Tina & Her Sister Ch. 16


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She had me I knew she did. She had read me like a book, an old book that she already knew the ending to. So I threw caution to the wind. I figured she couldn't hurt me with the girls and since she did not know of my plan to marry both girls she could not turn me in for anything more than living in a non standard relationship. Not illegal, just socially frowned upon. I answered her question while staring her in the eyes. "I am the father of both of their children, and they are each aware of it and frankly are both very happy about it, and to tell you the truth we all sleep in the same bed and all make love together. I love them both and intend on taking them both into my family and acknowledging the children as my own."

Now it was her turn to stare at me before speaking. "Like I said earlier, I did not want to fight tonight so don't take offense at what I ask next but, are you sure they aren't just after your money. I know you love them but there are people like that out there. I know I married one of them once."

"No, they don't even know what I'm worth. All they know is that I have a good job and make a nice salary. They are even talking about day care so that they can go back to work after the babies are born and help with the extra expenses. To be honest I have always been concerned about that with women so I intentionally don't let anyone know what I have invested."

She studied me for a few minutes before asking, "Do I get to meet them and am I invited to the wedding. Please don't feel obligated. I realize I have been a bitch these last few years and wouldn't blame you if you told me no."

"As far as meeting them. Anytime you would like we can arrange to meet you someplace or I will bring them here. We just need a little time to arrange work schedules." I said.

"No, no, I'll come down there and I'll get a motel room because your place sounds a little crowded."

"I actually do have a spare room you are welcome to use. If you would like."

She laughed in answer, "No I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I just recently stopped calling you names let's not push it yet. How about if I come down this weekend. Is that too soon?"

"Well I took today and tomorrow off. So I have to work the weekend. But I will be done in time for dinner Saturday if you would like and I know the girls are both off Saturday but Tina has to work Sunday afternoon. So it's up to you, Dinner Saturday night?"

"That would be fine. I'll come done Saturday afternoon and stay over, in the hotel, till Sunday, and if Saturday dinner goes well maybe we can get together for breakfast on Sunday." She offered.

We agreed, noting that I would call her tomorrow to confirm after I talked to the girls. Then we spent the rest of the evening catching up on life. She told me about her divorce then her second marriage and how he left her. I had known all this from other sources but did not let on. Then she surprised me again by being candid and admitting that when her second husband left she was hurt she really loved him and had tried to get him back to try again. But he simply told her she was a bitch and she had too much hate bottled up, he could never be happy until she learned to lose it. She admitted to entering therapy and finding out that he was right. She was trying to work it through. She told me about work and how she had found a job she enjoyed and looked forward to going to work everyday.

Finally it was late and they were ready to throw us out of the restaurant so I paid the bill and walked her to her car. Then once again she stunned me by giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she said good night. I drove back to the motel wondering if aliens had kidnapped my sister and replaced her with a clone but I knew that wasn't it because the beginning of the evening was pure Jen. Maybe she really was trying to change.

I got back to the motel and called the girls to tell them how the evening had gone and that Jen would like to meet them on Saturday if that was OK. They were happy that we had gotten along and could read in my voice how happy I was, and yes dinner Saturday was fine but they needed to get their hair done, after all this was important, and they missed me could I come home now. I pointed out that it would be 2 AM before I got home and I had been drinking and at least they had each other to hug and all I had was Rosy Palm and her five sisters. That brought giggles and warnings not to wear it out. I slept restlessly that night, alone for the first time in weeks and up early for the drive home. I was in love and I had it bad.

Saturday arrived and I was apprehensive but I put it out of my mind and went to work. Knowing that when I got home we would be leaving for dinner to meet my sister. I was worried for the girls because in many ways they were innocent and liable to get chewed up by the women if she chooses to be a bitch. I should not have worried. Because what happened that day started a new chapter in my relationship with my sister. I wasn't present for a lot of it but learned of it later.

I had been gone about a half hour when the doorbell rang. Tammy went to answer it. She thought it was the paperboy collecting and she was having fun teasing him by answering in various states of undress. So that is why she was wearing only panties when she opened the door and found my sister Jen standing there. I imagine Jen was a little surprised but she didn't show it. She just stuck her hand out and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Jack's sister Jen. Are you Tina or Tammy?"

