Those Days of...Ch. 31-35


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She had a nice figure, having had two kids it wasn't as firm as a younger woman's but it had a ripeness about it that was somehow even sexier than a trim, lean body and I got almost as much pleasure from caressing her as she did from feeling me exploring her. She loved that - having my hands wander all over her I mean. I learned later that she'd been a virgin when she married and as her husband was pretty conservative and not very imaginative, their sex life had really only ever consisted of fucking in the missionary position. For some reason he wasn't even very keen on fondling or kissing her breasts - and any other part of her was definitely out. So when she found I wasn't just prepared to go down on her but was also quite happy to caress and lick every other part of her body she was ecstatic.

And so was I when she returned the favour!

Once we'd started there was no stopping her, she wanted to try everything, every position we could think of - and I quickly discovered which were her favourites. She loved getting on top of me, she'd sit there, my cock jammed hard up inside her, getting herself off by just rocking backwards and forwards and then giving herself a second as she rode me to mine. But she also liked me taking her from behind while she kneeled down on the floor or up on the edge of the bed and discovered that could be even better after I suggested she rub her clit while I stroked in and out of her.

The next time we met, after we'd both come and were lying there, slowly fondling each other, she asked me if I'd ever fucked a girl from the rear - 'I mean up the bottom.' - she said.'

I felt Helen's grip of my cock tighten as Mike told us what Margaret had said - presumably she was remembering one or other of her own reactions to me fucking her that way and as her fingers kneaded me and I recalled just how powerfully exciting the tightness of her arse was for me too, my cock responded vigorously. But though I would have loved to have had the opportunity to actually do something about the mounting pressure inside me, Mike continued with his story.

'I said I hadn't and she answered - 'Well we'll just have to teach ourselves then.' And though it wasn't easy and I thought I was going to be just too big for her, with the help of some cream she'd brought with her, we eventually made it. The next time she wanted to try something different again, in the shower, the first time with her leaning back against the wall, later, up her arse again.

The time after that turned out to be during her period and though I said that was probably a good time to repeat the rear entry position, she had other ideas, said she wanted to watch me get myself off, or as she said - 'I'd love to watch you wanking yourself, actually see the jism shooting out of it.' So she sat in a chair and began to play with herself as I got my cock hard, then we watched each other working ourselves up to a climax. She came before I did that time and after she had, she crawled over and squatted in front of me, never once taking her eyes off my cock until she'd seen me come too, staring unblinkingly as the semen pumped up over my stomach. Then she not only sucked my cock clean but also licked up every single drop that had shot out.

She always got excited when she watched my cock get hard and loved doing it to me. No matter how exhausting a session we'd had, she'd spend ages just fondling me and when she felt the first sign of life returning to it she'd squeal with pleasure and then either kneel between my knees or crouch over me as she worked me up to a another full erection.'

I was amazed at how calmly Mike was able to keep on with his story, Barbara's hand, like Helen's, hadn't shifted from between his thighs and though she, like Helen hadn't actually freed it from his shorts, she clearly hadn't been simply resting it idly there. But in spite of whatever she was doing, perhaps because the memories he was recalling were even more powerful, he managed to keep going.

'The next few times we met in the park again, she'd meet me at the picnic site and she'd get me to drive us in her car to somewhere new. But once we were together it was my cock she was after. As I said, she loved getting me hard - whether we were walking or driving - she'd unzip and go to work on me until it was poking stiffly up through the fly, then just look at it, keeping it hard by brushing her hand over it from time to time. just doing that turned her on so much that by the time we'd got to wherever we were going her pussy was so hot and wet that she'd get a small climax just from the feel of me slipping into it.

But then things started to get a bit strange. We'd arranged to meet at the picnic site as usual on my mid-week day off but when she arrived she didn't ask me to drive as she usually did, just opened the passenger door and indicated I should get in. She drove off and though I could tell we were leaving the park, as she hadn't said a word I kept quiet too, waiting for some clue as to what she had in mind for us and it was only after we'd got out into the regular traffic that she told me she was taking us back to her home.

