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The music slowed again and she bumped and grind in a way that would have a pro envious. Again at the edge of the stage she motioned Ralph to come to her. Her bra was a front button one and she could easily have opened it her self but she let Ralph do it. He was taking his time and I could see he was playing with her tits more than hunting the snap. He finally found it and the bra popped open, showing her beautiful breasts. She was a lot younger than the other women and her breasts were up high and firm without the bra. She pulled Ralph's head to them and one by one she let him suck on her nipples. It was only for a second but it was enough that her nipples were standing out hard. I was harder myself than I had ever been except when it was me with her nipples in my mouth. She finally pushed Ralph back and danced again to the pole. I don't know about the women in the room but I would have bet my life savings that there were four hard cocks in that room right then.

Jill was dancing as if she had been doing it her whole life. I wondered where she had learned how to turn men on the way she was doing now.

Again the music picked up speed and she danced to the edge of the stage. Otto rose without being asked and met her. She took his hands in her and brought then to her breast where she let his run his fingers across her nipples a second before she slid his hands down her sides until his fingers hooked into her panties. She pushed his hands down as he carried them with him. When her little cunt came into view she moved her hands and he pushed them on down her legs until she stepped out of them. Slowly she lifted him up as he kissed each leg until he reached her cunt. I could see his tongue flick out on her white body as she pushed her cunt to his face. I was about to cum in my pants when she finally pulled him to his feet and kissed him. Just a quick peck but everyone in the room caught their breath. She held out her hand and he handed her panties to her. She held them high and showed them to the rest of us before turning back to him and putting them in his pocket. The lights dimmed and she stepped off the stage. I then saw her setting in his lap with his hand between her legs. I have never been turned on like I was then!!!!

Rachel was next and she was good but it was anticlimactic after the show Jill had put on. Pete was the lucky recipient of Rachel's panties. Poor Jason was left out.

It was then I found out what the panties were for when Ralph stood up. You all know the rules except Jill and Mike. He explained that the woman gave her panties to the man she wanted for the night! "Hell! Jill had just given her panties to that black son-of –bitch!" He continued, so for the sake of fair play, if Mike and Jill want to call it a night they are welcome to. I know a couple of disappointed people if they do, but we will give them that choice.

I looked across at Jill in the black man's lap with his hands all over her and started too moved towards them. I think if I had been closer I would have attack him. My eyes met Jill's and I saw her shake her head no. She wasn't smiling and I knew that she was going along because of the case. I turned back to Tory. "I guess we are in for the long haul." I didn't see Otto take her hand and lead her from the room; Tory was leading me in the other direction.

Tory was a beautiful woman and it sure wasn't hard to end up in bed with her. For a while she took up all my attention and she knew how to put a fucking on a guy. I have to confess that Jill wasn't on my mind at that time. With all the excitement built up by the dancing it didn't take long to get down to business and not a long time to have our first climax. It was then that I saw Jason enter the room. With one man more than women he was getting the first woman to finish with her partner. I moved over and he entered her at once. I'm not even sure that Tory even knew we had swapped.

I didn't bother with my clothes as every one was now naked. I stumbled across the hall to the room I saw Otto take Jill. The door was open and I looked in the door and wished I hadn't. His black ass was plowing his cock in her white body. I could tell that she was about to cum from the way her pussy was sliding up and down on his black cock. I wanted to kick his ass and get on her myself. I was standing to the side and could see her face as he fucked her. Her eyes were shut and the smile I always saw wasn't on her lips. Still, I could tell that he was getting through to her. I turned and walked away; I didn't want to see her cum with him.

Back in the room I saw that Rachel was now available and my cock was now hard from watching Jill. It made me mad to see her with Otto but at the same time it was erotic. For the next several minutes I used Rachel as my personal fuck toy. I don't think she cared what I thought; she just wanted my dick in her. It was Jill that I saw as I fucked her. I didn't last much longer than it took to bring her to climax. I moved over and Ralph took my place. Nothing could keep me from looking in on Jill again.

Unlike the others, Otto had not switched when he came. Now Jill was riding his cock from up top. Once again I could tell that what ever he was doing to her had to be feeling pretty good or she was putting on one hell of an act. Her hands were on his black chest and she was riding his black cock with him helping to pick her up and pull her down on each stroke. I saw her drive down on him and he pushed up in her and I knew that he was filling her with his cum once again. I turned and left the room; hell I still had one more wife that I hadn't fucked!

