To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 06


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"Up to you, Love," Thakkor said to Alicia.

Alicia shuddered and sighed. "Do feel free to call me that whenever you wish." She then turned back to Gwendoline and said, "We will return. Thank you, Gwen."

"You are quite welcome, and that invitation remains open from this moment into perpetuity."

Alicia laughed as the group reined in near the castle stables. "Perpetuity?"

"Yes — perpetuity." Gwendoline looked away and stuck her nose up high in the air. "I have waited weeks to use that word, and now you have ruined it for me."

"I pray you can forgive my opprobrious behavior," Alicia responded with a bow of her head.

Gwen's hurt expression faded in an instant and she laughed. "You are a delight. Now I have two words that will prove quite stunning when I speak of Count Yeltsin."

"And I don't have the foggiest clue what either of them mean," Thakkor said with a shake of his head and a hearty laugh as he dismounted.

"I'll make sure the horses are fed, brushed, and rested for you," Trell said and signaled to one of the stableboys.

Gwen patted Satin's neck and walked over to Alicia. "Speaking of the despicable Count, you should truly remain here until such time as we have charged him with his foul deeds."

"You're right, of course," Alicia responded.

"We can take advantage of the opportunity in the courtyard," Trell suggested. "The two of you could benefit from sparring together — and perhaps challenging each other."

"Not a bad idea," Thakkor agreed. "Getting to know each other's fighting style when we're not worried about dying in the process should help us work off each other's strengths."

The Baroness smiled as Alicia linked arms with Thakkor. "You speak as though of a brother in arms, more so than a woman."

"She's both, and that's what I love about her."

"And what I love about you," Alicia echoed.

Gwen wiped away a tear and said, "I grow more confident by the moment in the path you have chosen, Alicia."

Alicia leaned in closer to Thakkor and said, "So do I."

The Baroness gestured for the couple to follow and said, "Your horses are not the only ones who will benefit from food and rest."

Thakkor and Alicia joined hands, and followed Gwen inside.


Alicia reined in, her golden hair flowing in the summer breeze, reminiscent of a battle pennon in Thakkor's eyes. He urged his horse forward to her side, close enough to reach out and touch her.

From atop the small rise, the couple looked down upon the Nash estate, surrounded by its magnificent gardens and lawn. The great city of Freeland formed the backdrop, the travelers and merchants that served as its lifeblood flowing to and from the city along the roads stretching out to the horizons.

"Ready?" Thakkor asked.

"No, but waiting will only increase my anxiety."

He reached out to pat her leg. "There's still time to change your mind, you know?"

Alicia smiled at him, and then answered by urging her horse forward.

A strange, alien sensation crept through Alicia as she rode through the opening in the low stone wall surrounding her home. She absently wondered why there was no name for the opposite of Deja Vu, because that was the exact feeling that assaulted her.

A wide-eyed gardener dropped his rake as the couple passed, and then hurried toward the house after a moment or two of stunned surprise. Other servants reacted in much the same way upon noticing Alicia, and she could hardly blame them.

Years of conditioning caused Alicia to turn toward the stables, though she'd never actually ridden onto the grounds before. Her father strictly forbade horses beyond a certain point, to avoid damage to the decorative paving stones. Upon reaching the stables, the stablemaster and two grooms stepped out, wearing wide smiles.

"Good it is to see you alive and well, Lady Alicia," The stablemaster declared.

"Thank you, Noelt," Alicia said as she reined in.

Noelt stroked Alicia's horse's neck and said, "It'll be my pleasure to watch over these ponies for you."

"Hasn't been but a few miles since they ate and rested, and we rode 'em easy," Thakkor explained as he dismounted.

The stablemaster asked, "Should I unsaddle them?"

"I will send word," Alicia answered.

Noelt nodded, his suspicions confirmed, "Very good, Lady Alicia." He then directed the grooms to take the horses inside.

As the couple walked toward the house, Thakkor said, "Sort of expected everyone waiting for us in front of the house."

"Father expected us to arrive by carriage. Most likely, everyone ignored us because we were mounted. The servants will regroup and meet us in the entrance foyer."

Thakkor shook his head and remarked, "There's a back up ceremony for everything, isn't there?"

Alicia nodded, offering a half-smile. "Such is the necessity of politics."

