Transcontinental Swap Ch. 04


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Bree, Russ, Jo, and Dirk liked the idea of swinging with Steph and Joe, the same way we all approved of the party in California a few weeks earlier by unanimous vote. Russ and Jo planned to go to a mid-January party on the west coast, and I could feel their excitement about the prospect of something in the east too. Based on everyone's enthusiasm for the idea, I planned to tell Steph we might try it when we got together again.

Seeing Steph happened a week later, a few days after New Years Day when the faculty went back to work, and shortly before the campus filled with students again for the winter semester. I saw her in the hallway, and gave a high sign to come into my office.

Steph followed me in, "Did you have a good holiday? Can you believe how much snow we got in the one storm?"

I looked at Steph and after a long silence during which I studied her, I said, "Are you sure?" The remark was clearly not related to her two questions, and there was really only one huge question that had been left between the two of us: whether to swing or not.

Steph whispered, "Yes, we're sure. We talked about it every night since I saw you last. It's the stuff our lovemaking fantasies are about -- we tease each other with what it would be like to be in the presence of others, to be making out with others, to be fucking others. I've been the harder one to convince, and I'm more than ready."

I explained, "I talked with Russ, Dirk, Jo, and Bree, and we're in too."

"Wait a minute! Who's Bree?"

Oops, I'd forgotten that Steph had no idea we'd already expanded our group on the east coast. I explained Bree; "She's a beautiful Ph.D. geneticist who we met a couple of months ago, and with whom we have a loving relationship. She stays with us most of the time up in Dillon, although she has a Cambridge apartment -- and if it looks like a winter storm is brewing I'm going to end up living with her near here, and probably Dirk too." As I'd talked, I'd called up a snapshot of Bree I took at Christmas on my iPhone. "Here's her picture."

"Wow. I think I tapped into the mother lode of beauty, love, and sex here. She's very pretty. I can't wait to meet her. You're all so pretty and handsome." Steph paused and asked, "Do you suppose I could meet her before we try anything? I mean, I'm new to this, and I'd feel strange showing up to screw around with someone I never met. I want to meet Dirk too; I've only seen him across the room. Maybe I'll feel different in the future, but right now ..."

"Steph, of course. I'll see if the two of us and Bree can have lunch this week. Her work is down at Kendall Square, only two subway stops away. Dirk's business is up in Woburn, so we might do better to meet him after work. They might also appreciate meeting Joe too. Heck, maybe we should all just meet for dinner up there."

We picked an ideal time for the two of us. While Steph was in my office I texted Dirk and Bree to see if they could do dinner on Wednesday. Both replied almost immediately that they could. As I did that, Steph locked in the day and time with Joe.

Wednesday evening the five of us converged on a popular restaurant north of Boston named Hogan's after the golf legend. We'd done introductions outside the place, so by the time we got a booth everyone had at least met everyone else. I seated the table, putting Steph between Dirk and Bree, and opposite Joe and me.

I started, "Look, without going into details, we know why we're here. I have a little test for later. Let me explain." I pulled six envelopes from my purse. "Five envelopes contains two pieces of paper, one red and one green. They're all identical. At the end of our meal, I'm going to pass around the empty envelope and you put one color or the other in it -- red for 'not ready yet' or green for 'it's a go.' If we get any reds, we'll do some more socializing besides this dinner before getting to what Dirk called the Main Event. Is that OK with everyone?"

Steph nodded, "I like that because we don't have to explain ourselves if we just feel uncomfortable for any reason."

Bree and Dirk agreed for the same reason.

We took a break to order our drinks and dinners.

Joe said, "Let me add something to your slips of paper scheme. I'm glad too that we'll have a go/no go vote, but if I'm uncomfortable for any reason, I won't mind talking about it with you all. I'm pretty vocal and upfront with what's going on inside my head. Steph's been working on me since we got married to talk about my feelings and not hide them."

I said, "Good. To get the ball rolling I have a question to get us talking about what I'll call 'related' subjects. The question is, 'What is it about another person that turns you on?'"

