Those Days of...Ch. 51-55


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Some time later we made it to the bath-room and after we'd washed each other and I was patting her dry, I had a look at her bottom. The glow from my smacking had almost completely faded, just a pale tinge of pink remaining on the fleshy curves. I planted a couple of kisses on them then turned her around.

'There certainly won't be any bruises this time, in fact there's already hardly a trace left Barbara.'

'There may not be anything much to show on the outside Roger - but I can assure you, there is on the inside. I can still feel you. Apart from how big you were, that position let it get right up into some unusual places - very deep, very exciting. In fact we must try it again sometime and when we do I'll concentrate on you, instead of myself. If it's half as good for you as it was for me, you won't know what hit you.'

'I don't think I could possibly climax any harder than I just did - but, just in case I'm wrong I'll keep you up to that a promise.' I said as I got back up to my feet and given the resurging interest that sponging and drying her had started I might well have kept her to it right then - if the phone hadn't rung.

'That'll be Mum, letting us know she's arrived safely. You take it Roger - I'll, as they say, slip into something more comfortable.'

Having quickly put on my bath-robe I hurried out to answer it - Barbara was right of course, it was Helen. The drive had been uneventful, her parents were obviously glad to see her but sorry neither Barbara nor I were with her - but had then been thrilled to hear about the house and Helen could see she'd be up for a while yet as they had demanded she give them all the details she could. Then, in response to her somewhat tentative question about how things were with us I replied in a quieter voice that things seemed to be going well, that there were no problems for her to worry about, to remember how much I loved her and looked forward to her return on Sunday evening.

We chatted for a short while, I said 'hello' to her parents and then when she reappeared in her house-coat, handed the phone over to Barbara so she could talk to them for a bit and went out to the kitchen to make us some coffee.

She joined me there a few minutes later. 'Gran and Pop sound fine, they love having Mum there, it's a pity she can't make the trip more often.'

'That's one reason why we thought now would be a good time, it might get even more difficult once work starts on the house, there'll be a lot for us to do.'

'And being able to help me with my little problem was purely coincidental I suppose.'

'That came into our thoughts, I'd be a liar if I said it hadn't - your mother's always very concerned about you and will do almost anything to make sure you're happy. If I can help in some way, then I will too. But don't think the whole idea was just to make sure your frustration level doesn't get too high, it wasn't.'

'O.K. - I'll try to stop being super-sensitive. Now, coffee, into the lounge and on with your stories, I'm sure you've only just scratched the surface so far.'

I had forgotten that was what I'd promised her - and was in a way surprised she still wanted me to go on with tales from my youth - but if right then that was what she wanted I wasn't going to argue with her. So we settled ourselves down in the lounge-room and I couldn't help recalling that night when we'd spent a couple of the early morning hours doing much the same thing, when she had told me the details of her activities with Luke. As on that night, she curled up on the settee and I took one of the chairs, putting the coffee on the table between us.

Chapter 53


'Where had I got to?'

'You had explained how the thing you had going with Sheila came to an end - 'fizzled-out' I think you said. I commented on how sad that was, that you still seemed to have a soft spot in your heart for her. Then dinner arrived and then we were diverted by other, even more pressing needs.'

'Ah yes, I remember. In other words I had got to the point when I'd started at university.'

'That's right - and I suppose you were quite overwhelmed by all the nubile flesh available there.'

'Not exactly. I worked bloody hard actually, certainly for the first eighteen months or so, you have to, if you want to get a good pass that is - and I did, didn't want to let my parents down I suppose. And I was still seeing Sheila of course, whenever we could, though as I said, that was becoming less and less frequent.

Anyway, whatever the reasons, I was well into the second year before I really started looking around at anyone else.

