Three Become One Ch. 04


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"Daddy..." one of them said as I felt them approaching me from behind.

"Look..." I said to them. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do what I did. I'm not a violent man, and you have no reason to think that you're in any danger...but I understand if you do. Again, I'm sorry."

The twins didn't say anything. I was shivering as I had my back to them. My anger had now turned to shame, and this was yet another emotion I wasn't quite used to feeling. Then I felt a soft hand on each of my shoulders.

"Daddy..." one of them said. "We know you're not violent. And we know we're not in danger. We know you would never do anything to hurt us."

"I would never...that's true." I said. "But you didn't tell me you'd had boyfriends. You told me the opposite. You said you hadn't touched any boys and that they hadn't touched you."

"That's all true." One of them said.

"I read the comments!" I said, rather emotionally. "Some of those boys said things like their time spent with you were some of the best times in their lives, and they wanted it to continue...and..."

[u] "And?"

"And...I don't know. That's it. That's enough!" I said.

"Daddy...look at us." One of them said.

I sighed as I looked up to the ceiling. My eyes were watery but I had managed to keep the moisture at bay. I concentrated on that as I turned around and looked down at the twins.

"Daddy..." she said. "We didn't do anything with ANY of those boys, and we didn't let them do anything to us."

"You expect me to believe that?" I asked.

"No..." the other twin said. "We don't expect you to believe that. Because it's hard to believe. It's hard for you to believe that we would go through all of this trouble just for you. All we can do is hope that you'll believe us."

"I can't believe anything you two say!" I exclaimed, pacing as I spoke. "You got with me, a man twice your age, almost immediately. You want me to believe you didn't do at least some sexual stuff with those boys you dated? Why couldn't you just tell me the truth?"

"Daddy, stop!" one of them said as she took me by both my cheeks and looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "Look at me..."

I looked down at her and began to get lost in her sweet, shimmering pools of luster. She was on the verge of tears just as I was, and I actually took some comfort in that. It was like she was trying to comfort me using only her eyes.

"Daddy, listen to me." She said. "Those boys you're talking about...they were just pawns. We were just using them."

"Oh great, that makes things much better." I said, sarcastically in an effort to deflect attention from the emotion I was feeling. "So you sucked these guys off as practice, right? Practicing for when you finally get with me? Then you're like 'Hey Dr. Geoffries, we've never sucked another man's cock; you're the first' and I fall for it. Right? Right?"

All of a sudden a stern look came across her eyes and I felt my left cheek being slapped by her hand. It hurt; but not physically. It hurt me to know that I had been so much of an ass that she had been forced to slap me. I looked at her and she glared back at me with purpose in her eyes as if she had a point she wanted to convey.

"Don't you say that!" she said to me. "Don't you ever even fucking think that we would do anything like that with anyone but you! You're my Daddy! You're the only man I'll ever...ever..."

She trailed off as she tilted her head down and started to cry. I didn't know what to do. My shame had now been turned into guilt. I felt guilty for demanding things they no longer had control over; I wanted them to un-ring a bell, and I felt like a complete asshole for wanting that.

The other girl spoke up in place of her sister now.

"Daddy...we didn't use those boys like that." She said. "We used them because we needed to have boyfriends."

I was still looking down at the sobbing teen directly below me; she had buried her blonde head into my chest and I could tell she was trying to stop crying. I felt horrible and shameful and angry all at once.

"You needed to have boyfriends. What do you mean by that?" I asked. "You needed boyfriends to go to prom or something?"

"No...Daddy." She said as she approached me and brought her hand to my cheek where her twin sister had slapped me. She caressed it with warmth and love emanating from her soft skin. "Just look at us. We're gorgeous. We're cheerleaders. We have the biggest tits in school. Literally everyone we know expects us to have boyfriends. Our peers, our teachers, but mostly our parents."

"Wendell and Stephanie?" I asked.

"Yes!" she said, almost excitedly. "Everyone expects us to have boyfriends. So we gave them what they wanted. But we never touched these boys, and we never let them touch us even though they really wanted to. We saved ourselves just for you, Daddy! But we had to put on a "boyfriend" show so people wouldn't get suspicious or think we were lesbians or anything! We never dated them for long; some of them broke up with us because we refused to do stuff with them, and then they regretted it. Others we broke up with ourselves. We just wanted it to seem like we were going out with these boys. So people wouldn't think we were lesbians know...saving both our bodies for a guy who was way older than us; a guy who was a doctor, a guy who makes us wet every time we think about him..."

Both girls then looked up to me as I looked back down at them. They both had wetness in their eyes as they stared at me with hope, love, and admiration.

