Tiffany Got Him Mom


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"Mom... ahhh...maybe I should call you Martha at times like this?

"Yes. That might be best. You were going to say?"

"Martha... I was going to say... I have always thought your legs are pretty and smooth, and, I bet your breasts are the same."

"You're very sweet!" Martha praised, as she lifted her gown from the bottom over her head.

Carl stared. He was totally mesmerized by the real breasts not 5 feet from him. "They are beautiful!" He said, then continued, feeling uncomfortable. "You know the nicest thing about a woman's legs?"

"Tell me, Carl, what is the nicest thing about a woman's legs?"

"They run all the way up to her ass...I mean butt." He answered, not meaning to use "ass" but "butt". His face turned red with embarrassment.

"I have one for you!" She said, trying to ease his embarrassment. "A man comes out of a woman's vagina and then spends the rest of his life trying to get back inside one. "That was one of your dad's favorite!"

"That is a good one! I think I understand it?" He chuckled, still staring mesmerized at her breasts. "Martha... may I touch them?"

"Here..." She answered, stepping the few steps to the mirror on her dresser. "... I'll show you what your dad liked to do. You don't mind me mentioning your dad, do you?"

"Certainly not!" He exclaimed. "We both loved him very much."

"Now, step behind me and reached around to my breasts."

Carl did as directed and involuntarily began to manipulate his mother's breasts.

"Cup them underneath and lift. You can squeeze them a little." She directed. "Now, whenever you want, thumb the nipples lightly." Martha had forgotten how sensitive her breasts could be. She watched his hands in the mirror, closing her eyes frequently. "You see how the nipples have gotten hard. That means you are getting me aroused. I've forgotten how much I enjoyed this."

"They are so warm. The nipples look really hard. Did you let dad suck on them?"

"You're funny! I could not have stopped him." She chuckled, remembering how Brad loved to suckle. "You want to know something really secretive? She asked, without pausing. "When a woman is aroused her panties get wet. You know... right at her hole."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"When a woman gets aroused her pussy lubricates... gets wet... that way it doesn't hurt when a man sticks his cock in her panties get wet. I knew your dad always put his fingers to my panties to see how aroused I was. If they were wet, he knew it was time to pull my panties off."

"So, your nipples were hard... that was an indicator, then, if he touched your panties and they were wet you would be ready to fuck?"

"Well, playtime could continue a bit longer, but, you're a quick study." She praised. "Now, if you're going to look at my pussy, I should be able to look at your Peter. How about you pulling your briefs off first... when you are ready, of course."

Carl was not ready and continued to play with her tits a bit longer, then, mustering all his confidence, he turned his mother around and took her left nipple into his mouth, sucking on it lightly.

"Whheeee! You have your dad's genes." Martha moaned, as her hands came up to cradle his head. "My panties are going to be soaking wet if you keep that up!"

Carl switched back and forth between the nipples for a few long minutes, then, backed away. He removed his briefs, standing a long moment to give her a good look at his cock, then, he moved back in to suckle at her nipple.

Martha's suspicion was confirmed as she stared at his cock. Her 5'6" tall son had a long, thick cock. It seemed to grow out of his balls sack and pointed skyward at a steep angle. Martha reached to take his cock into her grasp. She squeezed and pulled on it firmly.

A long few minutes passed. She felt the suction to her nipple increase, then, Carl moaned heavily with his open mouth against her breast. Martha felt his warm semen hit her wrist, draining back onto her hand. His orgasm surprised them both.

"Mom... I mean... Martha, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Carl exclaimed, backing up a few paces, causing her to release his cock, alternating his looks between her hand and his cock, which stripped drops of semen on the carpet.

"Shhhhh, honey!" Martha spoke with a calming tone. "It's okay. I should have expected it. You are so young! It is understandable that you would come so quickly. It's a good thing, really! We will enjoy our time together much better now. You'll see."

Still, Carl stood, his hands and his side, as if in a trance.

"Carl, you go lay on the bed and I will get a washcloth to clean you up. I'll be right back!"

Martha walked to her bathroom and washed her arm and hands. She put mild soap on a washcloth and rinsed it out briefly.

She returned to the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed to Carl's right. Gently, she began to cleanse his shaft. His rather limp cock was soon fully erect. "You are much longer and thicker than your father. Any girl would be proud to have you between her legs."