One of the few semi-social activities I was involved in was the university debating team, not that I was a full time member, just one of the reserves - standing in for one of the team when they couldn't attend. We always had a fair-sized audience and if we were debating a contentious issue, something to do with War, the Environment, Sex or a major social issue, a really big crowd would turn up. Something happened to our usual number three speaker, I don't remember what it was now, anyway I was to speak in his place, at a debate we knew would draw crowds. The proposition was that - 'This house does not support the rampant feminism sweeping the campus.' - and because we knew it was a controversial subject we'd booked the university's main hall.

As I was speaking for the proposal I had to have a pretty good speech and I'd spent hours preparing it, polishing it, cutting chunks out, then starting all over again - until I thought it was right.

The tack I was taking was to concentrate on the word 'rampant' in the proposition. I thought that if we simply attacked feminism itself we'd be bound to lose - but if I could convince the people that it was the extremes that some women wanted to go to that were causing problems, we might just scrape home.

What I said doesn't really matter but I could see from the reaction in parts of the audience that they understood the point I was making and that quite a large number were agreeing with me. That spurred me on and I guess I spoke better that night than I had any other time. As my eyes travelled around the people looking up at me I noticed one particular girl, I suppose I noticed her at first because I recognised her as one of the people who quite regularly came just to listen.

I had never spoken to her - mainly because the circumstances had never arisen but probably also because if I'd thought about it, which I hadn't, I would have presumed she was a lesbian. You know the type I'm sure - dark, almost scruffy clothes, lank hair, often just screwed up in a bun, a striding walk. I felt sure that if I checked, I'd find her arm-pits crammed full of hair.'

Barbara smiled and nodded. 'I know just the type you mean Roger. Not your type at all.'

'Naturally most people look at the speaker while he's talking so you make plenty of eye contact as you look around the audience - but she wasn't just looking she was staring, staring so intently at me that I began to feel slightly uncomfortable - and the thought that she might suddenly leap up and attack me began to make me a little nervous.

But nothing happened, I finished my speech, got a rousing ovation, sat down and the debate went on - but even when other speakers took the floor I was conscious that this one girl's attention remained firmly focussed on me. In the end, mainly because there were so many fanatical feminists in the audience we lost the debate by a narrow margin but as we were leaving I saw this particular girl making a bee-line for me and when she caught up with me, introduced herself as Kim. I was surprised to hear her say that she had found my speech very enlightening and asking if we could we discuss my ideas in greater depth, perhaps over a coffee.

I suppose I was so relieved to find she wasn't actually planning to burn me at the stake that I nodded agreement and she immediately hurried me off towards the coffee shop. The place was packed, I suppose everyone who'd been at the debate had the same idea and I tried to use that as an excuse, saying that as it was obvious we'd have no chance to talk we should meet some other time - but she would have none of that, said we'd go to her place instead and promptly dragged me off towards the car park.

Not too many students had cars in those day so I was impressed by that and even more so when she then drove me to a house in one of the nearby, older suburbs where I found she had one of the little flats it had been converted in to. It was really no more than a couple of small bed-sitting rooms with separate kitchen and bath-rooms, but unlike most of the rest of us, who were forced to share rooms, at least she had one to herself.

She made some coffee and then we began to talk - at first she was almost as hostile as I'd expected her to be but after we had been going for a while I noticed a slight softening in the tone of voice she was using and a little later, that she was looking at me in different way.

The main point of my argument had been to strongly support the principles of feminism, equal rights and power for women - but that the rampant feminists had gone the wrong way about getting those things. By being as aggressive, as man-like as they were they were risking the destruction of the very thing they were fighting for, femininity itself. They were complaining that men wielded power over women, were often violent towards them and I hadn't disagreed with that - but I had said that women shouldn't try to emulate men, take on those very aspects that they were complaining about - instead, they should highlight and use the very things that made them different - their caring natures, their softness, their vulnerability if you like.

I suppose we'd been talking for close to an hour when she brought the conversation round to herself.

'Let's use me as an example of what you're saying Roger. You're suggesting that even things like the way I dress make achieving our goals that much more difficult. Is that right?'

'In a small way, yes Kim.'

