Twin Changing Rooms

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Uncle takes twin nieces lingerie shopping.
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To be honest, I don't remember whether I planned it or not. I don't think it was premeditated as such, but perhaps once things started rolling it was only a matter of time before I had reached my climax.

I hadn't seen my brother and his family for about five years. I had been over working in New York, and although I had actually seen my brother twice during this period this was the first time I had seen his daughters. The twins.

They were all visiting me. My work as a banker was well paid and well traveled and my air miles were overflowing again. I had decided to invite them over and had paid for the flights. To give my brother and his wife some time alone I had taken the girls out. Walking with them through the streets of New York and showing them the sights, I soon realized that these two girls had grown up. They were just turned 19, both at university. Ruth was studying medicine and Claire was studying politics. It was clear that while Ruth was the smarter of the two, Claire was the savvier and even manipulative of the two. It had been her idea to come down to the designer boutiques, her idea to go into Barneys, and I am sure, her idea to go into the lingerie section, although I must admit here my memories kind of roll into one.

By now I had noticed that the girls were very competitive, they were constantly jostling for my attention, trying to convince me to spend time and talk with them. I watched as Claire dashed off between the rails, Ruth staying with me to tell me more about her biology club or some other shit I was pretending to listen to. Claire soon came back and pulled Ruth to her, whispering into her ear. I watched with amusement as Ruth's eyes opened wide and she clasped her hand to her mouth in shock. I could also see from the gleam in her eyes that the shock had been exciting to her. The two of them huddled together for a moment while I uncomfortably browsed through a Wonderbra rail.

Then Claire dashed off again and Ruth turned to me.

'Uncle Jon,' she began. 'Claire has a new boyfriend.' She looked up at me to seek reassurance and, when she saw my eyes were listening to her, continued in flood. 'She has this new boyfriend at university and she wants to buy him a present, only she wants to buy a special kind of present. She wants to buy herself sexy underwear and, erm, as we don't really know what is sexy she was hoping you would have a look.' She swallowed hard and lapsed into silence.

I looked down at the top of her head, smiling to myself at the unsurety of young sexuality. 'Sure Ruth. Let's go over. I am quite a dab hand at sexy underwear.' Just then we passed a mirror and I saw her eyes in the reflection. They were dark, and gleaming. 'I am sure you are Uncle Jon.'

She grabbed me by the hand and walked me across the store, telling me to wait in front of a curtained off area while she went to get a drink of water. I was looking around for Claire between the rails, wondering whether I should broach the subject of lace when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a stunning blonde standing in front of me. My eyes quickly traveled down her body before she had a chance to realize her mistake and cover up. She was a couple of inches shorter than me, her hair shoulder length and cut straight. She had her shoulders square to me and was pushing them back slightly, accentuating the fine heave of her breasts. The black sheer lace push up bra placing her tits right where Hugh Hefner likes them. Her stomach was flat and tanned, a slight contour of some muscles visible beneath the smoothly feminine curves. The panties she had on were like shorts, the same sheer black material as the bra. As my eyes crawled over her she turned slightly, allowing me to see how the garment clung to her tight arse, the folds of cloth showing me she had pulled them tight up against her pussy. My eyes finally flicked down her legs and I saw that they were long and tapered. I swallowed hard and let my eye travel quickly up her body, she had turned back to me and I clearly saw that her pussy lips were visible through the thin material. As my eyes focused I noticed her hair color was in fact what I always affectionately termed "dirty blond", a brunette with dyed blond hair with the roots showing. She broke into my thoughts before I could apologies.

'What do you think Uncle Jon?'

My mind reeled as I looked past her body at her face. 'Claire?' She giggled, dragging the sound out in a throaty slow chuckle.

'And all growed up.' She quipped, her eyes looking into mine.

My mind flashed back to my earlier thoughts and the way I had let my thoughts letch over the young tight body. 'I – I well. I – ermm'

She smiled and rested her hand on my arm, the motion disarming and relaxing. 'That's the kind of reaction I want to get Uncle Jon. No need to stammer any. You are a man after all,' she smiled a little deeper, 'and I am a woman.' She tossed her hair to one side, breaking the moment. 'So, I take it you like?'

I let mind eye travel briefly down her body, a more fitting, flitting glance this time, although my speedy scope did stumble across her erect nipples. 'They certainly do the trick Claire' I agreed.

