Two Wonders


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you kneel down between my legs. Yeah, like that. I'm gonna...." There was a knock at the door. "Shit!" Jenny muttered.


"Jenny, you sly little cunt! What have you done? I'm coming in!"

Manny flung the door open and took in the scene: two total drop dead gorgeous women, one nude, one kneeling between Jenny's open thighs, tightly bound with some kind of yellow rope. He let out a whoop of delight, walked over to Jenny, gave her a big kiss, and then lifted WW to her feet his probing hands lifting her bottom, and kissed her protesting mouth. Wet, sloppy, a probing tongue, "Ugh" WW reacted.

Manny was tall, skinny and hyperactive, manic. He wore a garish hawaian shirt, unbuttoned, shorts and sandals. He wasn't handsome; mouth too wide, eyes a bit deep set, dark and (WW noted as he

slobbered over her) pupils widely dilated. 'Drugs', she thought. His

reddish brown hair, thinning on top, looked like a brillo pad. He was so intense, such an unstoppable force, that his looks seemed unimportant.

"Settle down, stud." Jenny said. "You've been doin' coke again, my love, haven't you? And you busted in just when me and my luscious little friend were about to get it on." She pouted.

"Plenty of time for that later. Let's talk business first." He held WW at arms length; bound tightly, she tried to struggle in his grasp.

"Let me go! Untie me, right now! Jenny––both of you––are in big

trouble! I mean it!"

Jenny 's smile grew more malicious; Manny whooped again and shook his captive. "Wonder Woman, and I do believe I have the honor of adressing Wonder Woman, may I introduce myself? I am Manny Grossman, whao has taken your dull little life and put it on 27 million screens every Tuesday might. I've made you a star––well, I've made Jenny a star. And now, I hear you have some––issues? Some silly complaints?"

WW tried to steady her voice. He was gripping her tied back arms now, his thumbs teasing her breasts. " Let go of me! Yes I do have issues, Mr Grossman. If you're the one responsible for turning my life into that pathetic piece of shit I watched tonight. I don't care how many viewers you have! Jerry Springer and Bill O'Reilly are popular too! What you have done is parody and degrade everything I stand for in a clumsy and boring way! If it weren't for Jenny and her big tits and bare ass, you wouldn't have a show!" She stopped for breath.

Manny was delighted. He turned to Jenny. "Hear that, love? We have a negative review!" He turned to WW again, grinning no longer, "You don't like my show. That's too fucking bad,"

"Yes , and I'll tell you why. I have script approval--my boss in DC just verified that.. I'm going to shut you down!"

"My my! Such scary threats from someone tied up so deliciously!" He squeezed her breasts––harder now––and continued. "Lady, your boss,

or bosses––Josh Grantly is not the only one; think State Department; think Vice President, that horny old bastard––øh yes, I know Josh! They have sold your lovely body to the highest bidder; turned out to be HBO. Bucks will get you anything in Washington, don't you know that? They wanted to make you a star, not just some minor league crime fighting flunky, and I've done just that. So you can learn to enjoy your new found fame, or....... But maybe we'll have a little fun first!"

Jenny was tugging on his sleeve. "Manny! How about this? We put

her in the show--I'm Wonder Woman, and she's my evil twin sister; we look so much alike, that's the gimmick. And we do all these neat catfights, rip off our costumes. lots of nudity, all that stuff. And we've both got a

magic lasso. so someone's always getting tied up! The B and D freaks will

love it!"

"Jenny, that's a great idea! But I doubt if we can count on little miss prim and proper pain in the ass here, this sorry loser, to cooperate. How about it, Wonder?" He gave her nipples a savage twist..

"Ow! Oh!! Ow! stop that, you bastard! You're right; I won't have anything to do with your sleazy show! That goes for your idea, too, Jenny. Now, turn me loose! Untie me!"

"Not quite yet, honey. We don't want a pissed off superheroine on our hands, a very strong one, do we? No way! You stay tied! I think it's––Party Time! You and Jenny can get back to where you were when I so rudely busted in. Let's all have a drink! Champagne! I'll call the commissary. And maybe do a line or two. Jenny?"

As Manny ordered Champagne––two magnums, no, three–– caviar, the works: ––"Just leave it outside the door, knock, Don't come in!", he cautioned––Jenny forced WW to her knees, again caressed her body, dipping fingers between her thighs. "Oh my! All the wet is gone! Well, we'll just have to start all over again, won't we?" She slid her hand into WW's vagina, stroking her clit and her outer lips, then deeper.

