Those Days of...Ch. 56-60


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Then, obviously finally noticing some of the mess that surrounded us, she asked. 'How on earth did you know about this place?'

'Accident.' I rasped, still struggling for breath. 'When I came for a piss, took wrong door.'

'How fortunate.' she said with a grin, adding as she eased me away from herself. 'Can I use your handkerchief to clean myself up a bit?'

Having given my rapidly shrinking cock a thorough wipe and then mopped up the cocktail of semen and her own juices that was over-flowing her pussy, she adjusted her panties and pulled her dress down again as I tidied myself and zipped up my trousers.

'Do you think we've been missed?' she asked as I opened the door for her.

'I doubt it - that was pretty quick, we haven't really been gone very long at all.'

'I suppose not, it was rather fast and furious - but still very exciting and most effective, thank you.'

Chapter 60

Barbara's Other Need

In fact when we got back inside the restaurant we found the floor was still crowded with dancers and as we rejoined them she snuggled herself close to me and whispered. 'I wonder what they'd think, if they knew what we'd been up to.'

'Half of them would be jealous.'


'The men!'

'Most of them would be jealous.'


'The women would be just as jealous too - except for our gay friends.' she explained with a smile.

The hasty but nonetheless satisfying fuck took the edge off the urgency of our need for each other and so we stayed on, eating and drinking as we talked and laughed, every now and then rejoining the dancers. So the time passed quickly and when I thought to check it I was surprised to find that it was nearly eleven o'clock and knowing we both had quite a bit to do the following day I suggested we head home.

She gave me a cheeky grin and I thought I noticed there was a slight slurring of the words as she asked. 'Feeling sexy again are you?'

'I was actually more concerned about all the stuff we have to do tomorrow.'

'So my charms are wearing off already are they? Just like a man - let him have his, his way with you too easily, too soon and you'll find out just how quickly he tires of you.'

The slurring was even more noticeable, obviously the wine was beginning to get to her and I thought it was just as well I had already decided it was time for us to go.

'You'll find out just how tired I am when we get home.' I answered as I looked around for the waiter so I could have him arrange for our bill.

'You've got something in mind have you?'

'You could say that.'

She giggled. 'Oh goodie, what?'

In fact a thought had been growing for some time. Remembering how strongly she'd reacted the previous evening to having my partially erect cock up her arse - I'd been thinking how it would feel to fuck her that way, properly.

'You'll just have to wait and see.' I answered evasively as I caught the waiter's eye and he came over to the table.

'In that case, while you sort out the bill I might pop out to the ladies' room.' Adding in a half whisper as she got up. 'So we don't waste any time once we get back home.'

I watched her make her slightly unsteady way between the other diners and across to the toilet then turned my attention to the waiter and settling the bill.

The cab ride home was uneventful, as we settled into the seat I slipped my arm around her shoulders, she leaned her head against me and for a while I thought she'd fallen asleep. Left to my own thoughts I found they naturally turned to the exciting times we'd already had during the day - and the thought as to how we might end it.

I also recalled the time I'd given her a spanking. Remembered her sitting on my lap afterwards, my unspent cock still hard up inside her as she waited for the tremors wracking her body to subside - and the tone of bewildered surprise in her voice when, between gasps for breath, she finally exclaimed.

'You knew! Even though I didn't know it myself - you knew something like that would turn me on that much. You knew!'

I remembered the long, involved explanation I'd given her, about the guilt I thought she still carried inside, guilt from different times in her life. And what she'd said had gone through her mind the day she'd found me fucking her mother's arse in the kitchen - 'When I saw you powering in and out of her and heard the noises you were both making - I was really, really jealous - I wanted it to be me on the receiving end.'

All that time I'd thought Barbara was dozing but when we were almost home she suddenly sat upright, smiled at me and said.

'It's been a lovely evening, I've really enjoyed myself, thank you Roger.'

'My pleasure Barbara. And thank you for making both it and the rest of the day so memorable.'

'The day's not over yet.'

'True - but I thought you seemed, well, tired.'

'The wine's gone to my head a bit, that's all - but it's not affecting the rest of me - and for whatever it is you have in mind for us, I'll never be too tired.'