I felt uneasy about that, distinctly nervous in fact - but it was she that was taking the risk, not me and I had to assume she knew what she was doing - and why she was doing it, so I said nothing, continued to sit quietly beside her as we headed further away from the park.

It was an ordinary suburban house, nothing special to look at, with an obviously well cared for garden. The garage doors had been left open and she drove straight in then took me through a door that opened into the kitchen, so the risk of neighbours seeing me arrive was quite small. Once inside I sensed Margaret was nervous too but in her case it seemed more from anticipation of whatever it was she had in mind for us than from the risks involved in having me there.

She poured me a beer and as she handed it to me she said.

'I'm going to undress you, then I'll show you around. O.K.?' I smiled and nodded and let her get on with it. She wasn't satisfied with just stripping me though, as usual she wanted my cock hard too, so while I drank the beer she kneeled in front of me and sucked me to a full erection. Having done that she grinned up at me and said. 'There, you know that's how I like to see you. I've imagined having you here, looking just like that, so many times now. You'd be surprised how often you've been wandering around this house, in my mind I mean.' Adding with a chuckle. 'Those thoughts have brightened up many a morning of housework for me - and it will be even better next time, being able to remember having had the real you here.'

Then she gave me a quick tour of the house, ending up in the main bed-room of course, where we spent the next few hours, breaking off from time to time to get a snack or something to drink but other than that doing little more than fuck or take turns in re-arousing each other. She seemed inexhaustible and her enthusiasm tapped wells of energy I didn't know I had.

Eventually we wore each other out and while I went for a shower she headed for the kitchen, to get us something more substantial to eat - and then while we were having it, quite out of the blue, she asked me if I'd ever made love to a woman while she was tied up. I said I hadn't and she asked if I found the idea exciting. I'd heard about B & D of course but it wasn't something that had ever appealed to me, the thought of kinky gear, whips and stuff just didn't turn me on. But sitting there opposite Margaret - trying to imagine her tied down to the bed, unable to move, while I did whatever I fancied to her, was a thought that I found strangely stimulating.

She must have seen from the look on my face that at least I wasn't put off by the idea because after a minute or two's silence she said. 'We could try that next time, I think it'd be exciting - I'm sure it would be for me. Could you get some cord or rope, nothing too rough though, I don't want too many awkward questions to answer.'

When we'd finished eating she drove me back to where I'd left my car and as we were saying good-bye and arranging our next meeting she said. 'And don't forget to bring some rope with you Mike.'

'We're obviously not the only ones who can get turned-on by being tied-up Mum.' Barbara said as Mike stopped to take a drink. 'Are you remembering what I am?' She added, obviously referring to what I had done to them.

'Yes darling. Though I'm not sure I fancy the idea of rope very much - that's starting to sound a bit too heavy for my liking.'

'Oh, I think it sounds exciting - depending on what actually happened next, I might just ask Mike to give me a demonstration sometime. So, tell us more.' she urged, giving what she had her hand around an encouraging squeeze as she grinned up at him.

'Well, I found myself spending a lot of time thinking about what she'd suggested - how I could actually go about doing it and what I could use - then remembered our rescue gear. We have a stack of stuff, winches, ropes, slings, those kinds of things, for emergency rescues of people, rock climbers, over ambitious walkers and people who just don't look where they are going and end up falling down gullies. Having worked out what I'd thought I'd need I borrowed them from our store the day before Margaret and I were to meet and that evening re-rigged the gear in a more useable way. I even cleaned up an old sleeping-bag cover to use as a hood - making sure that although she wouldn't be able to see anything through it, she'd still be able to breathe.'

'Black velvet!' Barbara broke in. 'Black velvet would be much better than an old, smelly sleeping bag cover.'

'I doubt Mike had any pieces of unused black velvet lying around his place Barbara, just let him tell his story - I'm getting interested.'

'And I'm getting excited - again, sorry Mike, take no notice of me.'

'Considering what your fingers have been doing that's a bit hard for me to do Barbara - but don't stop, I'll manage somehow.' he said with a grin as he pulled her closer.