WW glared at her, twisted in her punishing bonds, and bit her lip as

her body began to betray her again under Jenny's experienced touch. Jenny, stroking, caressing, sensed WW's response; the hapless superheroine was lubricating again. Smiling, the Texan tangled one hand in WW's thick brunette locks, and, firmly but tenderly, guided the bound woman's face and mouth against her own moist pussy. WW tried to resist, tried to keep her mouth closed, her teeth clenched, but as she inhaled Jennys musky, seductive aroma, she was lost. Soon, with Jenny urging her on she was licking and nibbling at the juicy cunt pressed against her face.

Manny looked up from the line of cocaine he ws inhaling from a small mirror. He snorted and grinned. "Hey Jenny! You started without me. Want a line?'

Jenny, her head thrown back, eyes half closed, panting a bit, nodded. Manny held the rolled bill to her nose, she inhaled deeply, and began to moan. Her first orgasm was on its way.

Manny quickly stripped. He was tan all over and muscular, despite his slim frame. And very well hung. He was already hard as he knelt

behind the greedily licking woman, lifted her ass skyward, spread her thighs, pushed aside the flimsy thong of the TV costume and fingered her open; she was wet enough by now that he needed no lubricant as he penetrated her, sliding deep inside her with his first stroke.

WW's rigorous training schedule included all her muscles, including her inner perineal ones; she did her Kegel exercises daily. To his surprise and delight, Manny found her pelvis responding almost at once to his vigorous fucking, her warm cunt contracting, releasing, then contracting again around his thrusting cock.

In only six or seven minutes, all three had climaxed, almost simultaneously. Jenny and Manny were both noisy, exultant. WW, still twitching and shuddering from the twin assault, confused, shamed, was in tears.

"Awwww. Poor baby! MY sweet little cuntlapper! What's the matter? I know you enjoyed it." said Jenny, riding her cocaine high.

WW lifted her head to look at Jenny––beautiful Jenny–– and

sobbed: "I––I'm so ashamed! When I'm bound by this lasso, I can't control my sexual energy, It's awful!"

Manny was withdrawing from her delightful pulsing cavity and said: "Sexual energy! Honey, you must have the liveliest pussy on the West Coast! You are wonderful. But you ought to have fun, get rid of all that guilt, those tears. Hey! I've got an idea!"

The champagne and food had been left at the trailer door; Manny opened it a crack and brought in the big hamper. "Jenny, remember that trick with the champagne at Palm Springs last year? And how drunk you got? What do you think?"

Jeny clapped he hand gleefully. "Oh absolutely! Wonder, your

gloom and doom is about to vanish. We're really going to party now!"

Wonder was puzzled. "I'm not going to drink your champagne! I refuse, lasso or not! What is this about?""

She soon found out. Manny took a bottle of champagne, a full magnum, and shook it. With one finger he dipped into the jism and juices dripping from WW's cunt and lubricated her puckered anus until the sphincter relaxed. He pushed her head down, tilting her buttocks and the tight pink target between them upward. He popped the cork on the champagne, and quickly forced the neck of the bottle into her rectum , losing only a few spurting fizzy drops.

WW straightened up with a howl. It was so cold! She felt the

cramping, the instant bloating. Her belly swelled as the millions of bubbles expanded in her colon, driving the alcohol almost immediately into her bloodstream. Gasping and moaning, totally surprised by this assault, she was already getting a little woozy, a little––"Oh Christ! I'm drunk again!"

Manny removed the big bottle, now completely empty, and deftly stoppered WW's anus with the cork; her sphincter contracted around it; she was nicely plugged, recipient of a very expensive enema with a

magnum of champagne sloshing in her belly and an instant high alcohol blood level.

Manny and Jenny, holding each other, sat back in the big armchair

to watch. Wonder got to her knees, swayed, almost fell, and then looked at her two tormenters, her vision bluring. Or were there four? She tried to focus, and giggled. "you––¥ou––YOu're evil. You sink––think you can get me drunk and then fuck me some more.." She slurred, and giggled again. "Well here's my secret. Wonder woman likes to fuck! So there! Whoo! My tummy is so big!" She swayed again, slid to the floor, bounced on her pneumatic breasts and looked up at them, still giggling.

"Think we can untie her now? She's pretty much out of it." Jenny asked.

"Nah. Better be safe. If she gets loose and sober, warch out. In

the meantime, I don't want to neglect you, my sweet pussy!" He opened another bottle of champagne. "This one we'll drink! And Wonder Pussy, now it's really party time!"