'Okay, stay right here. I have one more I want to show you.' Before I could voice my protest she had disappeared into the changing room again and I was alone. I looked around and noticed a chair behind me, sinking gratefully into it as I let my weight fall off my feet. I looked around for Ruth and couldn't see her. I looked back at the curtain and let my mind play over Claire. She sure was all 'growed up', in all the right places. Her boyfriend was one jammy bastard to get such a fine young girl. As I wondered how far they had gone I noticed that my cock was also interested in the answer to this question. I leaned forward and took off my coat, resting it across my lap to cover the spreading bulge there.

Just then, the curtains opened in front of me again. It was Ruth. The first thing I noticed was that she had brown hair. Not dyed like her sisters but a deep chestnut brown. She smiled at me as she hitched the shoulder straps on her bra, pulling them against her breasts slightly.

'What do you think Uncle Jon?' She turned for me, slowly, her eyes locking onto mine for as long as she could, before her back faced me. She was wearing white. A white lace bra which was more see through than material, a white thong and best of all a white suspender belt with suspenders. I noticed she had put the suspenders on underneath her panties. As she turned she stood on tiptoes slightly and parted her legs, showing me the creases in her thighs leading to her pussy. I breathed in deeply as my cock sprang back onto the scene. He was clearly interested by her charms. A firm set of breasts, a little larger than those of her sisters, and her curves were a little more pronounced. Her arse though, was perfect, firm and rounded with no excess material at all, her thong pulled high to revel herself to me. 19 years old I thought to myself.

'Yes Uncle' she said, I must have spoken out loud. '19 years old and all woman.' She stood before me looking at me frankly as a shop assistant zeroed over.

'Can I help you miss?' The shop assistant was quite cute, about thirty years old with a real nice face although her body was definitely showing her age and I thought I saw her eyes flicker over my niece.

Ruth turned to look the woman over, her eyes traveling slowly over the body. The woman turned red under Ruth's scrutiny and made to turn away when Ruth spoke.

'We are just trying on some underwear for our Uncle,' looking pointedly at me. I felt the eyes of the shop assistant fall onto me. 'Am I fuckable now Uncle?' I stared at her, my mouth open and could actually feel the weight of the shocked shop assistants gaze on me.

Claire had joined her by the curtain, draping her arm loosely over her Sister's shoulder. Looking me in the eyes once again as they darkened, 'I'd fuck you Sis.' She turned to Ruth and ran one hand up her side. 'I'd do whatever you would let me do'

Ruth turned and leaned in to Claire, kissing her deeply on the mouth as her hands fell around her Sister's waist. I watched in disbelief as my twin nieces kissed passionately. Watched as Claire's hand came up and expertly rolled Ruth's nipple between two fingers. As they broke away they looked to me. Claire smiled deeply as she moved towards me and Ruth seemed to slip behind the curtain. Claire stopped in front of me and knelt down. Her hands palm up on her thighs, her knees parted in the classic submissive pose. I was shocked again.

'That's right Uncle Jon. BDSM. We know you like it, Sir. We know how you like to treat pussy. When you came to stay with us about five years ago we found one of your magazines.' She smiled at the memories and a slight bloom rose to her cheeks. 'Ruth and I read the magazine that we found in our favorite Uncle's bag. Read about women being raped, and whipped, and beaten. Saw pictures of candle wax being splashed onto sexual organs, onto cunts and arses. We saw all that.' Her voice was as dark as her eyes were. 'That was the first night I fucked my Sister. We were 14 and that was my first taste of pussy, but not the last. We swore then that the next chance we get we would thank-you for bringing us together.' She looked at me, a smile in her eyes. 'So now Uncle, your nieces, your 19 year old nieces are asking you to come fuck them. Fuck them like you fuck your slaves.'

She ran her hand up and over my leg, under the jacket and gripping my cock, her breathing speeding up. 'So Uncle Jon, I am going to get up and walk back into that changing room. Then I am going to suck my Sister Ruth's cunt. I would like for you to fuck me while I do that. After that,' she shrugged her breaths coming in short gasps as I suddenly smelt her arousal in the air. 'After that I guess things will come to a head.'

With that she smiled and stood up, backing into the changing room, one finger in her mouth, the other sliding under the waistband of her pants. I looked up and saw the shop assistant leaning on the side, her mouth wide open.

I looked around briefly and stretched my neck to one side. I smiled at the assistant. 'I have some family business to attend to' I said as I rose out of the chair.

