Tina & Her Sister Ch. 18


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"I was stunned "I had no idea you felt that way." I said

"How could you, I acted like such a brat." She admitted. "But underneath I really wanted my big brother to smack me into behaving and then make love to me. Now I have my wish. Only you use a whip, even better." She giggled

"Maybe the whip will wait till tomorrow. Will this work?" I motioned toward the girls holding her legs up.

"Who knows. My cycle has never been regular, except when I was on the pill. I've been off of it for nearly 9 months now. Sometimes I go 3 weeks between periods sometimes 9 weeks and everything in between. I could be pregnant now for all I know. We'll just have to wait and see." She smiled at me and gave me a kiss. We stayed like that for about 15 minutes then the girls let her legs down. Before we fell asleep I made love to both Tina and Tammy and they each made love to Jen. It was a little crowded in the bed with 4 of us but we all slept soundly hunched against each other.

I woke to the smell of coffee the next morning. It was early, 5:30 and I checked the bed. Tina and Tammy were still asleep so it had to be Jen making coffee. I slipped out of bed to join her, and found her sitting in the kitchen wearing just her panties. She saw me come in and smiled at me. I poured myself a cup of coffee and walked over to the table and gave her a kiss before sitting down across from her.

"What time do we have to be there." She asked.

'We are scheduled to meet the attorney at 1:00 PM. But I want to get there early to show you the place first and it's a half hour from here so if we leave when the girls leave for work at 8:00 it will give us time to poke around." I answered.

"Well I guess I should get a shower before the girls get up and need the bathroom. I have to wash all this dried cum off of me." She said with a smile. Then she hesitated. "Thanks for understanding last night. It really is something I want."

"I could tell, and like I told you before, making the women I love pregnant is something I really like. I really do love you, you know and if you want to have my child I would be proud to give it to you. Now come on, I'll wash your back and you can wash mine."

We showered together and played with each other a bit. I brought her to an orgasm while standing behind her, holding her tits with my left hand, my cock pressed between her cheeks and my right hand playing with her pussy. She returned the favor by giving me a very nice blowjob and swallowing every drop of cum I gave her. When we got out of the shower and dried off we found that Tina and Tammy were still asleep. Jen suggested waking them up by eating their pussies. I was a little shocked. This was coming from my sister who up until two weeks ago had never even touched another woman's sex let alone gone down on one. Once I got over my initial shock it did seem like a good idea. So together we crept between their legs. Jen on Tammy and I on Tina, we slowly began to lick their shaved snatches running our tongues through their slits and teasing their clits and finally as they began to stir and realize what was happening we drove our tongues into their respective holes, licking and sucking, nibbling and pinching until they both came.

Tina came first, but Tammy was not far behind her. I looked over at Jen as both girls came down from their sexual highs and said "I won."

She responded "No fair you've had more practice. Just wait before long I'll be a better cuntlicker than you."

I laughed and had no doubt she was right. Tammy listened to our little conversation and offered her own two cents. "Jen, I have no doubt you are right and your damn near as good as your brother now but he still has one thing you don't. A moustache."

We all laughed at that. "Well don't think I'm growing one just to satisfy you, you little slut. But you're right it does add something to the experience." Jen allowed.

We all cuddled for a few minutes then got out of bed so the girls could get ready for work. While they were dressing Tina began to tease us. "So are you two going to spend the whole day in bed or are you going to get something done."

"I have some errands to run to get ready for the wedding but after that I though I'd take Jen on a sightseeing drive around the area." I answered, totally ignoring the jibe.

"That sounds like fun I wish I didn't have to go to work so I could join you." Tammy pouted.

Jen leaned over and kissed her "Just enjoy work while you can all too soon you'll be stuck at home with a crying baby and wish you could go to work to get away."

"You're probably right.' Tammy laughed.