Tammy stood there with her mouth hanging open and her tits out in plain sight for a minute before she recovered enough to answer "I'm Tammy, we weren't expecting you till later."

At that point Tina came into view and saw her nearly naked sister talking to a strange woman at the door and being curious she went to see who was there. Just as she got to the door she heard the woman say "Yes I know I'm early. I was hoping to talk to you before Jack gets home. Would it be Ok or should I come back later?"

Tina was curious now as to who this was so she interrupted by extending her hand past her sister and saying "Hi, I'm Tina can I help you."

Jen smiled and started again "Hi, I'm Jack's sister Jen and I know I'm early but I really wanted to talk to the two of you without Jack. You know just girls."

Tina was caught by a little less surprise than Tammy and answered, "Yes please come in and excuse my sister she was hoping to tease the paperboy. Please have a seat." Then she turned to her sister "Go get some clothes on you little slut."

Tammy suddenly realized she was standing nearly naked in front of her future husband's sister and blushed a red that extended down over her breasts as she excused herself and ran for the bedroom.

Tina offered her future sister-in-law coffee and then went to serve it when Tammy returned, dressed this time, but still a crimson color and apologized for the way she answered the door and her lack of manners while Tina served the coffee.

Jen just smiled. "I can see why Jack fell for you two. You're gorgeous and judging by Tammy's you have beautiful bodies. But he didn't tell me you were twins."

Now both girls blushed "Thank you, but we're not gorgeous. I'll admit to pretty on a good day but not gorgeous, and we're not twins we just look a lot alike. Jack didn't tell us how pretty you were."

Now Jen blushed a little. "Jack probably doesn't even realize how I look. The way I've treated him these last years he probably only sees the wicked witch, and I'm sure that's what you expected to see when you met me, The Wicked Witch of the West, green skin, hooked nose, warts and all."

Tammy giggled and Tina silenced her with a look. "After living with him I can guarantee that Jack notices every pretty girl, sister or not. He is without question a wolf. But he is a loyal and loving wolf and he is our wolf, so we let him look. He never even described you to us at all. He has a picture on his desk that was taken when you were young, maybe 12 and you were a cute kid but you are a beautiful woman now. He also never talked much about you and when I asked he always blew me off so I knew he didn't want to talk. I just know he hurts over you and he was excited after having dinner with you because he said he couldn't believe you were civil to him instead of ...."

"Being a mean obnoxious bitch." Jen filled in for her. "I know what I was and how badly I treated him and how wrong it was. I guess that's why I wanted to talk to you two. I want my brother back the one who I always loved but I'm afraid that I may have bitched him so far away I'll never get him back. You know when we were kids he used to do all kinds of things with me. When he got his first car and started working he used to take me every Saturday to the mall and buy me an Ice Cream and walk around with me, sometimes he'd buy me presents with his money. I felt so grown up, walking around with my big brother all my friends were jealous cause he was such a hunk, he still is, isn't he. I used to fantasize that we were on a date and I was his girlfriend. I can't believe I just said that. A little weird huh."

Tammy smiled "Not to two sisters who are sharing him." She giggled

Jen laughed, "I guess your right, it all depends on your point of view. But I just want him back. When he left for school I was mad at him, I felt as though he left me and then when Mom & Dad were killed, I had to be mad at someone so it was him. I fucked up so bad with my life. Now I want to try to fix it if I can. So I came to you. I could tell by the way he talked about you how much he loved you both. He was trying to be sly and tell me about only one but he slipped so many times I figured it out and confronted him. He admitted that he was sleeping with both of you and that you both are pregnant. By the way congratulations."

The girls looked at her and Tina asked, "What do you want us to do? I mean it's you and him this is not like a friend who had a disagreement that we can put a good word in for. You're his sister."

"I know. I guess I just wanted to meet you a get to know you a little and try to be honest with you. I mean I can't just go to him and tell him I'm sorry I was a bitch, I love you, forgive me and let's forget it ever happened." Jen said with more than a little frustration.