If I hadn't felt so jealous about Jill I could have enjoyed the night a lot more. Sandy, like the other two was beautiful and loved to fuck. She had already been with two men but she was just as ready for me as I was her. I tried to shut Jill out of my mind and managed to do so until I finally climaxed with Sandy. As soon as it was over I was headed back towards the room where she was.

I met her coming from the room. She was still naked as was I. "Where is my dress?" I saw it where she had tossed it during the dance and walked across to her she held up her arms and I slid the dress over her. She didn't say anything, just headed for the door. I stopped long enough to find my pants and caught up with her on the side walk. Neither one of us had on our shoes and I didn't have on my shirt as we walked the two blocks to our house. Thankfully at that time of morning everybody was in bed.

Jill didn't say anything once in the house. She was pulling the dress over her head as she made her way to the shower. Once she was in the shower I went into the other bathroom and showered. She was still in the shower when I finished. I put on a pair of boxers, which was my normal sleeping attire. I knocked on the door and called her. She didn't answer and I pushed open the door.

She was standing under the shower with water pouring over her head. I'm not sure she had moved since she got in it. "Jill, are you alright?" She jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Yes, I will be out in a minute. Please shut the door." The bathroom door hadn't been shut between us since the first night we made love. I thought she was crying but I shut the door and went and lay down on the bed. It was another ten minutes before I heard the water shut off, and that much longer before I heard the door open and she came into the room. She had on her night gown and she turned off the table lamp as she lay back on the bed. She didn't make any move to come towards me.

I knew this wasn't going to work. I rolled towards her and pulled her towards me. She didn't resist but didn't make any move to join me on her own. I pulled her into my arms and the water works started. "Hold me! Just hold me!" There wasn't anything in the world that would have made me let her go then. She must have cried thirty minutes with me holding he as close as I could to me. Finally the tears started slowing.

For the first time she threw her arms around me and held me like she never wanted to let go. I knew then that I sure didn't. 'I'm so sorry Mike!"

"You don't have anything to be sorry about. It was part of the job. I did the same thing myself."

"Having sex was part of the job; liking it wasn't!" She was crying again as I just held her. Thankfully it didn't last as long this time.

"I knew he was going to be the one that I was with. He is the boss and the others just do what he says. He told me earlier in the night, before we decided to stay, that he wanted me. He was after me from the moment we got to the party. I was prepared to have sex with him but I thought I would be the one having control. I was planning on faking an orgasm and see if I could learn anything from him."

"It didn't turn out that way. From the moment he led me into that room I had no choice except to let him have his way. He is hard and brutal, and use to having his way with women. He had me turned on and I couldn't help myself. He hurt me but still I climaxed so much that I hurt. I tried to keep my mind from thinking about what he was doing to me and the way my body was betraying me, but I couldn't. I never thought that I could feel like that from pain. I feel so ashamed!"

"Don't Jill; you aren't by your self. I was just as involved as you were. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Go to sleep and rest. Tomorrow we will decide what we can do to wrap this up. We are not going to be going back there again." She was already asleep. I only dozed off a couple of times. I held her in my arms and vowed to never let anything happen to hurt her again. During the night she snuggled closer to me I loved ever moment of it.

She was sleeping soundly when I got up and fixed breakfast. The coffee was on and I was about to call her when she came in the kitchen. She still had on her gown and I don't think she had ever looked more beautiful to me than right then. I had come close to losing her last night and that just made up my mind that this undercover assignment was over. We had gathered enough information to know who was involved. We would just have to find another way to finish it.

I poured her a cup of coffee and set her plate in front of her. "I'm not this hungry."

"Eat, you need to gain your strength, and then we talk."

We finished and I put the plates in the sink and set down across from her. I took her hands in mine and held them until she looked up at me. "I am still sorry."

"What's done is done. I wasn't that much of an angel last night either, but I make this promise to you; I will never put you in that position again. I am calling the Captain this morning and telling him we are coming in."

"Mike! We can't do that! What about those young girls that he killed and the others that are going to be prostitutes? I know when the next girls are coming!"

"What? How do you know that?"

"Otto bragged about them last night." She turned red and stopped.

I knew that there was more to it. "Don't stop now, why did he tell you?"

Her face was red with embarrassment. "I guess he liked what I did last night. Between fucks he said that he would rather have me than the bus load of girls coming in. I asked him what girls and he said the young girls to replace the older one in the whore houses. I tried to get more out of him but he was hard and wanted to fuck again. I knew then I had to stay if there was any chance to find out more. He likes to brag about how he controls Ralph and the others. He said they wanted to be with me but he told them that tonight I belonged to him. After another round of sex he confessed to taking care of the girls that gave trouble. That is all I know except they are coming in this Thursday night."