After some laughter, Bree said, "I'll start, and answering is easier for me right now because I just had this discussion with another girl at work. I think of this in terms of mind, body, and spirit, and all components have to be there. A person has to have a keen mind -- value education and critical thinking, and definitely not automatically accept the status quo ... but they have to have a spiritual component in their life and in how they make love. I need to feel that connection with them besides the physical connection."

She looked around the table, and we all encouraged her to continue. Bree said, "My dreamboats have to take care of their body. They're clean, healthy, somewhat athletic, and watch their diets. Last, I prefer that they be spiritual and not religious. That means they're not locked into some creed or book that is presented to them as a 'given.' They see a relationship, even a casual one, as a coupling on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions -- some we know and some we don't. Well, that's the short version." Bree looked around the table expectantly.

Joe thoughtfully said, "I like that. I think guys might be a little more superficial. My dream girl, to use your term, has to be a looker -- and the three of you fit the bill. You're all pretty. You care about how you look all the time. I would add 'smart' to Bree's list; I might like to look at a dumb blond, but if she's really dumb she flunks my standards. Lastly, I guess instead of spiritual, I use the word chemistry. I need to feel chemistry with the other person, and that's multidimensional."

Dirk said, "You guys are stealing all my criteria. I like everything you've each said. I think of relationships in three phases: meeting, building, and mature. Cross that with your body, mind, and spirit criteria, and you have nine things to work on or examine as you go along in a relationship. We're in the meeting stage with you Steph and Joe, and Bree, Julie, and I are in the building phase. One of the things that happens in the meeting and building phases isNew Relationship Energy, those elated feelings of excitement, sexual receptivity, and connection on many levels. What's unique among most of us, and I include Russ and my wife Jo, is we're experiencing NRE along side our established mature relationships that we want to preserve and grow -- Russ with Julie, Jo with me, and no doubt you two -- Joe and Steph."

I stepped in, "I like that model, probably because it's partly analytical -- the three-by-three matrix. I'm going to play with that later. Now, I have another question for us to consider, particularly for Steph and Joe, what do you think it will feel like to watch your spouse making love with someone else? Have you visualized this?"

Joe and Steph looked at each other, and Joe motioned for Steph to answer first. She said, "Well, we've talked about it, in bed making love, teasing and taunting each other."

I said to Steph, "Get explicit about it. Think of looking across the room as Bree mounts Joe's cock. They're both naked. She hangs her breasts into his face so he can suck on them. He's already been feeling them and sucking on them. You're positioned so you can see his cock slide back and forth into her pussy."

Steph said, "Your making me wet with arousal. I want a cock inside me too."

Joe rolled his eyes at the ceiling; "You've given me a lump in my jeans." Bree blushed, but laughed.

I said, "Joe, how will you feel watching Dirk plow his cock into Steph when she's panting and asking for 'More and harder'?"

He thought for a moment. "Pretty excited and glad for her actually. We each dated other people quite a bit before we started dating and finally got married. We've each shared those experiences -- the sexy ones -- with each other, often as a spur to our own lovemaking. I can imagine what I'd be seeing very clearly."

I asked, "What if she was in another room or house so you could only imagine what she might be doing or experiencing?" I turned to Steph and added, "Or Joe?"

Both agreed that it wouldn't make much difference, and that they'd be hoping the other would be having a fabulous blissful experience. We talked about jealousy a little, and what emotions to substitute for it, including compersion. We each thought we would be all right in this area if we talked about what we were feeling with our partners. We all started talking about sexually related practices that would turn usoff: water sports, most of the BDSM stuff -- although we left the door open on a few things in that realm. We put some limits on exhibitionism and bukkake -- but a pearl necklace was OK. We acknowledged that ATM or rimming, bisexual play for the men, enema play, and dogging were out. We also agreed that all of us should get tested and show the results to each other as a move of trust; this will also let us feel comfortable going bareback with each other. Thus, we'd effectively put some boundaries on any playtime activities we pursued.

I also put forward the question, "What do you hope to get out of swinging or extending your relationships with the three of us?" I'd addressed the question to Joe and Steph, but I really meant it for all of us.