"I messed up the fun we were having." He replied sympathetically.

"Not at all, baby duck. I am going to go around the bed and lay down next to you. We are going to cuddle and when you take the notion, you can suck on my nipples again. I might massage your Peter again. Then, when you feel froggy, you can put your finger on my panties and feel the wetness. Then, I'll let you look at my pussy. Agreed?"

Martha sat the washcloth on the side table and walked around the bed. She entered the bed and laid back and let him suck on her nipples once more. To his credit, he was massaging her breasts as he suckled. Soon, she had the urge and reached to take hold of his cock, finding it firm. Again, she squeezed and pulled on it firmly.

"AAhhhh, fuck!" She breathed heavily, feeling his middle finger poking her panties. "It's okay. You just surprised me, is all. Are they wet?"

"Very wet." He assured her.

"Take your palm and scrub it." Her breath caught again. "I'll give you 30 minutes to stop that." She chuckled. "Damn, it's been a long time since I have had a man's hand on me." Then, she needed to define her last words. "I never wanted another man to touch me, but, keeping it all in the family, letting his son touched me, makes sense. I know your father would improve."

Martha did let him scrub her pussy for about three minutes. That's about all she could stand without coming. "Do you think it is about time to pull my panties off?"

Carl's answer was to maneuver down to the foot of the bed. She maneuvered to the middle of the bed and spread her legs slightly. He maneuvered up slightly and reached to push his fingers under the top of the mature, but stylish, sexy black panties. As he began to pull them down, Martha lifted her ass to facilitate the removal. She was instantly aware of her nakedness. Feeling a little anxiety, she nevertheless spread her legs wider and lifted her knees, giving her son an unobstructed view of her pussy.

Carl was already intoxicated by his mother showing him her breasts and allowing access to them. But now, gazing on her lavishly furred pussy, he was awe stroke.

Her pussy was thick lipped and puffy. The hair on her mound formed a triangle, with the long inverted base only 2 inches from her belly button. Indeed, the hair on both sides outlined her labia. He deemed it magnificent!

"Martha," he asked softly, "you have touched my Peter. Do I get to touch your... what do you call it? What did dad call it? I only know... pussy, cunt and snach... and used in a demeaning way. Well, pussy, not so much."

Martha could not stifle the chuckle. "Your father called it his treasure. He said my hole was that well concealed. Lots of time when he entered me his cock would pull hair making me yelp."

"That's what I shall call it, also. My treasure." He said with confidence.

"So you're expecting to get back into my vagina?" She said with a serious look on her face and tone. "I thought I made myself clear. Didn't we agree we were not going to...fuck?"

"Maybe not tonight, but, I think you will let me back in when you're ready." Again, his tone was confident. "So, do I get to touch it?"

Martha was not willing to admit he was probably right. Martha nodded her approval. Carl, slowly and tenderly, began to touch her pussy. He slid his middle finger down her crack eliciting a moan from her. She let him have his reign as he explored. He brought his left hand up to assist, spreading her labia and exposing her hole. "You look very tight, Martha." He commented.

Long minutes passed by. Everything he was doing was found pleasing to her. She did not object when he poked his finger into her slightly. Two or three times he poked, penetrating deeper each time. Still, she found it pleasing and did not rebuke him for taking such liberties.

Feeling emboldened, with his mother moaning often, he pushed the middle finger of his right hand deep into her, turning his hand palm up.

"This was not in the plan!" Martha moaned. "You mustn't...

Carl did not listen. He began to stroke his finger inside of her, feeling her vaginal walls. "It's all right, Martha. Just relax." He cooed, seeing her closed eyes and increased breathing. He slowly maneuvered up further between her legs.

Reaching a point, he added his index finger to the mix. "OHHH, please! What are you doing! Please, Carl! I won't stop you! I won't... I swear... I won't! This is on you! You're taking advantage of me!"

Carl, his fingers stroking rapidly in and out of her pussy, soon had her moaning almost continuously. She began to maneuver backwards, seeking relief that she did not really want. Her head went between the two pillows and was soon up against the headboard. To a casual observer, it would appear that Carl was stabbing his mother, causing her torment. She began to move sideways in the bed. Her shoulders were soon hanging off the bed. "I cannot come like this, Carl! You're killing me! I'm going to fall off the bed! Damn you! STOP!" The simi-pleasurable but tormenting action lasted perhaps 10-12 minutes.

