that I gave Patrick and Nathan."

Barb didn't say anything, but kept staring at Leon's mouth trying to see if there was any evidence that he was a vampire.

"I want to ask you something and don't lie to me; did he rape you?"

Barb looked up and wanted to and almost said yes. The only thing that stopped her is that she would be left in the cold, alone and with a baby.

"No he didn't rape me."

"Why did you say that he did?" Leon asked.

Barb had no answer so she didn't reply.

"Has he ever laid hands on you?"

Barb thought about the night at the club when Thorne had carried her out. She could still feel the slaps and pinches on her ass. She had been sore for days.


Leon sighed.

"Barb, how did you meet this guy? From what I understand Hans was supposed to be your mate."

"You already know don't you?" Barb asked. "I met him at a club and I went home with him alright? I fucked him and now I'm pregnant with his baby! I didn't even look at Hans because he was nothing more than a hotel manager! He couldn't give me what I wanted..."

"In other words, he didn't have enough money for you." Leon said sadly. "You know, all of my life I've watched you. You always had these hopes and dreams about the kind of life that you wanted. I've watched you disrespect mom and dad because we were poor. I kept thinking that someday you would understand that sometimes you have to work for what you want. I've heard you crying about abuse when there were people much worse off than we were. I watched dad work himself to exhaustion just to put food on the table and not once did I hear you thank him. I never said anything because it wouldn't have made a difference like I'm sure that it won't make a difference now.

What's sad is that you've gotten what you wanted and you're still not happy. You've trapped yourself into a loveless mating and you're bringing a baby into it. Thorne told me that he doesn't like you and I hate to say it, but I can understand why. That doesn't change the fact that you're my sister and I love you. If he hurts you I'm there, but Barb; it's time for you to get your shit together and stop thinking about just you. You're bringing my little niece or nephew into the world and it's time for you to step up and accept the responsibility."

Leon waited to give Barb a chance to say something. At first he didn't think that she was going to say anything. He was ready to leave when she spoke.

"You all think that you're all so damned perfect don't you? All of you, including the mouse looked at the same magazines and wished that we could afford to buy any and all of the items in them. You all wanted the same thing that I did, but you were too chickenshit to say it. Then you... Mr. Look at me now was a damned drug addict. How was that not disrespecting mom and dad? You went crawling back to them after you screwed up. And how the hell did you get to where you are now? You kissed ass instead of saying what you wanted. Kevyn and Louise did the same thing only little Miss Louise pretended to be a damsel in distress and the Nathan Sinclaire fell for it hook, line and sinker. I don't know what Patrick saw in Kevyn- that one still mystifies me, but why isn't Gene here? Didn't he fit into the mighty Sinclaire mold?"

Leon was taken aback by the anger that he felt coming from Barb. She sincerely believed that she had been wronged and somehow robbed.

"Of course we looked at those magazines and wished." Leon conceded, "But so did mom and dad. It was a way of keeping hope alive that someday things would get better. But not being able to buy those things doesn't equal abuse. You're right, when I became an addict; I disrespected mom and dad and everything they taught me. And yes, I went to them for help, but Barb, they were my parents. They loved me enough that they forgave me and helped me find my way back. The problem isn't with wanting things; it's how you get them. You know, you keep saying that you were abused, but in all honesty, you were the abuser. No, you didn't hit or call names, but you made mom and dad feel worse than they already did. But the fact of the matter is that no matter what they did, it wouldn't have been enough.

I won't go into Lou and Kev's relationships. One, it's none of my business and two; it has nothing to do with the choices that you've made. You can sit here all night and bemoan the circumstances of your life but the bottom line is this, you've made your bed; now you have to lie in it. That doesn't mean that we're not here for you because we are. By the way, Gene is thinking about moving out here." Leon said as he stood up to leave. A few seconds later, Barb was sitting alone.


