To Bask in Breastford Ch. 04


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"That's alright." Coach Blue said. "You look busty-, I mean busy."

Paula gave a small giggle.

"I'd better, uh, go get dressed." Coach Blue said, embarrassed.

He headed out of the room with his head hung.

Back in the living room, he met Gretchen. She didn't seem at all happy to see him.

"Still mad?" he asked her.

Gretchen looked at him. Then she shook her head and sighed, deeply.

"No..I guess not." she said. "Where are you headed?"

"I'm gonna go check out the town, school, and stuff. Maybe see where I'd be staying."

"That sounds cool." Gretchen said. "I've got work, so I guess I'll see you later?"


She gave the coach a hug. Coach Blue savored the feeling of her chest pressing into his.

Gretchen walked down the hall to her mother's lab, leaving Coach Blue to change in the guest room.

"I'm off to work." she said to her mother.

Paula was busy rearranging and cleaning her supplies.

"Alright." she answered, without looking up. "You didn't mention anything about the drug, did you?"

Gretchen glanced at the cabinet which held the blue-liquid-filled test tubes.

"No." she said.

"Good." answered Paula. "Then I'll see you when you get off."

"Okay." Gretchen said. And with that she was out the door.

* * * * * * *

"The school provides it's teachers with free housing." Paula said. She was showing Coach Blue around in his new would-be home. "We also take care of all your moving needs, so you'll never have to leave or even lift a finger."

Coach Blue looked around. They were standing in the living room. It was built the same as the Swanson home, he noticed, and he guessed that a lot of the houses in the area were built like this being that they were all part of the school's housing development.

In fact, he wasn't too far from the Swanson home, or the school for that matter. At least, that's what he was told. It was within walking distance apparently.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Yoohoo!" came a voice from outside.

Coach Blue glanced at the door just in time to see it open. His jaw immediately dropped because in walked a big-breasted brunette with silky brown hair that hung down to her stomach. She had lighter skin than Paula, but her hair was slightly darker. She and Paula looked to be about the same age. She looked to weigh about 120 lbs, but ten of those pounds looked like they could easily be from her enormous boobs.

Her tits were covered by a pink top, which Coach Blue thought resembled a muscle shirt. The only differences were that it was a little thicker material, and much more frilly(it had all sorts of imprinted flower-like designs). The straps were also a little larger than the straps on most muscle shirts he wore.

Whatever material it was made of, it looked like it was on it's last thread. Her giant hooters pressed against the inside of her top, and looked as if they were struggling to get some fresh air. Coach Blue was almost certain that she wasn't wearing a bra, as her nipples could be seen protruding from her frilly pink top.

But what turned him on most was the neckline. It showed off an impressive amount of cleavage. Coach Blue guessed that her tits were maybe a size smaller than Paula's massive jugs, but that still put her at at least a DD. Her small frame and skinny waist also made them appear much bigger than they already were.

She also wore a pair of tight blue jeans which flowed all the way down her sexy thighs and managed to cover a portion of her platform shoes. They were skin tight; yet she still wore a belt, with a rather large belt buckle to boot. The jeans hugged her perfectly round ass and clung to it for dear life, fighting the same war with her butt that her top was fighting with her boobs. Both her pants and top looked to be losing.

Behind her stood a much younger but equally busty young girl. She, too, was brunette. Her hair was done in a way that it stood up, but Coach Blue could tell that if she let it fall it would go down a good deal, perhaps even to her butt.

He noticed that this girl did not have an ass as prominent as the other, older looking woman. She wore a black skirt, and although she did have what seemed to be a good shaped ass, it didn't balloon out as much as the other woman. She was also significantly shorter. Her legs however were very tone, and slender, as he could clearly see from the short skirt that she had on.

Her height only helped to accentuate her already busty frame. Her huge jugs protruded against a white tank top; and he could see that she was wearing a white sports bra as well due to the fact that they were both white and slightly see-through(enough to make out clothing, but not skin).

Although she was wearing two layers of fabric on her chest, her nipples were so hard they managed to poke through the clothing with ease. The straps of her tank top looked as if they were going to snap at any second. Her colossal boobs looked even more massive not simply because of her small frame, but her age as well. He guessed the girl to be the same cup size as the taller, older woman. And that made her all the more desirable to Coach Blue.

