Unexpected Bliss

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Daughter discovers the sensuality of her mother.
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I was happy to receive the invitation to my kid-sister's wedding. She was twenty-one and had met a rich Texan at college. Now they were getting married in Florida. Arrangements were made to fly me in from California were I live and work.

The only problem I had with the wedding is that I would have to meet my mother again. I hadn't seen her since my teenage days. My father fought with my mom constantly until finally he divorced her and disappeared when I was fifteen years old. Outside my sister, my Mom was the only family I had.

Then one day, during an angry spat, she told me the truth. She wasn't my biological mother. She'd married my father with me in tow from a previous marriage. My sister was their own daughter. I resented her telling me this so late and felt betrayed. To get her back, I told her bluntly that I was a lesbian.

"No, Karen, you can't be," my mother screamed, her face becoming contorted with pain and horror.

My admission hurt her deeply because she was a devote church-going woman and the scandal would damage her reputation. We fought for weeks and the arguments became endless. Finally, I left home, went to college, and eventually found a good job.

I would not have contact with my mother for several years. Over time, however, I felt rootless and wanted to be normal, like other women with mothers. So I gripped my fears and phoned my mother last year. When we talked, I realized she had changed, become less rigid. In one of our conversations, she asked if I was still a lesbian and she seemed to accept this better than I expected. She seemed almost happy, which I felt so odd.

Yet, I was still nervous to meet her. As it worked out, my sister put us in the same luxury hotel. My hands were shaking as I once again I saw her blonde hair and gorgeous body. My mother wore her apprehension on her face, but it soon disappeared as we hugged and even cried. Soon she broke out into a happy smile and years of resentment and anger fell away from my own heart.

"Can I still call you Mom?" I asked still choked with emotion.

"Karen," she replied softly, "you can call me Ann or Mom. Whatever your heart wishes, darling."

When we hugged, it struck me that she had gained some weight but it didn't take away from her figure. She pulled me toward her and embraced my body warmly, letting me feel her warm full figure motherly body. It was a long hug and it gave me a strange feeling. It wouldn't be until a little later that I would understand the dark fantasies that fueled such a sensuous embrace.

My sister and fiancée treated us nicely, taking us to dinner and sightseeing. After the second day, my mother and I went shopping for new dresses.

"You look wonderful, Karen," my mother remarked as we started out. "You've grown into a beautiful woman."

I blushed at the compliment. I'd always tried to keep my body in shape. My body is tall and shapely with 36B cups for breasts and a curvy bum. I've worked hard to keep my stomach flat and my butt firm. My facial features were sharp (a rather long nose) but attractive with dark eyes, both framed by my long brown straight hair.

"You look great too, Mom," I replied, admiring her ample breasts and large but not fat hips. She always had a soft face with large eyes. I always admired her blonde hair and shapely legs. She looked very mature, very maternal and, in her own way, very sexy—something I felt odd recognizing.

The third shop we entered was very chic. A young clerk came up and started to help my mother. My mother looked at the girl as she spoke, almost staring at her. I raised an eyebrow, noting the infatuation with the young clerk before busying myself with finding a dress I liked.

As I was about to take a dress into the fitting room, one of the clerks came up and hugged me. It was someone named "Melody," the manager of the shop.

I didn't think I knew this person and it took me a minute to recognize my old college mate. We'd been lovers in college and now she was married with two children. In minutes she ushered me into a change room and we hugged some more. We were both the same age, twenty-seven. She was a short thin woman with dark hair. I was a tall brunette.

We chatted as I took off my dress to try a new one on. I stood there in my panties, bra and stockings. Old feelings die hard. It wasn't long before Melody jumped up and kissed me spontaneously.

"I haven't done this since college, with you," she squealed with delight.

I could feel that seeing me sparked all kind of fantasies in my old lover. Soon we were kissing passionately.

Melody let her hand roam over my bare back and settle on my ass. I pulled up her black dress so I could squeeze her small feminine ass. Melody had been a hot lover and I could feel the same energy. We kissed and her hand grabbed my bra.

Melody's slim body seemed more full and robust since we'd been "a number."

"You've gained a little weight, Melody," I said jokingly, "the married life must be treating you good."

"It's the children that put on the weight," she said between kisses.

