Tina & Her Sister Ch. 14


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"Do you mean to tell me you were in town for a seminar and didn't even plan on staying with us? I am hurt." I mimed being wounded in the heart.

"I didn't want to impose and I lost your number but had your address and when I tried to call the girls every time I asked to speak to them the woman who answered just hung up."

"Sorry about that we had some excitement here the last few weeks. The girls are living here with me now. We'll tell you about it over dinner. Then you can go out and get the clothes I know you brought with you out of the car. Because we are not letting you drive back tonight and then back here in the morning."

Stacey blushed in answer to my guess that she was hoping to be invited and prepared for it. "Ok, and thanks but it is actually three days, two nights."

"Even better." I exclaimed.

"Sluts, set another place and fetch the Mistress a glass of wine." I ordered

The girls scurried away. Tina set the table and Tammy returned with a glass of wine for our guest. Stacey had sat on the couch and as Tammy handed her the wine, then kneeled at her feet and began to remove her shoes for her. "I want to serve the mistress properly so I don't get punished." She offered.

Stacey looked at her in puzzlement, "Punished?"

"Yes Mistress its part of the game, sometimes the best part. Tina punished me earlier, see" and she stood and turned so that Stacey could see the welts on her ass. Then she turned back around and bent over, she planted a kiss on Stacey's lips which Stacey returned with enthusiasm. "I'm so glad to see you." Then she left to return to the kitchen.

Stacey looked at me and I shrugged. "She seems to get off on punishment. Not hard just enough to sting. Actually both of them seem to enjoy mild S&M. We also have a safety code. If they have had enough all they need do is say "Stop" and it ends. Tammy is always submissive. Tina seems to enjoy dominating her sister but can't seem to bring herself to dominate me. They enjoy it and no harm done so we play games occasionally."

"Well I guess as long as they enjoy it, no harm done." Stacey offered.

I could tell that she wasn't convinced but wasn't objecting either. Just about then Tina walked in "Dinner is served Master and Mistress." We moved to the dining area and sat down. As we sat eating I suggested "Why don't you girls fill Stacey in on the events of the last few weeks."

The took their cue and told our friend all about the things that had gone on since we had seen her last, starting with meeting Sue at the shore after Stacey and Amy had gone home right up through Rev. Johnson's arrest. "Wow you guys sure have had some excitement. But how did this Master stuff start."

"Oh, that's my fault." Tammy answered with a giggle. "I always kinda liked it when Jack would whack me on the ass, you know giggle and all. Well he realized how much I liked it when I tickled him one day, we were messing around so he put me over his knee and started spanking me. You know, just playing around. Well I just about came on his lap from the spanking. It was exciting. One thing led to another and here we are. It is so cool sometimes, when we're in the mood, to just be his slave."

Tina stepped in, "I was reluctant at first but figured I'd give it a try. I knew that no matter what Jack would never let anything hurt us so, what the hell. I really started to get into it when I got to punish Tina. I always wanted to beat her when we were kids so it's like a dream come true. Then I found out how much I liked being jack's slave. I get so wet when we play, sometimes I'm not sure if I pissed myself or it's just my juices running."

"So this is your idea?" Stacey asked.

"Well the idea was Jack's but we are the ones who got the harness and chains and cuffs and stuff and it's always us who starts the game. Particularly when we have been naughty and Jack gets annoyed with us, like when we fight between us girls." Tina answered

Is that what happened tonight? Were you guys, naughty?"

Tammy answered this time. "No we just wanted to show Jack how much we love him and appreciate him. So we are giving him a treat. Now you're here and it really is a treat."

After this question and answer Stacey seemed more at ease with our "game" and was even beginning to fall into it a little, ordering the girls to fill her glass, clear her plate, stuff like that. We continued the conversation.

"So Stacey, we told all our news. How have you been and how's Amy?" I asked

"Well, we have not had the excitement you guys have. But we are fine, actually pretty good. Amy moved in with me. She convinced her father that she is better off with me than in a dorm until she finishes school. So we are sort of a couple, at least we keep each other from getting too horny. We still look for guys but we haven't found anybody as good as Jack yet. We just keep trying. I got a promotion at the hospital, which is one of the reasons I'm at this seminar. Other than that there really isn't anything new, except I'm pregnant."

"What?" the three of us asked in unison.

Stacey smiled and giggled a little bit "I'm really happy about it. Actually I'm thrilled. I'm going to have a baby and the father is a really special guy, but I am not going to ask or expect him to do anything about it. This is my baby and I will love him or her and raise it."

Both girls jumped up and hugged Stacey and did all the jumping around that girls do when they find out one of them is knocked up. Finally Tina asked "What did the father say? Did you tell him yet?"

