Unforseen Outcome


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Amy slipped from the bed and made for the shower, "You two need to talk this out and I don't want to hear any more just yet. Sort yourselves out and then talk to me, because from what I see, you have lost the ability to communicate!"

Sheila looked at her sister and said, with more than a touch of venom, "You bitch, you couldn't wait to fuck my husband the minute I was otherwise engaged!"

"Otherwise engaged? By that you mean getting yourself tied up, whipped and anally raped! Not to mention that fucking banana that I had to remove from your cunt! I never thought that my sister was a skank, but that's the only word to describe you, sister dear. I suggest you think twice before you start name calling!" Amy retorted.

This was turning out to be a quite nasty interchange and made me think about the relationship between siblings, but I decided to stop it at that point before they had a chance to say something that result in a real cat fight. I wanted to inflict some more suffering on my wife, so I told Amy that I would get in touch with her later and to get dressed and leave which she did.

Sheila and I spent the rest of the day arguing. Basically, her case was that it came around to cause and effect. I had encouraged her to stray, she did and brought me home the cream pies I desired. Despite the fact that she found that she liked the sex, her love for me made her determined to stop! She had tried but between the blackmail and her lust, she had slipped back into the affair. Up to last night that was, the brutality of the way she was treated scared her. She wanted me to sort out Jerome and Marcus as they were demanding that she became their slut and had videos of her to ensure she complied! If not, they would post then on the Internet and email all her colleagues with the details. For my part, I too wanted to ensure the videos were destroyed. Not because of the threat the represented to Sheila's career, but because they would embarrass me personally. I was also determined to make them pay dearly for assaulting my wife.

That left me with the dilemma of what to do about my wife. I was angry about her behaviour and knew that I could no longer trust her. She had turned into a wanton slut and I realised that we had to separate for a while. Pete was right about one thing though, those images of our happy years together made me realise that we had many happy times during our marriage and I wondered if it was worth fighting for. I told her that I was going to leave her until I could sort out in my own mind what I wanted from life. She begged me to stay with her and give her another chance.

She said, "Look, if walk out on us now, you will never come back to me! Once you have walked out the door, I know that you're far too proud a man to admit that you have made a mistake. I want to make our marriage work again! By all means move into the spare room, if you must, but at least give us a chance to save our marriage first!"

Deep down, I knew her analysis of my personality was spot on. I could very rigid at times, black and white, no shades of grey existed for me when it came to trusting people. So I decided that she was right.

"For the sake of our marriage, I will remain living here, but I warn you, I'm angry with you and I may some things that you won't like to hear!"

"I don't care, say what you want, most of it will probably be true. I have cheated on you and went back on or agreement in a blatant disrespect of your wishes. I don't remember why I went with him, only, that to my shame, I did!"

Our debate was interrupted at that point by the front door bell and when I opened it I was astonished to see Marcus standing there with his hands held up, palms facing towards me and apologetic look on his face. He asked if he could come in and talk to us for a few moments. I shrugged and thought, what the hell, I might as well hear what the next piece of blackmail was to be and let him enter.

Sheila was sitting in the armchair and I sat in the other, leaving Marcus the couch to himself. He was clearly nervous about what he was going to say, so I decided to help him along, though my instinct was to throttle him! He was a lot bigger than me, so any fight would only have one outcome, so I curbed my temper. I would need to get a weapon of some sort before I tackled this big bastard!

"You asked to speak with us, so get on with it before I do something I may regret!" I said.

He smiled at that and gave me a look that confirmed that he was confident that he could take me any time he desired. He cleared his through and started, "First, I want to tell you that I had nothing to do with what the Doc and Jerome did to your wife. I was just there, outside the room on guard with orders to prevent you entering the room. I thought they were only going to screw her and leave, but when I saw what they did, I know I have to quit working for him."

I interrupted and asked, "You work for him?"

"Yes," he replied. He employs me and Jerome to protect him from angry husbands. Sheila is not the only woman he has been messing with. Believe me he needs the protection! I need the money he pays as I got into debt of a loan shark and he's been bleeding me bad, but not that bad that I will sit back and let the Doc drug and abuse women any longer. I will tell him I'm quitting tonight. He's leaving town next week in any case, so I will need to find some other means to clear my debt."

Over the course of the next hour, Jerome explained more about the Casanova Doctor Mistry than I really wanted to know. It appears that he is a serial predator and until Sheila had been content to fuck them and leave them. He revealed that Sheila had been the Doc's hardest conquest and it was only the previous night that he had found out how he managed to make her so compliant.

