Tits Are Made For Sucking Ch. 04


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"Uh huh," I managed to grunt. I wasn't going anywhere.

"Now you can relax and think more clearly," she spoke in a low voice that stirred the heavy air around me. "Now we can take our time."

"Anything you say, Mom."

As I recuperated, staring at the decorative wooden beams crossing the living room ceiling at regular intervals, the dark wood contrasting with the light-colored paint, I felt one of her hands massaging the area underneath my balls. Dammit, if that familiar, warm sensation didn't return. Her other hand help my limp hose up, her thumb and index finger delicately squeezing the helmet while she kissed a few drops of aftercome from the tip. But her hand didn't stop massaging that area.

Mom's fingers were up to something. The sensation beneath my balls increased, spreading to my anus. She noticed I was responding to her manipulations.

"Does that feel good, baby?" She asked.

"Uhhh, yeah," I replied. "It's hard to describe but, yes, it feels good."

"Like a warm, swelling sensation that travels up your cock?"

"Yeah," I said, dreamily. Hearing Mom say 'cock' made it stir yet again.

"Hmmm..." She raised an eyebrow, her eyes smiling. "Something else we can explore, but now..." She took both of my hands and, standing, pulled me to my feet. I was reluctant to stand, like a child being awakened from a long nap in the backseat of a car after arriving home from a long journey. Her robe stayed on the floor as I sleepily pressed my face between her naked breasts.

"Let's go to my bed." She kissed my hair.

"Yes, Mom."

Mom and I had fucked in the living room and my bedroom, with some playtime in the shower, but now her bedroom needed to be christened. In spite of my spent state, I was eager to please. Or would be in a few minutes. The limits of my ability to orgasm were being tested, and happily so.

Once in Mom's bedroom, she slid up on the full-sized bed, propping a pillow behind her head, beckoning me to join her. I straddled up beside her, our naked bodies pressing together. The top cover was soft cotton with ribbed, Colonial-era-style patterns that rubbed against my bare skin.

She turned her face to mine and we pressed our mouths together, playfully kissing, our mouths smacking as our lips and tongues danced together. I kissed her face, neck and shoulders and she returned the favor. Mom slowly turned her body toward mine, resting her hand on my ass as we necked.

In time, she rested flat on her back as I took her nipple in my mouth.

"Ahhh, yes, baby," she exhaled with pleasure the moment I started to suckle. "Tit for tat."

As she nursed me, I gently tugged her free nipple.

"Mmmm, that feels so good." Mom held the back of my head as I pleasured her.

After several minutes of attention to her left nipple, she whispered.


I knew what to do and took her other nipple in my mouth, eliciting a hiss of new pleasure from my mother. I also noticed my cock had returned to full mast, recharged and ready for action.

Mom couldn't help but feel me poking her in the thigh. Always the attentive mother, she pulled me away from her breast, albeit reluctantly.

"Lie down, honey," she instructed, giving me a light smack on the thigh as we exchanged places on the bed. I sighed as I slid into the warm spot she left for me. Mom pulled another pillow from underneath the top cover, near the headboard. "Put this under your ass."

"Okay, what are we doing?" I asked, lifting my ass while she slid the pillow underneath. The pillow elevated my hips, making my cock jut out like a flagpole. Of course, that was the pillow's intent. Mom's eyes were darting between my face and my cock. They had a hunger in them, like a lioness sizing up her prey.

"You'll find out," Mom smiled, her pointed breasts dangling as she leaned over me. Straddling my legs, she grasped my hardness and began that familiar squeezing and pulling. My hips reacted involuntarily to the new pleasure, pushing up to accommodate her grip. She moved forward until her downy pussy hovered over my erection.

With my cock still in her grasp, she began rubbing my purple helmet against her pink wetness, priming the pump, so to speak, and proceeded to lower herself on top of me.

"Ohhh!" My mouth fell open with a new surge of ecstasy. Mom moved with precision, undulating her sweet, round ass, lowering herself down. She released me as her pussy swallowed my cock, the weight of her body resting on my hips.

"That okay?" She asked breathily. I could tell the pleasure was mutual.

Oh my fucking God, are you kidding?

"Oh, Mom," I shuddered, writhing underneath her body. "Don't make me come too soon!"

"What's wrong with that?" She cooed. "I know you can recover, and I get to keep more of your come." She gently moved against me, clenching her buttocks, drawing my hardness deeper inside. "Now let's fuck." A splash of warmth spread over my insides with her last comment. My mother meant business.

To my delight, Mom started moving her ass up and down, her pussy gripping my cock like a velvet hand, with delicious precision. I squeezed her thighs and pushed back, trying to return the pleasure.