Stacey hesitated a minute before answering. "Well I was a little worried about how his girlfriend would take it I didn't want to hurt her because she is really special to me also, so I am hoping she will still be my friend as far as telling him goes. I just did!"

The three of us stared at her for a few seconds. I was stunned and didn't know what to say. Then Tina broke the ice, "I'm not sure how the father feels, maybe when he picks his jaw up off the floor we'll find out. But his girlfriend is thrilled, at least this one of his girlfriends."

"So is this one. So when are you moving in with us?" Tammy chimed in.

Stacey laughed. "I wouldn't mind moving in with you guys but my job is in Baltimore and I like it there. I just felt Jack had a right to know he was going to have a child. I guess I hoped he would be happy about it and all."

I recovered my voice and answered. "I've never been a father before, but if Tina and Tammy are ok with it. Then I think I am happy too. But I'm not sure how I feel about just making a baby and not taking responsibility at all."

All three girls beamed at me. The light from their smiles could have been used as a beacon for ships, so I figured I accidentally said something good. Then Stacey spoke again, "I would be happy if you would be a Father to our child. I would like it to know who Daddy is and how special he is. I figured we could get together once in a while as it grows up. How close you want to get and how much of a father figure depends on you."

I got up and walked over to Stacey, bent down and kissed her gently on the lips, the folded her into a hug. "Thank you, for letting me be the father of your child."

"Your welcome." She answered "But I need to warn you that Amy is jealous and she said to tell you that as soon as she graduates college she is going to come up here and rape you until you knock her up too."

That brought a laugh from Tina and Tammy. Then Tammy said "Tell her you can't rape the willing and also that she has to wait until he knocks up Tina and me first. But when she's ready we'll tie him down for her."

"Well this calls for a celebration. Too bad we don't have any champagne." I offered.

"Get off you ass and go get us some and while you're gone we'll talk girl talk about you and that tool you wear between you legs." Tina ordered.

Well I know when to follow directions and this was one of those times so I headed out to find a bottle of champagne. I did not have far to go but took my time so the girls would have the time they wanted for their "girl talk". I found a place that had a bottle fo chilled champagne and returned home. We opened it up and toasted Stacey and my soon to be new son or daughter. That was when Tina told me their plans for the rest of the night.

She started, "While you were gone we made some decisions. We are going to change the "game" a little. Tonight you are going to make love to Stacey, because she is the mother of your child, you will show her how much you care for her. Tammy and I will be your slaves and help both of you however we can but you're not going to have sex with us. Tonight you belong solely to Stacey. Tomorrow we will fuck your brains out to make up for it."

With that pronouncement she and Tammy stood up, still wearing their harnesses and each gave Stacey a long passionate kiss. Then Tina said to her "Welcome to the family. You are now one of Jack's wives and our sister. We love you. We promise to always love our little niece or nephew and help you however we can." Then both girls hugged Stacey to them and held her.

As they broke the hug I could see that Stacey was crying, all she could say was a simple thank you. Next they took me by the hand and led me to Stacey and put her hand in mine. We stood there holding hands looking at each other as Tina and Tammy each started to undress us. It took little time for us to both be naked and be led back to the bedroom.

We stood there at the foot of the bed with Tina and Tammy standing to either side of us as I took Stacey in my arms and kissed her. It started off as a slow loving kiss and progressed to one of passion. While I was kissing her I moved a hand up to run my thumb over the little bumps that were her tits. I circled each repeatedly with my thumb until I received a shudder from her. At that point she grasped my cock and began to work it back and forth. She was so small that to kiss her I practically had to bend over and when we stood kissing my cock pressed into her belly. If my cock were a couple of inches longer I could have tit fucked her standing up. But as it was we were making love, every touch every caress, every kiss meant love.

I leaned over and pulled her into the bed with me and we laid together facing each other on our sides, kissing and fondling. I leaned down and took one of her nipples in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it while sucking it into me. Her little buds of tits were exquisite. It may have been my imagination but there did seem to be more there than there had been when we had been together at the shore. Maybe the pregnancy was already forcing her body to respond and fill out her breasts. I moved on to other areas. I kissed her down between her breasts and down her belly to her pubic mound and over to her slit.

I ran my tongue down her slit tasting the sweetness of her juices and was nearly overcome with lust to dig my tongue deep into her hole to lick out all I could get. But I contained myself and worked my way down into her very deliberately until my tongue was teasing her clit and sliding into her love passage. It was then, while I was eating her that I realized that Tina and Tammy had taken up positions on either side of the bed and each was holding one of Stacey's hands while I ate her to climax. Because climax she did. Leaking cum into my mouth she shuddered and her pussy muscles clamped down onto my tongue.

