Travelling Together


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"That's a clever use of the space. One job or the other. Or I guess you could do both at once?" Southon offered.

Aurora made a face. "You would try that! Well, when you're in there, just don't, in case something goes horribly wrong!" They both laughed, then Southon wondered, why would he be using it?

They sat in the compartment opposite each other, watching the late evening countryside flash past and swapping movie scenes involving trains. James Bond seemed to get into trouble a lot. "But never in an Intercity 125, so hopefully we'll have a good night!" Aurora lowered her eyelids slightly as she said it.

A polite but slightly condescending announcement told them the pre-ordered dinners were ready, and for those passengers who may not have ordered, there were a few meals available for purchase. Southon went to get theirs.

"Wine! What a brilliant idea! Thank you ever so much!" Aurora clapped her hands again as he extracted the little bottles, plastic wineglasses, the meals and other bits and pieces from the sturdy cardboard tray. He made a show of laying out her place for her on the folding table, knife and fork either side, napkin beside the plate, he even poured a splash of wine into her glass for her to test. She approved solemnly. "Yes. A good choice." For an instant she looked deep into his eyes again.

As they ate they talked again. Southon was not a talkative person as a rule, but he found it easy with Aurora. He wanted to hear her thoughts and ideas. (His feminist friends had shown him what "mansplaining" was. It amused him to see it happen so often, it also dismayed him that he probably had often done it himself.) She would tell him a story, but then ask him for one, and always seemed genuinely interested in them. The conversation only paused to let him go and buy more wine.

The wine felt good. The food was OK. The company and the conversation were excellent. But now there were more pauses between stories. Aurora sat up suddenly.

"I think it's time to try out that shower, don't you? And I've had a thought: why not have one yourself? There's surely plenty of water, and another towel. We just need to time it so we don't hold up the other person."

Southon was startled. This was a long way from what he was expecting for the journey. The way Aurora put it also led him to think, she'd had the thought some time ago. This was a kind of adventure holiday for her, but he got he sense somehow she was making the running of it. But he couldn't disagree with her logic, and the idea of a shower on a fast-moving train was growing in his mind from "not imagined" to "could be fun" quite easily.

She sent him to get a change of underwear and a t-shirt from his bag while she had her shower. He would give her ten minutes, then come back to her compartment.

In his own car, he pulled his bag down from the overhead shelf. He wondered what people must think he was up to. Other passengers were reading or dozing, a few talking quietly. No one bothered to look at him, a fact which made him feel even more self-conscious. Surely they must be suspecting something? Sitting fidgeting for ten minutes was a definite giveaway...

They barely glanced up as he passed back to the sleeper car.

In the car, he hesitated. Was this really happening? This person was really a stranger to him, even though they had talked literally for hours. They agreed on so many things, laughed at the same funny situations, had even read a few of the same books. Suddenly here he was, standing outside her shower. He heard the rattle of curtain rings on the rail and the solid click of the cubicle door unlocking.

Aurora, wearing a bathrobe, stepped out and gave a hurried peek up the corridor. Seeing him, she smiled and cocked her head the same way she had done earlier that day. Then she unlocked her compartment. Southon came up to her. He could sense her warm skin and a fresh scent from her soap. It made him dizzy for an instant.

"There you are! So glad you could make it. Here's a towel. I didn't notice before, but it's a bit small, it's probably only a hand towel. You might have to wring it out a few times!" Aurora spoke in a low voice, as if sharing a secret, but smiling, almost laughing, all the time. She was enjoying herself.

The air was warm and damp in the strange shower/toilet cubicle. The floor was still quite wet from Aurora's shower. He could smell her shampoo and her soap, stronger this time. He hooked his towel on the back of the door, stripped and pulled the shower curtain across.

The rattle of the rings brought a startling image to him. He imagined her making that long, luxurious, eyes-closed stretch she had done earlier, but this time under the shower, naked. The water ran down her arms, over her face and breasts, down her sides. She turned away to let her long, dark hair fill with water, which then streamed down her back and over her bottom. He had noticed her womanly curves under her bathrobe as she swayed into her room just earlier, now his mind was full of them, glistening wet, so real he imagined he could touch them. She turned to him and smiled warmly...