Watching the effect she was having on her baby boy, Mom couldn't help but chuckle. I'm sure she was pleased with herself, being able to make her son crazy with lust.

"I guess your old Mom still has a few tricks up her sleeve," she said, giving me a sly grin of satisfaction as the bedsprings creaked. Having the tables turned, having my Mom fuck ME instead of the other way around, opened up a whole new erotic dynamic.

"Oh, Mom," I whimpered like a little boy. I couldn't think of many other words at the moment, nor did I care. The pressure of her body, and her smooth, silky skin against mine was both arousing and comforting at the same time; A mother protecting and nurturing, yet taking her incestuous pleasures from her offspring.

Gazing up at her reminded me of how she'd tuck me in, night after night, until I grew to be a man. Only this time, she was totally naked.

"I can't believe how good this feels." A moist heat, fueled by sweat and juices, glowed between our bodies. "Oh, Jesus, please don't stop."

"Don't worry," she replied, panting with exertion. She gave an extra push against my loins, getting me as deep inside her womb as possible. I discovered why.

"Oh, fuck," she growled as a spasm jerked deep inside her body. I felt her muscles quiver against my shaft and tried to identify the different parts I was feeling. Obviously, my cock had found her sweet spot as she began pumping against me more aggressively, her tits bouncing. "That's my good boy."

Mom reached out to grip the headboard as she moved against my body. Her breasts, while lacking the sheer bulk of Mrs. Arden's rack, were still a nice, ample size as they dangled in front of my face, presenting themselves.

"Suck my tits," she hissed, lost in pleasure. I was eager to abide.

I held one of her tits in my hand, bringing it to my mouth, while the other hand gently grasped the other tit. I took her nipple into my mouth and started tugging the other one simultaneously, eliciting the desired response. Mother growled and bucked even more.

"Oh, God," she panted, lifting her head. "I don't know why I didn't seduce you sooner!"

"That's okay, Mom," I replied, releasing her tit for a moment. "We have plenty of time to catch up. Then I resumed my suckling as the bedsprings squeaked with delight.

Within minutes, our bodies glistened with sweat. I loved how her sweet bush rubbed against my pubes, creating a delicious, wet friction.

"Switch," Mom commanded, talking to the ceiling. I knew what she meant and took her other nipple in my mouth. She hissed and writhed with renewed vigor. I could tell Mom was in the throes of unbridled passion. Her motherly teasing had evaporated. Now her words and actions were of a woman consuming her lover.

"I loved to nurse you so very much, honey," she said, panting with exertion. "I so hated to stop. My tits were swollen with milk and my nipples had become so thick and sensitive. They were hard all the time."

I mumbled incoherently, my mouth full of her tit. Her nipples felt wonderful in my mouth, and I wish they had milk, like Mrs. Arden's.

It was as if she read my mind.

"I wish I could lactate again and nurse you for real."

At that moment, I released her tit. With all of the information flooding my brain, an orgasm had snuck up and was about to overtake me.

"Mom, I'm about to come."

"Oh, yes, sweet baby," she responded. "Yes...yes..." Her pussy gripped me tighter. "I feel you twitching."

"May I come? Please?" I surprised myself by sounding so meek, a little boy asking permission to complete his naughty, incestuous desires, but the onslaught of her body had whipped me into submission.

"Yes." Her pumping accelerated for a moment as she tried to hasten my orgasm. "I need your seed inside my body. Give Mom your seed, honey."

"Yes, Mama...yes...YES!!!"

With that, I ejaculated once again into my mother, growling as I injected my raw, sticky seed deep inside. As I shuddered through the crest of the climax, my undulating slowed, but she kept up her pace.

"Take my tit again," she said. "Mama needs to come, too!"

With that, I resumed suckling, much to her joy.

"Oh, Goddamn, son," she rasped breathlessly. "GodDAMN make it fucking COME." She pounded me from above, and my body felt like a rag doll as she attacked me with crazed desire.

Mom was really losing her shit, and I was glad to be the cause.

Her orgasm was almost like an epileptic fit. I could feel the terrain of her womb as she gasped, shuddered and bucked against me, overcome by climaxing chaos. All she could do was make animalistic noises, almost barking like a dog as wave after wave slammed through her body. I held on for dear life, not wanting to interrupt her pleasure. She babbled and swore, her eyes bugging out as if she had seen a ghost.

Holy fuck! Does it get any better than this?

Tears trickled from the corners of her eyes, which were squeezed shut, as she clenched her bared teeth.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...yes...yes..." Mom whispered to the air, a few mild spasms jabbing at her body as she came down.

Completely wasted, she collapsed on top of me. After several minutes of silence, with the exception of her catching her breath, Mom finally spoke.