The couple reached the three wide steps leading up to the house and ascended. At the midpoint of the final step, Alicia blinked her eyes as if to signal, and the door opened, right on cue.

"W-welcome home, Lady Alicia," the butler greeted her as she approached, his stutter a telling sign.

Alicia took a deep breath and turned to gaze at Thakkor for strength before continuing toward the portal. As expected, a collection of servants awaited in the foyer to greet her, forming a corridor leading to her mother and father.

Alicia's mother wavered, her eyes wide with surprise — yet another startling divergence from the rigid, perfect protocol to which Alicia was accustomed.

Alicia's father maintained his composure, though his eyes were hard with irritation. "It seems we are in your debt again — Thakkor, is it? Come, and we shall discuss proper compensation for the safe return of our Daughter."

Having recovered from the shock, Alicia's mother said, "Come, Alicia. We will find you proper attire while the men speak."

Alicia curtsied, though she knew the tiny deference to proper behavior would matter little after she spoke. "I'm sorry, Mother, but I have something to tell both of you, and it will not wait."

Her father's expression hardened to match his eyes. "Daughter, I will not hear such disobedience. Already you try my patience by arriving dressed as a vagabond — and under arms."

Somehow, his words burned through Alicia's reluctance and fear. For the first time in her life, she squared her shoulders and stood up to her father. "I'm afraid that you will need to grow accustomed to such, Father."

"Preposterous!" Alicia's father declared, sweeping his hand in a sharp, dismissive gesture.

"I have chosen to find my own path in life, Father," Alicia declared, growing bolder by the moment.

He opened his mouth as though to retort in anger again, but instead clenched his teeth. Without another word, Alicia's father turned and ascended the stairs.

Alicia sighed, knowing that the conversation was over. She turned to her mother. "I must follow my heart, Mother. I have found love in Thakkor, and in life."

"Where did we fail, Alicia? We have given you all that anyone could ask for."

Alicia walked up and took her mother's hand. "Mother, you haven't failed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you and Father have given me. I hope you can come to understand in time."

Though she maintained her passive expression, Alicia could see her mother's eyes misting over. "Where will you go? How will you live?"

"We'll be fine," Alicia answered as Thakkor joined her. She took his hand and smiled, adding, "Together."

Alicia's mother took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "This is foolishness, Alicia. I will hear no more of it."

Thakkor clenched his teeth as Alicia fought the tears welling up in her eyes from watching her mother ascend the stairs. After a quavering sigh, Alicia turned away from the uncomfortable looking servants.

Thakkor held his tongue until he and Alicia passed out of earshot of the servants, and then incredulously remarked, "That's it?"

"It's their way."

"Well, their way is wrong," Thakkor responded, taking her hand.

Alicia caressed his hand with her fingers and said, "Please don't hate them, Thakkor."

"I don't. In a way, I pity them. Do you think they'll come around at all?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter." Alicia looked up at him and offered a sad, half-smile. "I've made my decision, and I couldn't be happier."

Ever one step ahead of those he served, the master of the stables had already ordered the couple's horses brought out. He stood with the animals and said, "This will surely be a sadder place without you, My Lady."

"Thank you," Alicia said as she accepted the reins of her horse.

The stablemaster offered his hand to Thakkor along with the reins. "I'd tell you to take good care of her for us, but I don't think I have to."

"You don't, and I will," Thakkor responded as he shook the man's hand.

Once the couple had mounted, the stablemaster stepped back and said, "Fare thee well, My Lady."

Alicia nodded her head and said, "And you as well. Please convey my well wishes to all the servants — and my thanks for putting up with an ofttimes spoiled girl."

"I will."

Alicia then looked to Thakkor and offered another smile before nodding toward the gate.

"The horses seemed to have a mind to gallop on the way here. Want to indulge them?"

Alicia's smile brightened and she answered, "Yes — Let's."


Alicia awakened with a start, deep in the night. Though she'd tried to put up a brave front, the cold dismissal from her parents had affected her. For the last two days, she'd had little energy and felt melancholy. Thakkor, seemingly in perfect tune with her emotions, had sensed her needs and acted accordingly. Though she surely knew he wanted more, he had simply held her for the past to nights as they slept.

