Those Piercing Eyes


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I simply could not resist the temptation to watch the Brigadier's reaction as he watched my half dressed wife shaking her hair in the balcony that made her boobs bounce freely without the bra and a wet white cloth loosely wrapped around her lissom body exposing her boobs. I was shocked to see the Brigadier had pulled down his shorts and had his tight long cock in his hand; which he stroked as he watched Sumi performing her daily routine exercises. The Brigadier's cock was fairly long and thick and gleamed in the sun light; coated all over by pre-cum coming out from the tiny orifice of the stem of his bulbous head. It surprised me to see that even at that age (the Brigadier must be slightly short of 60) he had such a challenging cock that stood up like a flag pole in his palm.

It felt awkward for me to stand and spy upon my neighbour thus. However, my legs were stuck to the floor as I could not but watch through what would be in store as the show progressed. The Brigadier was riveted to his spot as he watched Sumi do some Asanas of the Yoga exercise.

Sumi kept exercising in the balcony, hardly aware of the impact she was making on our poor neighbour. And what an impact she was making! The Brigadier kept stroking faster and faster as Sumi spread her legs, raised them in the air one after another, jerked her hair up and down and bent and shook her body in the exercise. The whole show was highly tantalizing to say the least and any other male in place of the Brigadier would not have been better off.

As the Brigadier watched movements of Sumi's half hidden assets; filling up the rest through his imagination, he began stroking his cock harder. He was undergoing a wave of convulsions when suddenly my leg kicked one of the doors that made some sound and the Brigadier saw me watching him in the act of masturbation. He felt acutely embarrassed as he tried to cover up himself quickly.

I was stuck like a dumb head on the doors, apologising and making very stupid incoherent noises as I retreated awkwardly trying to explain that I had come to deliver the food box that Sumi had asked me to deliver. I quickly withdrew and ran down the flight of stairs leaving behind the food on one of the small tables on my way out.

I was so acutely embarrassed myself catching the Brigadier in his peeping tom activities that in the evening, I decided to go to the Brigadier's house on my way back from my office, before going home and profusely apologize for my stupidity, so that this incident did not sour our relationship. However, before I could act, I got a phone call from the Brigadier sometime in the afternoon. His hello was pretty fragile as compared to his normal self assured resonant thundering greetings.

He talked in roundabout way and requested that I should stop by his house on my way back and that I should strictly keep the secret between two males and that I should not mention any of this to Sumi.

At about six pm that evening on my way back home, I saw the Brigadier having a cup of tea in his front lawn. I cleared my throat and tried to apologize, when he cut my statement in between and said, "Well, do not feel guilty. It is I, who needs to beg forgiveness." Then regaining in composure somewhat he confided in me that he was starved of sex since his wife died more than a year ago. He swore to me that he would never look again in the direction of my house, when Sumi dried her hair or did her yoga exercises.

He was surprised when I told him not to worry too much about what happened. I asked him not to stop looking through the curtains as there was nothing wrong if he did that because he was not hurting anyone. If Sumi did the exercises in the open half dressed, the Brigadier could not be faulted for looking. I promised the Brigadier that I shall not tell Sumi any of this and everything shall be just as before. The Brigadier appeared so obliged that he took my hands in his and with a hint of wetness in his eyes thanked me for my understanding.

As I walked out after our evening chat, I felt pleased that this could lead to some excitement in our relationships resulting in some real surprises.

Needless to mention that after the incident, the Brigadier was more than friendly to me. We met more often in the evenings and he would reveal some of his secret army experiences. In his hey days, he confided that he was a star at the parties and many army wives and girls craved for him. He confided in me that during his service days, he had secret relationships with some of them too and many women wanted him to fuck them. He had indeed fucked some of his fan females, he grudgingly confided.

I could detect a ringing tone of sadness and disappointment at him being left out to his palatial house alone with the two attendants, not being able to have any female company. He blurted out talking with me under the influence of booze one evening that only after we checked in his neighbourhood, did he find some vitality in his boring life. He inadvertently hinted at the role my wife played in this transformation.