Southon shook his head and took his pants off. His erection sprang out from its prison. Should he give himself some more relief? Normally he would without a second thought, but this evening... nothing was as it should be. He decided to leave his cock and hoped it would settle itself. He could jerk off later, after this crazy adventure.

He decided he quite liked the sensation of being aroused, by the warm water, the gentle tugging and rocking of the train, mostly by the vision in his mind of her, imagining her laughing pleasure in the hot shower, feeling refreshed. The warmth, the damp, the scent of shampoo enhanced his feelings.

He didn't want to linger, so he gave himself a quick but thorough wash. The hand towel was a bit small but he managed. The feeling of being washed and wearing new underwear was refreshing enough for him. He knocked on her door.

"That's much better, I dare say!" The scent of her hair filled the compartment. The dark blue suitcase was open on one seat, clothes about to tumble out onto the seat and the floor. Aurora looked deep into him again. She lightly took his hand and drew him to her.

She reached her arms around him, looked into his eyes once more, then kissed him. A long, slow kiss, gentle, slight, but not stopping. Southon didn't know how to react, but it felt good, very good. He felt strange flutters and tingles in his body. His cock stirred. Aurora paused.

"Would you like to stay longer?" She whispered it into his ear. Time slowed down again. After an age (probably one second) he nodded slightly. He didn't trust himself to speak.

"Good. We'll set things up then." Aurora turned away and reached for a lever on the wall behind one seat. The wall panel came down gently, revealing a perfectly made bed. Two legs unfolded to support the foot. "That works well. Now, I hate to spoil the mood, but I must be clear. I want us to have a good time (or a few times even!), but it's important we respect each other, and no entanglements, OK? Tonights just for tonight. Sorry, but I have to say it." She was even quite serious for a second, then changed completely. "Right; it'll never do to have so much clothing on."

She offered him her bathrobe cord. When he held it motionless she gently pushed his hand away, so that it tugged and finally released the gown.

Southon watched as the fabric fell open, showing the valley between two heavy breasts. Aurora moved slightly and her gown slipped over her nipples, two large dark circles, right at the point of each soft mound. Southon was astonished by the sight. He stood staring at the beautiful curves before him, far better than he imagined. He was also surprised at Aurora's bikini tan. Her skin was a dark honey colour, in contrast to his pale looks, but each breast had a lighter triangle of skin around the dark areole. Below was a deep belly button in a soft tummy, a dark vee of curly hair between strong legs.

Aurora smiled as she looked at him looking at her. She took his hand and put it over one breast. He could feel the skin of the nipple puckering and hardening under his palm. She led his hand around and under the heavy flesh. He caressed it himself, feeling it give and swing to his touch. He put both hands on her and she sighed.

His hands knew what to do, better than he did. They moved round and felt the extra warmth in her armpits. They pushed her breasts together then let them separate. They felt her ribs lifting with each breath as he stroked her sides. Every movement sent a tingle through him.

Aurora sighed again and sat on the end of the bed. Looking up at him with her alluring eyes, she undid his belt buckle, then the button, then the zip. She half-tugged at his pants to indicate he should get out of them. Southon felt his heart racing as he took off his shoes, pushed the pants down and stepped out of them. He didn't know if he should leave his underpants, so he kept them on.

She could sense his hesitation. After watching him undress uncertainly, she gave him a puzzled look. Then the realisation came to her.

"This is your first time, isn't it." He nodded slightly, unsure whether to be afraid or embarrassed.

"Well... well, that's all right. Yes. We can make this fun. Lots of fun. And easier for you."

She sat up on the bed and actually put a finger and thumb on her chin. "Sit down here. I want to show you a few things. I'm not sure what Mr Internet has been telling you, but it's probably wrong. At any rate, you need to know what I like! Take your pants off."

She had him sit on the floor, right in front of her. he could feel the regular, muted clack of the wheels on the rails underneath him, he could see her towering over him like a Pacific statue. Aurora slowly spread her legs wide. Southon stared at the soft skin of her thighs and tummy, again with its bikini tan. A cluster of dark curly hairs sat proudly between her thighs.