"It sounds like you did you job."

"Then why do I feel so bad?"

"You did what you had to do. I watched you."

"You watched me! How could you? I didn't see you."

"You had your eyes shut. The girl that likes to make eye contact had her eyes shut."

"I couldn't stand to look at him! It was bad enough that he was making me like what he was doing to me without having to look at the arrogant bastard!" She looked at me. "I was picturing you with me; that made it bearable."

I called the Captain and told him to set it up for Thursday night. He was concerned that we might not be able to make the murder rap stick. "Captain, I don't care, I'm not going to put Jill in danger again." He agreed to go ahead and made the hit that Thursday. Jill and I were to just lay low until it went down and then come on back in. We weren't to be in on the arrest. It was possible that we might have to go under cover again.

With nothing else to do the next three days were spent in bed. We didn't have any idea when we might get together again. The smile was back on her face as she kept her eyes open as I fucked her or when she was riding me. I knew for sure it was me she was thinking about during sex. Just knowing our time together was coming to an end made us make love that much more. We didn't talk about Don or June; these few days were for us. All too soon it was over. The arrest was made and Friday we packed up and left. We were almost back when she reached across and held my hand. "Mike, I love you." It was plain and to the point but it hit me harder than anything I had ever felt. I squeezed her hand; I knew I loved her more than anything. Giving her back to my son was going to be hard to do.

Monday morning Jill and I walked into the police station as Otto was leaving. His lawyer was with him. He sneered at us as he passed, "Hey bitch, being a good fuck isn't going to save your ass when I get out!" I would have killed him but his lawyer pushed him out of the door. Jill was white and upset that he might have told about her to the arresting officers.

I took her hand and headed up the stairs to the Captains office. Coming down the stairs was a nicely dressed Mexican man. He stopped me on the stairs. "Are you the two that broke up the prostitution ring? My name is Carlos Revier; one of the dead girls was my sister. Is Otto going to got to prison for killing her and the other two?"

"I don't know, the case is pretty thin for the murder. He will go up for trafficking the young girls. I hope we can make it stick."

"Is he guilty?"

"Without a doubt."

"Thanks," he walked away.

That night police responded to a call at a hotel. A black man was dead in his room. Otto was on his bed, his body stretched out and his balls were in his mouth. He had fucked his last girl. No one had any leads as to might have killed him; no one looked very hard. Carlos came by the next morning heading home. He thanked me and said if he could ever help me to call him. He gave me his card.

I was home a week when June hit me for a divorce. She didn't like me being gone and she had found someone else. A month later it was final. We split everything down the middle. She moved in with her new man and I walked into the station and retired. I called Carlos and he said he had just the place for a retired cop. I sent my retirement check to the address he gave me and went to find Jill.

She was on the night shift and was at home. I told her what I had done and she begged me to stay. I couldn't and stay away from her. We made love once more that afternoon before I had to leave to catch my flight. Leaving her behind was the hardest thing I ever did. She belonged to my son; even though I knew she loved me as much as I loved her. She was the only one I gave my new address too.

Two months later I was pulling my fishing boat from the water when I knew someone was behind me. I whirled around and there stood Jill. "You have room enough for me?"

I couldn't get enough kissing her. She explained that Don had cheated on her from the first, and that she was tired of shutting her eyes when he made love to her. If she was going to be thinking about me then she was coming to me. I made up for loss time as I made love to her all night. Her eyes were open and the smile was from ear to ear.

As we rested I said, "Where did you learn to dance like that?"

She blushed, Liz taught me but it was you I was dancing for."

Six months later her divorce was final and the next day we married. My eyes haven't been shut since. Now she only dances for me.

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JovanzmajJovanzmajover 1 year ago

A very good realistic story. Proofreaders of silence.

WoodencavWoodencavabout 2 years ago

Great storey, but the spelling and grammar is shocking, but the storey gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

zazrix9zazrix9about 6 years ago

Story, mix of sex and adventure

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
You expect grammar and spelling from a nigger ??

Bah ! "1*" .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Anonymous but with a point

Good writing with spelling howlers is like a scratch on the door of a brand new car: Infuriating. Learn to spell then you can write properly. e.g. " sirvalence". I suggest you only use words you know - not just ones you've heard. ( Surveillance!!)

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