I'd never been with a married woman before and my fantasies to seduce one erupted in my mind.

As if to read my mind, Melody looked into my eyes and said:

"You're curious to see if I've changed, aren't you?"

Not letting me answer, she leaned against the mirrored wall. I got on my knees and slid my hands up her dress. Melody held her dress up for me. I was very aroused as I looked at her white panties and garter belt. I unfastened each garter and dragged her white lacy panties to her knees. It was obvious she didn't shave her snatch like she had in college. Her pussy was thick with dark curly hair.

"I hope you still like it, Karen," Melody said anxiously. "My husband Jim likes the hair."

"It's beautiful, Melody," I replied giggling. "I like hair too. What matters is if you're still the hot pussy I remember."

I rubbed my finger along her hairy slit happy to see the first film of wetness appear on the hairs closest to her slit. Melody shivered with excitement and embarrassment as I twirled the pubic hair with my fingers. The idea of kissing the cunt of a mother drove me crazy.

I stayed with her pubic hairs for a moment, combing my hand through her bush and pushing aside her labial lips to see her pink twat inside. As I did so, she twitched her hips, feeling awkward to have her privates observed so closely.

"Your bush really filled out," I said observing the way the thick hair traveled in the direction of her navel and down toward her ass crack.

The mother bit her lip, nervous at my inspection of her genitals.

"You always were an exhibitionist, weren't you Melody?" I asked, as I continued to tease and play with the lush hairs, pulling on the waxy bush with my fingers. It was cute the way her pubic hairs hid her mature womanhood.

Melody twitched again, as she became self-conscious. Seeing herself as a mother, she perhaps couldn't believe that she could so easily fall back into her old ways after being married and "normal" for so long.

Goose-pimples appeared on my arms. I let my nose sniff her maternal pussy before I let my tongue feel its way along her hairy slit. Melody squirmed nicely for me. Feeling her arousal again, I remembered all the crazy games we played and teased each other with while we made love.

I pulled back and let my fingers play again with her thick labial folds, exposing her wet pink inner tissue. The woman moaned with desire. I knew it wouldn't take much for her to cum.

"Are you one of those suburban soccer moms who acts like a lady but wishes she was a whore?" I asked teasingly.

"You were always good at reading people, weren't you," she replied as her breathing became hard from the excitement.

I kissed her slit tenderly before sticking two fingers into her moist hole. My fingers played, feeling her soft pink insides. She wasn't as tight as I remember. Then again, having two children does things to your body. I focused on Melody's pussy, thinking of her child births and the number of times she'd been fucked by a man since I've been with her years ago. My own lust grew and I could have easily brought myself off.

"That feels so good, Karen," Melody mumbled.

I licked her deeply with my two fingers still inside her. I remembered her taste from years ago as I recollected our many lovemaking sessions. Melody looked at my bare back and panty-ass from the mirror behind me. Looking up, I saw her eyes glaze over. Perhaps she was getting caught up in her own fantasy. Her body twitched some more. The woman let her dress fall over me and pressed my head against her crotch. It was dark and I couldn't see anymore but it didn't matter. My tongue found her clit and my lips sucked on the delicate pearl, feeling it swell. Despite her slim size, she always had a thick clit. Her moaning grew louder as I sucked it more intensely. Her moans made it obvious that this was something she missed. It made me believe that no man could suck her off as good as another woman, yet I was jealous of her bisexuality. I wanted to tease her some more.

"Do you guys fuck a lot?" I asked softly.

"Oh Karen, not now," she replied moaning. "Yes, Jim likes to fuck me a lot."

"When was the last time?" I asked, sucking one of her labial lips into my mouth.

Melody hesitated as her body wiggled against the wall. "Last night," she finally replied.

"Now you've got me between your legs tongue-fucking you," I whispered deviously.

"Don't worry baby, I washed well this morning," she said, breathing hard.

"Do you like holding your dress up and getting fucked like this?" I said as I licked her clit again and feeling her lithe body withering between my hands.

She didn't answer. I kissed her hairy slit again as my finger slid in and out of her wet canal.

"You're a whore, aren't you Melody? You probably offer this service to all your customers and then go home like a good soccer-mom and fuck your husband, don't you?"