"This is a pussy, or a muff, or a fanny, or a pubic area (I hate that phrase!). They all have hairs naturally, but lots of women shave the hairs these days. I don't. I say, if you don't like it au naturel, you don't get any. Simple." Southon just nodded dumbly. Aurora put her fingers through her natural hairs and neatly parted them. He could make out two fleshy vertical lines and something like a third between them.

"This bit's often called a vagina, but in fact it's a vulva. The vagina's inside. Every vulva is different-looking. Some are small, some are big. Some are loose, some are tight. The porn industry seems to only like the tight, little ones. Pity, 'coz they all work fine.

"Where was I? Yes, vulvas. They do all have outer lips." She emphasised hers with her fingers. "And inner lips." She stretched her outer lips apart and two thin folds of skin untangled themselves from the third line. A tangy, arousing scent came out of her. "Lots of exciting bits in here! I'm getting a bit excited just talking about them."

She stretched the outer lips wider. "There's my urethra, for the wee; down there's my vagina. That's where all the juices come from when I get myself aroused. Hopefully you can help me with that..." Southon noted the little dark hole in the middle and the larger one below, almost lost in its own secret parts. It was shiny with moisture.

She stretched her inner lips up slightly and a pale, shiny button appeared. "Now, my clitoris. It actually goes right down to my vagina inside, but this is the bit that's outside. This can make me feel absolutely fantastic. It can also irritate or hurt me if it's treated poorly. We have to be ever so careful with it." Southon immediately understood this was a serious issue.

"They're the main parts. My anus is right down there, but like most women I don't want anything in there. Hmm, my nipples are obvious... lips... Oh yes, of course." She ran her fingers down her inner thighs and the hairs of her bush sprang back in place. Southon was watching so intently he noticed the fine hairs of her thigh also springing back as her hands passed.

"My skin. Your skin. Every part of me can add to the pleasure - or take away from it. So look after all of me." She was almost serious as she said this, then broke into a huge smile. "Too sad! We need some fun! Try this. Stroke my legs gently."

Southon tried not to shake as he reached out to touch her. He thought of the few times he'd fondled a girl - her breasts while kissing drunkenly at a party, or a sleepy leg in a taxi going home late. He'd been sloppy and his attitude had been sloppy. This, this felt different.

Her legs were cool, soft and flexed slightly to his touch. He ran his hands up and down her soft inner thighs. Each touch produced little movements in her legs, little sighs from her. He ran his fingers down her calves and she giggled.

"Mmmm, you're good. Keep going. Under my thighs as well." His hands somehow seemed to know what she'd like. As he stroked, he got a sense of the turn of her legs and their strong muscles. By contrast her knees had no softness. Just bones under the skin. He thought about the soft curves hiding an inner strength. He marvelled at the obvious pleasure he was giving her - her own hands were getting involved now. Her scent grew stronger. So close to her, He could feel a warmth coming from her centre. Her fingers opened her furry outer lips again.

"Taste me."

Southon was startled again. He had a vague idea where this was going, but as more things happened he he felt less and less like he could anticipate things. He'd read and watched lots of porn, but having a real person, with warmth and scent - and her own opinions, this was entirely different. He felt an unstoppable attraction to her vulva, which wasn't "pretty" or "beautiful" like the curves of her legs or tummy or breasts. It was simply powerful. It was glistening, a darker pink now.

He tasted her. It was warm, soft, a bit confusing for his tongue. The taste was hard to describe... sharp, sweet, incredibly arousing. He wanted more.

"Easy, tiger! Start more slowly and build me up. Mmm. Ah yes, hold me open - oh yes! More!!" He gently stretched her inner lips and easily made out the dark hole of her vagina. It was good to get such clear suggestions.

Then Aurora started becoming less clear. As he licked and played with her, her little sighs became more urgent and louder. He could feel her fingers in his hair, sometimes stroking, sometimes clutching. She would grab her own pubic hair and pull it. Her strong legs started moving, closing on him, then opening wide. Her vagina became softer and wetter.

As he tongued her he felt her hips, her whole body rolling and writhing. He could sense her fingers on her clitoris near his nose. She rolled her pelvis up and strummed herself. "Gnnnnnngggg, ohh ohhh fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuccckkkk..."

"AAAHHH!! FUCK YEAHH!! So gooood..." Aurora's rigid, quivering hips suddenly released as she came. Her fingers that were furiously working her clit pushed him away slightly, then spread themselves through his hair. Her legs flopped onto his shoulders. Her arousing smell filled his nose.

