Tyler's Seduction of Mrs. C


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But I cannot waiver. What he did is wrong; as much as I admire his equipment, I force myself to look back at his face, trying to maintain my rage, "Tyler, you don't just come into someone's house and start flashing your cock around. Didn't your parents teach you manners. My god, I'm not just old enough to be your mother, as the saying goes, but I'm probably older than your mother. She'd be annoyed at you. Now, put that damn thing away before it hurts someone."

"I told you before, Mrs. C, my mother died when I was still a teenager."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Tyler, I forgot." With one slip of the tongue, I lose ascendancy and just as I was engaging top gear to roast him for his complete indiscretion.

Oh my god! Did I really just say, 'before it hurts somebody?' What a stupid thing to say, but in my quest to express my anger, I said the first thing that came to me. Sheepishly, he struggles to push his solid erection back in through his trouser flies. I watch in silence and with some fascination too. Only when he has it again hidden from my view does he turn his head back toward me. He does appears genuinely remorseful, again saying, "I am really sorry, Mrs. C. I wasn't thinking straight."

"I think you better go to bed now, Tyler, you did say how you and Matthew have to be up so early in the morning."

He rises from his end of the sofa and slowly steps to where I sit, "Thank you for letting me stay here, Mrs. C, I really appreciate it... honestly I do." His hips are at my eye height as he slowly passes me, and although he put it away, I get to see the shape and size of the erection tenting out his trousers.

When he leaves the room, I swing my legs back down onto the floor and sit facing the TV at which another erotic scene is developing. As I watch it, I drop one hand down to my lap, have my fingers' part my gown, spread my thighs and dip two fingers into my pussy. My god, talk about wet, I am running like a stream down there. I think back to Tyler claiming he could see how wet I am when my accidental leg kick flashed him. Was I this wet back then? No, there's no way he could have seen that much detail around my pussy in a quick flash. But why am I so wet? Is it the hot sex scenes in the movie that I am only half watching or, worse. It has been so long since I've seen a man's cock. Am I turned on from seeing this young man's very impressive erection? Oh, save me!

Alone now, I watch this latest erotic scene in the movie to its conclusion, keeping my fingers down where I used them to test my wetness, running them up and down from vagina to clit. I think of going to the drawer where I keep my sex toys hidden away from prying eyes but decide with two young men sleeping in adjacent rooms, it's best I not make any sexual noises. I'll try getting to sleep without the aid of an orgasm.

On my way to my bedroom, turning lights out as I go, I see that the door is wide open in the bedroom I allocated to Tyler. I pause at the door, the room illuminated by the moonlight streaming in the window. He probably left the blind up to help him wake for his early morning run. He lays on his back on the bed and, as he told me earlier, he sleeps in the nude. His body is totally naked, and I get another look at his cock. Sort of dormant now, at least it is by comparison to how erect it was when I last saw it... yet still reasonably solid as it lays between his thighs.

How long should I dare to stay here, admiring the sight of this virile young man? He could stir awake at any moment, and I would be extremely embarrassed if caught staring at it. I tear myself away and proceed on to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. For a long moment, I stand with my hand on the doorknob, pondering whether I should turn the key to lock my door, given Tyler's previous audacious move. But I think of all the house fires I see on the TV news these days. I'd hate to burn alive in my room because the boys couldn't get in to rescue me.

I lay on my back in bed, and soon realise that I can't sleep. My mind whirls with thoughts of the incident on the sofa with Matthew's new buddy, trying to process how it got out of hand. Was it my fault in any way? I try to work out in my head why he did what he did. Was he just horny for a woman - any woman? Any port in a storm, as mariners say.

Perhaps older women appeal to him? I've read of that being so for some men. But I'd expect for a 24-year-old, an older woman would be someone in their thirties. Was I too prim and proper, and a bit quick to stop him? After all, I am a sexually frustrated separated woman. Should I have kept quiet and let Tyler continue. What would he have done if I'd offered no resistance? Maybe he only intended to finger me. I could have let him continue just a bit longer to see what his intentions were. Oh, there's no point in second guessing now... I had a chance for real sex for the first time in over a year, and I blew it.

