True Love Between The Races


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He said: "Yes. How did you know that? I always stay at the Marriott whenever I can. It's the best hotel in the states. This is great, let's go."

They walked around the other side of the room so both of them could leave without a lot of questions. And the a voice said, "So you guys are leaving together. WA WA WA.", it was his account officer. John introduced him to Alexis and said, "Yea, Alexis is making sure I get home OK." They all laughed.

His bank officer said, "Well have fun you guys. See you around the conference. Oh we have a hospitality room and you are both invited. Here's the room number."

When they finally got outside and the humidity hit both of them it was a very hot Florida tonight. They haled a cab and got into the back seat. She sat close to him and rested her head on his shoulder as he held her gently. He turned her head towards him and kissed her. She kissed him back and when they parted she asked: "Would you answer me a question John, and be completely true with me? Please. No bullshit."

He smiled down at her seeing her large breasts rise and fall. He said: "Sure Alexis anything? What is it?"

She hesitated and he said: "You can ask me anything Alexis, anything at all. After all we danced together almost the entire night. And hell you even felt how good I felt! We're friends right?"

He smiled and then stopped when he saw she was serious. He said: "Sorry, trying to break the tension. What is so serious?"

She sat up and turned to him. She looked him directly in the face and said; "Now that we are both completely sober, do you still think I look good? Do you think I was the best looking woman at the party? Tell me the truth John. Don't just say it because I have a big set of tits. OK?"

He took up at that point and smiled in her face. He used his hands and held her face as he kissed her. He said: "Yes, you do have big tits, but that's not why I said you were the best looking woman in the room. It's the entire package. I did mean ever dam word. You are beautiful, nice, very intelligent and funny... Oh yea! And you do have a wonderful set of breasts, just ask the cabby. He's been looking in the rearview mirror for 15 minutes. It's a wonder we didn't have an accident. Good thing you didn't bend over back here."

They both busted out laughing as the cab pulled up to the Marriott. She insisted on paying the fare and they walked hand and hand into the lobby. John really didn't want the night to end and asked: "How about one more small drink before you leave me all alone?"

She smiled and pulled him into the lounge. It was very dark and almost empty. It was 10 after 1AM. He ordered 2 Irish creams and they sat in the back where no one was around. It was so dark, he could hardly see her next to him at the table. Their thighs were touching and she held his hand. He used the dark as an excuse to get as close to her face as he could. He kissed her and this time he slid his tongue into her mouth tasting her drink.

He moved his hand to her leg until it was between her thighs She took her hand and gently stopped him about 4 inches up her thigh and just under her dress. She left it there but she held it. He was far enough up to feel her heat coming of her pussy but just inches of touching it. She pressed her breasts on his arm as they kissed again. When their lips parted she didn't move and let her breasts on his arm. She told him: "That's far enough with the hand John. Any further and you'll have trouble."

He laughed and said: "Good trouble or bad trouble?"

She didn't answer, but she didn't more his hand from between her thighs. She held his hand from moving up and he didn't go any further. He began to slowly squeeze her inner thigh, then stroke it. She let him do that. They stayed like that for a while, very close to each other kissing and touching each other a little. But, they also talked for a long time about family and some of the things they like and didn't like. They were really getting to know each other.

Finally she pulled his hand out from between her legs and kissed him. He put his hand to his face and inhaled a deep breath. She laughed and said: "Well how do I smell John?"

He laughed and said: "Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful."

She smiled and said: "Well baby, it has been a very nice time. But I have to get moving, I'm tired and need to sleep before going north to my mom's tomorrow."

John sighed and said: "OK. I'll make sure you get to your room. I'll see you on Monday I guess. Hey you want to have dinner with me on Monday night? My treat. I insist."

She smiled and told him: "I would love to have dinner with you on Monday. Come on let's go."

John paid the bill putting it on his room and they walked to the elevator. She was staying on the 17th floor he was on the 14. He walked her to her room and held her hand. She moved to him and hugged him long and tight. When they parted he asked: "Can you feel me now?"