'So, how would you have me dress - see-through blouses and very short skirts I suppose?'

I must have smiled at the thought of her dressed that way because for a brief moment she looked really hurt - but brightened when I replied by saying that there was a world of difference between feminine - and sexy. Sexy may have its place, that was up to the individual - but women didn't have to disguise the very fact that they were women either. There were a range of alternatives in between.

She wouldn't let me off the hook as easily as that though, she then asked me to describe what I thought she should wear. I thought for a while before answering.

'It's hard to say Kim - but off-hand, I should think you would look great in nicely tailored suit, with a straight or half-pleated skirt rather than pants, or perhaps a pair of well cut jeans and a jumper, maybe pale blue, to match your eyes. They're both smart and yet feminine too. And if you were really serious you'd need to have your hair cut a bit shorter, make it fuller - and while you're at it, get yourself some lighter coloured glasses, those heavy black frames hide the line of your cheek-bones and make your face look too square.'

I could see from her reaction that I'd gone too far, her face reddened and her mouth tightened to a thin, grim line - she said she thought we should leave it that, that it was probably time for me to go. To make things even worse, as she didn't offer me a lift back I had to walk, giving me plenty of time to ponder about the difference between what people said they wanted to hear and what they actually wanted you to say.

However, a few days later I was standing in the rain, waiting for a bus when a car pulled up, the door opened and a very attractive young woman's face appeared, smiled and offered me a lift. As I was starting to get really soaked I didn't think twice but then as I got in I snatched a quick look at the rest of her - a nicely filled sweater and a pair of tight, figure-hugging jeans - and couldn't help wondering why such an attractive woman had stopped to pick me up. She could tell I hadn't recognised her and obviously enjoyed playing me along for a while, asking me where I was heading and then, what I was planning to do for the rest of the day. I did my best to cover my growing confusion, told her I had some reading to do and some study to finish but was totally dumb-struck when she said I could do that just as well at the place she and another girl were sharing, there was some steak in the fridge - and we could continue our conversation while we ate.

'What conversation? I think you must be confusing me with someone else.' I answered - but she just laughed and although I couldn't really believe it, the penny dropped when I noticed where she was taking us.

I turned and had a good look at her, it couldn't be - but at the same time it had to be. 'Kim?'

'Of course silly. Who did you think it was?'

'I'd never have recognised you. It's a complete transformation - you look fantastic.'

'The same as I've always looked actually, it's only the outer wrapping that's different. And that was your idea.'

'From where I'm sitting I'd say it was one of the best ideas I've ever had. I still can't believe it though. What happened to the glasses?'

'I tried a few, really didn't like any of them, so I'm breaking in some contact lenses - I can't wear them all day yet so I have some glasses too - but they're a lot better than the pair you disliked so much.'

'But I thought I had totally offended you.'

'Oh I was - at first. But after you left I sat and thought about everything you'd said. I realised I had been unfair - I had asked for your opinion and you had given it, the fact that I didn't like what you said wasn't your fault. So then I thought more about what you had said, the reasons why I had reacted so strongly against it.

Anyway, forget the details of what I thought, I decided that maybe you were right. Maybe I was doing myself a disfavour by trying to be what I wasn't - I should be what I am.

And here I am. And unless I'm mistaken, you approve.'

'That's putting it mildly Kim - I think it's, I mean, you look fantastic!'

About then we arrived outside her place and as we got out of the car she casually mentioned that her flat-mate was out, she had lectures all that afternoon. That naturally gave me ideas and I took the opportunities she gave me during the next few minutes to get a better look at her - and it was a pleasure, a real pleasure. When she bent to lock the car door I noticed how the sweater tightened over the full bulge her breasts made in it and then as I stood aside to let her open the door and lead the way upstairs, how the seam of her jeans cut into the crack between the tightly rounded curves of her bottom. Beneath the tacky gear she had previously worn she had been hiding a tautly rounded, perhaps sexy woman.