I must dismiss all those thoughts and try to get to sleep. But I can't... my head is spinning. I check the clock about every ten minutes for over an hour. It is after two and I at last feel very drowsy when I am instantly startled back awake. Someone is in my room. Oh my god, a person is standing beside the bed. I can just make out a dark silhouette backlit by the moonlight coming in the window. Kneeling on my bed. My first hazy thought is it's my son. In the semi dark, I ask, "Matthew, are you ok?"

But rather than sitting on the side of the bed as Matthew has done if he needed something in the middle of the night, this body is lifting the top sheet and getting into my bed, laying down alongside me. A hand comes over to cup my left breast... this is definitely not my son. It's obviously Tyler. At least, I am wearing the short blue nightie... his palm rests on the material that covers my breast. But the big worry is that I am still commando down below. I feel vulnerable without panties to protect my pubis. "Tyler? What do you want?"

The male voice softly speaks, "Correct on the second guess, Mrs. C."

"What do you want, Tyler?" I stupidly ask as I feel the full front of his body press against my right side. Immediately, most noticeable is the hard solid object against my right hip. That's obviously his cock - no doubt about it - and it feels solidly rigid again... just as it was when I saw it rubbing against my feet on the sofa.

"You, of course," Tyler answers, ominously.

Oh my god, this sexual young man is confronting me again... one could call it a second chance if I accept my recent thought that it was a missed opportunity.

"I was put off before, Mrs. C., you looked and sounded so angry at me that you convinced me you really didn't want me. But when I went to bed, I thought some more about having you, which is what I've dreamed of since first meeting you. I'm certain now that I was right in the first place, you need this and I want this."

It is tempting to have this young man pressing his rampant erection against my right thigh, but my first reaction is to resist because Tyler is my son's buddy, and the repercussions could become awkward... could even break up my family. So, I muster up a determined voice, wanting to sound emphatic, "No, Tyler, I don't know what makes you think it's okay to come into my house and expect to have sex with me. Really, it's not on, not happening. You have become a good friend of my son so, first and foremost, I won't allow anything that might wreck my relationship with my son. Just because you're feeling horny, and you seem to think I'll be desperate. Well, I'm offended that you disrespect me as your new friend's mother. Tyler, it's not right. Whatever you think I might need, I'll have you know I don't. Really, I don't, but thank you for caring that I might need some sexual warmth. Now, take your hand off my boob and go back to your bed."

"It's not as easy as you think to dismiss me like that, Mrs. C," he whispers in my ear. "You can feel how hard my cock is. I desperately need to be inside you, in that special place that we both know without me even touching you there, is hot and wet and so ready for me."

"How dare you, don't talk to me like that."

This is becoming a battle of wills, mine against his. I need to continue to sound forceful, to reject all his overtures, if for no other reason than I would be horrified if Matthew, and my other kids too, were to find out I'd had sex with this young man, handsome as he is and me, sexually in need.

He moves the hand that rests on my left breast but only to slide it down over my nightie and then he slips that hand up under and I feel his palm, his fingers sliding over my bare skin. Until his hand grasps my left breast once more... only now it is skin against skin with no material in the way. His fingers are squeezing my nipple, sending pleasant shock waves through my upper body. His hand massages my breast engagingly, his fingers swirl around my nipple, causing it to react, stiffening and, unconsciously, I emit a too loud expressive, "Ummm!"

Laying on my back, my body is vulnerable, and he knows it. I see his head move over me. In a flash, his lips close over my right nipple and he begins to furiously suckle at my teat. For a time, his lips suck over the material of my nightie until he somehow manages to push the roll of material up to my neck and then those lips engage my nipple directly. Oh, that feels so good... a degree of good that I have not felt since Tim left me.

But as good as it is, I feel guilty to be enjoying this. I tell myself not to complicate my life by letting a 24-year-old buddy of my son fuck me. Yet, a part of my brain starts playing devil's advocate... it would be so easy at this point to just let him be on top of me, insert that wonderful hard cock up inside me and I can suck up all the pleasure that will flow from that.

