Those Days of...Ch. 41-45


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I took my blouse and skirt off then fiddled around for a bit as I folded and put them away, letting him get a really good look at me in my new bra and panties. He'd had a partial hard-on when I started undressing him, which got progressively harder as I tied him up and by the time I'd finished fiddling and turned back to look at him it had become fully erect - and very tempting!

I'd bought some massage oil and told him I was going to relax him by giving him one then slipped between his legs so I could start on his back. As I had no intention of ruining my new things I slipped them off before I started and once I had oiled his back I let him know I was naked by pressing myself tight against him and rubbing my breasts over it. That felt nice for me too and I began to get quite turned on and my pussy felt really hot and wet.

Once I'd given his back a good going over I slid back through his legs and could tell by the state his cock was in that there was a lot of pressure building up inside but even so I took my time oiling his chest. My nipples had got erect by then and as my breasts bobbed around as I worked the oil into him I saw how intently he was staring down at them - and then how little drops of pre-cum had started to ooze out of the tip of his quivering cock.

All that time I'd carefully avoided touching it but by then I was getting pretty hot myself - and it was looking just too good to resist. So, although I'd actually planned to do a few more things to him before I got him off, I kneeled in front of him and licked it clean, lifting myself as it jerked violently upwards, then slipped my lips over it, sucking that lovely, silky head inside my mouth, tasting the slight saltiness of the stuff that had coated it.

Then I used my hands, which were covered with the massage oil of course and could tell by the way he groaned and thrust himself forwards that he absolutely loved the slick feel of them gliding up and down, making his cock even harder and hotter of course - and quite soon after that he climaxed. It wasn't anything like the one you had Roger, the first load didn't shoot anywhere as near as far as yours did - but it was still amazingly powerful and there was so much of it coming out of him that I couldn't resist taking the rest of it in my mouth.

After that I untied him and while I went for a face-cloth and towel, to clean him up a bit, he sat on the floor, getting his breath and his strength back - but watching and feeling him come as hard as he did had only made me feel even sexier and so by then I was wound-up really tight and hoped that he wouldn't take too long to recover.

Of course getting the oil and other stuff off and then rubbing him dry didn't help the way I was feeling, feeling his muscles, smelling him, feeling his warmth pressing against parts of me as I bent over him, all combined and started driving me a bit crazy.

Right then I just wanted him to throw me down on the floor and fuck me!

But he didn't of course, right then he couldn't have - and I knew that - but that didn't stop me wanting him to do it.'

Barbara paused and Helen and I remained silent, giving her time to calm her obviously whirling thoughts. I was having a bit of trouble with my thoughts too, thoughts and memories. Thoughts of how I'd like her to do for me what she'd done for Mike. Memories of the other time she'd used oil, on her breasts, for me. And knew from what I could feel going on down between my legs, that my cock was responding to the combination of those thoughts and memories.

'While I was cleaning him up, in spite of what I was feeling inside, I couldn't help noticing the way he stared.' Barbara continued after a minute or two.

'But he wasn't staring at me, he was staring at the ropes and shackles that lay on the floor where I'd dropped them. But, even though he continued staring at them even when I had him stand up so I could clean down between his legs, as I was surprised and thrilled, to feel a slight response from his cock as I washed and dried it, right then I didn't care. If looking at them got him back into action that quickly, he could hang them above the bed if he wanted to.

I don't want you to think he got an immediate erection, he's not that potent - but by the time I'd finished cleaning him up his cock was definitely recovering and when I then stood up, put my arms around him and kissed him, I felt it twitch a little as I pressed my thigh against it, which was definitely encouraging.

'Now what?' he asked as our lips parted.

'What would you like?' I asked him.

'No, it's your show, what would you like?'

'Well it really depends on how you feel Mike. I'm ready for anything - but you may want to rest a bit - before you do anything to me I mean.'

'What would you like me to do?'

'I thought you might do something like I've just done for you.'