"Oh Karen, fuck me, you bitch, fuck me" she cried softly as her lust began to explode inside her.

Melody couldn't take the stimulation any longer. I felt her legs stiffen around my head as her orgasm erupted. She muffled her moans of pleasure as her orgasm riveted her body against the wall. I stayed still until her moaning and squirming stopped. I think she'd had a first class orgasm.

I took my head from under her dress and stood up. She immediately hugged me and thanked me. I was happy because we felt close again.

Then Melody gasped, looking at the door. It had not been completely shut. Someone was looking in. It was my mother.

"Oh Mom, come in. I forgot about you," I said hiding my embarrassment. "This is Melody, an old friend."

"I couldn't find you honey," Ann replied entering and shaking Melody's hand. "I hope I'm not disturbing you two."

As Ann put her hand forward her cheeks were red with shame.

"Oh no not at all," Melody said, her face red with embarrassment. The woman was unable to move because her panties and stockings were down around her ankles.

My mother couldn't help but notice the predicament of my friend, giving a furtive glance at the black panties around Melody's feet. My mother excused herself and said she would wait in the store.

Melody hurriedly fixed her panties and garter belt. I felt terrible thinking my mother might have been watching the whole time. Melody saw my pained look and told me to lean on the chair. I put my hands on the seat. Without saying anything, she slid her hand down the back of my panties and soon I felt her index finger enter my wet slit. We were facing a mirror. It was so weird to see this stylish woman act as if everything was normal and that bringing me off was part of her duties. But I couldn't wait. I was so hot.

"Keep looking at the mirror, Karen," Melody said.

"I feel so embarrassed doing it this way," I replied.

"Then close your eyes and I'll enjoy the show," she said as she reached under and squeezed my breast.

Her fingers found my clit, and as if she'd rubbed hundreds of cunts, she soon found a good rhythm and I came quickly with short quick breaths.

After I came, I sat on the chair and Melody sat on my lap. We kissed and told each other how much we missed one another.

"You still get me hot, Melody," I said sincerely, "any chance you'd want to play both sides?"

"I'd love to Karen, but I won't fool around while I've got children to raise," she replied, kissing my forehead.

I finally tried on the dress I had brought to the fitting room. I looked at myself in the mirror. We both giggled as the smell of sex wafted through the small room; I smelt my fingers with my face still flushed from just having had sex.

"I'll take it," I blurted out to Melody, and we both burst out laughing.

I found my Mom in a serious conversation with the other clerk, a college-aged women who was patting my mother on the back looking at a set of sheer bras. It didn't look odd, but it struck me as sensual, as if the girl wanted more from my Mom. My Mom was debating whether or not to buy a rather slinky black see-thru bra.

Fifteen minutes later I was leaving the store with my mother. We visited two other shops before she brought herself the dress she wanted. Eventually we went back to the air-conditioned hotel room.

Since finding me in the fitting room with Melody, my mother acted differently. I knew discovering me in the fitting room bothered her. She had never thought well of me being gay, now she'd seen me in action. But I was a grown woman and I knew I didn't have to explain myself except to apologize for keeping her waiting.

Although it was only two in the afternoon, I poured some wine and we tried to chat but it was very difficult. When my mother rose to pour more wine I followed her to the kitchenette and spontaneously hugged her, asking her to forgive me. I told her I didn't want to spoil anything by what she saw. To my surprise my mother didn't let go but held me tight for longer than what I felt was appropriate.

She told me not to bother with the incident but something in her voice told me there was something on her mind.

Once I stood back, I looked her in the eyes. "You're jealous, aren't you Mom?"

Her face looked horrified at the question. She wanted to walk away but I blocked her way. Finally she buried her face in her hands and cried, admitting she was jealous. I hugged her again and felt her tight grip.

I didn't know what to do. This was my mother. I didn't know if she was attracted to me or what.

"Did you like what you saw in the shop with Melody and me?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded still weepy.

"You mean, me with my head up Melody's dress?" I asked.

The older woman nodded, looking away from my eyes.

I let my arms slide down her body and placed my hands on her ample ass and squeezed her globes.

"Is that better, Mom," I asked softly.

"Yes, honey, that feels good," she replied, burying her face in my shoulder.