"Natalie!" Paula said, hurrying over to the older woman.

"Paula!" she answered. "I came as soon as I got your call."

The two women hugged. Their big tits pressed into each other and bulged out obscenely from the sides. Coach Blue had to resist the urge to whip it out right then and there.

"Is this our new co-worker?" asked the woman.

"Oh yes." Paula answered. "Natalie, this is Coach Steven Blue. Coach, this is Natalie Knockers and her daughter Nina."

"Hi!" Natalie said with a wave. "It's so nice to finally meet you. Paula had only good things to say."

Coach Blue was surprised at that comment.

"I did my homework." Paula said.

Coach Blue had trouble finding the right words with these 3 busty women in the room. He glanced from woman to woman, taking in the sight. When he got to Nina, he noticed that she was glaring at him. Finally, he looked back at Natalie.

"Thanks, I guess." he said. "That's...nice to know."

Paula stepped back from Natalie, disengaging their busty hug and pulling her big jugs away from her friend's.

"Natalie's a fellow teacher here in Breastford." she said. "She's also the head of the neighborhood committee. Right, Nat?"

"Yup!" Natalie said with a smile. "And I'll be living right next door, so if you ever need anything I'd be happy to help."

"Don't get your hopes up, Nat. He might not be staying." Paula stated, matter-of-factly.

Natalie looked at Coach Blue and gave a small pout.

"Aww." she said, trailing her fingers up and down her busty chest. "And here Nina was looking forward to being on the basketball team. Well, I'm sure he'll change his mind when he sees a little...more."

The coach's eyes lit up as he watched Natalie's fingers unblinkingly; her soft, thin hand traveled up and down her chest, trailing her fingers around on the outskirts of her big mountains. He tore his eyes away from her generous cleavage to look up at her face(to see if she noticed him staring), and the beautiful brunette winked at him.

Coach Blue shook his head from side to side, as if trying to clear his head of all ideas.

"That uh..." he stuttered. "I...I mean..."

"Oh what's wrong, Coach?" Natalie asked him. "Nat got your tongue?"

He locked eyes with her. He felt as though this woman could see straight through him.

"I uh...I think we should see more of the house." he muttered.

"Of course." Paula said, glaring at Natalie. "Nat, why don't you lead the way?"

She pointed in the direction of the kitchen with her head.

"Oh alright!" Natalie replied, looking slightly disappointed. She walked across the room with Paula following at her heels.

As they passed, Coach Blue glanced at Nina long enough to see her rolling her eyes at the two women. She still looked very stern.

He couldn't believe the size of Nina's boobs. Aside from that blond he had seen last night, they had to be the biggest boobs he'd ever seen on a girl her age. And she looked to be younger than the blond as well. He wondered if those knockers would do any more growing. Even if they didn't, he'd be perfectly content feasting on those big melons.

After about half an hour of touring and idle chit chat they were once again in the living room. Coach Blue had not heard a single word they had been saying. He wasn't even sure of what he had contributed conservation wise. His mind was on the three gorgeous pairs of tits that were before him, bouncing with each and every step. Particularly Nina's. He thought back to Gretchen's wet display back in the car and wished Nina would do something similar, as her big jugs were covered in white.

He was just thinking he was going to be sad when this tour ended when he heard Paula say:

"Nat, can I speak with you outside for a moment?'

She then glanced over at Coach Blue.

"Neighborhood business, hun. You understand." she said.

"Absolutely." Coach Blue replied.

Natalie looked over at her daughter, who had not said a word the entire time. Her face was still as stern as ever, and her eye's had that teenage "I hate everything" look in them.

"Keep the good coach company." she said. "I'll be right back."

Nina failed to give any sort of clue as to whether or not she had acknowledged her mother's request. Despite this, Natalie and Paula still walked outside.

Coach Blue began to fidget a little. He took a few small steps, breathed deeply, and swung his arms along with his walking. Finally, he faced the young busty girl and put his hands in his pockets.