I have, many times felt a woman cum while I ate her pussy so I am not unused to the sensations and they can and do vary from one woman to the next but this time I felt something that I had never experienced before. I was a sensation, that's the only word that can describe it, a sensation. It started at the tip of my tongue where it was touching her pussy and spread down my tongue, into my mouth, over my face and around my head, then down my shoulders over my torso, my legs and my feet. It was almost like the pins and needles feeling when your arm or leg goes to sleep. But it was mild and mixed with a warmth. It was almost like an orgasm, it imparted a general feeling of well being and euphoria. I did not want it to end but continue for ever. But end it did it slowly washed away. I looked at Tina and Tammy as I felt it fade and I saw they had their eyes closed but with a smile on their faces. Then as I watched them their eyes opened and they looked at me with such a look of love I felt like I was going to cry. With their free hand they each reached out and took my hands and pulled me up on top of Stacey.

As our sex met each others she wrapped her legs around me and I found myself inside of her without any effort at all. I just slid in like I belonged there. Then with Tammy holding one hand and in turn holding Stacey's hand, Tina holding our other hands I began to move inside her. She let out little gasps mixed with mewing sounds as I stroked my meat into her. I did not go fast or hard. Just a steady rhythm of in and out until I experienced the sensation again, only this time it started at the tip of my cock and flowed outwards over my body and I realized that Stacey was cumming again this time all over my cock. I kept pumping, slowly and without breaking the rhythm and after three or four strokes it happened again, then again after another few strokes. I realized that Stacey was in a continuous orgasm. I also notice that Tina and Tammy had not yet released our hands but had now crawled into bed with us and were lying tight against us, and they were shuddering almost as though they were in orgasm themselves. Then I felt my own orgasm rush upon me and the sperm race up my cock and explode into Stacey. As one, the three girls let out a combination of scream and groan then I passed out. But not before I realized what was happening.

With the four of us linked together our bond had become more than physical. When I had accepted Stacey's child as my own and the girls accepted Stacey as one of them, as one of my wives our bond became emotional and spiritual we were sharing everything, we were experiencing each other's orgasms. We were experiencing love. For just a few seconds as I slipped into unconsciousness I was part of each of them. I knew everything they knew and they were part of me and I understood. Tina and Tammy had been holding a tiny bit of themselves back from our relationship out of fear or uncertainty but when I accepted Stacey's pregnancy and embraced it their fear died and they knew with unreserved certainty that in giving me their love they had made the right choice.

While I was making love to Stacey and they were holding our hands they had lost those barriers and the sensation I felt was their love washing through Stacey and into me and they felt Stacey's and my love rolling back. But what we also exchanged was a piece of each other. What had knocked each of us out was really an overload of sorts. When I climaxed and shot my load into Stacey she in turn orgasamed and our combined orgasm washed into Tina and Tammy and theirs back to Stacey and I which pushed us into orgasm again we had created a cascade and our minds and bodies could not handle the intense and repetitive pleasure so they shut down.

It was what I saw while all this was happening which threw me over intellectually and as I came to I looked at Tina and she stared back at me and nodded "yes" then I looked at Tammy and she stared back wide eyed and said "I didn't know." Then I looked into Stacey's eyes and saw humor and she said to me "It looks like you have your hands full." Because as we all shared everything we became intricately aware of each other the way few people ever do. There were not four people in that bed making love there were seven. All three girls were pregnant. Tina knew and was trying to figure out how to tell me and Tammy did not know yet and was probably more surprised than any of us.

I suppose most men, and until it happened I would have though myself among them, would have run screaming into the night at having found out that he had impregnated three women at essentially the same time and they were all aware of the other and her condition. What I found was a profound sense of pride and happiness. I was going to be a father not once, not twice, but three times all together with three wonderful women. I hugged each of them to me and started to cry.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I love the sisters! 'Your pregnant? We're so happy for you!! You're his wife too now, move your ass in!!' (Me)'well, glad to know I'm making the decisions around here, lol.'

While it makes for an awesome story, all I kept thinking is 'thank God Im snipped, thank God Im snipped!' Heh. Well at least his dick will catch a few breaks with all the screaming and diaper changing mixed in! Three cranky, pregnant women. (Shivering;)

clark3001clark3001almost 15 years ago
Just brilliant !

Thank you for this great chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
keep UP the good work!

Keep up the good work! I love this tina and her sister series! Hope you have many more adventures like this to write down!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Cough, cough....

ummm... would love to be in your shoes......

barepussloverbarepussloverover 18 years ago
Another Thought!! Steam Continues To Rise Here!!!!

Forgot that Sue had unprotected sex with Jack so possibility of another pregnancy looms!! Food for thought, keep up the good work!!!!

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