They laughed as Alexis put her card in the door and opened it. She turned and kissed him quick and lightly on the lips. As she began to turn and go inside she said: "Night John. Thank you for a great evening. I had a very good time."

He held her arm and gently pulled her back into him. He told her; "You know, I was in the Navy a long time ago, and we have a kind of tradition. The guy always gets a real kiss goodnight if the girl had a nice time. He gets a tongue if she had a great time. Now, we don't want to break years of tradition do we?"

She smiled and looked at him with the devil in her eyes. He almost melted. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body hard into him pushing him against the wall. As her mouth covered his and her tongue slid inside he ran his hands down her back and over her ass. This time he went all the way under it and pulled her tight into him. She didn't say anything and didn't stop him. He sucked and sucked on her tongue as he held her tight very tight. She moaned softly as she felt his hands holding her ass and his mouth sucking her tongue hard. He was growing very hard very, very quickly. They finally pulled apart and broke their kiss, but kept their bodies tightly together. She looked into his eyes and said: "WOW. That was some kiss. Oh, and I can sure feel you now."

He smiled and pulled her to him again. He slid his tongue into her mouth and fucked her mouth slowly with it. She pressed her body against him tighter and felt his hard cock pushing into her. It was super hard now. She reached for it and moaned again when she felt how thick and hard he actually was. She rubbed it on the outside of his slacks. She broke the kiss and they both were out of breath. He had lust on his face and in his eyes as he asked: "Can I come in?"

She looked at him but didn't say yes. But, she didn't say no either. He pulled her tight again and kissed her neck and shoulders. He licking both and then sliding his tongue down her shoulders and over the tops of each of her big breasts. She held his head as his long tongue licked down under the top of her blouse. He couldn't reach her nipples, her breasts were just too big and the blouse too tight. She said: "Oh John. Oh stop baby, someone will see us."

He didn't stop he reached up between them both and tried to cup one of her breasts. It was too big for one hand. He pulled gently on the top of her blouse exposing more of her tits and the top of her strapless bra. His tongue licked and licked as far down under her blouse and bra as he could get his tongue to go. He was very closer to her nipple now but still couldn't touch it with his tongue.

Then he saw them pointing out, pressing hard against her blouse. So he didn't the next best thing than sucking then directly. He lowered his mouth and sucked them on the outside of her blouse. After a few seconds she pulled his head up and said: "Oh god baby. You get me so hot so quickly. Did you mean it?"

He looked at her and said: "I told you.. You were the best looking wom--"

She stopped him by putting a finger to his lips. She said: "No, No not that John.. Did you mean it when you said I looked good enough to eat?"

He smiled and told her: "Well you let me come in and I'll show you. I'll eat you up. God you are so beautiful Alexis. So dam hot. Let me come in for a little while and we can test the waters so to speak."

He kissed her pushing his very hard cock into her and backing her up a step or two. They broke again and he told her: "God.. You have me so hard right now, I'm starting to hurt. Free me."

He took her hand and before she could stop him, even if she wanted to, he put her hand directly on his hard-on. She squeezed it hard and moaned: "Oh John. OH god baby. Kiss me."

She looked at him as she stroked his cock with her hand. It wasn't on the outside of his slacks now, it was in her hand throbbing with his desire for her. She moved her mouth to his and let her tongue finish her conversation. As they kissed she lay back against the half open door to her room and pushed it opened completely. He walked her backwards into the room and let the door close automatically.

Once inside the room he pushed her against the wall and pressed into her. His hands roaming all over her large breasts. She pulled him to her tighter until they was slowly pumping and humping each other against the wall John was dry humping her body with his own and she was doing the same.

He held both breasts in his hands with a lot hanging over both of them. He pushed up and finally freed one from its bra. He pushed it over the top of her blouse and her large nipple stuck out hard and very dark. He lowered his mouth on it and sucked. Licking it with his tongue he heard her whisper in his ear: "Oh yes John. That feels good. Suck it. Suck it harder baby."