The entire time he was fidgeting, Nina simply stood there with her arms crossed. For as thin as they were, her arms did a pretty good job of obscuring his view of her massive rack. Her huge mammaries pressed into her thin arms with such great force that they managed to spill and overflow over her small arms. It would have been easy to spot her nipples through the white bra and tank top, but her arms were just big enough to hide them.

She watched Coach Blue as he fidgeted, her thin arms crossed over her massive bust. Her eyes were attempting to pierce him, it seemed, and her thin lips stayed shut never saying a word.

It was Coach Blue who finally broke the silence.

"So are you going to try out for the basketball team?" he asked, somewhat nervous.

Nina glared at him a minute longer. Her slender legs stayed put; her short black skirt never even moved in hesitation. Her eyes were still burning a hole through the nervous coach.

"No." she said.

"Oh." Coach Blue responded, a little surprised. "Sorry to hear that. You look like you'd make a decent ball player."

"Oh I will." Nina said.

The coach scratched his head in confusion.

"I'm sorry." he said. "Didn't you just say-"

"I'm not going to try out." she cut him off. "But you will put me on the team."

Coach Blue thought for a moment. Then he understood.

"I'm sorry." he said. "I didn't realize you're school was opposed to tryouts. I'm sorry if that's not what you're used to, but that is nevertheless how I will be running the program if I take the job. I'm sorry, but I just can't give you a spot on the team if you don't tryout."

"I don't think you understand." said the busty young brunette as she took a step closer to him. "You WILL give me a spot on the team."

"And why's that?" asked the coach.

Nina unfolded her arms, letting her huge hooters bounce free from her grip inside her bra and tank top. She raised her arms over her busty rack and pointed down to each of her big boobs.

"Because if you give me that," she said. "I'll give you these."

* * * * * * *

Outside, Paula Swanson and Natalie Knockers were deep in conversation.

"Because as of right now, his tolerance level is much too high." Paula said.

"Geez Paula." Natalie replied. "How much of the stuff did you give him?"

"Not a lot." Paula said. "But he exhibited a gross amount of tolerance before that as well."

Natalie was staring off into space.

"So what are you saying?" she asked, still dazed. "He's going to be...normal?"

"Yes." Paula answered. "At least until tomorrow when the formula wears off."

"So it's not a big deal then." Natalie stated.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Paula said. "There hasn't been a...normal man here in quite some time. This could have unpredictable results."

"What do you mean?" Natalie asked.

"He could still get his hands on...well...anyone. We have to take measures to ensure that it's not the girls."

"Just his hands?" Natalie asked, in a half giggle.

"That's not funny." Paula said.

"Well..." Natalie pondered. "He's inside with Nina right now. If anyone can tire him out, it's her. Remember Jeff, before he passed? The poor guy saw Nina walking down the street and started going to town on himself right then and there."

"Look." Paula said. "I realize your daughter is a young little bombshell, but I just don't think that will be enough."

"Oh please." Natalie replied. "Every guy who comes here thinks that he can score just like that." she snapped her fingers. "He's just like all the others. He'll be in such a hurry to take his pants off, and even more of a hurry to spend himself."

"I don't know..." Paula replied.

"Trust me." Natalie said. "We'll be exchanging coaches before you know it."

"I hope you're right." Paula replied. "Although, part of me hopes we could just find the right guy already."

"Maybe once we're done with him, we could try another gay guy?" Natalie asked.

"No..." Paula said. "I've done enough research on the homosexual male to form a valid hypothesis. None of them will work."

"Yeah." Natalie said. "I think Jeff was gay before he came to Breastford."

The two women laughed.

Inside, however, there was little to laugh about.

* * * * * * *

"WHAT?!" Nina asked of him, strictly.

She was caught completely by surprise. Her expression had changed from stern to angry to almost worried when she heard Coach Blue's response.

"I said you'll have to tryout just like everyone else." Coach Blue repeated.

Nina glared at the coach. She didn't understand. Usually, guys not only jumped at the chance to make a deal like this, but they also had already exploded on themselves when they heard her mention her boobs. There was no mistaking the bulge in his pants. Why was there no wet spot? Was he slow? She sloughed it off as a fluke and decided to purge on with her bribe.

"Let me make this clear." she said, stepping closer to the hunky coach. "I'll lift up my shirt here and now if you say you'll put me on the team."