"You're telling never touched those boys you dated in a sexual way? And they never touched you like that?" I asked.

"We didn't let them!" one of them said. "We're your girls, Daddy. We always have been!"

"I can't believe anything you say." I said. "How do I know you aren't lying?"

Both girls then left the room for a moment and came back with their phones.

"Do you want us to prove it?" one of them asked.

"How the hell are you going to prove something like that?" I responded.

"We're going to call those dumb, disgusting boys and confirm everything for you on speakerphone."

"No, that's. Don't do that. You don't have to, really." I said, feeling bad that things had gone this far.

"Too late, it's already dialing." She said, and a moment later there was a ringing sound filling the entire room.

"Okay, okay! Stop! I believe you."

She looked at me with a studious look on her face.

"...No you don't." she said, just as someone picked up the phone on the other end.


I stood still, and tried to be as silent as I could. I shook my head trying to indicate for her to just hang up the phone or...anything. I just wanted her to know that this wasn't necessary. I would hate myself forever if she went through with this just to prove something to me that I shouldn't even want proof of in the first place.

She was still glaring at me, as if trying to figure out what was going through my head as I stood before her wide-eyed.

"Hello?" came a voice on the other end. "Hello? Kaycee?"

"Hi, Zack." She said.

"Hey, what's good girl?" he asked.

Kaycee sighed before speaking into the mic on her phone.

"Zack have you been talking to people about that week we went out?" she asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zack asked.

"I mean, have you told anybody anything about it?" she demanded.

"Uhh...yeah, just like Jimmy and Greg, a few other guys maybe. But I mean there's not much to tell."

"What do you mean by that?" Kaycee asked, raising her eyes at me.

"C'mon girl, you know what I mean. It's embarrassing." He said.

"Are you referring to that time you finally worked up the nerve to try and kiss me and I pulled away?" Kaycee asked.

"I...I...what the fuck man?!" Zack said. "Why did you call me? Is it because you wanna go out again or what?"

"No." Kaycee said. "Someone started a rumor about me and I'm trying to figure out who it is."

"The fuck? What rumor?! I ain't heard of any rumor! And why the fuck would you think it was me??"

"Because you posted something about that week being the greatest week of your life on my profile online."

"So...WHAT?" Zack responded. "I was just fucking trying to be nice!"

"Well then why were you so FUCKING dramatic about it?" Kaycee said, a hint of anger in her voice.

"I...I dunno! This is all over some fucking comment I posted??"

"Did you mean it? The comment?"

"I...don't fucking...KNOW!" he said.

"Just fucking tell me if you meant it or not!" Kaycee demanded.

"Okay fine, yes. Yes! Okay, it was the best fucking week ever."

"Why?" Kaycee asked, a more polite tone emanating from her now.

"Cause damn girl! You fine as hell! Everyone fucking knows the Juggs Sisters are the hottest girls in school. That's why. Are you fucking happy now?"

Kaycee tilted her head at me when she spoke.

"Don't call us that." She said.

"Everyone else does..." Zack responded.

"Maybe so, but you don't." she said.

"Wait, wait, wait." Zack said. "Do you wanna go out again or not? Cause if so I'm down!"

At this Kaycee hung up the phone. She stared at me with this all-knowing look in her eyes as if she could see what was in my mind.

I didn't know what to say. I felt sheepish and powerless. I tried to find the right words but they just wouldn't come. It was Stacie who broke the silence with a ringing sound coming from her phone.

"Ryan's phone is ringing..." she said in an elongated tone.

"Alright alright! Stop!" I said, reaching over and grabbing her phone out of her hand. I quickly hung up. "Fine, I believe you, okay? I believe you. No more phones, no more...boys."

"I believe you this time." Kaycee said.

"Okay, whatever. Here." I said, holding Stacie's phone to her as she took it. "Just, just leave. Please. And stop all this, for good."

I turned and started walking back to the living room with the intention of heading upstairs, but I was followed by the twins as they called out after me.

"Why do you want us to leave?" they asked.

Reaching the foot of the stairs I still had not turned to look at the twins.

"Why would you want to stay?" I asked

"You haven't told us you're sorry yet." One of them said. "You haven't apologized."

I stopped cold at the foot of the stairs and sighed loudly.

"Alright fine." I said, turning around and facing them. "You're right. I owe you both an apology. I shouldn't have made you call an ex-boyfriend just to prove a point you shouldn't have had to prove. I'm a jerk, and I'm sorry."

"You know how you can make it up to us?" they asked as they stepped closer to me.

"Fine. How?" I asked.

"By believing us." They said.