"Christ, I need to get into better shape if we're going to do this again!" She tucked her head against my chest. "Was that okay?"

What the fuck? Do you have to ask, my mother-lover? God, what just happened?

I didn't know how to reply, the experience had been so new, so kinky, and so incestuously taboo. I discovered a side of Mom I'd never seen before -- the hungry, libidinous woman who needed regular, copious fucking. I liked it. Fuck no, I loved it!

"We can practice every day, Mom," I whispered, nuzzling the top of her head. "God, you feel so good."

"Oh, if I must," she said facetiously. "So much for my rules."

The acrid odor of sweat mixed with the funk of sex filled my nostrils. Our bodies stuck together where our skin touched. I threw my leg over her, and we ended up wrapped around each other, the juices of our sex drying on our bodies.

Of course, the phone had to start ringing.

"Fuck," Mom said, her lips pressing against my chest, eyes still closed. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

My, she'd developed such a potty mouth in the past week!

"Fuck 'em," I said.

The ringing stopped, but then resumed.

"I'll get it," I said, groaning as I tumbled out of bed. My semi-erect cock bobbed, caked with love goo, as I trotted naked into the living room to pick up the phone.

"Yes?" I tried to sound as polite as possible to the intruder. Mrs. Arden was on the other end of the line. Jesus, what the fuck does she want?

"Honey? Is your mother there?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I returned to Mom's bedroom. "Mrs. Arden wants to talk to you."

"Ohhh-kayyy," my mother responded, eyes still closed. She rubbed her eyes delicately, not wanting to smear her makeup, and reluctantly rolled out of the bed. Her beautiful body rose, bush matted and caked with sex. I slipped back into bed, but could hear the timbre of Mom's voice in the living room.

After a moment, she returned, slipping back into bed with me.

"Sylvia asked me if you wanted to have a sleep-over with Mike Friday night."

Jesus, I hadn't had a sleepover at Mike's for over a year or so. To be honest, we were getting too old for that kind of stuff. Still, the thought of it got my brain buzzing again, thinking of all the possibilities.

"Yeah, sure," I replied. Mike and me overnight, with the addition of his mother somewhere in the house? I couldn't quite process all of the places my mind was going, especially in the afterglow of this latest encounter with Mom.

"I guess it's a good thing you and Mike can have time together," Mom said as we cuddled. "A year from now, who knows how things are going to be?"

With that, she started to sniffle, her motherly emotions returning. I kissed her hair, stroking her bare shoulder as we listened to the crickets chirping outside.

Mom wouldn't allow me to sleep with her that night. "I still have some rules," she said. "We both need to get some sleep...separately." She kissed me on the forehead and mouth. Again, the mouth kiss was that of a lover, not a mother. "I'll see you in the morning, honey."

As I lie in my bed, in the pitch-black darkness, the reds and blues and blacks shimmered and comingled with one another. I heard Mom in the hallway bathroom, most likely removing her makeup and washing the aftermath of our lovemaking from her body. I didn't wash, wanting to keep the dried crust of our incest on my body. I grazed my stiff pubes with my fingertips, making my cock start to push out of its sleeve. The head of my penis was still wet, having been cocooned in my foreskin. I rubbed the wetness then brought my fingers to my nose, sniffing the heady brew. Mmmm...fucking fantastic.

It took a couple of hours for me to fall asleep as my brain pondered over the day's events. I awoke that morning with Mom in my bed, and we fucked. I fucked Mike after school, then watched him fuck his mother. As if that wasn't enough, Mom and I had just completed another fuckathon.

Only a week prior, before my initiation with Mike, then my mother, I had the habit of masturbating myself to sleep. Not tonight. Saving my come was no longer an issue. My young cock just needed a rest!

As I sifted through the day's events, I stuck on a single, tiny detail. When Mom caught me in the lie and discovered I was going to Mike's, why didn't she ask me why I had to lie about that? With all the underlying emotion and raw lust churning during that conversation, perhaps she became distracted, but that was not like my mother.

After everything that had happened that day, that was the one speck of inconsistency that wouldn't go away.

"Sleepover at Mike's," I whispered to myself, transistor radio pressed against my ear, as I slipped into the netherworld.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This rings so real! I was born in ‘50 and the things you detail are exactly what I lived, loving the story, I’m waiting for you to say you listened to “My Girl” as you filled your mom.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 5 years ago

Very good series! Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Your writing is amazing! You really set the mood with your play of words. Their love making or fucking afterwards and the conversation about her asking him to suck her breasts and how she wanted to keep nursing him was so erotic! I hope there's another chapter coming along the way soon ;)

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