Tammy now chimed in her innocence, "Why not? Why not tell him exactly that if it's how you feel."

Jen just stared at her like she had three heads. Tina cut in before Jen could answer. "Tammy's right, Why not? I can't tell you what to do to fix your relationship with your brother but I do know my husband to be and I know he appreciates honesty over everything else and I know he loves you and mourns for the relationship you used to have. I also know that he wants his little sister as much as you want your big brother. But he's too proud to beg especially when he thinks he was right. The question you have to answer is how bad do you want to fix it? How far are you willing to go. How deep are you willing to bow."

Jen bit her lip and answered. "You have no idea. If I thought he'd believe me I'd crawl to him naked on my hands and knees and beg,"

Tammy giggled, "Put on some leather and chains and you might just have him."

Jen stared at her. "Are you telling me my brother is kinky?" Then she stopped herself and added "Well duh, of course he's at least a little kinky he's sleeping with two sisters."

Tina smiled "I don't know if I'd call it kinky but we play some games sometimes. I guess some people would consider it kinky. But nobody gets hurt and nobody does anything they don't want. But I don't think you have to go to that extent to tell him you're sorry and that you love him."

"You're kidding you mean whips and chains and all that?" Jen asked her eyes big.

Tina laughed. "Sometimes. Tammy why don't you go put on your favorite outfit."

Tammy looked a little reluctant. "Are you sure you want me to."

"Sure what's the difference. You answered the door nearly naked."

Tammy got up and went to the bedroom to return a minute later wearing her collar and chain leash and nothing else. He pussy and tits bare for their guest to see. Jen just stared at her. While Tina ordered "Assume the position of respect Bitch."

Tammy dropped to her knees, head down "Yes Mistress."

Then she looked at Jen. "Usually we both wear the collars and when Stacey and Amy are here one of us wears the harness."

Jen stared at her open mouth "Who are Stacey and Amy? Don't tell me he has two other girls pregnant too and is going to marry four of you."

Tina smiled. She was enjoying shocking my sister a little and putting her in her place. The dominatrix in her was coming out. "Stacey and Amy are our co-wives. They are part of our family and we share Jack with them, but they aren't going to legally marry us, at least not now and only Stacey is pregnant. Amy wants to wait until she finishes college before she makes Jack knock her up."

Jen was incredulous, "You mean to tell me he sleeps with all four of you? How can he satisfy four women. Christ I can't even find a guy who gives me an orgasm half the time, even one and you're telling me my brother is screwing four of you and satisfying you all."

Tina and Tammy both smiled and Tammy answered for both of them "Every time at least twice."

Jen just stared at them for a few seconds "He must be hung like a horse or something!"

Tammy, still on her knees smiled and held up her hands about two feet apart, like a fisherman describing the one that got away. Jens eyes bugged out. Tina giggled and said. "Tammy don't lie, it only feels like that sometimes." Then Tammy moved her hands closer together into what was a realistic estimate.

"He's bigger than most I guess but he is really thick. When I hold him I can't get my fingers all the way around to touch. But that's not why he is so good, it helps but he just puts everything into it. He works at making you happy, like it's his goal to give you an orgasm." Tina added.

"He's really that big? No wonder he keeps you girls happy. My god I can't believe I'm sitting here talking about the size of my brother's cock!" Jen exclaimed

"Yeah, we better stop, I'm getting horny and he won't be home for hours." Tammy complained.

"Oh be quite you little slut. You just got laid this morning, now go get dressed again." Tina ordered

Tammy pouted and complained "Just when I was starting to have fun." But she headed for the bedroom anyway.

When she returned dressed she joined into the conversation. They talked the morning away and part of the afternoon about the things women talk about when they get together and by early afternoon they were getting along like old friends. Finally Jen decided she should be going and let the girls do their getting ready.

"Please don't tell Jack I was here. I don't want him thinking I was sneaking around behind his back." Jen asked.