"I do believe you. I was telling the truth earlier, and the phone call just con-

"Not...about the boys." They said. "Well, I mean, yes about the boys. But we're talking about all of it. All of this. Everything we've told you. We really do love you, and we really have spent years preparing for this. We just want to be the best girls we possibly can for you, and we really do want a better life for you."

A smile crept across my face as I thought of the obvious ridiculousness of all this. I shook my head in disbelief at nothing or no one in particular.

"Look, I uh...I don't doubt...that you two know a lot about me. That much is obvious. But everything else you've said...I mean, you two realize how ridiculous that sounds, don't you? You're smart girls." I said.

"Of course we do!" one of them said. "That's why we asked our parents to set up that meeting with you at the restaurant. We couldn't just show up at your front door and ask you to take our virginities and to let us take care of you. A lot of other guys would have said yes if we did that to them, but we knew you wouldn't because you're a good man. A great man, even."

I gave a laugh behind my breath.

"I'm really, really not." I said.

"Yes you are!" they said. "You think you're this...this big monster for wanting what literally everyone else in this world wants. And you demonize yourself because you think you've wronged us. If you really were this horrible man would we still be here talking to you?"

"I...I don't know." I said.

"Yes, you do!" one of them said. "We know you're confused. We know you have a lot of questions. And it breaks our hearts that we can't answer them for you yet."

"And we know you're probably kicking yourself for caving in and fucking us. We had hoped that after this morning you might have loosened some of your restraints, but we don't mind slowing down if that's what you want. It doesn't always have to be about sex."

"Oh God..." I said. "You make it sound like I'm this giant wuss crying about having sex with two gorgeous girls."

The twins then started twirling fingers through their hair as they smiled up at me.

[u] " think we're gorgeous, Daddy?"

I laughed at their gesture as the mood was suddenly lightened.

"Look. We don't have to have sex tonight." One of them said. "Let's just watch a movie, okay?"

Both girls then held out their hands to me.

I was still feeling reluctant, but they had somehow managed to persuade me. I slowly reached out and I felt them grip my hands in their own. They then walked me through the living area and around the couch where we all three sat down. One of the girls picked up the remote pad and started swiping through my movie collection.

"What do you wanna watch, Daddy?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said. "You pick something."

She threw the pad down in my lap.

"No, you pick something." She said as she planted a kiss on my cheek. "You were a bad Daddy and didn't eat your supper. So I'm gonna go make us some popcorn."

With that she got up and skipped away into the kitchen; leaving me with her sister on the couch.

The other girl took the pad from my lap and began swiping through movie title after movie title.

"How about this one, Daddy?" she asked.

She had stopped on one of my personal favorites: David Fincher's Fight Club.

"That's actually one of my favorites." I said. "But it's pretty much a guy movie. Are you sure you wanna watch it?"

She nodded her head, and then nuzzled up closer to me. My chest was heaving with each breath, and I could feel her blonde head rising and falling with it. Not long after the movie started the other twin returned with a bowl of popcorn and nuzzled up next to me just like her sister. Each girl then took one of my arms and lifted them over their heads and shoulders. They held on to my hands and sighed as my arms were draped around their bodies.

As the movie went on with us making the occasional comment and eating popcorn I started to feel a sliver of normalcy in all this. I didn't see it at the time; there's no way that I could have, but in watching that particular film with these particular girls there was a profound sense of irony washing over us.

If you haven't seen the film I highly recommend it, but if the film isn't your cup of tea then I recommend reading the book by Chuck Palahniuk. The twins prefer the movie to the book, but she favors the book over the movie.

I am Jack's ominous sense of foreshadowing.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Enjoyable read. 5/5

InkMonster12InkMonster12over 5 years ago

It's still one of the best stories, I have ever read and this chapter is great just like previous chapters, and the description of these girls are freaking awesome. I really loved the detailed sex scene included in this chapter, which was a bit missing in the previous ones.

Hope to read the next one as soon as time allows.

Thanks for reading.

Shadowforce1Shadowforce1about 6 years ago
Great story

Another great chapter. It keeps getting better. Thank you for sharing.

PinchbeckPinchbeckalmost 7 years ago

First of all, this is great. The slow pace lets the reader get into Jed's head more, and the descriptions are all great. I also like the offhand, subtle references to 'her', which give us a little taste of what's to come.

Second, holy SHIT these girls are INSANE.

That's not hyperbole. If porn logic weren't in effect here, Jed should have filed for a restraining order and suggested that these two be submitted to an institution. They've been (literally) singlemindedly obsessed with him since they were twelve, so much so that it seems to have been the motivation behind everything they've ever done. Not to mention that they clearly have identity issues, as if even they aren't sure which one of them is which.

Still, great story. Can't wait for the next chapter.

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