Finally, she lounged towards his head, wrapping her arms around his neck, in a last-ditch effort in her mind, to keep from falling off the bed. He continued to stab into her, her moans almost hysterical, but, finally slowed to a stop, keeping his fingers inside her a few long moments before withdrawing them. She clung to him depleted of energy. A long minute passed.

"While I catch my breath, I want you to take that wash-rag to the bathroom... soap it up a little... rinse it good and bring it back.

A bit drained himself Carl did as directed, returning with the warm washcloth.

Martha directed. "I want you to very delicately wash my pussy." She watched, but felt little as her pussy was numb. "You will pay big time for that assault on my pussy. On your chest, I want you to put your face right into my pussy. Come on! You've seen it done. Now, you're going to learn firsthand to eat a woman's pussy."

I guess you could call it akin to "throwing a rabbit into the biarpatch", but right this moment to Martha it was a punishment, as he was new to it. "Now, lick it like you would an ice-cream cone!""

With his face inches from her pussy, Carl timidly began to lick her labia.

Martha propped the pillows under her head and watched the action between her legs. "Give me that damn washcloth!"

"Explore a bit like you did with your finger... before you decided to finger-fuck the hell out of me. Place your palms underneath my buttocks. Stroke your tongue between my pussy lips. Right there!" She moaned. "You feel that? That's my clit. That's what your finger should have been concentrating on. You keep stroking it with your tongue and you will make me come... if my pussy every gets its feeling back. Don't you ever do that to me again. I do not mind being fingered, but be civil about it. You understand me, Carl?"

He stopped long enough to answer, "yes ma'am."

The feeling to her pussy did come back and Carl did a decent job for his first time giving oral.

After her "very strong" orgasm, Martha directed him to cut the light off and come back to bed. When he reentered the bed, she maneuvered him between her legs. She lifted them as she acquired his cock.

"I was not planning this! It is what it is! I'm keeping my pussy in the family. Be gentle." She warned him as she put the head of his cock to her hole. "push." she instructed. "Now, push it deep. Yes, lord, yes! How do you like the feeling of my pussy... your new treasure?"

"Better than anything I could imagine!" He answered.

"Better better than Tiffany?"

"Oh, hell yes!"

"Let's just fuck nice and slow, okay." Martha directed. "We can get to know each other."

As mother and son fucked slowly, each concentrated on the feeling to their genitals and listen to the other's soft breathing and moans. Perhaps 15 minutes slipped by before any word was spoken. Martha was the first to whisper.

"No offense to your father, but, you are considerably longer and thicker than he was. Your cock seems to grow right out of your balls and points almost vertical. I had to press it down a bit to put it in me. It feels like it's up in my belly."

"Is all that a good thing?" He queried.

"Yes. A very good thing." She replied. "You said, you thought my fuck-hole...sorry, I tend to talk dirty when I'mthe aroused... anyway, looked tight. I knew you have nothing to compare me to, but, do I feel tight?"

"Yes, very much so!"

"Fuck! That's good!" She groaned. "I am an old broad and the only reason I may feel tight is because you're so thick."

"Mom... Martha, you are only 42! You are far from being an old broad!" He chided.

"I was stingy with my pussy with your dad, Carl... damn, do that again! Again! I will try real hard not to be that way with you. But, I am a bit older and you have already wore my ass out."

"I am not going to let you be stingy with your pussy." He said with confidence.

"Don't get over-confident, young man, or, you'll find your cock doing without. As far as my pussy is concerned, anyway. In fact, pull your cock out of the right now!"


"I mean it! I want your cock out of me!" She challenged, pushing lightly on his rib cage. But, her knees did not stop ratcheting along his sides.

Almost like a game of tug-of-war, she demanding, him refusing, their rhythm increased along with their banter. Carl hammered her ass into the bed. The bed springs signing their own tune. Martha's vulgarity towards him was much stronger then her efforts to push him away. Belligerently, she used the term "mother-fucker" numerous times in an effort to tug back.

Her second orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer. She tried to lift your ass, but he pounded it back to the bed, as she bellowed like a stricken animal. She clung to him with arms and knees.