Using what she'd said as a lead-in to what I had been thinking about, I changed the tone of my voice, making it sound much more severe as I answered. 'Yes I thought you were drinking a little too much, I was very disappointed to see that Barbara.'

Although she was obviously puzzled by my unusual response she didn't have a chance to question it because just then the cab pulled up outside our building and once inside I took her arm, gripping it more tightly than really necessary as we climbed the stairs. To add to her sense of confusion I kept my tight hold of her and didn't bother to turn on any more lights as I led her straight to her bed-room.

'Young women need to be careful about how much they drink Barbara.' I said in the same stern tone I'd used in the cab. 'Especially if they are planning on going out into the business world. There are plenty of unscrupulous men out there just waiting for someone like you, free and easy, all too open about your sexual practices. If you also become careless as to how much you drink you'll be easy prey for their wicked ways.

You need to learn to be a little more temperate, don't you?'

I had to wait several seconds for her reply - but knew she understood something of what I had in mind when I heard her speak in the same cowed, almost little-girl voice I'd heard the previous time we'd played that game.

'Yes, I suppose I do.'

'So, as it's an even more important lesson, you will need firmer punishment than the last time you had to be chastised, won't you.'

'Yes, yes I will.' She whispered.

'Very well. I want you to take your things off, then bend over the bed-rail. I'll be back in a moment'

Something had occurred to me while we'd been talking. I'd remembered Barbara's reaction when Helen told her about our responses to being tied-up. She had said she was disappointed that Mike was unwilling to participate in a foursome. But most of all was the look I had seen in her eyes, that made it quite clear that what she actually wanted was for me to do it.

I couldn't imagine a better opportunity presenting itself - and by combining bondage with a little mild discipline I would certainly heighten the experience for her - as well as for myself.

I went to get the equipment from the bed-room and as my cock was already reacting to the mere thought of what I had in mind, and to save time later, I stripped all my clothes off. When I returned to her room I found Barbara had done exactly as I asked, she was quite naked and bent over the bed-rail at the foot of the bed. I stood still for a few seconds, letting my eyes adjust to the limited light so I could better appreciate the erotic display - a display that made my already partially aroused cock rise strongly.

Neither of us said a word but I felt a brief tremor run up through her body as I slipped the bands around her ankles. Then, splaying her legs further apart I fastened one to each of the legs of the bed and, before doing the same to her wrists, slipped one of the velvet hoods over her head. By then her breaths were coming in short, shallow gasps and by the time I'd finished a couple of minor adjustments to the straps I could see from the increasing tension in her body just how strongly she was reacting to the situation.

Having tied her down I stood back and, remembering the strength of my own reactions when Helen left me tied-up in the door-way, left her in suspense for a few minutes. Using that time to savour the sight of her, slowly stroking my cock up to a full throbbing erection as I imagined the delights that were still to come.

When I thought she had stewed for long enough, still without saying a word, I moved close beside her and began to smack her upraised bottom. The slaps weren't really very hard but, as her skin slowly turned from white to pink and then to an even darker shade as her reactions got stronger - grunting each time my hand connected, her knuckles whitening as her fingers gripped the bed-clothes, her upper body flexing, shoving her bottom higher.

The thought that down between those luscious globes lay two paths to bliss - her familiar, ever responsive pussy, and the other, darker, much tighter opening - heightened my own reactions and I felt my fully engorged cock quivering.

It wasn't long before the urge to experience those delights grew stronger than the pleasure of anticipating them and, giving her one final smack, I knelt down behind her and she gave a sharp hiss in reaction to the sudden contrast of the wetness of my tongue on her overheated bottom. She swayed wantonly from side to side as I slowly licked each cheek then whimpered as my tongue slid down between them, probing her arse-hole and leaving a liberal coating of saliva all around it. Slipping one hand up between her legs I discovered just how aroused she'd become, the juices running down out of her pussy had made the insides of her thighs even wetter than I had made her bottom.

Realising that both of us were more than ready I wasted no more time, getting up I slipped my cock-head up between her sopping pussy-lips and our groans of relief and delight blended as I thrust the rest of it deep inside her.