Her nightmare faded — a remembrance of the fight with the brigand in the sod house. She knew what had triggered it — the news that the Count had circulated a story concerning his dismissal of Armand. Trell and Gwen swore that such a flimsy excuse would not hold up to scrutiny, but Alicia had her doubts.

She shuddered from the fading dream image of the man dying from her blade, and snuggled up closer to Thakkor. Even in his sleep, he squeezed the arm draped over her even tighter.

Alicia reveled in the feeling of his muscular body and his warmth beneath the sheets. Her body responded to the closeness, tingling with powerful desire. She fidgeted as she tried to control the surging emotion.

Her movement awakened Thakkor, and his eyes blinked open in the moonlight streaming through the nearby window. His voice still heavy with sleep, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Alicia answered, her face flushing when she could hear the restrained passion in her voice. "I had a nightmare."

Thakkor shifted and kissed her forehead. "It was only a dream. You're safe."

Alicia's tenuous control over her desire shattered with that kiss. Her liquid blue eyes locked with his, and she moved closer to kiss him — releasing her passion.

Thakkor let out a surprised moan as her lips found his, her tongue tickling his gums as she rolled over atop him. He returned the kiss with equal ardor, his manhood swelling.

Alicia broke from the kiss with a gasp, and sat up over him. She could feel his erection pressing against her bottom, and reached for the hem of her nightgown.

Thakkor breathed heavily and caressed her legs as Alicia pulled her gown over her head. She wore nothing beneath, her body fully revealed to him in the soft moonlight as she tossed the gown to the side.

"I need you," she whispered.

"I need you, too," Thakkor responded as she tugged down the loose cotton breeches he'd worn to bed.

Alicia caressed his swollen organ, feeling the contours and hardness of it as it twitched beneath her fingers. She leaned forward, angling his cock upward toward her already damp sex.

Thakkor's groan mingled with Alicia's shuddering whimper as she sank down on his erection, the thick organ filling her so full.

"You're so beautiful," Thakkor whispered, his voice husky as her velvety soft walls squeezed tight around him.

"S-so good," Alicia breathed, and then rocked her hips, emitting high-pitched moans as his cock stroked her depths. She undulated her body in a slow motion, feeling every inch of him, and letting him feel ever inch of her.

Thakkor's hips twitched up toward her with every motion, pressing him even deeper inside her. Alicia could feel a hot bubble of energy building behind her mound. She sat up straight with a gasp, giving her easy access to her swollen, demanding clit.

Alicia's fingers flashed over her bud as she gyrated her hips, stirring her depths with Thakkor's thick cock. He flexed his muscles, thrusting up into her as she stoked her fires even higher.

Alicia's heartbeat and breathing quickened, her fingers a blur over her clit. Small sounds of pleasure — whimpers and moans — bubbled from Alicia's lips as she built toward orgasm. Alicia had just enough presence of mind to contain the screams trying to escape her as she moved closer to the edge, realizing that the entire castle was sleeping around her.

She began to bounce over Thakkor's hips, in perfect time with his thrusts. Her bottom slapped against him with quiet smacks, her pleasure swelling with every thrust. She pursed her lips tight, trembling from the energy building inside her. Finally, she slammed down once more and froze in place.

A long, quavering squeal fought for escape between Alicia's tightly clenched teeth and lips. Her trembling body continued to move Thakkor's cock inside her, prolonging her ecstasy as her clit throbbed beneath the finger pressed tightly against it. When the first wave of orgasm released her, she sucked in a sharp breath, and then fell forward as that breath blasted from her.

Thakkor swiveled his hips, causing Alicia's orgasm to spike again and again. She whimpered and gasped with every swell of pleasure, finally collapsing atop Thakkor to pant for breath when he stopped moving to give her respite.

"Oh, Thakkor," Alicia moaned when she caught her breath.

Thakkor stroked her hair and said, "I love to watch you come."

Alicia let out a contented moan and snuggled up against his muscular chest for a minute or so. She could feel him throbbing inside her, begging for release as well. Summoning up a burst of energy, she pushed up onto her arms. She didn't have to say a word. Thakkor knew what she wanted.

Alicia groaned as Thakkor's fingers curled around her buttocks. She then let out a little oh in response to the first powerful thrust of his cock inside her. This time, Alicia could not contain her vocalizations, which built in volume and pitch along with the speed of his thrusting hips.