Two hours later, after a sexual marathon that had involved every

position, every combination, every perverse act , every possibility available to two experienced media sexual superstars and a drunken super heroine all three recovered in a tangle of arms, legs and other body parts on the trailer floor. One barely remembered one-of-a kind moment had ocurred when Manny removed the cork from WW's ass to sodomize her. She had emitted the mother of all farts, carbonated, loud and long, but luckily smelling somewhat like a winery having a bad year.

WW, with a monumental hangover and a splitting headache, spoke first. "Where am I? What have I been doing?"she muttered, then winced as some scattered memory returned. All those unspeakable acts she vaguely remembered; surely just nightmares. But here she was, still implacably bound with her lariat, between her two naked, still stoned tormentors, with both her nether channels sore and throbbing.

She kicked Manny. "Hey, you prick! (bad word choice, she thought, as her wits began to return.) You had your fun; now untie me. Please!"

Groggy, Manny sat up. looked at Jenny. Jenny looked at him.and nodded a slow negative. "Wonder, darlin', if we turn you loose, you'll just cause trouble, won't you? You'll call us all kinds of rotten names, say we held you prisoner, fucked your brains out, and, worst of all, are producing a crummy TV program. And then you'll beat the shit out of us. Well, won't you?"

WW, forced to tell the truth by the lasso's magic, nodded miserably.

Manny was up now, pacing. "We've got a tiger by the tail here ––some tail!––" he grinned. "What to do, what to do. Let's see...that good and evil twins idea you had, Jenny, maybe we could do a switch on that. You wouldn't be interested in playing the evil one, would you, Wonder?"

WW squirmed to her knees, This tight ropes were so uncomfortable! She answered: "I told you before, I'm not going to star on your shitty show. No matter what!" Hung over, still a bit drunk, sexually abused in

every way imaginable. she remained stubborn, defiant. (and dumb, Jenny thought).

Manny sighed, "Wonder, you awesome fuck, I'm afraid you are going to be on the show––or at least the audience will think you are. Here's what we're going to do......"


About an hour later, Manny stood on the platform in front of the studio, surrounded by cameramen and reporters. The Wonder

Woman lookalkes crowded the stage. Manny, now shaved. combed, clad

in impeccable white slacks and a black turtleneck, only slightly feeling the cocaine and alcohol, addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor and a privelege to present this tiara and a check to miss Ethel Stubbs, of Cherokee Iowa--the first Wonder Woman lookalike. And such a lovely one! Come up here, young lady. Yes! Let me just crown you and adjust your banner." His hands were all over her chest.

The winner was a slightly overweight blonde with opulent

curves; her costume included red boots with 4 inch heels, a tiny american flag bikini and a harness barely containing her pillow like breasts. She bulged enticingly above and below her skimpy costume. "Must be a wonder bra." Manny whispered in her ear, his arm encircling her love handles. She gave a delighted little squeal.

"Now, I have an important announcement, so stick around." Manny nodded to Jenny, who stepped onto the stage. Jenny wore Wonder Woman's old costume, the belt, and a grave, thoughtful expression. In one hand she held the end of the lasso; at the other end was WW, still tightly trussed with a new loop round her neck, which Jenny tugged like a leash. WW was wearing the TV Wonder woman costume, much the worse for wear from the afternoon orgy; in other words, she was basically naked. Perhaps more important, she had a big rubber ball gag strapped between her jaws, effectively silencing her. She was disheveled, brunette locks a tangle, obviously disturbed and frantic as she was dragged protesting onto the stage. The crowd buzzed as Manny spoke again.

"I have good news and some sad news. First, Wonder Woman" He nodded to Jenny, "who has returned from a top secret assignment, has consented to take over the lead in our program. She will bring more gravity, more real drama to our story. We're proud to have her on board." He led the polite applause, Jenny (as WW) bowed.

"Now the sad news. Our prior lead, Jenny Jugster, a wonderful rising actress, is going through a series of personal problems. You see her bound and gagged here tonight; this was necessary when she went

ballistic during the contract negotiations. Just freaked out, frankly.We are in the process of turning her over to federal officials for investigation of

serious narcotics charges. Today in her trailer, Wonder Woman and I effected a citizens arrest when we found considerable quantities of illegal drugs and, worse, Jenny seemed to be irrational, babbling, claiming that she was the real Wonder Woman; hence the gag. Take it out for a second, Wonder, if you will."

Jenny (now WW) unfastened the leather neck strap. WW (now Jenny) spit out the ball and began to shout: "All you reporters! You know me! I'm the real Wonder Woman! She's Jenny, an imposter! These people are trying to silence me! they got me drunk, raped me! Now these phony charges! You must believe me! they are evil! Evil! You must... mmmmmph!"