After discussion, we agreed that we were all looking for something other than getting our rocks off with another partner. We were looking to jar ourselves out of our complacency in our relationships, new insights about others and ourselves, new experiences, certainly fun and risqué excitement, and to extend the circle of people we wanted to feel emotionally close to and spiritually close to. We all wanted to test our limits in this area, and even entertain some polyamorous relationships. While all that was acknowledged, we agreed we would move at the pace of the slowest paced partner.

By the time we reached this point in our discussion, we'd finished our dinners, settled the bill, and were just sitting at the table in a nearly empty restaurant.

I passed out the envelopes to each person. Each person rummaged in their envelope and picked out the square of their choice. I circulated the initially empty envelope, and we each slid our 'vote' into the envelope under the table. When it came around the table back to me and was full, I said, "OK, are we ready?"

The other four heads around the table nodded.

I poured out the pieces of paper onto the table: five green votes. We were a 'go' for swinging and wherever it might lead us.

* * * * *

I had to stop eating Steph's pussy as the orgasm from Joe's fat cock ripped through my body. I lay on my back on the edge of my bed as he stood in front of me fucking my hot pussy. Steph sat on my face so I could lap and lick her pussy, taking her from orgasm to orgasm as Joe worked his magic on me.

A few feet away, Dirk knelt behind a kneeling Bree and pumped his cock into her quim doggie style. Bree was vocal, announcing each jolt of energy and orgasm to the room as one ripped through her body. The whole scene was highly erotic. We'd been fucking in various combinations for almost three hours. Outside, New England was in the process of getting buried by a blizzard. We didn't care. We were warm, rapidly getting fucked out, and the house had a generator in case we lost electricity.

Joe sped up his thrusts into my pussy until his body was a blur. His toned pelvis slapped against the back of my legs two or three times a second at his fastest speed, and then he came in a torrent of warm and viscous cum that I could feel blasting deep inside me. Joe bellowed out his orgasm, and that had driven me to one too, right along with his wife. They kissed over the top of my spasming body.

As we pulled apart, Joe came and kissed me. "Julie, you are spectacular. I'm so glad you and Steph are the kind of close friends that allow this to happen. I savor the times tonight that we've fucked -- with Bree too."

Steph came and hugged me, "Me too. You can eat pussy like a champ. Maybe we'll have to rethink our lunches in the faculty cafeteria." The two of us laughed.

Bree moaned loudly, and obviously came again, right after Dirk announced his imminent orgasm inside the pretty blonde's body. Seconds later, the pair collapsed next to us.

Steph asked, "Are we all going to sleep in the same bed? I sense that we're sort of done for the night -- at least for a few hours anyway."

Dirk said, "I was hoping to cuddle up with you Steph. Maybe we could go into the guest room if no one minds. I'm done for a while anyway."

Joe said, "Oh, goody. I get to sleep with Julie and Bree."

I said, "Shower anyone?"

Bree said, "Heck, no. We'll wash off all this cum, girl juice, and sweat we've worked so hard to make all night long, plus I love the smell of good sex. Let's wait until morning. Maybe we can add to it later in the night." She looked at Joe and smiled in invitation.

Joe said, "I like the way you think."

As Steph's svelte form sashayed out of the master bedroom, with Dirk's hunky form close behind, I leaned over and switched off one of the bedside lights. The only light in the room now came from a hall light. Joe lay back, and Bree and I cuddled our naked bodies on either side of him. We were all asleep within a couple of minutes. Sex was hard work.

The next day, Sunday, Russ called me on Skype and gave me a stroke-by-stroke account of the Mid-January Swing Party, this time at Nancy and Phil's home in Los Altos, California. Russ also wanted to hear about the five-some that we'd had at our house.

Russ said, "It just wasn't the same without you there, Babe. Jo got into it and had a good time, and I did too, but I really wished I could have watched you playing around like at the last party out here."

"How many women did you fuck? What was it like?"

"Five. It was similar to the party at Gordon and Marie's house. They'd put cushioned mats all over the floor of their large master bedroom, and an equally large guest room floor, plus there were the beds. More people were there too, about thirty. Some of the women were really good looking, girls that hadn't been at the last party. I did a couple of them using the Tantric sex techniques Jo and Dirk have been teaching me. They loved it, and we felt really close to each other each time. We really got spiritual too, talking about love in the universe, chakras, multiverses, and the healing power of sex. We were unusually tranquil and serene. By 'we,' I mean both of those new women, one at a time -- Olga and Briana -- both blondes. People on the east coast don't talk about this stuff."