He did and as he sucked on it, she held his head tight against her breast. She was rubbing her other hand up and down his cock feeling his hardness and length. She moaned when he trapped her hand between their two bodies. John could feel her heat on the outside of her short skirt. He said, "God! She's bring up with passion! This woman was in need! I mean badly in need!"

They worked on each other for a few minutes standing just inside the door to her room. John had moved her skirt up above her legs to her panty line now and began rubbing her cunt feeling her damp panties and the warmth coming off her body. He also had both of her big tits out of the bra and hanging out her opened blouse.

Alexis was now stroking his big thick cock with her hand harder and faster. His pants were down around his ankles and the shaft of his cock sticking out the hole in his short. He whisper: "Let's get undress and move to the bed baby. I want to show you I was serious when I said you looked good enough to eat."

She moaned his name as his fingers slid under her panties and into her very wet cunt hole. He began to slowly make love to her open warm pussy hole with his fingers as he kissed her. He pressed them inside her cunt as far as he could get them and felt how wet she was. Alexis moaned again and he slowly knelt down in front of her. He kissed her dark thighs and stroked her wetness. As he slid her panty material to the side, his mouth covered her throbbing, very puffy pussy and she put one foot over his shoulder and arched her back pushing her cunt into his face. Her hands held his mouth on her pussy and her hips rotated around and around getting his face wet with her juices.

John had sucked other women and made them cum. But when Alexis went off, her body shocked and pumped into him like she was going nuts with passion. As she reached the top of her orgasm she took in a deep breath and moaned long and hard cried out, "Cumming!!! Oh God John! I'm cumming!! Yes baby! Eat my pussy! Oh God your mouth feels so god!"

She came all over his face! He loved it.

John knew that when he got a woman off this good with his mouth, tongue and fingers he was sure to be rewarded by having her cunt fuck him hard and long. He moved up a little and began to lightly lick her clit as her foot slipped off his shoulders and her leg hung down behind his back. She held his head moaning over and over again: "Yes! Oh yes! Oh God Yes John. Oh yes. Mummmmmm. Yea baby. It feels so good. Oh god.. I'm cumming again. Ahhhhh. Ahhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......"

Her second climax was even bigger than her first. When she finished she slowly slid down the wall until her ass was sitting on the floor. John was kneeling in front of her between her open legs. He just took in her beauty and her sexy body as she sat there trying to get her breath. Alexis's tits were both out over the top of her bra and opened blouse, and her long legs were wide open with her thighs around both sides of him. Her sex was looking him right in the face as he saw it leaking her cum.

He was slowly stroking her pussy with one hand as she rocked on it slowly and his mouth was sucking on a nipple. He stopped and sat back just looking at her beauty. After a few minutes of just looking at her, he bent in and kissed her gently on the lips. She wrapped her arms around him and they fell on the floor, her on top of him. She kissed him and then lifted up to look in his face.

She told him: "God that was so good John. How fucking long is your tongue? WOW.. Did I get off."

He smiled and told her: "Now do you believe me?"

She smiled and said: "Yes, but it's my room, my rules. OK?"

He was panting with desire and his cock was standing up like a fucking flagpole between his legs. He would have agreed to anything she wanted. He told her: "Sure Alexis whatever you want! And, just what is it that you do want baby?"

He smiled at her with a very evil smile. She kissed him and said: "First I want to freshen up, then you can do the same. Then we'll let you keep your word again."

She smiled and that look was back in her eyes. It was a look of lust and sex as she stood and staggered a little into the bathroom and closed the door. He stood there and undressed to his shorts. He put his cock back into his shorts and went to the big window in her room and looked out. She had a great view of the pool and grounds. About 5 minutes later, she came out holding her clothes and wearing a white robe. Her long black hair hung over both shoulders and her body pushed out from the robe at all the right places. She looked so beautiful. Her dark oriental face shinning at him. She smiled and walked over to him. She looked and spoke of sex. She told him: "The bathroom is all yours John. Hurry back baby."

She kissed him again and let her hand glide over his shorts locating his cock. She squeezed it as he kissed her back and ran his hands down her ass again feeling how nice it felt under the robe. She stopped him and said; "Go wash up baby."