I am conflicted at this ungodly time of 2am in the early morning. The expression, 'a long time between drinks' could easily be juxtaposed to 'a long time between fucks' as I'm torn in a moral dilemma. I determine to hold off pushing him off me for a bit longer... only because my whole body is feeling good. His lips withdraw from my right nipple, and I feel his body sliding lower down over my body, feel his wet lips on my bare belly. In a brief panic, I cry out, "Where do you think you're going?"

Of course, I know where he's heading and if Tyler manages to get his lips on my clitoris, I know I'm gone.

Against my belly, I feel his lips moving, "There's a place down here, a treasured spot, where I need to be."

I reach down to grasp his head in my hands and unconvincingly beseech him, "No, you shouldn't go there."

"Oh, yes I should," I hear him mumble against my bare belly, just above my patch of pubic hair. His lips slide on until I feel his whole face at my pussy. His facial lips press at my pubic region lips and his tongue slithers out to swipe at my labia. My hips all but levitate up off the bed, carrying his head, wedged between my thighs.

I may reflect later that this was the turning point, the moment when I lose the battle... it's too late to turn back. He has me. I did offer initial almost token resistance, but he gets me so easily by going down on me. I started from a weak position. I so desperately miss the wonderful sex I used to have with Tim. It has been barren in this bed for more than a year now. This young man is taking advantage of my vulnerability and he's about to fuck me for whatever reason he can justify.

His tongue and lips are now painting my clitoris. I still have my hands on his head from when I foolishly thought I might be able to stop him. Now, those hands hold his head in place between my thighs, keeping his face mashed against my pussy.

My ultimate surrender comes as I softly mumble, "Oh, yes, Tyler. YES! YES!"

The young man's licking tongue intensifies its sweeps until I experience my first orgasm that isn't created by a sex toy in over a year. My hips and thighs tremble in reaction to his wonderful foreplay. As I come down from my treat, Tyler moves his body up to totally cover mine and I can feel his fingers guiding his cock to my entry portal. Oh my god, I am about to have a real live human erection inside me for the first time in more than a year.

Yes! There it is! The head of a cock feels bigger than I recall from when my ex used to push his inside me. Maybe it feels different because it's the first circumcised cock I've ever had. I got to see it earlier, out on the sofa. Possibly, Tyler's is a bit bigger than Tim's was. I feel it press a little deeper inside my pleasure passage.

He slides some more inside me and soon, Tyler is filling me with his erection and no longer resisting - in fact, shamelessly eager - I wrap my legs up over the back of his and lock my feet together just below his bum. I'm ready to take this ride.

Tyler lowers his head down alongside mine and I whisper to him, "We need to be really quiet, can't risk waking Matthew. He must never know about this.

"I closed your door behind me, and I closed Matthew's when I walked by his room."

"You seem to have thought of everything. What if I'd been adamant and continued to deny you?"

"I never considered that a possibility, Mrs. C."

"Was this some sort of a plan?"

"Yes, of course."

"For how long have you been planning?"

"I wanted you from when I first met you... you're a very good-looking woman."

"For my age," I add for him, attempting to place some perspective on this.

"No, no qualifications. You are a good-looking woman... period.

"But again, I want to know when you started planning for it to come to this?"

"Last Sunday when I dropped Matthew home. I've thought about having you all this week. I've been hard many days just thinking about how good you'll be in bed."

"Really! What about the girls of your own age?"

"I haven't found any who interest me yet. I like that you are experienced... being married all those years, you must have done a lot of fucking. Maybe you can give me an assessment when we're done here. Now, Mrs. C, you need to be quiet, I have to concentrate."

Tyler lifts his head up for his face to hover above mine and I see his eyes piercing into me. So much so that I close mine, tighten my arms around his shoulders and relax to enjoy his deep, probing rhythmic strokes inside me.

I cum again. I was always a bit of a screamer when I came with Tim, and I must be doing that as the second orgasm rolls over me. I'm not conscious of screaming until I feel Tyler's hand gently cover my lips.

As my senses return from my second cumming, I am aware that Tyler's breathing is now heavy and loud. He's definitely on the verge and I reopen my eyes to watch his face. I love watching a man cum, and Tyler doesn't disappoint. I see his facial expressions change three times. At first, when he becomes aware that he's about to blow... Tim used to say that's when the man feels his cum on a journey from his balls to the tip of his cock. The second phase is when he feels his cock spasming inside the woman's passage, a sheer look of absolute pleasure on his face as his cum shoots out of his cock and he sprays it inside me. The third is that look of satisfaction in the afterglow. I hug this young man to me.