"Come up here tiger! I want you to lie on top of me." Southon clambered up onto the bed, aware now they were in a moving train. Aurora lay naked on the bed on the open bathrobe (when did she take it off?). her breasts had flattened and her dark nipples were smooth. She was a landscape of beautiful bumps and curves. She tugged at him.

"Let me feel the weight of you," she murmured, hugging him as he lay down. He could feel soft bulges and bony points - soft curves and an inner strength again.

Aurora lay with her legs and body supporting him, matching his position for a moment. She made soft, appreciative noises in his ear. He could sense a slight tackiness of her sweat, a different but attractive scent in her armpits. Then the strong legs came up and wrapped around him. He could sense the rustle of pubic hair against his skin and sticky wetness.

"Come inside me. Fuck me, fill me up," she said simply.

"I, I don't know how long-"

She kissed him quiet. "Who cares? I want to feel full of you. My pussy wants your cock. I want to give you pleasure." Her hand was already down between them, finding his shaft and arranging her inner lips.

Suddenly he was inside. His cock slid easily in until his pubic bone was against hers. He was inside her, inside a woman, fucking her. Instinctively he began thrusting in and out. There was wetness everywhere and he moved easily. "Oh yes. Hard and fast!" Aurora approved.

It wasn't long. He could recall afterwards propping himself up and watching Aurora's breasts jiggled by his thrusts, her big smile and feeling her fingers playing with his neck. He felt his whole body shaking as he came in a rush, still thrusting and still being urged on by her.

He felt a drop of sweat coming down his nose. He tried to direct it away from her face. He hoped he did.

"Mmmm, nice," Aurora whispered as she stroked his hair. She rolled over in the narrow bed. "Lie down here for a bit."

He lay behind her, one arm under her neck, one hand on her shoulder. His skin felt hers all the way down her back, around her bottom and against her thighs. He felt warm and loose, with sticky patches here and there, from her come and his own...

"Aurora, I didn't... take precautions..." Even lying down, he suddenly felt dizzy.

"No, we didn't. Good thing I did, a while ago. I'm on the Pill, so one thing's taken care of. I was a bit naughty not making you wear a condom, but I thought, his first time, so he hasn't caught anything yet, and dammit, a first time should be special." She wriggled her bottom against his hips.

"It was more than special! It was... amazing, unbelievable! I feel fantastic - and grateful for what you showed me."

"Ah yes, the anatomy lesson. That went a bit crazy didn't it. I'm glad you liked it. Never done that before, normally I'd have just given you the talk about caring for me. And you did! Thank you."

They lay spooned together on the narrow bed, listening to the wheels racing over the rails underneath and feeling the slight rocking of the carriage. Southon noticed how warm it was, which let them lie naked against each other. He was at peace. He consciously felt every part of him: his feet under hers, shins against her calves, thighs nestled into her wet warmth, his torso against her back, arms around her. He could feel her easy breathing. His face was lost in hair that seemed to be everywhere. They might have dozed.

Absently he ran his hand over her shoulder, down her arm and past her hip. She gave a little shudder of pleasure. He ran his hand back up to her shoulder and she pushed against it.

"Higher," she said simply, rolling her shoulder to help his hand along. "Harder. With the flats of your fingertips."

He stroked her neck and she purred. He ran his hands into her thick, dark hair and she moaned softly. She rolled her head from side to side and almost growled with pleasure. She started to rub and wriggle her body against his chest, even one foot started to brush his leg.

His fingers were getting tired so he paused. Her hand had come round to stroke his thigh when suddenly she rolled over onto her back. She tugged his arm to get him to climb on top of her.

He barely realised what was happening when he found her legs drawn up around him, almost under his arms. She held him there while her fingers found his cock, already hard (when did that happen?) and lightly played with the skin of it. Smiling absently, she easily guided it into her vagina.

The slick warmth, the grip, the sensation of pubic bone to bone, suddenly he was hyper-aware all over again. This beautiful, wondrous woman, this warm, living creature giving him such pleasure, him giving it to her, in pure white sheets on a narrow, rocking bed... It made no sense, but it felt great.