"I don't know if you know anything about pure alcohol, I didn't until this morning. The Doc had given me the empty vial to dispose of. It was clearly marked up as coming from the Hospital Pharmacy and I looked it up on the internet, but a small dose can induce feeling of euphoria and loosen up inhibitions. It can also lead to a loss of the ability to make balanced decisions. Anyway, I found out that he slipped a measure of pure alcohol into her drink early doors! He told me that it was just a little stimulus and made a big joke about it and I was told that it just loosened her up a bit. It sure worked because shortly after, Sheila became quite flushed and easily suggestible. The rest you know. I just wanted to apologise for not preventing what happened, as I said, I didn't realise that they were giving her pure alcohol and I am disgusted that I had been a party to rape!. Until this morning, I thought Sheila had gone willingly with them into the room and even if the treatment she received from them was appalling, she went of her own volition. Once I found out the truth, I had to come and put you straight."

I didn't know whether to punch him out, not that that would have been the brightest thing I would ever do, the guy was way bigger, younger and physically more imposing than me or shake his hand for at least having the decency to come and tell me. I found myself thanking him and shaking his hand. Sheila watched our encounter with a look of apprehension on her features right up to the point where we shook hands. Realising that I was not going to attack Marcus she got up from where she was seated and went over and kissed him in the cheek. She had tears running down her face and thanked him again before running into the toilet to clean herself up.

Marcus asked if I intended to inflict some retribution on her rapists and when I confirmed that I fully intended to, he said, "I can help set them up for you."

He went on to tell me that since next Wednesday was the Doc's last day in town, the Doc and Jerome planned to get Sheila for one last time together. After that, Sheila would be Jerome's to do with as he wanted! Marcus told me they planned to get her to come to a pub down near the docks and then take her into a disused warehouse and film the action as they 'put her through her paces' as they termed it. The recording would be Jerome's to keep her in line if she got antsy about her free transfer to his not so tender care.

We made our plans and when they were complete, Marcus left. I talked to Pete and explained the whole thing to him and then I told him that I would need an alibi for the night in question and he said, "No problem. You will be watching United and Liverpool with me and the boys. I have a pick axe handle if you need it."

Now that was an equaliser to end all equalisers and told him that I would pick it up before Wednesday.

As expected, Sheila got a call from the bold Doctor Mistry with instructions to meet him down by the docks at eight on Wednesday. She was instructed to wear a short mini-dress and nothing else. I heard her on the phone as she tried to act reluctant, but the end result was the good doctor reverting to type and warning her that he had other photographs he could absentmindedly leave around the hospital. He also warned her that Jerome had a special night planned and she had better bring plenty of lubricant! What he didn't know was that I had recorded the whole conversation. One can't be too careful when dealing with slippery swine like him and Jerome.

Wednesday evening came and Sheila was standing outside the pub, dressed like a tart as demanded. Not exactly out of place as the area was a notorious red light area. Finally, fifteen minutes late, the doctor's X5 drew up. Marcus was driving and Jerome got out and tried to pull a reluctant Sheila into the back. He didn't even see me, so intent was he on trying to secure his slut. I cracked the pick axe handle against his arm and heard the resulting scream as an indication that something was broken. I pushed him into the back, then Sheila climbed in followed by me. The good doctor, tried to get his door open to flee, but Marcus had engaged the central locking system, so he was trapped. As Marcus drove off, I looked behind to see if anyone had noticed us, but if anyone had been watching, they decided to do a Nelson and turn a blind eye.

Marcus drove to the disused warehouse and parked the X5 in an alley. We all got out the vehicle and walked down the alley and I had to grab the doctor as he tried to make a bolt for it. I tapped him lightly on the knee cap with my persuader and he collapsed with a shattered knee cap. I then stuffed a gag into his mouth to keep him from screaming too loudly. Jerome was more subdued as Marcus had him by his broken arm and only had to give it a tweak to make him amenable. We entered the warehouse through an old fire exit door. The place was obviously used by prostitutes and addicts as there were a lot of used condoms scatted around as well as discarded hypodermic needles. The Casanova doctor watched as I took his little case that I found as Marcus predicted, in the glove compartment and opened it. There were three vials of a clear liquid, I assumed was the pure alcohol and a nice new syringe. I removed a vial from the case and instead of using the new syringe; I bent and picked up one of the discarded ones from the filthy floor. I hoped that whoever dropped it was HIV positive! The doctor started to struggle and it took another tap from the persuader to get him to relax once more.