A few deep thrusts into the hot wetness of her cunt were enough to liberally coat the head and shaft with her juices and she must have quickly realised what my actual intentions were because as I pulled out, then spread her arse cheeks with my fingers, I felt her trying to relax herself. But even so the muscles around her arse-hole were still locked tight and for a few moments I thought I was going to have to return to her other, more welcoming opening. Then, just when I was about to give up trying to force my way in, they relaxed a little, just enough for me to wedge the tip inside. From there it much easier to get the rest into her, merely a matter of maintaining a steady forward pressure and giving Barbara time to adjust to the hard mass pushing its way deeper and deeper into the slick tightness of her anal tunnel.

Even though my cock was liberally coated with her pussy-juices the greasy lining was so tight it felt as though the skin was being slowly peeled off the entire length of it, a sensation that only seemed to make it grow even bigger and harder, amplifying the thrilling responses coursing up through my body.

'Oh, dear God!' Barbara moaned, her words muffled by the hood. But, as I grasped her hips even more firmly and began to rock back and forth, shoving my cock deeper each time I thrust, she arched her body and in a much shriller, pleading voice, cried. 'Oh fuck me. Fuck it! Fuck my arse Roger! Please - fuck it hard!!'

Spreading her cheeks even further apart I looked down at the sight of my cock driving in and out of her, the normally puckered flesh around her arse-hole was stretched to its absolute limit and although the passage was as tight as a glove I began to pick up speed and power, doing exactly what she'd asked - fuck her arse, fuck it hard!

The oily tightness created electrifying thrills, stretching as I ploughed forward, then shrinking back around my shaft, almost like a second skin, triggering a constant series of pleasure-shocks that made my entire body shudder as they rippled through me. Luckily the quick, almost brutal fuck we'd had in the yard behind the restaurant had taken some of the edge off my own need so even though I felt the familiar heavy surge building deep inside myself I was able to concentrate on continuing to give her those long, powerful strokes.

As her body reacted to the increasingly powerful rhythm of my thrusting Barbara began to grunt and groan and I could tell from the rising pitch that she was already close to an orgasm. Then, as the muscles in her back flexed, both her actions and her cries grew more frenzied, she jerked herself powerfully backwards, straining against her bonds, trying to force my cock even deeper inside herself. In response I powered in and out even harder and felt sweat starting to drip from me as I repeatedly slammed myself against the hard curve of her buttocks, my achingly swollen balls slapping noisily against her.

Then her shrieks of pleasure went up off the scale and I felt her entire body convulsing as her climax finally ripped through her.

Of course unlike her cunt, her anal passage-way wasn't flooded with excretions from her orgasm so there was no resulting decrease in the intensity of friction between its lining and my cock. Quite the opposite in fact - as I continued shafting it and her body heaved and shuddered in reaction to the force of the climax, the greasy tube seemed to close around it even more tightly - and that additional stimulation was what finally brought on mine.

My balls shrank hard up against the base of my cock, their contents seething, churning as the pressure rose higher. Barbara, perhaps sensing what was about to come, and in spite of her own continuing climax, seemed to somehow open herself for me. As the mind-blowing rush began I felt as though every muscle in my body was concentrating their force for the one, final, critical thrust and then I gave a deep, guttural grunt as the first scalding load of semen fountained up through me, jetting deep inside her.

We were more like two wild animals than two human beings. Barbara driving herself wildly back on to my hammering cock, as though trying to force every last drop out of me. I had virtually no control, my body responding to its own, more primal instincts. As I felt the succeeding loads surging up through me I looked down again at my cock pistoning in and out of her spasming arse-hole, hearing the sound of my own voice thundering as it continued spouting jets of hot, thick semen into her.

Eventually, when we were both finally done with each other and with my totally drained cock still plugged hard up inside her arse, I fell forwards on to her back, gasping, gulping air, waiting for my racing, pounding heart to return to a more normal beat.

When it had, and I'd released her from the straps, to give her time to fully recover I went to the bath-room to wash myself. By the time I returned she had crawled up on to the bed, I lay down beside her, pulled the cover over us then wrapped my arms around her and in a few minutes we both fell asleep.



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bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago

I think Helen better get back home or Maureen will take Roger away from her and Barbara and this chapter is great with all of Rogers memories of all of his conquests and his women.



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