I was in a state of shock. I'd never suspected my mother of such a desire. I didn't know what to do. I'd never been with such a large woman, and certainly not as old as Ann. My second surprise was how excited I felt, smelling her perfume and being so close to a woman who I only had dark fantasies about.

My nipples hardened as I pressed them against my mother's chest. Then I felt a small kiss on my neck. I didn't want to reveal my fear and shock. I knew I'd either have to stay or run. I decided to stay. I couldn't let my mother suffer the way she let me suffer years ago.

"It's ok to have these feelings Mom, I said tenderly, holding her close. "You've come to the right person to be understood."

We looked into each other's eyes and I saw her tearful beckoning. I didn't hesitate. I put my lips to hers. We kissed softly, just on the lips. My mother's hands slid down my back and grabbed my firm ass. We pressed our pelvises together as we kissed. When we stopped we both laughed to break the tension.

I reached out and stroked her face. I didn't want to stop and say foolish things so I asked her: "Are you ready to suck my tongue?"

Without answering, we put our mouths together and kissed, letting our tongues meet for the first time. I was dizzy with excitement and fear. I was doing something both wrong and right. I didn't know what to do so I followed my instinct. I let my leg rub itself against my mother's crotch. She responded by kissing me more tenderly. Her hands were still fondling my ass and her fingernails dragged against my globes. Finally, I lifted my leg, letting her hand find the hem of my dress until I felt her touch my leg.

"That's it, just let your hand slide along my leg. If you want, let your hand go where it wants."

We kissed again, with our tongues getting more daring. I felt her hand slide up my thigh but then stop.

"It's alright, Mom," I looked her in the eye again, "I don't mind your hand under my dress. It feels good there and I'm excited. I hope you are too."

I could see both fear and excitement in my mother's eyes as we continued to kiss. I nibbled on her ear lobe and blew gently into her ear.

"Bring your hand up a little more, Mom," I encouraged her as my hand squeezed her ass evenly more tightly.

I felt her hand reach my panties. The palm of her hand slid along my panty line and shivers went up my back. My sex felt very tingly and I had butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't felt this way in years with a woman.

Earlier, with Melody, it was all passion and speed. This was different. I'm sure it was the taboo of it that was making feel so out of control. I could feel my nipples stiffen in my bra.

I spread my legs and let Ann's hand touch the crotch of my pants. She pulled it away immediately but I grabbed her wrist, stopped her from pulling her hand out from under my dress.

"Don't stop now, Mom," I said pleading. "Why can't we just be nice to one another?"

"You're my daughter Karen. I feel so strange doing this," she replied with a low guilty voice.

"But you like it too, don't you? Just tell me you feel excited," I said. "Since the shop today, this is what you wanted to do, isn't?"

She nodded her head as our eyes met. I felt the resistance in her hand disappear and I let go. Ann's hand found my crotch again and pressed against the smooth fabric of my panties.

"Just rub it back and forth," I said softly, nibbling on her ear. "Is this the first time you're doing this with another woman?"

"Yes it is. I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you," she replied.

"No, you're not embarrassing me. I'm glad you can trust me. I'm going to bend my knees to give you more room."

We kissed, softly, our tongues hardly touching. As I bent my knees, her fingers glided over the front of my panties and pressed me harder. I sighed with excitement.

"Oh Mom, if you only knew how good that feels," I said with a moan. "You're so soft and gentle."

My hand stroked my mother's face and I showered her forehead and face with small kisses before I dipped my tongue into her mouth. I knew her hand wanted to explore so I encouraged her.

"Please Mom, please," I muttered, "I've always wanted you do this. Please do it."

"Ok, honey," she replied, kissing me.

Her fingers found the waist band of my panties and ran along the rim. I could feel her hand turn and her fingers lay flat on my stomach as she slid them over my hairy vulva.

"I'm a little wet," I said shyly, "I hope it doesn't bother you."

"No, I want to feel it," she said.

My legs shook. Ann could easily see the effect she was having on me. My one hand was kneading her ass and the other found one of her large breasts hidden under her blouse. I felt her bra and squeezed the tip. My hand became aggressive and I stopped seeing my mother twitch.

"I know this is your first time with a woman and ..." I paused. "I'm sorry for touching your breast," I said with a heavy breath. "I'm just so ..."