It must have been a week after the incident of my catching the Brigadier (with his pants down, literally). Sumi and I had retired to bed when Sumi asked me, "Raj, I am somewhat confused at the Brigadier's strange behaviour since the past few days. He is avoiding eye to eye contact with me and behaves much more formally than before. I don't know why."

The issue not only affected the Brigadier. It affected me too. There was this internal struggle going on in my mind too (wondering where aall this would lead to); since my talk with the Brigadier. I inadvertently blurted out, "Naturally, any man in his position would."

Sumi was surprised at my answer. She asked me, "What do you mean by that? Is there something that you know which I don't?"

I evaded her question and started to talk about some other topic. She was no fool. She caught my chin and looked straight into my eyes and asked me, "What is it Raj? Why don't you answer my question in a straight forward way?"

When after a few exchanges of conversation, I realised that it was not possible to hide from her what had happened on that fateful day, I told her in detail all that had happened, when she had asked me to deliver the lunch box."

After a long silence and some quiet thinking, my wife Sumi said, "You should have told me this earlier."

I replied, "What could I do? The Brigadier asked me not to reveal any of this to you. He made me swear. He was scared that if I told you what had happened, you would break all relations with him."

Her answer made me think seriously. She said, "It was foolish of him to think that way. After all, our relationship means more than a stupid thing like that."

She then turned to me and asked, "Are you sure, you are telling me the truth and not making this up? I mean seeing him masturbating whilst I was doing the exercises? You mean you really saw his cock? You said, it was long and thick one just like yours is? Even at this age?" There was a clear expression of surprise on her face.

I quietly nodded and supplemented, "Yes, but it was bigger than mine."

I could see multiple expressions flying thick and fast on her pretty face. Expressions of surprise, disbelief, puzzle, interest and shyness combined. I then narrated to her all that the Brigadier confided in me regarding his past adventures when he was in the army service. I told her that during his time, he was a well known Casanova.

It took her some time to digest the information I fed her. She looked thoughtful as she murmured, "No wonder, he misses female company and has to make do with the crumbs available in the form of watching me after bath; that too, peeping through the curtains."

I knew, I had her where I wanted her to be. Looking at the right opportunity, I asked her, "Sumi may be we could help him if we want..." I trailed off not revealing my hand yet leaving the sentence significantly incomplete.

She could not resist the temptation and curiosity, "What do you mean, we can help him? How?"

I deliberately played evasive and said, "Well, nothing really, it was just that ..." And again I trailed the sentence off incomplete with loaded meaningful glances.

"Come on don't be a smut. Tell me what you have in your mind."

I said, "I was just thinking that if you feel that he does need some help, may be you could... I mean maybe we could..." I again trailed off into loaded silence.

"Oh! You mean, I should give him company, right?" She asked with glaring eyes.

I said, "Well, yes, but not exactly. What I meant is that perhaps we could be a little friendlier to him than what we have been so far".

She replied back quietly, mulling over the idea in her mind (I was sure), "Well, I think may be, you have a point there. He is a very good genuine person and any such male would miss female friendly company. I know in my heart that my dad has the same problem nowadays after my mother died and he cannot confide this to anyone."

I decided to push the envelope further, seeing the right opportunity. I asked, "Tell me honestly, would you mind if some female agrees to have sex with your father out of compassion and affection, seeing him in this condition?"

Sumi was thoughtful. She said, "You might call it outrageous; but I think that if her intention is only to have sex with my dad, without getting involved with him in a family type relationship; then I would be thankful to her. I mean, only if it is a casual sexual relationship bereft of her having any ideas of grabbing his property etc, through that relationship. But then, which woman will do that for him?"

I jumped at this opportunity and replied, "I don't know about your father, but for the Brigadier, I know who can, if she chooses to."

It took some time for her to digest what I said. She then looked at me pointedly and asked, "You mean... you are suggesting that...?"

I meekly nodded my head. She was angry (but not much). She said, "You must be out of your mind even to think of that."

I replied back, "You just said that you would be thankful to that lady for your father. The situation is not much more different here. Is it? Of course, it is your choice." I shrugged my shoulder in complete detachment.

