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"They're down to the quick as it is, honey...ENOUGH!"

She'd just look at me with those dark, smoldering eyes. A good slap on the ass, and she would've came on the spot.

Now in bed, her legs wouldn't stay still, and her left foot? Jesus, she'd keep me awake all night with that constant movement! One good orgasm would've straightened her out and we'd both be able to sleep. It didn't help that I was horny, too, and needed a searing climax to put me in la-la land. Having her warm, supple, naked body up against mine AND unable to keep still made everything even more tortuous.

Goddamn it! I fought to keep from touching my throbbing pussy.

"We should have stayed at the BP longer," I whispered.

"Why?" She asked, innocently.

"Oh, come on, Nancy."

"I can't help it."

"I know, I know." I slid my arm around her shoulder as her head rested against my breasts. "What the fuck is wrong with us?"

She giggled. "Slutty girls, we are."

"Oh, it's easy to buy into that Puritanical shit," I snorted. "No, we just have healthy libidos." Her hair smelled like cigarette smoke and I wished we would have showered, but both of us were way too drunk and tired. "If we were men, nobody would say a word. We'd just be dogs on the prowl."

"But we aren't."

"Yes, love." I realized my hand was cupping her breast. I could feel an erect nipple poking against my palm.

Several minutes passed with no ebb in Nancy's twitching and jerking. The booze was wearing off and she was driving me to the point of madness. With great hesitance, I spoke.

"Why don't we...?"

Nancy remained silent for a few seconds before responding. I had breached a topic we never spoke of outside the bedroom.

"You mean?"


"Oh, Peach, I..."

She always called me by that nickname in our most tender moments of friendship. My ass, in younger days, bore resemblance to a particular ripe, juicy fruit, complete with fuzz.

"Oh, come on." I admonished her. "That doesn't make us dykes. And what does it matter, anyway? It's just between us, and it damn well isn't the first time."

She didn't resist as I slid a hand under the blankets, caressing the smooth skin under her breasts, then going lower, past her navel, until my fingertips brushed across the top of her ample bush.

"You need to come, or we'll be up all night."

Nodding, she rolled on her back, spreading her thighs slightly. She remained quiet, allowing my index finger to slide up and down her furry wetness.

"That's it, my love," I whispered, smiling in the near-darkness. By then, arousal had overcome annoyance as I took liberty with her sweet body.

Nancy gasped as I breached her labia, moving my fingertip in a slow, circular motion around her clit. She drew her knees up a little, quivering as I slipped inside. I kissed her forehead as she whimpered, gently writhing as my fingers curled over and over inside her silky, smooth orifice, starting slowly, languidly massaging the spongy mass behind her clit. I loved the sensation of her snug grip around my fingers as I pleasured my best friend.

"Oh, fuck, Peach...yes, that's it...mmmm." All apprehension fell away as she surrendered to my touch.

About goddamn time you relaxed, honey.

My movement increased in speed and, next thing I knew, Nancy's hand found my burning bush and soon we were masturbating each other. Pants and moans stirred the silence as our hands blurred away under the blankets. My god, it was heaven!

"Oh, honey, yes!" I sighed. "That's what we both need."

"Uh-huhhh..." She knew what I liked as she frigged away inside my gushing-wet pussy. Delicious sensations built within my body and it was hard to concentrate on keeping a steady rhythm. Nancy was the first to come.

"My god...YES!!!" Her body went taut, pressing against my hand, her full, round hips gyrating as the orgasm overtook her. Still, her hand remained cupped around my downy mons pubis.

"That's it, sweetheart, YESSS!!!" I hissed as she continued stoking my flames hotter and hotter. Goddamn, watching her was such a turn-on! "Let it come...let it come!"

She yelped, at last releasing my pussy to grip the bedclothes as wave after wave of pleasure surged through her body. Grunting and huffing, she pushed my hand away, kicking the blankets back to reveal our nude bodies. I watched her convulse repeatedly as gentle, grey light accentuated her lovely, hard-nippled bodyscape.

Oh, so fucking good. Without thinking, I smeared her wetness under my nose, savoring the heady musk, tasting it.

In time, she stilled, relaxing, her plush body going limp like a rag doll, a wide grin of release and supreme satisfaction on her face. I couldn't help but marvel at how attractive she was in that moment, serene and peaceful.


"Come here, sweet girl." I pulled her back against my body, her head once again resting on my aching breasts. After an eternity, she sighed.