As I entered the changing room I saw that the room was quite large, it was about four meters across and squarish. There were mirrors on two of the walls and some clothes hooks along one side. In one of the corners was a chair. One the chair was a teenager, a blonde teenager with dyed hair. She had her head back and her eyes closed. She was moaning loudly and biting on her lower lip. I could see she was in the throes of passion, mainly because there was another teenager in the room, a brunette. She was on her knees on front of the blonde. She had pulled the other girls panties to one side and had pinched the clit in her fingers. As I watched, I saw her flick the head of the girls clit with her tongue, flicking at the head of the engorged nubbin while she smoothly finger fucked her sister. As my eyes traveled along Ruth's body I noticed she had taken her panties off. Her legs were spread in her crouch and I could see one of her fingers busily working between her legs, flicking her own clit while she sucked her sister's pussy.

Claire moaned loudly again and opened her eyes briefly, looking at me and recognizing me. She reached forward and wrapped her hand in her sister's hair and pulled her mouth closer and harder into her hot cunt. 'Want to share my slave, Uncle?' As I watched she started wanking her cunt furiously, her speed and lust matched by Ruth's increased efforts. I watched as her juices began to flow, watched Ruth's tongue lapping at the bright red cunt lips and dripping cum.

I moved forward and kneeled down behind Ruth, running my fingers along the side of her arse cheeks, reaching up under her legs to grab her hand. I could feel her quaking before me; feel the lust which was flowing through her body as she tongued her sister's cunt. I separated two of her fingers and straightened them; she allowed my hand to mould hers. Then I slide her fingers up against her soaked pussy and slid them in, finger fucking her with her won digits. Claire moaned loudly and I could see that she was starting to cum, her breath coming in shorter and shorter gasps. I reached forward and thrust Ruth's head into her sister's cunt. Pushing it in hard and rubbing her face into the hot spasming pussy. Claire gritted her teeth and moaned as she felt her sister struggle against her horny cunt. I let go of Ruth's hand, pleased to see she was fucking her cunt as hard as I had been, and lifted two fingers to my mouth. Watching as Ruth struggled for breath under the hot folds of cunt smothering her face and admiring the way she was still lapping at the cunt and pinching Claire's clit. Claire was by now cumming hard, her moans and the shudders through her body rhythmic. I pushed my fingers up against Ruth's arsehole and slid them into her. Watching as she stiffened under my rough touches, marveling as she pushed back into my hand, forcing my fingers deep into her arse. I felt rather than heard Ruth cum, her body shuddering around my fingers as she wanked herself into a climax. Once I was sure she was coming I settled back onto my heels and watched them. Watched as Claire's hand dropped to one side of her sister's head, lifting the face to kiss her full on the lips. Ruth was still shuddering gently with the force of her orgasm and she calmed herself down while they kissed.

Once they had finished, Claire smiled at her sister and then pulled her to her, Ruth settling beside the chair at Claire's feet.

'So Uncle, did you enjoy our thank-you present?' It was Claire, her eyes still slightly glazed as she relived the last moments. 'That was the first time I had Ruth please me in public. We wanted to save that for you'

I gauged my moment carefully, hiding my won desire, wanting to push them as far as they dared. Watching as their lust filled eyes met each others for a moment of tenderness before I cruelly laughed. Ruth looked at me in dismay, Claire in anger. But I had seen the first glimpse in Claire's eyes. It had been a look of fear, of what I might say. She wanted to please me more than she knew, and I gather that now was the time to let her know just how much she wanted to please me.

'This is BDSM is it?' I looked around the room, smiling to myself. 'This is what you consider extreme life?'

Claire nodded defiantly, but I saw the lie in her eyes. 'Well my dear,' I addressed her directly. 'You may have a dominant relationship with your sister, but extreme it is not. This is all a little,' I reached for the word, my tongue flicking the air as if to taste my words, 'Vanilla. I do live BDSM, as you so ably put it. And a BDSM relationship, as I hope you both know, is about so much than sex. But where extreme sex goes, and where my own personal enjoyment of sex goes, this is all a little vanilla for me.'

'Want me to share your slave Claire? I'll share your slave if her mistress submits to her Uncle this afternoon. Then I'll take you both somewhere else than vanilla.' As I watched Ruth looked up at Claire in shock, clearly not expecting this turn of events, but Claire's eyes remained fixed on mine. I smiled as I saw the relief in her eyes, the darkness as the lust slowly spread through her body as she thickly uttered the magic words.

'Yes Master' be continued

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