Jen and I left shortly after the girls did and as we headed toward what would become my new home we began to talk. At first it was about inconsequential things, like work and television shows. Stuff like that. Really we were getting to know one another again. About halfway through the trip the conversation turned a little more serious. Our topics changed to my life with the girls, the children we were expecting and what my hopes and dreams for them might be. It turned out there were two main worries Jen had developed. The first was, how would we handle the public questioning and gossip regarding my having more than one wife. After all it would be obvious to anyone when I was living with two obviously pregnant women and had a third, Stacey, visiting regularly. The second she was less forthcoming with but I knew there was something hanging out in the background. It turned out to be Stacey.

Jen had gotten along well with Tina and Tammy. Actually better than I had hoped. They were fast becoming best of friends and at times acting like three sisters instead of two and a sister-in-law. But from conversations with Tina and Tammy she got a sense of how important Stacey was to us all and she was worried about meeting her. Once I realized what she was concerned about it became crystal clear.

Under the surface she was afraid that Stacey would reject her as part of the group, that a fight for dominance might occur and she might end up on the outside. Or that Stacey would reject our incestuous relationship and things would start to fall apart and it would be her fault. All of these fears were hiding beneath her cool exterior and now that we were alone she was willing to let them peek out in the hope that big brother could fix it and make it better. I also knew that no amount of protestation of reassurance from me would "make it go away". All I could do was to tell her that her fears were groundless and Stacey and Amy and she would get along fine. I also knew that it would be more my attitude and demeanor than any words I spoke that would calm her nerves. So I did just that, brushed off her fears with casual reassurances and changed the subject. But I kept it in the back of my mind. This was something we would have to work on, although I had no doubt that they would all get along fine. I knew that Tina and Tammy had shared their thoughts about Jen with Stacey and Amy and since I knew how well they liked her I was certain that Stacey would be excited to meet Jen.

Just about that time I pulled into the driveway of the house, or estate if you would rather, that I was buying. Jen started looking at the grounds with her critical eye and as I pulled up to the front of the house she looked it up and down before turning to me and saying, "I hope to hell you are going to get this place cleaned up and fixed up before you try to move the girls into it."

I smiled and with my best innocent little boy face said, "Why, don't you like it? I thought it was fine."

Jen stared at me for a few seconds before answering me. "You jerk. This place is a dump. It needs to get cleaned up and I bet the water runs brown from the tap, that is if it even has running water."

At that I let a grin spread across my poker face and she stopped in mid rant. "You have some kind of plan don't you. I can tell by that shit eating grin your wearing, you've got something up your sleeve."

"Come on in for the tour and I'll tell you all about it." I answered still grinning from ear to ear. I walked her around the house and in each room explained my plans, showing her the notes and drawings I had made from memory since I had last been here. By the time we finished the first floor and moved up to the second, my enthusiasm was contagious and Jen was at least as excited as I was.

I saved the master bedroom till last and as I described how I intended to have one of the smaller rooms next to it converted to a large double bath and the one on the other side into a nursery, which eventually would be the girls sitting room. When I stopped, I looked at her and asked "from a woman's viewpoint, did I forget anything or should I do it different?" Jen just stood there and shook her head.

"No they will love it, I know I would. It almost makes me want to quit my job and move in with the three of you."

I looked at her for a second and took her into my arms and hugged her close. "You know that you are welcome to do that anytime you want." I said.

"Thanks." was all she answered and as I released her I saw the tears on her cheeks and the smile on her lips.

"Come on," I said, "help me explore the barn and the grounds. I haven't seen them yet."

"You idiot! You bought this place without looking everything over."

I just shrugged "It seemed like a good idea at the time." I answered with a smile.

I led her down the steps and out the back door. Our first stop was the old carriage house or garage, depending on what era you were from. Inside we found all kinds of treasure, translate it to junk according to my sister. The most interesting thing was an actual old horse drawn carriage. It was all the way in the back and covered with a tarp. It was in surprisingly good condition for the half century or more it sat there. The leather seats were cracked and dried out and some of the wood was rotted but it still seemed sturdy and just in need of some TLC.