"Better, now?"

She nodded. "But..."

I was somewhat surprised when Nancy suddenly turned to face me. The next moment, her slender fingers slipped deep, my tit in her mouth.

Oh, honey, YES!

"Ahhh," I exhaled, gently grasping the back of her head as electricity sparked in my nipple, traveling straight down to my throbbing clit. I kissed and nuzzled her hair as she frigged away, her hungry mouth devouring me as wet, staccato slapping noises filled the room. Again, she found the right spot, fingers moving in perfect rhythm to elicit maximum pleasure. My hips couldn't help but move against her touch as I gazed vacantly at the popcorn ceiling of her bedroom, lips parted, lost in pleasure.

"Mmmm...god, yes, my love!" My eyes squeezed shut.

I love when she sucks my tits!

Pressure welled up within my body. "Suck harder...yes...that's it, that's it...YES!!!"

Nancy moaned as I felt her teeth gently rake over my hard, stinging bud. Of course, it didn't take much longer. The orgasm hit without mercy.

"Son of a fucking bitch, honey!" I growled, reaching back to grasp the headboard as my hips bucked. Unlike her, I wanted Nancy's fingers to remain inside as unspeakable ecstasy dominated my body. For what seemed like forever, I moved against her hand, baring my clenched teeth, pummeled by one earth-shattering climax after another. Throughout all of this, she stayed with me.

"Fuck...FUCK!!!" This release topped the others I'd had with her, and I was loving it!

Holy fucking shit! THIS is how it's done!

Fluid spritzed across the bedclothes as delicious pleasure washed over me again and again, cleansing my body and soul of any physical need. Her mouth still filled with tit, Nancy let loose with a low, guttural groan of approval. She stopped frigging me, but let her fingers remain inside as she watched my face intently. My wet-tipped breast fell from her mouth as her lips curled up with a devilish grin. Yes, she always started out shy, but once I got her going...CHRIST ALMIGHTY!!!

Once the last spasm receded, she moved up next to me. I took her hand, putting her wet fingers in my mouth.

"Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, once again demure as she gazed up at my lips. I felt her breath against my face as I tasted familiar juices. "What have we done?" Her fingers slipped from my mouth with a pop. I tried not to snort at her faux-innocent inquiry.

"Nothing but take care of each other, as best friends do." I licked my lips, leaning over to give her a lingering kiss, which she returned. "I keep telling you..." I looked into her eyes. "...you need to stop overthinking it."

She nodded, giving me another kiss before retrieving the blankets.

"Woof!" Nancy, once again, slid under the covers with me. "That hit the spot!"

"And rubbed it out!" I added. We laughed. Humor always dissipated uncertain feelings afterward. With both of us relieved of our burden, we fell into the abyss.

Neither one of us stirred until the sun climbed above the tall oaks. A dense sliver of light pierced the drapes, striking my face. Never mind, I was nearly awake anyway. As I listened to birds chirping outside, Nancy's soft, nude body pressed against me. Her steady breaths wafted across my neck, her full breasts rising and falling repeatedly, filling me with an overwhelming sense of peace.

Although I needed to pee something awful, I remained still, pondering the morning after. As I said, this wasn't the first time. I counted how many mornings we had awoken in this same situation, but didn't get beyond the fingers on my right hand. Still, during these few encounters, we had developed a feel for each other's bodies, both figuratively and literally. It didn't take much for either one of us to elicit pleasure and quickly orgasm, although the first time was definitely challenging.

I remember it was another night of disappointing interactions at the BP, and we had slipped into her bed. She was nude, as always, but at that time I left my panties on. I wasn't a prude, but that was how I normally slept.

That night was rough, with Nancy fidgeting in her sleep, never allowing me to drift off for more than an hour or so. Erotic dreams plagued me and I could feel myself squirming incessantly along with my best friend. I didn't mind when visions of her lovely, dark-eyed face and voluptuous body crept into my dreamscape. It wasn't real, so who would it hurt?

While I savored the transitory images drifting through my brain, I felt naked skin against mine, rubbing and pressing, and the touch of someone unknown. Was it Nancy? This was certainly a dream, so the furtive fondling wasn't a cause for concern. We were intimate friends and confidantes, so it just seemed natural. Otherwise I would have reacted immediately.

There are no boundaries in the playground of the mind. Go with it, girl.