'You mean you'd like me to tie you up in some way?'

'I think so, yes.'


It was maddening, like trying to drag hen's teeth. He was fighting me off every step of the way, forcing me to demand he do it to me. That wasn't the way I'd thought it would be, I thought it would be fun - exciting, satisfying of course - but essentially just something a bit different, a bit of fun.

So when after all that he again asked me if I was sure - I said very firmly that I wasn't just sure, I was absolutely positive that was what I wanted.

That seemed to work and he pulled me close again and kissed me, very gently at first, then, as I felt his cock starting to respond again, harder, his tongue swirling around inside my mouth and his fingers digging deep into my bottom as he pulled me, almost roughly, still tighter against himself.

Suddenly he let go of me and after a moment's thought he grabbed me by the hand and picked up the ropes with his other one and pulled me after him, out of the bed-room and down the hall to the kitchen. He didn't bother turning on the light and everything seemed to happen so quickly that I didn't have time to understand what was going on in his head.

It's not a very big kitchen but it has a small, square table up against one wall, that we use for preparing things and, if there's time, for breakfast. Mike dragged it away from the wall, turned it so I was standing at one of the corners and then virtually pushed me face down on to it. Almost before I knew what he was doing he'd put shackles around my wrists and as he then pulled the ropes down around the legs on the other side of the table, he stretched my arms out across the top of it - pulling them so tight that the corner of the table dug quite painfully into me, just above the pubic bone. When he came back round to my side he quickly shackled my ankles, then pushed my legs apart and fastening those to the table legs.

I told him the corner of the table was hurting me - but he took no notice and when I repeated it he grabbed a tea towel - and gagged me with it.

That's when I started to get worried.'

Without knowing what was yet to come I could better understand the reasons for Barbara masturbating that afternoon, when she'd caught Helen and I in the act in our kitchen. Although we had truly been fucking rather than making-love, it was a mutually satisfying activity rather than me forcing myself on an unwilling partner. The fact that it had been happening in the kitchen only made the comparison with her own, apparently unhappy experience even stronger. In her mind she would have been thinking - 'This is how it should have been for me.'

'Once he'd got me immobilised he stood back - the only sound was the thumping of my heart and the sound of him breathing - a gasping, panting sound, as though he'd just finished running a long way.

He stood there for ages and not knowing what he was planning to do next made it even worse, the sexy feelings I'd built up had vanished and the wetness between my legs had become by then just a dry tightness.

Then he slapped me. Quite lightly at first, right on the bottom - and if that's all he'd wanted to do it would have been all right, in fact it might even have been sexy.' she added, glancing up at me. 'But that was just the beginning.

Gradually the slaps got harder and as they did I was forced down harder against the corner of the table - and that hurt just as much as the slaps themselves, if not even more. But even that wasn't enough for him, after a while, when my bottom was feeling as though it was raw, he stopped - and for a few moments I thought that was it, that he'd had enough.

But I was wrong, dead wrong. I heard him moving about behind me, then out of the corner of my eye I saw him opening drawers, looking for something - and shuddered when I saw what he'd pulled out. The other girl that lives in the house is training to be a pastry-cook and does a fair bit of practice at home, amongst the things she uses for that is a big, quite heavy, stainless-steel spatula - and that's what he then used on me.'

As the memory came flooding back Barbara began to sob, Helen was up in a flash and cradled her head against her breast, stroking her hair and making hushing sounds of comfort. After a few moments Helen looked up at me, her eyes also filled with tears. 'Run a bath for me please Roger, not too hot. I'll see what the damage is.'

I recognised that it was time to leave mother and daughter to themselves, so, while Helen took Barbara off through to the bath-room I cleaned up what was left of our meal and did the washing-up, indignant and enraged by what Mike had done, quite clear in my own mind what we should do about it.

It was over an hour before Helen returned and said that Barbara was at last in bed and asleep, I poured us each a stiff drink and asked how badly Barbara had been hurt.