Next we went to the barn and it was, well it was a barn. Big and old and with hay in it but the structure was sound and the stalls still in place. We climbed up to the hayloft and opened the door in the back. You know the ones you see in pictures, at the top were they bring the hay into it from. I was taken with the view. In front of me was the rest of the property, a large meadow, a little overgrown. A pond sparkled in the autumn morning sun, about 50 yards away and beyond it a stream flowed across the meadow and then a wooded area. Finally the reality of my purchase struck me. I stood there and stared. Finally without looking away I said, "It will be a good place to raise kids."

"Yes it will." Jen answered, "Just get the house fixed up like you said and it will be a wonderful place to raise kids."

We sat down with our legs dangling out of the door and looked out over the field. We both sat there for a while lost in our thoughts and I felt Jen grasp my hand and squeeze. "You did good, brother of mine, you did good." And she rested her head against my shoulder.

"You know I meant it." I said, "You are welcome here anytime, short visit or permanent stay. I would love your company and I know Tina and Tammy feel the same way."

She turned her head and looked at me then leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "Thanks." Was all she said as she let her lips meet mine again. This time her tongue slipped out from between her lips and between mine. I felt her tongue darting around inside my mouth as my own rose to meet it. The passion grew quickly and before long I had my hand on the buttons of her blouse and was working to expose her breasts. I so wanted to lock my lips onto one of her luscious tits and draw it into my mouth. To feel her nipple stiffen against my tongue and taste her skin.

At the same time I felt her hands undoing my jeans and grabbing my cock with both hands as she stroked me. I finally got her blouse open and pushed her bra up out of the way and was able to suck her tit into my mouth. My tongue rolled around the areola and danced over her nipple and I did feel it stiffen against my tongue. At that point the lust was too great to stop and my hands moved down to her jeans and I had them open and off of her in seconds, exposing her pink wet pussy there in the hayloft of the barn.

She pushed me away and I was almost overcome with panic until I heard her say, "Hurry up and get your damn clothes off and fuck me before I go crazy." She said this while pulling off her blouse and bra. I needed no more instruction and stripped off my clothes to join my naked sister in the old hay there in that loft.

I positioned myself between her legs and let my cock slide into her slowly. Savoring the feel of her wet, hot pussy engulfing my member and squeezing it, pulling it deeper inside her until I was buried to the hilt. It was a glorious feeling to once again be inside my sister. I began to draw out and slide in again. It took no time at all before I found our rhythm and the bliss approached. I leaned forward and kissed her tenderly while we made love, as I felt my member slide through her satin curtains and the wetness build around me. Soon she shuddered in her orgasm and her eyes rolled back. The sensation was more than I could take and I came inside her, erupting like a geyser. I collapsed on top of her spent and happy. As I lay there my cock still hard she whispered in my ear. "I love you."

Somehow it didn't sound the way it always had. It sounded more special, deeper. I raised my head and looked into her eyes. The ice blue color of them was different, not the cold ice I usually saw but warmth. Warm ice, what an oxy-moron but it is still the best words I can use to describe what I saw. Then as I looked into her eyes she spoke again. "I mean it, I really love you. More than as my brother, no man has ever made me feel this way. I love you.'

I was stunned but I realized that I loved her also as more than my sister. Suddenly I understood and I smiled. "I know," I said, "I understand, I love you too." And at that we laid together in the hay naked, sated and in love. I was still hard and as we laid together I would move a little from time to time, just to feel her around me and every time I did she would let out a little moan. This wasn't sex this as love. Making her happy with my body, sharing ourselves with each other.

I'm not sure how long we laid there, 5 minutes or 50 minutes. But I heard a sound that broke me from my stupor. I heard car tires on the gravel in the driveway. Jen heard and recognized the sound at the same time I did and we both grabbed for our clothes. I had no idea who it was but I had no desire to be caught naked with my sister by some local busybody or cop checking out a report of trespassers. Even though I was buying the property I was still not yet the owner. We both hastily dressed and straightened out our hair and clothing then climbed out of the loft. Just about the time we hit the bottom of the ladder we heard a shout from near the house, "Mr. Simmons, ya'll around somewhere 'bouts?"