"And you are suggesting this to your wife?" She asked.

I said, "It is just a thought. It does not have to happen. There is no need to do it. There is no compulsion at all. After all, it is entirely our decision on how much we want to help him. Just look at the trouble he went to help us without any obligation and look at what he has done for us."

She said stubbornly, "I don't think I am ready to go along with you. We have to consider our marriage too."

Again shrugging my shoulders, I concluded, "I am with you either way. You are the boss. I will fall in line with what you decide. I will not ask you to do this if you don't want to. However, if you ask me, as far as I am concerned, I would like to go out of our way to help him out just as he did and I see nothing wrong in your being that woman; if you agree. Besides, I must admit that he is smart, strong and very likeable if somewhat older and could be very good in bed."

Sumi punched me hard in my ribs in mock anger. However, I knew that if I was not very wrong, I had hit the nail on the head.

From that day onwards, my wife Sumi was a changed person. She kept talking of the way the Brigadier played with our children and treated them so affectionately. She was trying to prepare herself for something that perhaps she did not know and surely had never done before. She made it a point to take much more care of the Brigadier and to check every day about his health, spent a lot more time with him and noted down what medicines he took at what time. She generally gave him the medicines herself or else checked with the attendant if the Brigadier had taken the medicines or not. In fact to the Brigadier, she became sweetness personified.

The ball between my wife and the Brigadier got rolling. Sumi visited the Brigadier at least twice daily. She served him the medicines and cooked food that occasionally the Brigadier said he liked. When the Brigadier was even slightly unwell, Sumi would rush leaving all work to check how he felt. I looked at the change in her attitude to my neighbour and felt pleased and wondered if something exciting could happen as the result.

Many times during our visits to his house, the Brigadier's children called him from overseas and gradually even they got to know our names and talk to us. They were happy that we were looking after their dad well.

I tried to check surreptitiously if there was anything beyond the normal formal relationship developing between the Brigadier and my wife. However, the results were always the same. Their relationship remained just a tad more than formal but far short of intimate. I never felt that they even hugged sexily at any time. I was sure the Brigadier might have thought of making some moves. However, he did not want to risk ruining the relationship that he had so carefully tried to build up.

I raised the topic once or twice at bed time about their interactions and tried to check with Sumi, if she was considering being 'that woman' for the Brigadier. Her reply was the same, "You told me I am the boss. So wait for the right moment and I will tell you when I am ready."

One day, at about 9 pm, the Brigadier's attendant came running to us and said, "Saab is not well. He has fever. Please call the doctor. He has asked me not to call anyone but you."

We were about to go to bed. Sumi was in her night gown and was preparing to put the children to bed. We immediately dropped everything and rushed to the Brigadier. We found that the Brigadier had high fever. He was semi conscious. We phoned the doctor. The doctor was not in town. On the phone, he asked us to give him some medicines. The servant went and fetched the medicines. The doctor told us that we should watch the Brigadier for the whole night and not let the temperature rise too much.

As soon as we administered required medicines to the Brigadier, the Brigadier's attendant got a phone call from his town. The attendant's father was on the deathbed. The attendant told us that he had to leave immediately right then; but he was reluctant to leave because of the Brigadier's condition.

Sumi asked him to leave immediately and told him that we would look after the Brigadier. The Brigadier had two attendants. One already was on leave. That meant that Sumi and I had to take care of the Brigadier at least for the next two days.

After the attendant left, I checked the Brigadier's fever and pulse. He had high temperature. We had to apply wet sponge on his forehead constantly. The next day was a school day and the children had to go to school. Sumi went back to our house and returned after an hour with some "Khichuri' (Rice and Lentil mixed porridge). I woke up the Brigadier. Sumi served him and made him eat some of it. She then asked me to go to our house to check if the children had gone to sleep or not and to secure the doors properly.