When she could manage to keep her eyes open, Alicia could see Thakkor's features tightening, evidence of his own approaching climax. Soon enough, her vision blurred into a fog of pleasure. The angle was perfect for his fast thrusting shaft to rub her bud with every stroke. Alicia climbed toward another orgasm, her whole world comprised of the pleasure coursing through her.

The world snapped back into focus in a moment, twin cries of simultaneous release bursting from her lips and from Thakkor's. Alicia's walls squeezed tight around him, letting her feel every throb and pulse of his cock as he spurted jets of warm seed deep inside her.

Alicia's next moment of clarity came with her next orgasm, a second climax hot on the heels of the first. She was lying directly on top of Thakkor, and could immediately feel that he was breathing just as hard as she was. He groaned as her canal gripped him again, his sweat-dampened body writhing beneath her.

After only a few seconds, he could no longer endure the tight squeeze on his over-sensitive cock. He jerked free of her with a gasp, followed by heavy, panting breaths. By contrast, Alicia squealed as the power of her orgasm doubled from the hot friction of his cock leaving her. She fell limp after the spike ebbed, occasional aftershocks tightening her muscles a few times as the minutes passed.

Thakkor groaned, looking just as exhausted and satisfied as Alicia felt when her eyes fluttered back open. His cream bubbled from her, dripping from her labia to spatter against him below her. She moaned when he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

"That was so wonderful," Alicia breathed once she recovered.

"Uh huh," Thakkor responded in an exhausted moan.

Alicia's blue eyes widened when she realized something, and her start drew Thakkor back out of his torpor. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I... I forgot to cast my spell," Alicia whispered.

Thakkor winced. "I'm sorry. I should have reminded you."

"It's not your fault," Alicia said as she summoned up the strength to rise. His cream decorating her folds and the curls surrounding them served as a stark reminder of her forgetfulness.

A war raged within Alicia. Part of her dreaded the possibility of his seed taking root in her womb. She knew it would throw all of their plans into chaos. At the same time, she felt warmth spreading through her at the thought of bearing his child. Only one thing was clear — she had to know.

Alicia crossed the room to her magical bag and opened the flap. Thakkor reached down and retrieved his shirt to wipe away the evidence of their lovemaking from his body while she searched for the necessary ingredients to cast her spell.

A bright flash of light caused Alicia to snap her eyes shut. At the same time, she heard Thakkor curse and the sound of the bed creaking. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a man in a black, hooded robe aiming some sort of a crystal-tipped wand at her. Thakkor bounded to his feet in front of her from where he'd rolled off of the bed, and jumped toward the wizard.

The wizard vanished in another burst of brilliance, only to reappear in the corner of the room, once again aiming his wand. Alicia's hand had closed over the staff within the bag as she searched for her pouches, and she instinctively jerked out the magical weapon.

The wizard's wand discharged just as Alicia withdrew the staff. One of the myriad enchantments on the arcane object caused the bolt of energy from the wizard to dissolve into harmless, drifting motes. The assailant had no chance to fire a second burst, because Thakkor was upon him. The wizard tried to blink away again, but reacted too slowly. Thakkor's fist contacted the man's chin, and the wizard reappeared lying on the floor, shaking his head in groggy disorientation.

Thakkor let out a roar and charged the wizard. The man's eyes snapped wide open in fear, and he fumbled in his robes for something. Just as Thakkor reached him, the wizard hurled something. An ice blue nimbus of magic surrounded Thakkor, and he stiffened as though turned to stone. His momentum caused him to fall over, remaining in the same stiff position in which he'd frozen.

The sight both frightened Alicia beyond belief, and sparked memory — a command word, one of many documented by Glanster after studying her magical items. Alicia shouted the word, aiming the staff at the wizard, who had raised a second wand — one that crackled with ominous energy.

As had Thakkor, the wizard stiffened, surrounded by a blue nimbus. Flashes of light erupted from rings on his fingers, and the nimbus wavered. Alicia felt the staff grow warm in her hand as strong vibrations shot through it. She nearly panicked, fearing that the staff might explode in her hand and do the work of the attacker for him. Fortunately, such was not to be. The power of the magical artifact she held overcame whatever protections the wizard possessed. The man fell backwards and thumped into the wall, as stiff as a board.