Jenny had shoved the gag back in her ranting mouth. WW began to sputter again. With her hair wildly tangled (Jenny had carefully mussed it before she led her on stage), her jaw distended by the cruel gag and her face contorted with rage and despair, eyes wide, she was doing herself no favors; she looked crazy. Despite their almost identical lush bodies, WWs frantic posturing bore little resemblance to Jenny's air of calm poise. WW kicked out at Manny, only to be restrained with Jenny's not so gentle tug on the noose. Her impotent writhing struggles made her look even crazier. As she twisted, one, then the other breast flopped free of her scanty halter. Cameras were clicking at a furious pace.

There was a murmer in the crowd of reporters "She's nuts.'

'Boy, they look alike!' 'No, that's the real wonder woman–look at her

costume! Jenny's the one in the tits and ass get up', 'I'm not so sure.' and

so on. Manny hastened to close.

" Gentlemen, I'm not going to display this tragic woman to you fine gentlemen of the press any further tonight. Be sure that the studio will spare no expense to speed her full recovery––after she has faced the police, of course. Wonder, take her back until the federal authorities arrive. She'll make a court appearance tomorrow morning. That's all, thank you for your coverage."

The camermen were swarming around Jenny, who was doing a superb job of acting: she was serious, concerned, stern but tender towards her bound and gagged captive (who continued to struggle and sputter, her exposed breasts jiggling, looking less and less like a superheroine. and more like a demented though gorgeous porn star.)

Tugging on the noose, Jenny hurried WW through the studio gates. beckoning Manny to join her as they walked, nearly trotted back to Jenny's trailer, She hissed at Manny: "Dope! narcotics! What was that all about? And that hand her over to the authorities bit! How do you plan to follow through on that? This ain't a cockamamie tv plot, this is real life!"

"Look, just wait until we get back to your trailer away from

these reporters before you chew out my ass, OK?"

WW was still making a nuisance of herself, kicking and twisting against the ropes, but was compelled along by the tightening

pressure of the noose. Her angry primative moans and attempted

screams were effectively muffled by the hard rubber gag.

Back in the trailer, Manny set out another line of coke. Jenny slapped his hand, spilling the costly powder on the floor, "No more drugs right now! We've got to figure out what to do with--Jenny, I guess, since I've just been promoted to Wonder Woman! You've dug us--me--a great big hole, Mr. Producer!"

Jenny had loosened the noose now, and WW was jumping and squealing, trying to attract the attention of the bickering pair. Jenny noticed her first."I think she"s trying to tell us something. Take off the gag, Manny." then to WW: "Just for a second, OK? Any more yelling , it goes right back in. Now what do you want to tell us."

"J––Josh! Call Josh Grantly, in DC; he'll know what to do, if anyone will. His number is..."

"Wonder, that's a great idea; I'll call him now!"

Josh answered the secret phone almost at once. Manny explained what had happened, WW's reluctant bondage––"her own lasso, man! So cool!"––her fit of rage after the ill-considered identity switch, the sweeping promise that Jenny was going to jail . He omitted

the champagne enema, the three hour orgy, or how WW lost control of

her lasso in the first place; that could wait. He held the phone as Josh talked, The pauses grew longer and longer between Manny's interjected "Yeah, maybe so" then: "I realize that!" then:"Look I'm not a fucking

imbecile! We set up this series together, remember? And you pocketed

big bucks from HBO, buddy!" then, finally: "You're flying out? Good!

Great! We'll keep the luscious bitch under wraps until morning, No, I mean Wonder. I'll have a limo pick you up at LAX. Right! See you!"

He put down the phone and looked at the two women with visible relief. This fucked up situation was at least partially off his back. "He'll figure this out; anyway, it's not just my ass now. Now we gotta figure how to get Wonder down to the courthouse without..."

"Wait a second! You're not going to go through with this––this stupid identity theft, are you? You want me to go to prison as Jenny? No way!" Wonder shouted.

Jenny waggled the gag in her face; warning her: WW gulped and lowered her voice. "I said no way! We could have switched back right now, if you hadn't come up with that dramatic bullshit about drugs and the feds!"

"I know, I know." Manny said, then straightened up and jabbed WW's breast , hard, with a stiff finger. "But get off my case, will you? You too, Jenny, A genius gets to fuck up every now and then! To hell with it, I'm going home! Jenny, you be hostess for our reluctant guest tonight; I don't want anyone to know where she is until Josh gets here!