"Grab my ass!" She demanded, before her orgasm had disappeared. "Now, give it to me! Stick that mother-fucking cock into me deep!" Completely depleted of the energy she could only hang on with her arms, her knees still up, but hanging loosely and motionless.

Carl was frantic with his desire to give her what she demanded. He was soon breathing hard into her neck.

"Deeper, damn you! Deeper! Touch by belly button with the head of your cock!"

He was trying to do just that when his cock jerked once, twice, three times. He too groaned as if stricken down.

"Ohhh, fuck, what have I done!" he moaned, as he realized he had ejaculated into his mother's unprotected pussy. "Fuck! I should have pulled out!"

"Then, I would have been really mad at you." She cooed. "I doubt very seriously I can get pregnant, but, I have something in the bathroom that will take care of that."

Having uncoupled, Martha switched on the bedside lamp and rolled from the bed. Carl followed his mother to the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet. She began to pee.

"Do you remember... I forget the name of the movie...where Glen Close squatted down at the edge of the lake, lifted her gown and went pee?" He asked, but continued. "That was sexy as all get out."

"I remember that, yes." She answered. "If you liked that, then you really should enjoy this."

Martha stood and stepped over into the bathtub. Squatting, she turned on the water and adjusted it as it became hot. She reached for the soap and began to scrub her pussy.

Carl stared at the scene before him.

Marsha glanced over and saw his cock beginning to firm up. She continued to glance until he was at full erection.

"You are funny!" She chuckled.


"Looked down." She directed.

"Oh!" He said sheepishly.

"Step over in here and wash your cock." She directed, as she stepped from the tub and reached for a towel. "Join me back in bed."

When Carl had joined her back in bed, she switched off the light, cuddled up to him, laying her head on his chest.

"We did a lot more than I expected us to do tonight. I hope you think no less of me? Again, I think your father would approve "keeping it in the family".

Martha run her hand over Carl's chest, shoulders and abdomen. "You did not ask to look at my butt at all? You said that was your second favorite female attributes?"

"We did not see me studying it in the bathroom?" He replied, continuing, "I guess there was so much other attributes being offered. I promise to give it a good study next time."

Martha's hand dropped a bit lower and began to toy with his rather limp cock. "I think I have killed it!" She chuckled.

It only took a minute or two for it to become erect. "I suppose, it was playing possum."

Martha's head began to move southward. Ever so slowly, her head moved closer and closer. "I don't want you to come to expect this a lot and if you ever come in my mouth I will cut it off." With that said, she took the domed head into her mouth, having no need to hold it due to its orientation.

She listened to his soft moans, her right hand playing with his balls. She was soon taking 3 to 4 inches of his cock into her mouth with each bob of her head.

Carl wanted it to never end, but Martha retreated after 4 to 5 minutes. He tried to mount her but she swatted him away. "You have had more than enough of my treasure for one evening, young man! You have marked it as your own. Now, rolled over and go to sleep."

"We are going to share your bed?" He queried with a hopeful tone.

"Why not."

"You are going to stay nude?" he queried.

"Why not. You may want some morning pussy."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I wasn't looking for literature, I was looking for a story to get me hard. You accomplished that and more. Very sexy. :)

hrobbiehrobbiealmost 4 years ago

Proofread, please!

cdnbimale50cdnbimale50over 5 years ago
Very Good

A very good story, just wish mom could become pregnant! Tell the grammar police to stick it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love it

Despite the grammar errors, I loved your story. Mom had found my doll and it was on the kitchen table when I got home from school one day. Mom asked who I pretended the doll to be. I told her I was thinking about my sister. (I didn't tell her I've fucking sis 2 yrs). Mom asked if I was sure that's my answer. Before I could answer, she handed my copy of Taboo to me. She said "It's about a mother & son having sex." Then she handed me the doll and said that I that I should go to my room and not pretend it was her. Or I could come to her room, and watch the rest of the movie with her and see what happens. That was the last day that I had to pretend I was fucking mom! I still fucked my sister a couple times a week until she left for college a year later, but mom was, and still is, my main fuckdoll. Sis found out about me and mom when mom told sis she was pregnant. I'm pretty sure that was the night sis got pregnant too. Sis moved back home and attended community college so her and mom could help raise each others babies. So having 1 rubber, pretend doll, turned into having 2 real fuckdolls- my mom and sister.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
totally lost

a severe butchering of the English language is a complete turn off

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