As my sex-life since arriving at university had been, at best spasmodic, I was almost immediately aware of my body's reaction to her. So when I shut the door of her flat behind me and turned to find her standing there, looking at me with an expression that clearly indicated her own feelings were much the same as mine, I only hesitated for a moment before moving towards her, taking her in my arms and kissing her.

I don't know what she really expected but at first she allowed my hands to freely explore her body, squirming and pressing herself tighter against me, responding quite automatically to what they were doing for her as I caressed her - her kisses getting hotter as I squeezed her bottom, fondled her breasts and even when I then slipped one down over her stomach to feel up between her thighs. But when I began to undo the zip, so I could get at the flesh beneath, she suddenly stopped me, breaking out of my encircling arm.

'No Roger! I'm sorry - but I can't. At least, not yet.'

'What do you mean Kim - not yet?'

'Oh I'm such a fool - I should have waited a bit longer before I sprang on you like this. It's not fair to either of us.'

I still hadn't the faintest idea what she meant of course and told her so, she explained.

'It's not that I'm a virgin - I was heavily involved with a guy a year or so ago. But I haven't had or really wanted anyone since then. So I've never had a need for the pill or other contraceptive. Do you have one of those things, you know, condoms with you?' she asked hesitantly.

I shook my head and the momentarily hopeful look that had appeared on her face changed to one of disappointment as I said. 'I've never used them Kim. The only girl I've, you know, done it with, her mother had made sure she was on the pill.'

'I didn't think you would - and for some odd reason I really don't think I could stand the thought of a man wearing one, just the thought of them makes me shudder. So I made some other decisions about myself, one of them was that I should go on the pill. I started yesterday.'

It was my turn to look and sound excited. 'So what's the problem then?' I said as I eagerly moved back towards her. But my mood swung back just as hers had, when she explained.

'It takes the first cycle to become effective. I shouldn't have done anything about trying to see you for another four weeks.'

I was crestfallen for a moment - then recalled what Sheila and I had done together when we first knew each other.

'I could go and get some condoms from the nearest chemist - but if you are really so turned-off by the thought of them there are plenty of ways we can enjoy being with each other, without actually making love, properly I mean. I can give you almost as much pleasure in other ways - and you can do similar things for me.

That's if you really want to of course.' I added, taking a step towards her.

'You mean things like some girls do when they are together?'

I'd never known a girl who had been with other girls so didn't know exactly what they did - but I could certainly imagine it - and decided it couldn't be that different to what I'd done for Sheila, Greta - and the others.


'And you'd do that for me. And be satisfied with me doing the same thing for you for the next few weeks?'

'Why not?'

'I thought men only ever wanted to, you know - well, fuck.'

'I guess you have as much to learn about men as I have to learn about women. Why don't we do our studies together?' I said, knowing I had a broad grin on my face.

'What a brilliant idea Roger! Let's!' she said with excited enthusiasm then threw herself back into my arms and we kissed long and hard before we moved over to the bed.

She had never really done any of those things to a boy before - the guy that she'd had sex with had been pretty straight-laced, enjoyed the fucking of course but didn't go in for much else - so she had to learn just what to do and which of those things I was most likely to enjoy at any given time. But she took to it like a duck to water and quite quickly became an expert.

But she was amazed at what I was able to do for her - I guess she expected all men to be like the one she'd known, rough, too quick, those kinds of things. But all the experience I'd gained from the various girls that had queued up for me to do it to them proved really valuable and I was able to give her some apparently spectacular orgasms.

We had agreed that we mustn't let the sex get in the way of our studies and although there were evenings when she knew her flat-mate was out and we'd head back to her place and spend ages stroking, licking and sucking each other to innumerable climaxes, there were others when one or the other simply had to work. But we were doing completely different courses and after trying to juggle both our and her flat-mate's conflicting time-tables we decided to meet when and wherever we could. We met at lunch-time or even between classes, each trying to think of somewhere where we could be together - sometimes for as little fifteen minutes.