"We can't lie to him. But we can tell him you dropped in to say hello and missed him and that we visited for a few minutes. He won't mind that. Actually he'll be relieved. He's been so worried about us meeting that it will be a relief to have it over with." Tina answered.

"I guess that would be ok. But please don't tell him what I said. You were right I need to work this out with him." Jen asked

"What, tell him about girl talk? Lipstick colors clashing with blush and hair conditioners and nail polish. In 30 seconds his eyes would gloss over and he would be catatonic." Tina laughed. "No we won't betray your confidence. As long as it doesn't hurt Jack its fine with us. But we won't let anything hurt him at all." She warned.

"You need time alone with him to talk too. Dinner tonight is set so that's out. I know you guys mentioned breakfast tomorrow morning and frankly, at least for Tammy and I that is not a good idea, morning sickness. Neither of us has been able to keep anything down if we eat before noon. So if you want to. At dinner tonight suggest breakfast. Jack will accept but we will bow out at the last minute as being ill. That way you will have some time with him to try to fix things. Then if you want you can stop over after he goes to work tomorrow and tell us how it went." She said with a conspiratorial wink.

They all agreed to their "plan" and parted with hugs. I found out later how well they had gotten along. Tammy and Tina were thrilled to have a new sister (sister-in-law) and especially thrilled to find out they like her.

I got home later in the day and we all dressed for dinner. The girls told me that Jen had stopped by and that they had met and "chatted". I cautiously asked about what. They started telling me about makeup and shampoo and hairstyles and Tina was right my eyes glazed over and I lost interest. It was a relief to have gotten the initial meeting out of the way and a big load off my shoulders. Now I felt I could enjoy dinner and maybe get to know my little sister again.

Dinner went well. We ate and talked and got to know one another and I surmised by the conversation that the girls had talked about more than makeup earlier but let it go as they were getting along. It was during dinner that Jen surprised us and especially me by announcing that she had ordered and paid for a complete double nursery set, cribs, dressers, changing tables, etc. from a store in New York and it was her baby gift to us. All we had to do was tell her where and when we wanted it delivered. I had only glanced at the prices of baby furniture but I knew the name of the store she had ordered from and knew that it was very expensive and very chic. I did some quick guesstimates and math and realized that she had probably spent $5000. I was stunned. While it was not a huge amount of money for either of us, it was an extremely generous gift and represented a couple of months payment from the investments I had set up for her.

All too soon the evening had to end. I was pleased with the way things had gone. Not once during the entire evening had Jen made one snide remark or nasty comment. She was gracious and caring, the way I always hoped she could be. We made arrangements to meet the next morning for breakfast before I went to work, little did I know that this was all preplanned. We walked her to her car and she gave Tina and Tammy big hugs and kissed their cheeks and welcomed them to the family commenting that since they were going to be sisters they could gang up on me. Then the girls stepped back and she gave me a hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. I could not believe what happened next, she whispered in my ear "I missed you brother, I love you." I choked on my words but I just squeezed her tighter and finally was able to choke out "I missed you too."

I had Tina drive home because of the tears in my eyes.

The next morning I was disappointed that both girls were suffering the effects of morning sickness and even the thought of breakfast made them ill. They insisted I go alone but I was worried that Jen would think they were snubbing her. Tina took care of it by calling her hotel room and begging off and inviting her for lunch before she went back.

Jen and I met for breakfast and it was a little awkward at first. I could tell she had something to say but was dancing around it. Finally she just came out with it.

"Jack, I know I have been a bitch to you and I want to say I am sorry. You were always my hero and when Mom & Dad died I was devastated and reacted badly. I want my big brother back. I want to be able to share things with you and love you and be able to call when a guy dumps me or when I meet somebody I really like. I don't want to be the Ice Queen anymore, especially not with you."

Thinking back, I probably reacted wrong. I wanted to go to her and hug her and cry. But I didn't I just told her I was happy and I missed her too. That I would be please to have her call anytime and talk about anything. We finished our breakfast and walked in the park next to the restaurant for a little while and talked. Eventually I had to leave for work and I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek and told her I hoped we would see her again before the wedding.