'So, where was I? Oh, yes - well, I'll admit that the thought of actually doing what I was planning to started to turn me on, the thought of having her lying there, bound-up, helpless to resist whatever I wanted to do to her gave me a raging erection. Funny really - I mean it was her idea, what she wanted, she'd never resisted anything, in fact she'd initiated just about everything we'd done - but picturing her like that still had a powerfully arousing effect. So much so that my cock was still throbbing painfully when I went to bed and as the pictures refused to go away, had to jack myself off so I could relax enough to get to sleep.'

'You can be sure you won't have to do that any more.' Barbara said in a quiet voice. But, although he gave a small smile, Mike ignored her comment and continued.

'The following morning, as I had decided it would be less risky doing it out of doors than at her house, there were several things to do before Margaret got there and I got to our meeting place long before she was due to arrive. First off I unbolted one of the picnic benches from the concrete they were mounted on and although it weighed a hell of a lot more than I thought it would I managed to drag and carry it off to a nearby, well shielded clearing, then set the legs into four shallow holes and made sure it was anchored firmly. Returning to the vehicle I sorted out the stuff I had rigged the previous evening and took most of it back to the clearing, fixing adjustable lengths of rope to the legs then covering the bench itself with some pieces of foam rubber and finally, spread a beach towel over them.

I checked everything was set, then returned to the picnic area to wait for Margaret. It wasn't long before I heard her car and a minute or so later she pulled up alongside my vehicle. Keeping the stuff I was carrying behind my back, I walked around her car and as she was getting out I slipped the hood over her head, pulled her arms around behind her and fitted the rope-connected shackles around her wrists, quickly tightening the bolts and in effect, handcuffing her.

She didn't make a sound but I sensed her tension - which I felt sure was from excitement, not fear. I didn't say anything either, just shut her car door, then led her off down the track that took us to the clearing.

Because her arms were shackled behind her back I couldn't get her blouse off at that stage so worked my way upwards - and having got her naked from the waist down, stood her with her back to one end of the bench and spread her legs astride it. As I'd tugged her panties down and again as I moved her I'd caught the distinctive scent of her sex and that and the submissive way she'd let me do everything to that stage confirmed the thoughts I'd had about her getting really turned on by the situation. So, feeling more confident that what I was doing was what she actually wanted I pressed on, unshackling her hands so I could get her blouse and bra off then edging her backwards along the bench, then eased her down on to it, making sure her bottom was on an extra thick piece of foam

Having re-shackled her arms to ropes I'd fixed to the legs of the bench, so they were held down on either side of it, I slipped a piece of rope up over her throat, leaving it loose enough for her to move her head about but snug enough to stop her from trying to sit up, then moved down to fix her legs. Because I wanted her immobilised but still able to actively respond I'd given a fair bit of thought as to how to go about doing that and instead of simply shackling them to the other legs of the bench had worked out a system that held her feet tight but let her bend and spread her legs.

It worked - and a few minutes later I stood back and looked down at her, naked and completely defenceless, her bent legs spread wide apart, her pink-lipped pussy glistening in the sunlight.'

'Oh I like the sound of that.' Barbara said in an under-tone. 'I'm sure I'd make a very good subject sometime too.'

'I'm sure you would Barbara - and especially if you had a black velvet hood on.'

She missed the teasing note in his voice and answered almost breathlessly. 'Oh yes, that would be lovely Mike. If I make one you will do it this way for me sometime won't you?'

'Of course I will.'

'Very touching.' Helen said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. 'Could the rest of us hear what actually happened please. I've got a man here with an erection that's likely to get out of control soon.' She said, her fingers tightening around the hard mass between my legs.

'I'm sorry Helen, Roger. Barbara can be very distracting.'

'You don't have to tell me that Mike - but although Helen's right about my reaction to what you've been telling us, don't worry too much - they've put me through worse trials before.'

'When was that?' They both answered in unison.

'Don't worry about it - carry on Mike.' I said, knowing that with my unjustified innuendo I'd quickly diverted the girls' attention. He smiled back at me and carried on as though nothing had broken his train of thought.