Next thing I knew, a wet mouth latched onto my breast, fingers slipping inside my panties, entering my body. It happened so quickly, I didn't have time to react, if that were possible. God, it felt so good, I'd be a fool to resist! Whoever it was knew how to touch a woman. Nancy was only inches away, but surely I could come in my sleep without disturbing her. It would do me nothing but good.

I knew I was moaning as the stranger's manipulations became more and more aggressive. Pleasure surged through my body as I whispered, "Yes...yes...don't stop...please let me come." I thought about Piledriver, and that memorable night, how I still longed for his return.

Oh, yes, my love. I know it's not you, my well-hung rogue, but whatever's happening now is so delicious!

I felt an orgasm approaching. What a fucking vivid dream I was having! Then it happened. My eyes blinked open, and I looked down at Nancy. To my surprise, the blankets had been pushed aside and I was nursing my best friend, her fingers buried deep in my dark, thick bush!

Holy fuck!

My panties dangled from one of my ankles, a knee drawn up slightly to allow her manipulations. Instead of crying out, I held still, letting it happen. Like stopping one's self mid-sneeze, interrupting completion of this totally natural, loving act would be madness.

Goddamn it! Let it happen and deal with the aftermath later. So fucking good!

No words were spoken, but I couldn't help but yelp repeatedly as I climaxed, waves of sanguine pleasure wracking my body as I held her head against my breast. The closeness of her body in this very sexual act unexpectedly overwhelmed me with sheer joy. A few drops of fluid spritzed up on my lips, and I licked them, savoring the odor and taste of my vaginal secretions. I couldn't help but continue to moan. I didn't want Nancy to stop.

"Ohhh, fuck." I finally whispered as my body stilled. "God, so good, honey. Oh, my god!" My first inclination was to return the favor, but my mind had returned to normal and, compounded with her behavior after the orgasm, I quickly discarded the thought.

She remained silent and inscrutable, turning away, her back to me as she pulled the blanket to her chin. I almost spoke, but refrained, unsure in the aftermath. I pulled my panties up, glancing over to the back of her head. Her body language conveyed someone who no longer wanted to interact. In time, she started to snore and, within the hour, I joined her in sleep, only this time, I didn't dream.

The next morning, I awoke to the muffled sound of the shower behind the closed bathroom door. Mid-morning sunshine crept into the room as I rubbed my face gingerly, aware I hadn't removed my makeup from the previous night. My eyes stung. Sitting up, the bedclothes fell to my waist to reveal my breasts. The mirror across the room reflected a ragged-looking, disheveled woman with smeared makeup and a fright wig of tangled hair. I grimaced.

Fuck me.

With a phlegmy groan, I shook my lowered head as if it would make the specter go away. Thoughts of last night's incident surged into my brain. Nancy was the shy one. What made her do what she did? Why didn't I reciprocate in spite of her cold behavior afterward? At least comfort her after such a bold, unexpected move? What would happen next?

Metal rings screeching across the bathroom's shower rod snapped me out of my fog as Nancy entered the bedroom. Barefoot, she was draped in a cotton bathrobe that stopped at her knees, her hair wrapped in a thick, blue towel. Finally, she glanced at me.

"Morning." Her voice was flat and plain.

"Morning, honey." Making an attempt at warmth, I smiled. She didn't, but seated herself at the vanity, again, with her back to me.

To say the energy in the room was deeply weird would be an understatement. Without another word, I retreated into the shower, hoping it would give me time to plan what I was going to say and do next. As I washed my pussy, I remembered how good Nancy's fingers felt inside, and how her touch so easily pleasured, then satisfied me. Those thoughts, plus the unusual sensitivity of my breasts and nipples in the warm, somewhat sharp spray from the shower head, got me all wet and horny, but I refrained from masturbating. Now was not the time.

Cool air wafted over my face as I exited the steamy bathroom, wearing a robe identical to hers. (We had bought them together on one of our weekend shopping excursions), but my hair hung loose and wet, a towel in my hand. I thought I saw Nancy glance up for a split-second, her eyes calm, almost cold, in the vanity mirror. Her towel had been tossed aside as she brushed her hair. This was so unlike her, and something had to be said. She managed to look at me as I moved behind her.

"Hey there, sunshine." I tried a little levity, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey." She kept on brushing her hair without another word. Now I was getting annoyed.

"How's my best friend doing this morning?" No longer did I smile.

She remained silent, the brush stroking through her hair ever faster, almost tearing away at it.

Goddamn it!