The voice was familiar but I could not place it, and whomever it was they knew my name. Jen and I exited the barn through the tack room door at the side of the barn toward the meadow, away from the house and walked around the barn. "Over here." I answered. Then looking toward the house I watched as a man made his way toward us. As he got closer I recognized him as one of the county commissioners I had met with the previous week.

"There ya'll are. I hoped I'd find you here." He greeted

"Good morning Mr. Commissioner. How did you know to look for me here."

"Well, your attorney mentioned you'd be in town today and I took a chance on finding you here. I thought we might talk a bit, and who is this lovely young lady, your missus maybe?"

"I'm sorry. No this is my sister Jennifer. I wanted to show her the property. I'm afraid that my wife was not able to make this trip today. Also I will admit that this property is a surprise for her, kind of a surprise present."

"Well Missy it is a pleasure to meet you."

Jen stared at him with her cold blue eyes. You may address me as Miss Simmons but I do not appreciate being addressed as Missy." She told him in her best Ice Queen voice.

He was visibly taken back by her reproof. "I apologize Ma'mn, Miss Simmons. I meant no disrespect."

"Jen, The gentleman was just being friendly. Things are a bit less formal around here than we are used to." I chided her, hoping to get the Ice Queen to leave again and let my sister come back.

She glanced at me and her faced softened a bit. "Ok, I accept your apology Sir, and please accept mine for my harshness." And she smiled at him.

"No need to apologize. I should not have assumed the familiarity. Please consider me at your service. I had hoped to discuss some business with your brother but I don't want to intrude. Perhaps another time."

"No, that's fine Commissioner. Jen was going to attend a meeting with my attorney and myself. I doubt she would mind us discussing a little business." I offered.

He looked at both of us, it was apparent he was a tad uncomfortable. "Well my fellow commissioners and I thought you might be interested in maybe looking at some investment properties here'bouts, and we wanted to talk to you before any of the overpriced real-estate people grabbed you. Please call me Jim, by the way."

I smiled my best predatory grin and glanced at Jen whose smile also bore more than a passing resemblance to a shark's "Well Jim. You got a taste of how I do business last week. Are you sure you want to go through that again?"

He chuckled. "Well, I'll admit that we flipped a coin to see who got to come out here and meet you and I will say that I did not win, but now that I have met your sister I will say that it was worth the time just to meet a lovely young lady like her."

God he was laying it on thick. Although, she was a lovely woman she had every bit of the killer business instinct that I did and we both smelled blood in the water with this guy wanting to show us property. Tie that together with the knowledge that the county had a bunch of properties they had taken for taxes and their budget shortfall. Oh this could turn into a profitable trip.

We agreed to look at a couple of properties, "just because we were curious you see". Jim walked with us back to our cars and drew out a stack of papers from his. "I brought copies of the tax records so ya'll could see what these here pieces of land had on them."

I started going through the stack and looking at each one then passing them to Jen. She looked at them and after a few minutes turned to Jim and asked, "Do you have a map of the area so we could mark it to see where these are?"

He looked surprised at her question but answered. "I certainly do young lady, um Miss Simmons." Then from his car he pulled out a rolled up map and stretched it out on the hood of his car. "Actually I marked the properties on the map with their tax number incase you wanted to see where they are."

We scanned the map and picked a couple of items from the stack of descriptions, actually, about 10 of them, we marked them on the map and handed it back to him. "Let's start with these,' I said, "Them we can go from there."

His eyes went round and big and he was visibly excited. We agreed to follow him in my car and stop to look at the pieces in question. The next couple of hours were spent on a tour of the county. We looked at the properties in question and found them interesting. There were four farms adjacent to each other that total over 2000 acres close to the interstate and with a rail line running through them as well as a couple of others at the other end of the county with limited access and some Victorian style homes located in town. All the houses were old and in disrepair. The last stop we made was not on the map or lists Jim had given us. It was an old brick building outside of town that looked to have been a factory of some sort at one time.