She gripped the bottom of her tank top.

Coach Blue glared at her as sternly as she had been glaring at him. There was a little voice inside his head saying "Do it! Look at the size of those things! If she'll let you see them, maybe she'll let you do other things to them. What are you waiting for?"

He was certain he had the confidence to feel up this busty teen while her mother was just outside, after all, he had already had his way with Gretchen.

But no.

Something told him that it wouldn't be so easy. Maybe it was how she held herself. He knew that even if he got to see those big melons of hers, there was no chance she'd let him touch them. But even so...just seeing them...

He had a feeling that had Nina been at the Swanson home last night, or on the street, or at the store, or anywhere he had been for that matter, there was no way on Earth he could resist. He could feel that about her; she had a appeal.

But he was feeling much better than he did last night. He had much more control over himself. He was no longer weak. He could say no; he could resist. But was this the result of pride? Or stupidity? It was a very fine line. He knew that there were definitely more tits to be had, just as the name "Breastford" implied. But with a name like Nina Knockers...he knew that he'd be missing out on something spectacular also.

He finally decided that if he said 'no' right now, one of two things would happen. Either she would have to try out, in which case he'd get to watch her bounce those big basketballs of hers anyway. Or (and this is what he hoped for) she would have to offer him something more. The only problem with this was that hole in the first option; where he wouldn't get to see her topless.

After some painful consideration, he finally decided to roll the dice and go for broke.

"Let me make myself clear." he said. ""

Nina looked at the coach.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" Nina asked. "I will show you my boobs, right now, and all you have to do is say you'll put me on the team."

She was starting to get frustrated. Not only did men usually cave by now, but they also had spent a huge load. Many of them wouldn't recover for the rest of the day.

Coach Blue looked at her face, trying his best not to look at her big rack, but her massive hooters were so big that it didn't matter which direction he looked; he would still manage to see them bulging. He would have been happy to cum right then and there, but if he ever wanted a chance at scoring with those tits first hand he was going to have to let them go for now.

"I understand what you're saying." he said. "But the answer is still no. I'm sorry, I just can't put you on the team without seeing you try out."

Nina stepped back. Things like this had happened before, at the store. But never here in town. It was rare that a guy needed extra motivation in Breastford, in fact, it had never happened to her. She began to contemplate using desperate measures, no matter how embarrassing it seemed. She didn't want to; but she couldn't deny that even the most strong-willed men wouldn't last long in Breastford once they got a look at her eye-popping twins.

One guy was lucky enough to last a full minute, but the sexual overload was too much for him. He ended up spewing the biggest load of his life (literally) and dying of dehydration.

She knew what she had to do, although she hated to do it. She finally decided that if Coach Blue died after seeing her big jugs it was no big deal; they could always just find another coach. The other girls would be mad at her if they found out, but she would deal with that when and if it occurred.

"Oh..." Nina said, gripping the bottom of her tank top again. "You can, and you will." she said as she began lifting her shirt up over her chest.

But just as she was about to expose her full, ripe melons, the door opened and both Natalie and Paula walked in.

Nina quickly pulled her shirt back down; Coach Blue turned around to face the two women, who were laughing and smiling at each other as they walked in.

"So..." Natalie said. "Did you two get to know each other a little better?"

Coach Blue was about to open his mouth to speak, but Nina beat him to the punch.

"Yeah." she said. "We talked about how we're both looking forward to the upcoming season. Coach Blue said he was going to put me on the team. Didn't you, Coach?"

She looked at Coach Blue with that stern look again.

"I uh..."

Natalie interrupted his befuddlement.

"Is that true Coach? And without watching her play? Oh my I'm so proud of you Nina! Well I suppose this calls for a celebration. I know! Why don't you come over for dinner this evening, Coach?"

"You don't understand." Coach Blue responded. "Nina's not-"

"Oh come now." Natalie said. "You can tell us all about your plans for the team at dinner."

Coach Blue looked at the three women. Natalie seemed eager to have him coming over. He didn't want to disappoint her. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if it would be fine by Paula either.

"I think that's a great idea." Paula said to both Natalie and Coach Blue. "In fact, why don't we all have dinner together? It would give us an opportunity to talk, Coach, and get to know each other a little more."