He removes his hand from covering my mouth once the possibility of me screaming some more subsides. "Oh, Tyler, that was wonderful... you were wonderful. Oh, I really did need that!"

"I know, I knew you did all along. That's why I'm here."

"Yes, I do continue to wonder why you are here."

"I told you that you're a good-looking woman. A man would be mad not to want to fuck a good-looking woman, no matter what age she is."

"Tyler, a very worrying thought has just come to me, and I need you to tell me the truth. Did you do this as some sort of a bet, a wager with my son? Did you bet him you could fuck his mother and he bet that you couldn't. Be honest with me, please, because I need to know how to handle it if you intend to tell him in the morning that you fucked me."

"Mrs. C, I am offended that you would think I would stoop to doing that to you. Honestly, I am here because I want to be and without any monetary incentive."

"Okay then, I hope that's the truth, Tyler. Well, I feel really good now, thanks to you, but you better go back to your bed. You'll need at least some sleep before you two boys go on the fun run."

"No way, Mrs. C, we're not done yet. I should be good to go again in a few minutes. Just relax and I'll be hard again very soon."

"What? Really! Are you sure of that? My husband Tim was only ever good for one."

"I'm assuming he was an older man. I know what I'm doing and what I'm capable of, Mrs. C... I'll need a few minutes. I won't even take it out, you should feel me getting hard again before you know it."

"You're pretty sure of yourself."

"I might only be 24, but I've had some experience at this."

I am curious, "With girls your own age or women closer to my age?"

"It doesn't matter what age the woman is. I just do what comes naturally to me."

"Well, if I have a few minutes before you're ready again, I think I better go pee."

"Oh, damn! I was going to stay inside you."

"Yes, well, when nature calls, that takes precedence. I'm only going to pee, so I won't be long."

Even having his lovely cock sliding out of me feels good. Once Tyler is off me, I slip out of my bed, open the door, and go to the bathroom. I do what I need to do and, on the way back to my bedroom, I stop by Matthew's door and carefully open it to take a peep in. My son appears to be sleeping peacefully. Satisfied that he seems to have slept through any pleasurable screams from his mother while being fucked a room away by his new buddy, I return to my bed... and to Tyler.

He lays on his back in my bed and, true to his word, his cock looks to be more than halfway erect again. I move to lay alongside him, expecting Tyler to roll over to make room for me, but he doesn't move, instead telling me, "Your turn to be on top, Mrs. C."

"Oh, no, I like to be comfortable when I'm doing this."

"Well, so do I and it's your turn on top. Come on, it's firm enough again for you to sit on it... slide on down." He takes hold of his stiffening cock and waves it at me a couple of times, like he did earlier out on the sofa. I reluctantly do as he suggests, climbing over his supine body and dipping my head to peer down between my thighs, watching my fingers position the head of his cock at my vaginal portal. Then I press my body over the head and slowly slide down, beautifully filling my passage once more.

Having enjoyed my first full on sexual experience in over a year, the urgency has been appeased and I can move much slower. I turn this second go-around into a languid roll in the hay lasting around twenty minutes, taking my body soaring twice more to powerful orgasms. Much easier to achieve these in this controlling position.

But when I cum a second time, quickly followed by Tyler shooting what feels like a copious flow of his cum up inside me, my body collapses on his and I at last find sleep in this awkward position laying atop a man.

I awake to see daylight outside and I immediately panic that Matthew could be awake by now, maybe even moving around the house. He could have already checked the spare room for Tyler... may have even peeped into my room. Oh my god! This can't be happening. I loved being seduced by Tyler, but the ramifications are enormous.

I manage to stir Tyler awake and urge him to leave my bed immediately. I follow the young man to the door and together we peep out to assess the scene. All quiet in the hallway and Matthew's door is closed... hopefully still.

A naked Tyler walks to Matthew's door and opens it. He turns back toward me to give me a discreet thumbs up signal, then I hear him call to my son, "Hey, Matt, come on, time to get up. We've got some running to do."