"Thanks for the nice orgasm." I reached out to squeeze her shoulder, and that's when Nancy freaked.

"Don't touch me!" The hairbrush clattered against the glass vanity top, then to the carpet. "Don't fucking touch me!" Gripping the tops of her thighs, she looked down at the floor, taking several deep breaths. That's when I noticed her entire body shaking. The shock of her outburst startled me, so I tried a different approach.

If that's the way you want to play this out, honey...

"Fine, then." I sneered. "Suit yourself."

I returned to the bathroom, looking in the mirror as I brushed out the tangles in my hair. With Nancy having spun up my emotions, I shook as well.

Fucking bullshit.

Of course, my mind raced miles ahead, leaving the moment behind. I couldn't help but mourn. Something that felt so right and natural, and now it would never happen again. Worse, it may have effectively destroyed a loving friendship. I was planning my escape when the bathroom door hinges let out a gentle squeal. The next moment, Nancy stood behind me. Without a word, she pressed her face against my shoulder, exhaling against the thick, cotton fabric. I paused, trying to remain calm.


"Please." Her voice was barely perceptible. She began to sob gently, hands grasping my hips as she rubbed her face back and forth between my shoulder blades. "Please, forgive me. I'm so sorry."

The next moment, we held each other in a tight embrace, her face buried in my bare cleavage. I inhaled the floral scent of her freshly-washed hair.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered, voice softening as I felt her breath against my skin.

"That was so wrong." She tried to control her breathing, but failed, choking on another sob. "I...I'm not a lesbian. I like guys! I..." I interrupted her.

"Well, I like guys, too." I wanted to kiss her, but refrained. I was still a bit angry and shaken. "And I don't care how you feel about it...what we did..." I lifted her head until we gazed at each other, our faces only a couple of inches apart. "That was nice."

Fuck it.

A light peck on her cheek. She didn't jump this time, allowing me to show affection. Then I kissed her on the lips. Our mouths lingered together for several seconds as she again exhaled. I pulled back.

God, now I'm getting horny again.

"So am I banned from your bed, now?"

Nancy smiled, lowering her head, shaking it.

"No." She looked up with those damn eyes. "No, Peach."

I'm not surprised, in spite of our loving touches, we didn't instantly jump back into bed to recreate the experience. We had gotten over the initial rough spot, but the weirdness remained. We were both crossing into new territory, but I don't think either one of us knew where the borders lie. Instead, we got dressed, she in some sloppy, comfortable house clothes and me in my attire from the night before. As usual, the odor of stale cigarette smoke and sweat permeated my clothes.

"Yuck." My nose crinkled as I stared at myself in her full-length mirror. She walked up behind me, sniffing.

"I keep telling you to bring a change of clothes." She grasped my bare shoulders. Her touch now possessed magic. "Maybe I should send you home with a note pinned to your blouse?"

Smirking, with an eyebrow raised, I was just glad the warmth had returned, and things were back to normal, or at least appeared so. Still, something new and strange lurked in the depths.

"I'll bring some old rags so we can lounge around like slobs all day."

"Watch shitty television, or I can break out the Monopoly board."

"Make sandwiches, swill beer, and revel in our hopeless spinsterhood."

"That would be nice." Her calm smile reflected in the mirror, a welcome relief to me and a substantial shift from the anxiety only minutes ago. Nancy's hands slid down to my waist and she patted my butt. I turned, again, our faces almost touching. My fingers toyed with the soft, wash-worn cotton fabric of her top. I whispered against her face in a voice low, but firm.

"Never allow yourself to get upset like that again, love, not because of me." The sudden urge to rain kisses on her face, neck, and shoulders was quelled. My pussy throbbed, much to my frustration, hands trembling as I squeezed her full hips. God, she felt so good. "We both know who we are." I took a deep breath, averting my eyes in an attempt to find the right words. My eyes rose to meet hers. "And if there's something else, so be it. What harm is being done?" Nancy bit her lower lip, nodding. Sweet heavens above, she was so sexy when she did that.

Oh lord, I want to make love to her so badly right now, but something's telling me not to.

We had coffee and toast, not saying much, but mutual glances were plenty. She'd smile. I'd smile. Usually, we would prattle away about the BP crowd, potential conquests, the office, or whatever ephemera crossed our minds, but the vibe was undoubtedly different. That thing I mentioned previously was still lurking in the depths, and I wondered what would happen when it rose to the surface.