Thorne stood back and watched as Barb alienated her family. He didn't feel sorry for her, her choices were her own and she had to live with them just as he had to live with the choices that he made. His only real concerns were the child and Noel. He looked around the room at the various couples with his eyes resting on Louise. Nathan Sinclaire was a very lucky man. But then, all of the men present with the exception of him were. He made brief eye contact with Hans who gave him a small smile of sympathy before turning his attention back to his mate.

He looked around for Ethan and walked over to him.

"Is there anything else we need to discuss before I leave?" He asked his tone curt.

"No." Ethan replied. "I'll be in touch."

Thorne nodded and walked to where Barb was sitting.

"Let's go." He said and walked away.

Barb ignored him and looked around the room wondering why she didn't feel the sense of accomplishment that she thought she would. She had expected a more enthusiastic greeting then she had gotten, but then she had put an end to that hadn't she? She hadn't returned the hugs or the greetings. She hadn't even asked Louise how she was feeling. She had told herself that once she met her goal that she would rub their faces in it. Like so many things that she had planned, this didn't turn out as she had expected it to and she wondered why.

Nadine saw her stand to leave and caught her before she left. She took Barb's hands in hers and gave them a tight squeeze. Barb didn't return the grasp or the squeeze, but regarded Nadine with the type of curiosity that one might give a stranger.

"I just wanted to tell you that we're glad that you're alright and that if you need anything, just call us."

Barb pulled her hands away, looked at Nadine and walked away. She didn't need anyone or anything, she had what she wanted.

Thorne was waiting for her by the front door. It was obvious that he was irate, but he didn't say anything as he held the door open for her. Once they were outside of the house he stopped. He looked around listening intently to the sounds of the night before sniffing the air. Deeming it safe, he took Barb by the elbow and led her to the car.

As he helped her in, she half expected that little kiss on the temple and was disappointed when it didn't happen. Thorn noticed, but made no comment until they were in the car and driving away.

"Do you know what the kiss on the temple means?" He asked without looking over at her.

"Does it really mean anything?" Barb asked.

"It means enough to you that you keep waiting for me to kiss you like that." Thorne replied.

Barb didn't reply so he continued.

"The kiss on the temple is the equivalent of saying that one is loved. As you know, I don't feel that way about you. The kiss on the cheek means that one is a respected, cared for and accepted into the family. You were given that kiss many times this evening but you didn't reciprocate. Why is that?" he asked.

"That's none of your business!" Barb snapped angry that he had noticed that she was expecting a kiss.

"True, but if it interferes with our... cohabitation or the child then it does concern me." Thorne replied his tone matter of fact.

The drive back to the beach house continued in silence. Barb was trying to figure out why she wasn't happier than she was. Then it hit her. She had wanted to be the first of them to climb out from what she called the pit. She would have succeeded if Clay Robinson hadn't been so taken with Kevyn. Nothing she said or did changed his mind about her being a much better choice for him then Kevyn was. Her ex –husband was wealthy, but his money hadn't been limitless and she was going through it as if it were. Finally, for all practical purposes; he had paid her off. He was out of the door before the ink had dried.

So here she was, wealthy with an eternity to live the life style that she had craved and she was angry that she hadn't gotten there first. Even Leon had gotten there before she did. She tried to tell herself that it didn't matter, but it did. She just didn't realize until now how important that had been to her. She still felt as if she were on the outside looking in. in an odd way, she felt as if she was still being given the hand me downs.

Part of her knew that it didn't make sense, but the other part of her was screaming that she had been figuratively robbed. To distract herself, she calculated how much of the money Thorne gave her she could spend without going over. It came to almost three thousand-four hundred dollars per day and that wasn't counting the accounts that he had opened for her at the stores.

Thorne glanced over at her. He liked her no more now, than he did before. In fact, he liked her even less; but that didn't stop him from wanting her. After she selected her guard for the day, he planned to slake his need. As if she heard his thoughts, Barb turned to look at him and then looked away.