'Not too bad considering. The skin is broken in a few places, they look more like cuts, probably from the edge of that thing he used. But the bruising will be massive, I can't imagine how hard he must have hit her - and don't know how she managed to cover up the pain she must have been in all day. How she managed to sit down is amazing.'

'We'll get the police on to it in the morning.'

'No Roger! No, she's desperately anxious not to do that. It's one reason why she covered up so well, she knew that would be our first reaction. She just couldn't go through with that. Apart from anything else, if he was cornered and had to defend himself, she's almost sure Mike would say she wanted him to do it and, if necessary, talk about the things he knows about us - and none of that would help her. She just wants us to help her get her things back, move back here with us and forget about the whole thing as quickly as possible.'

'I'll ring the bastard right now - tell him I'll be over first thing in the morning.'

'Just wait a minute, think it through a bit darling. If we do that he has all night to stew over it - he might get nasty, I don't know what goes on in a mind like that, do you?'

'No. You're right of course. We should just turn up unannounced, we'll need to be early though.'

'I agree with that. And Barbara should come with us, stay in the car if necessary - but she should be there, let him see she can face him, that she's not hiding behind our backs.'

'Will she be able to do that do you think?'

'We've already talked about it - actually it was her suggestion.'

'Did she say anything more about what happened?'

'Yes darling - and it sounds as though we have that Margaret to thank for some of it, at least for bringing out into the open what may until then have been just a latent tendency of his.'

'Why, what happened?'

'Well, after he'd finished beating her with that thing, which apparently gave him a second erection, he masturbated himself over Barbara's back. When he finally stopped hitting her, she heard him grunting, then felt the gobs of sticky, wet stuff flying all over her.

After he'd finished he started sobbing, mumbling to himself, cursing himself and then he untied her - and expected her to forgive him. She was terrified of course, as well as being in incredible pain - and didn't know what to do. She thought if she lost control he might start in on her again - and who knows what he might have done if he had.

So she told him they'd talk later, after she'd done something about the pain she was in. Luckily she thought quickly and grabbed some salt, poured it into the bath, locked the door and soaked herself for a while - even though she said that was in some ways even more painful than what he'd done to her. But doing that will probably speed-up the healing process.

She thought about getting a taxi and coming back here but didn't know if he'd let her out of the house - or what he might do afterwards if she left. You have to remember that she's very involved with him, you can't suddenly block out all the other feelings because something terrible has happened.

So, when she was feeling a bit more in control of herself she came out of the bath-room and found him still squatting on the floor in the kitchen. He'd had time to calm down too and amazingly, they then actually sat down to talk it through.

It seems that what he told us about the relationship he'd had with Margaret and more importantly, what they got up to together, was a somewhat sanitised version. What actually happened most of the time was that Margaret would have Mike hit and even whip her, then she'd either masturbate him herself or preferably, watch him while he did it over her.'

'And we thought some of the things we got up to were kinky.'

'They may well be kinky darling - but at least we don't hurt anybody, we're all in agreement with whatever we get up to. That's really the point isn't it. I mean, if Margaret wants someone to beat her and jack off on to her that's fine, so long as the other person is happy doing so. It's when someone forces someone else to do something they don't want to do that it all goes wrong.

If you remember what Barbara said, when Mike first smacked her she found that sexually stimulating. If he'd stayed at that level who knows what they might have got up to together, how much extra pleasure they could have given each other. But he couldn't control himself - and that's what's dangerous.'

We drove over to Mike's place early the following morning and though we had to put a cushion in the car for Barbara to sit on and I noticed that she winced each time we hit a particularly bad bump in the road, by comparison with the way she'd been the previous evening, she seemed to be making a good recovery from her frightening and painful experience.

Mike made no protest when I told him why we were there and though he saw Barbara standing on the footpath outside he made no effort to go and speak to her. He seemed to me to be in a state of shock and I wondered if he was just as bewildered by what had happened as Barbara was.