He went in the bathroom and got completely undressed. He left his shorts on the floor. He washed his arms, legs, chest and face. And, he made sure his cock and ass were both clean too. He used the mouthwash and then he looked around and saw another white robe hanging up. He put it on and then took it off. He looked dumb with it on. He put his shorts back on and his semi-hard cock pushed out the front like a tent. He and came out wearing nothing.

Alexis was standing at the window and turned when she heard the door open. She looked at him and smiled. She said: "I left the robe for you John."

He told her he didn't wear robes. They made him looked dumb. She turned to look out the window again and he walked up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her as he pressed his cock against her ass. She laid her head back on his shoulder and sighed. She said: "OH John you were great baby. I loved your long tongue."

As she looked out the window, he moved his hands slowly up her body and cupped her breasts as she rested her back against him. As they looked out the window he slid a hand under her robe and felt her right breast now without anything covering it. Her nipple as hard and long. His cock was jumping with life and pressing hard against her ass. She smiled and then laughed as he asked: "What's so funny?"

She said: "I can feel you now John. Oh boy can I feel you."

She moved her hand over his and pressed it tighter over her right tit. He laughed hearing her say she could feel him. He opened her robe enough to see both of her large breasts as he held them both in his hands for the first time in the light of the room. They were very big with very little sag at all. They were round and firm with dark nipples pointing out. He watched as his fingers and hands made love to her right breast then her left one. He needed both hands to hold one completely she was that big. He pulled and rolled her nipple around in his fingers. He would cup the breast and lift it seeing and feeling the fullness and weight of it. She whispered in a deep voice, "Pull the nipple John. I love them pulled and pinched. Yes. Oh yes just like that baby! Umm.. That feels so nice. Don't forget the other one."

He moved his left hand up and under her left breast. Now with both breasts free from the robe, he tuned her round so he could get a really good look at her tits and nipples. He kissed her and she kissed him back. Their tongues made love to each other as they stood in front of the window. He pushed her gently against the window and lowered his mouth to her breasts. He took turns sucking and licking each one. He would look up every few seconds to see his work. Her nipples were as long as any woman he had ever seen, and dark just like he loved them.

She took her hand and pushed his head back down on the left breast. John sucked it just like she instructed him. She slowly rubbed her body against his hardness as he continued to suck on her tits moving from one to the other.

She moaned loudly as she felt his hands on her ass again. This time he was lifting the back of her robe up and rubbing the back of her upper thighs. He realized she had nothing on under the robe. His cock jumped and cried to be fucked. His hands moved up the back of her shapely thighs and cupped her naked ass. God she had such a round firm ass. He knew he loved black women but this lady's body was spectacular. She moaned again and arched her back pushing her lower body as hard as she could against his hardness. He bent her over backwards a little and kissed her long and hard moving down her sweet body.

As his hands reached under her ass now feeling between her thighs and touching the end of her pussy, he realized she had no hair around her cunt! She shaved her pussy! He smiled to himself. He loved a woman who shaved he cunt! They tasted better and were easier stimulate. God!! Alexis was one hot babe. Her pussy felt hot as his fingers stroked her. John could feel her getting wetter and wetter and her pussy was steaming now. He said, "Yes! This woman wants no make that needs to be fucked so dam bad! God it's going to be so good for me tonight!!"

He said: "So. You shaved!! For me Alexis? Did you shave your pussy just for me?"

She smiled and her look made John even harder if that was possible. He smiled and she moaned as he stroked her slit again. She said, "Oh John. You feel touch me so nice! It feels so good baby. You feel so good, so hard!"

He whispered next to her ear, "Let's get in the bed. I am going crazy holding you here. I want to make love to you."

He lifted her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her down and opened the robe completely. He just knelt there looked down at all of her beautiful dark skin and her beautiful face. His cock was hard like a missile now and she looked up at him with passion and lust in her eyes. He licked his lips as he looked at her body. It was spectacular. Alexis was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It seemed like the more that he looked at her the prettier she got. He was hooked completely on her beauty.