"Keep going, I'm jilling off here just thinking about it."

Russ chortled, "Well, I did our hostess -- that'd be Nancy, and you met her. She's a hot little number that wanted a double penetration. After we'd fucked for a while, her husband joined us and took her ass. She must have cum a dozen times before he finished off in her tail, and then another guy came and worked on her after we flipped her over. We put on a bit of a sex show because she was so vocal. Finally, he came and that triggered Nancy again, and when she started squeezing I allowed myself to jet my cream into her. She loved it. I did a few other women too, but pretty routine and pleasurable fucks."

Russ paused, "Hey, I want to hear about the five-some that you, Dirk, Bree, Steph, and Joe had. I'll tell you more about my party in a minute."

I started, "Well, I wished you'd been there too. It turns out that Steph has had the hots for you since she met you years ago at some college function we were at. She made me promise to have her over when you were home, and she was so insistent, I'm looking forward to it too -- just watching the two of you."

"Well, I think Steph is a hot little fox. I wish we'd been more adventuresome back when we met them. Maybe we could have started messing around with them back then."

I told Russ, "After Dirk and Joe were tired out, Bree and I went down on Steph. Her pussy tastes like fine wine, plus she's unbelievably orgasmic. We were barely touching her with our tongues, and she was popping off climaxes one right after the other. She had to beg us to stop at one point because we'd exhausted her. She's really creamy too, and I know you like that."

"What about Joe," Russ asked.

"He's a stud, and I think he's still learning how to please a woman. He was attentive, but usually didn't last long. He had good recovery time, but after three rounds was done for a few hours."

Russ said, "I used to be that way until the spiritual and Tantric approaches to sex and loving someone. I'm still practicing and having to think consciously about using them."

I commented, "I'm sort of used to Dirk. He can go as many rounds as I'm up for using Tantric sex. He started to tutor Joe about some of the techniques and the philosophy about spiritual love and mind, body, and spirit thinking with your partner." I laughed, "Joe couldn't believe it when Dirk went a sixth round with Steph. She was in seventh heaven all night long, and that really peaked her."

Russ asked, "What do you have planned for the coming week?"

I ventured, "Well, nothing too sexy. All my classes, of course. Tuesday in my General Psych class I think I'll turn on all the students by talking about the psychology of sex. I'm horny anyway. Who knows, maybe some assertive student will proposition me."

Russ laughed. "No fucking on campus if you want to keep your appointment."

"Oh, I know. I think a third of the faculty fuck some of their students, and you're right, it's usually off campus. I'm going to have to watch myself around Steph more than the students; she is one horny lady. I'm glad they live relatively close to us. We've decided to carpool on days when we can get our schedules aligned. We'll talk about sex the whole ride."


Russ and I talked more about our two get togethers and about our jobs, and then we ended the call. I finished myself off with my magic vibrator and rabbit, redressed, and went to find Dirk and Bree downstairs. I was still horny.

* * * * *

"Professor, your lecture really ... turned me on, and gave me a lot to think about. Do you give individual counseling sessions on any of the things you talked about? I'm Frank Gates, by the way."

I thought, 'Now, that's as close to a blatant offer from a student to have sex as I've had in years.' I responded, "Why, yes. I could arrange something, but usually in these topic areas I prefer to work off campus. Tell me about yourself."

The handsome undergrad looked down on me and smiled. He must be about six foot four, and was certainly no freshman or sophomore, and looked older than any undergrad as I studied him. He said, "I'm a junior, but I started late here because I did a tour of duty in the Army, consequently, I'm four years older than most of the others. I'm from Syracuse, aiming to start my own company in computer graphics after graduation. I'm twenty-four, but I know I look younger. I'm athletic, mostly scramble basketball. My GPA is 3.8. I don't gossip and am not the kind to kiss and tell ... or the kind to kiss and run. I've had some serious relationships, but right now I am unattached." He shrugged, inviting further questions.