On the return trip I saw through the rear-view mirror that Barbara was quietly crying - and guessed that although that chapter in her life was closed, she still had many regrets to get over.

Chapter 44

Barbara Returns

But almost from the time we got back from collecting her things, Barbara used her work on the house to compensate for the unhappiness she was undoubtedly experiencing, setting up a table in her room and locking herself away to work on the details of her various ideas. I had the agent get me a duplicate set of the plans of the house for her to work from, for some strange reason still not telling her about the attic area and taking out the papers that made reference to it before giving them to her. Obviously I would have to tell her and Helen too, sometime before she finished the rest of the work - but wanted to wait for just the right moment to surprise them. When I spoke with the lawyers about the contracts they told me they would take several weeks to complete, so didn't feel there was any real rush.

But by the end of the following week Barbara had progressed to the point where she needed to talk with the architects who had done the original plans, get them to agree to the changes she had thought of, so they could be incorporated in those going to the council for approval. I realised then that my little secret would come out at such a meeting, so was forced to let her in on it beforehand.

As I still had the spare set of keys I suggested that on the Saturday morning she go around to the house so she could do a final, physical check of her notes and rough sketches and although Helen thought that was a good idea too she was nervous about Barbara being on her own in the empty house and asked that I go with her. So, leaving Helen to get on with things around the flat, Barbara and I went around there after lunch, taking the route through the park, her enthusiastic chatter about the modifications she was still uncertain about not requiring any real comments from me in reply. So as I nodded or made mumbled responses I had time to let my mind wander - and found myself thinking about just why I hadn't mentioned the attic area to them and what thoughts I'd had about what it might be used for.

My initial thought had been for it to be a study - but I really had no need of one. Maybe a place where Helen could do her sewing. But other than normal running repairs, she didn't sew. The agent had said it would make an ideal 'bolt-hole', for when I was in the dog-house. But given the nature of the relationship between Helen and I, I simply couldn't imagine that kind of situation arising.

If I was honest with myself there was only one special purpose I could actually think of us using it for - and that was of course, for sex!

When we got to the house I left Barbara to get on with checking measurements and comparing her notes with the actual structure and went upstairs alone, took the ladder from the cupboard and climbed up into the attic.

I stood with my back to the window and looked around me, trying to let pictures come into my head, pictures of what might be done to it, trying to let my imagination give me a clue as to how it might look. But nothing happened, all I could see were flashes of similar places I had seen in films and none of those were being used for what my thoughts had come up with. I don't honestly know how long I stood there for but suddenly my ineffective thoughts were disturbed by a noise and when I looked around I saw Barbara's head appearing through the trap-door.

'So this is where you got to, I've been looking everywhere for you.

Wow! What's this? I wondered why there was no detail in the plans about the area under the roof - this is fantastic. How did you find it Roger?'

'I didn't exactly find it, the agent showed it to me the first time I came through the house.'

'Why didn't you show it to us, why haven't you mentioned it?'

'I'm not really sure, I had some idea about somehow keeping it as a surprise, getting it fixed up without Helen knowing about it. But of course I can't do that now, I mean, now that you're going to be so involved in the work.'

'As a surprise? Why that's a great idea! We can still keep it as a surprise for Mum, I can keep a secret too you know. But what did you have in mind for it? One thing's certain, we'll have to find some other way of getting up here, that ladder is useless.'

They plan to put in a motorised, folding set of stairs, they'd fit in that section behind the trap-door, apparently there's just enough head-room beneath the roof for them and the motor to be housed there, we'll have a switch on the landing below and they'll extend down beside where the cupboard is at the moment. I've seen a brochure that describes the system, they look good, very solid.'

'So, what did you intend doing with the space, a study, something like that?'

'That was my first thought - but I'd never use it, it would just be a waste. That's why I came up here on my own, I was trying to get some ideas. But it's no use, I don't have the flair that you do, you'll have to help me.'