I did as I was told and returned after half an hour to forty five minutes to relieve my wife. When I was about to enter the room, I was a bit surprised at the sight I saw inside. My wife sat with the Brigadier's head in her lap. She rested on the bed-head. The Brigadier lay under a blanket. She was applying wet cotton sponge on his forehead and gently massaging it with her fingers of one hand. Her other hand was inside his blanket. She perhaps was caressing his hairy chest to feel his fever. The Brigadier saw me. Feeling awkward perhaps, he tried to move away from my wife's lap. I waved him to stay as he was and I sat on a sofa just adjoining the bed.

I told the Brigadier, "It's ok. You have high fever. The doctor has asked us to be in constant attendance and you are going to follow our commands until you get well. So just be a good guy and follow our commands. Ok? We are going to be with you through the night"

The Brigadier meekly nodded his head, looked at Sumi and closed his eyes. He seemed to fall asleep gradually under the tender caresses and forehead sponging by my wife Sumi.

I asked Sumi to leave and go home. I told her that I would attend to the Brigadier whilst She could go home and take rest to be fresh for the next morning. She refused and asked me to go home, if I wanted to. She said she had to perform her duty. The rest will follow. She was determined to stay with the Brigadier through the night. I decided not to pursue the matter further. I stayed there in case the Brigadier's health worsens and if Sumi needs ay assistance.

Some hours passed. I must have dozed off. When I woke up, I found that my wife Sumi had fallen off to sleep with the Brigadier's head still in her lap. Her chin rested on the Brigadier's chest. My wife's lovely firm and ample bosoms pressed onto the Brigadier's face. I got up and switched off the lights and sat on the sofa resting by the back of the sofa. I could still see them in dull light.

I decided to pretend to fall asleep and wanted to see if something happens. Nothing happened for a while as all were asleep. After sometime, I sensed that the Brigadier shook a little. He sensed my wife's bosoms pressing onto his face and covering his nostrils. He spoke something softly to my wife. Sumi woke up with a start she sat up straight and resumed sponging the Brigadier's forehead. The Brigadier gave out a faint grunt. He still had some fever. Soon his regular breathing told me that he fell asleep.

Sumi saw me sleeping whilst sitting on the sofa. She got up from the bed. She shook me to wake me up and told me in hushed voice to quietly stretch my body and lie down on the sofa and go to sleep. I signalled that I could sponge the Brigadier's forehead and she could sleep for a while. However, she just repeated her earlier instructions. I nodded, picked up a blanket covered myself fully and stretched on the sofa and pretended to fall off to sleep. I was just an arm's length away from them. All the same, I had kept a peeping gap in the blanket and could see them clearly from where I was.

Sumi, returned. This time she sat by the Brigadier's side (between the Brigadier and me) folding her legs to stay on the bed and resumed sponging the Brigadier's forehead, caressing his chest and neck by occasionally inserting her hand in his blanket to feel his body temperature. She sat in an uncomfortable posture and after a while, she again dozed off to sleep. When her head fell on the Brigadier's chest again, she woke up, resumed sponging with her upper hand. To be a bit more comfortable, she stretched her legs along the side of the brigadier, turning towards the Brigadier putting the weight of her head on her lower arm.

When again she fell asleep and her head fell again on the Brigadier's chest, she gradually stretched full length to lie by the side of the Brigadier with her face facing the Brigadier. Her one hand rested on the Brigadier's head with the sponge in her fingers and the other folded to support her head. Nothing happened for a while. Then I saw the Brigadier move a little. He opened his eyes; saw Sumi's face close to his. She was fast asleep, snoring a little. He raised his head to look if I was asleep. I lay quietly and breathed as if I was in deep sleep.

Brigadier's fever seemed to have gone down. Reassured that I was fast asleep, He gently removed sponge from Sumi's hand. He then gently rested her hand on her full length body taking care not to wake her. Sumi gave out a few grunts but remained asleep. The Brigadier pulled Sumi closer to him and enveloped her in an embrace in his arms.

I was not sure if Sumi was too sleepy to notice that or pretended to be so. Sumi's face was opposite the Brigadier's face. The Brigadier pulled my wife closer to him. They were both lying close to each other's body. The Brigadier was inside the blanket and Sumi outside. Seeing them in that condition, made my cock harden. This was the first time that I watched my wife lying close to another male.