'I'd been so busy I hadn't had a chance to appreciate what was happening to me but as I stood there looking down at her I realised that I'd already developed a massive erection and that my shorts were making it positively uncomfortable, so I stripped off. But although I could have simply fucked her right then, I still had a couple of pieces of rope to use. One went across her, just beneath her breasts and apart from lifting them I hoped the feel of the rough texture of it would heighten her pleasures even more. The other, shorter piece I held on to as I stood beside the bench, enjoying the sight of her and, I hoped, increasing her tension by simply doing nothing - giving her imagination more time to work.

After a minute or two I saw her responding to whatever was going on inside her head - muscles twitched spasmodically and her breathing became shorter - but other than that she didn't make a sound. But when I leaned down and gently slid the piece of rope I was holding over and down between her breasts then just grazed her already stiffly jutting nipples with it, she finally broke. At the first touch she gave a shuddering gasp which turned to deeper, more wanton groans, and they became even stronger when I pressed it more firmly down against the sensitive flesh.

Then moving around beside her, I slowly trailed the frayed end it down across her stomach and thighs, watching her body spasm and arch higher, hearing her groans turn to shorter, sharper grunts of pleasure as finally I began to tease her pussy with it. I could see just how wet she'd got, the drops of moisture sparkling on the fibres as I twirled the rope around.'

As he'd described the scene I realised from the way Helen's hands gripped me even more tightly that she was becoming re-aroused by imagining herself on the receiving end of what he had done - and don't mind admitting that the thought of having her body stretched out below me like that was making my long-standing erection painfully hard. We were each so engrossed in our own thoughts that nobody said a word and Mike continued.

'By that stage I was near bursting point myself, the anticipation during the preparations, then actually doing what I had to her and watching her excitement mounting as I'd done it, had all combined to raise the pressure inside me to almost unbearable levels. I was sure I wouldn't be able to control myself much longer, and that the fire inside me could only be quenched by ramming my cock hard up into her hot, wet pussy.

But, when I got up on the bench, knelt between her legs and looked down at her I saw her clit poking out through the damp pubic hair. It was bright pink and very stiff, looking just like a miniature, much prettier version of my own flaming-red cock. I guessed from the size of it that it too must have become incredibly sensitive, tried to imagine the electrifying sensations it was capable of giving Margaret - and decided I'd have to control myself for just a little longer.

So, taking a firm hold of myself I began to gently move my cock-head up and down between the pouting lips of her pussy and wiping it up across the protruding knob - that finally forced a loud shriek from her which would have been even more piercing if it hadn't been muffled by the hood covering her head.

I continued stroking, somehow managing to hold down the mounting waves inside myself, waves of need that were being whipped even higher by the feel of her pussy-lips slipping over my red-hot cock-head, until she climaxed. Its onset was both sudden and violent, her body heaved upwards, straining against the ropes and making them cut deep into her skin. Then her body was wracked by a series of rolling spasms that were far stronger than any I'd seen her experience before, her cries making it clear she was experiencing something very close to sheer ecstasy.

I flicked her clit another half a dozen times, then while the force of her climax kept her body arched high up off the bench, I slipped my cock between her still pulsating pussy-lips and with a single shove, drove deep inside her. The feeling was sublime, quite indescribable! Her cunt was so slippery, so wide open - yet as I forced myself deeper into her and the contractions from her climax continued, I felt my cock being gripped and squeezed by the warm wetness of its lining.

My cock felt enormous, I'd got so excited that I was sure it was much bigger than usual, and to Margaret, especially in that position, it must have felt as though she was being split apart by it.

Leaning forward and putting my hands on the bench on either side of her head for support, I lifted myself above her, knowing that at that angle the shaft of my cock would also be rubbing against her protruding clit as I powered deeply in and out of her pussy. The effect was even stronger than I thought it would be - her cries had turned to gasping sobs as the initial force of her climax had started to taper off but as I changed position and began to thrust they grew louder and shriller again - and as they did, the rhythmic contractions inside her re-intensified, gripping me even tighter.