Sheila watched and as I started to draw the contents of the vial into the used syringe, she warned, "Be careful! Too much and you'll kill them."

I walked over to her prime tormentor and I could see the fear in his eyes as I pulled up his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "scared of a little touch of your own medicine?"

I injected him and watched as the neat alcohol worked into his bloodstream. He was soon slumped against the wall and we let him slide down until he was propped up, back to the cold brickwork. Next I turned my attention to Jerome and soon he too was braced against the wall. I waited a while for the alcohol to take hold and then, placed the Doctor's right hand on a brick, holding it in place with my boot, before bringing the pick axe handle down on his fingers. That did bring him to life as he silently screamed through his gag and struggled to escape his tormentors. Marcus had to hold him by the shoulders for the second blow to his wrist. He would never be able to hold a scalpel ever again!

I then signaled Sheila over and she started to pull down their jeans and underwear exposing their genitals.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this part, or shall I do it?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm sure. They both deserve everything that's coming to them!" she replied and then before she changed her mind, she opened the jar and poured the contents over first, the Casanova doctors genitals and then those of his partner in her rape, Jerome's!

We left them, both propped up against the wall and semi-conscious from their injections. We turned at the sound of the rats already scratching around, drawn by the smell of the honey from the jar. I stopped to look back and already several rats were attacking the sweet sticky foodstuff spread around the rapists genitals. They two rapists were just sufficiently intoxicated to realise what was happening, but too inebriated to make an effective defence. As we exited the building we heard the first scream.....

Sheila returned to work the next day and when she checked the admittances from the previous day, she noted that two patients had been admitted with severe alcohol poisoning and serious damage to their gentitalia caused by rodents. They also had some broken bones that needed attention. It appeared that the emergency services received an anonymous 999 call at 21.30 the previous night and found the two men in a state of shock and suffering from the effects of their ordeal!

Sheila arranged a short term transfer to the men's ward they were residing in and told me she enjoyed changing their dressings! Both men were too terrified to complain!

The police, interviewed me for several hours, but my alibi was secure. Sheila denied ever being in the vicinity and the CCTV footage from the pub's car park security camera was inconclusive. Marcus had taken away the good doctor's X5 and we all stripped off our clothing and left the vehicle burning on another part of the estate. The pick axe handle was also in the burning vehicle, so no weapon was ever found. In an attempt to support my alibi and demonstrate my full cooperation, I admitted that I knew Doctor Mistry and Jerome. I also told them of their attempt to blackmail my wife into having sex with them. I played them the taped telephone conversation and the Police immediately impounded that. As for the photographic evidence, Marcus had found the Doctor's laptop containing all the photographic evidence in the X5 and it went up in flames with the vehicle.

I don't think for one minute that the coppers believed my story, but with a secure alibi, they had little evidence to secure a conviction, so they dropped the case. Doctor Mistry was never charged with anything due to insufficient evidence. The last I heard about him was that he had returned to India and was working as a GP in Mumbai. Jerome no longer works as a nurse, he's now a bouncer at some sleazy strip club.

Sheila and I have worked hard to save our marriage and our sex life is now once more completely satisfying. Amy did indeed move back to town and moved in with us while supposedly looking for her own home. She was on a tight budget and it was over a year before she found the right place. During that time, Marcus became a frequent visitor and he and I found that we both liked cream pies! Amy and Sheila both work hard to ensure we both get all we can handle, but this time it is all kept within the family, so to speak!

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ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 5 years ago
gave it 3*s for the brutal revenge

Without that it would have been less the 1* (if I could). He was an idiot and continued to be one after everything. Cream pies are disgusting. He would have deserved it if he got an STD from the Dr.'s cream pie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Stupid wankers rejoice.

Another unbelievable story that is too stupid to follow. Husband is an idiot and moron. Wife and sister are sick and twisted sluts and the group together needs to be voted off the island

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I can see where all the fags would love this story but I had to give it up halfway through the story as Ma gag reflexes were beginning to take over.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What is with this fucking.....

Homo shit with eating sperm on this site?!! Fucking sick

And another thing - You get control of your wife’s rapists and they are still alive?

Just go have a cup of tea and then kill yourself you worthless pussy.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

no matter what the instrument is that affects, TK U MLJ LV NV

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