Vacation Surprise


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Lori was somewhat calmed down by then.

"I already ate, but your dinner is probably over-cooked. It won't be very good."

I shrugged.

"I'll go get some Chinese and be back in a few minutes."

As I left, Lori started to say something as the door closed, but I couldn't hear what it was.

After I returned, I ate in my home office and caught up on some work that'd come in during the afternoon, but mostly, I waited for Lori to go to bed. At nine-thirty, she stood in the office doorway.

"Are you coming to bed soon?"

"No. I've got to get to the bottom of this problem. I'm not sure how long it'll take."

I knew Lori wanted to say more, but she only sighed.

"Good night."

I waited an hour, to be sure Lori was asleep, before I went into her office and grabbed her laptop. Before taking it to my office, I checked the notebook in the top center drawer of Lori's desk.

Her company required monthly password changes to log into their VPN, email system, and many of the other software applications she used for business. She couldn't use the same password again for twelve months, so in order not to forget, she logged each new password into the notebook.

It took no longer than thirty minutes to find what I was looking for—the emails were all part of a folder marked "Steve Miller." The emails that interested me the most were alongside business related emails.

As I was reading over several months of private emails, I was stunned at Steve's and Lori's depravity and perversion. They explicitly detailed over nineteen nights of debauchery in their sex filled emails and each new detail was like a new knife twisting in my gut.

An email from two months ago listed a URL address that Steve had set up. The email informed Lori that all of their videos had been saved to that secure, secret site and were password protected. Luckily, Steve provided the password.

As I pulled up the site, I just knew what I was going to see because their constant emails were filled with grotesque details. Well, I was wrong. Seeing my wife co-star in each video was a nightmare, but I had the proof that she was a despicable human being.

When I looked at the clock and saw it was fifteen minutes before midnight, I was amazed at how screwed up my life had become during the fifteen hours since I'd tried to make the hotel reservations for our trip.



What a miserable weekend! On Saturday, while I started my day doing chores around town, Chris did his normal, weekly, yard work. We could've easily afforded to have a lawn service, but Chris prided himself by maintaining the yard himself.

We usually had a late lunch, but Chris kept putting me off as he found new projects to do around the yard. I was stunned when Lowe's delivered some supplies late in the day and, as soon as Lowe's left, Butler's Nursery delivered three new apple trees.

"Chris, what is all of this?"

"We've talked about putting more apple trees in the back yard. I also want to triple the amount of hops I grow and add two new varieties for my India Pale Ales."

"When do you expect to do all of this work?"

"I'm going to dig the holes for the trees today and plant them first thing in the morning. I'll build the trellises for the hops tomorrow afternoon and plant the hops while you're away next week."

I was exasperated.

"Are you going to spend any quality time with your wife this weekend? I'll be gone most of next week!"

"You haven't suggested doing anything, so I figured you wanted to 'save your energy' for your trip."

I was surprised at Chris' response and, for an instant, I had a pang of guilt, but knowing my Charlotte secret was safe, I responded.

"I'm making dinner reservations. Please be ready to leave at six-thirty."

An hour before we were scheduled to leave, I became concerned when Chris walked into the house and complained of a sore back.

"Chris, is there anything I can do?"

"No, just cancel the reservations. We can have pizza instead."

I wanted to please my hubby, so I did as he asked. I ordered a pizza and went to pick it up, along with one of his favorite beers—an India Pale Ale—from a local brewery.

I couldn't believe what I found when I returned with the pizza and beer...Chris was in bed and sound asleep!


Sunday wasn't any better. I was hoping for some of Chris' famous "morning delight", but he'd gotten up early (an hour before I woke up) and was in the yard doing his projects before I got out of bed.

I complained all day, but he kept working. Talk about frustrating!

He toiled away in the backyard until almost seven-thirty that night, came in, slapped together a tuna salad sandwich, and was snoring forty-five minutes later. Ugh!


I was frustrated again Monday morning! When our alarm sounded, I immediately rolled over to lay alongside Chris, but I was stunned once again...the bed was empty! I jumped from the bed, threw on my robe, and went looking for Chris, but he was gone!

He simply answered my text almost twenty minutes later.

[Chris] I'm at work.

I wondered if Chris might be mad at me, but I couldn't think of anything I'd done wrong. I also wondered about our lack of sex over the weekend. I couldn't remember a single time...ever...that we didn't have sex "at least" twice over the course of a weekend.

I decided to put "Operation Fuck My Hubby" into play and texted him.

[Lori] I can't wait to drink your cum tonight!

An hour later, after receiving no response, I texted him again.

[Lori] And afterwards, you get to choose my pussy or my tight little asshole!

I was fuming by mid-afternoon because I couldn't understand why he didn't respond. Some of our best sex was after some dirty texting during the work day.

I tried one more time.

[Lori] Want to eat me...for dinner?

I was blindsided by his response.

"Sorry, I'll be working late tonight."

I called him three times within the next half hour, but his voicemail picked up each time. As a last resort, I texted Chris again.

[Lori] I'm leaving on a four day trip tomorrow morning. I expect you home no later than six o'clock.

My emotions were jumbled. I knew I'd still be angry because of the treatment I'd received over the last few days, so I doubted we'd have sex after Chris came home.

I decided to take out all of my frustrations on Steve, so I emailed some very specific instructions to him. I knew my words would drive him wild and our week together would be the best yet.

I was approaching "she-devil" status because six-thirty had come and gone without Chris calling, texting, or responding in any way to my inquiries. I thought, 'To hell with him!' After eating dinner by myself, I finished packing for the week and carried my briefcase and suitcase to the car.

I turned on the TV and, with each passing sitcom, became angrier and angrier until I finally decided to go to bed—Chris would get a cold, emotionless response from me the next morning!



I was relieved that Lori was asleep when I arrived home. I wasn't afraid of her anger, in fact, I was looking forward to not only facing it, but completely dominating and destroying her during the coming days.

It'd been a very long day at work. I'd arrived early and stayed late because I didn't want to fall behind at work just because I'd had a two hour meeting with my newly hired divorce lawyer. My shark (Vanessa) gave me a long list of tasks to accomplish while Lori was away. We discussed hiring a private detective, but decided the raunchy videos that I'd copied were plenty of ammunition.

I slid into bed (I suspected for the last time) with my whore wife and fell asleep almost immediately.


Since I was a light sleeper by nature, I woke up ninety minutes before our alarm was set to go off on Tuesday morning. I showered, dressed, and left for work. I was emotional as I drove to the office but smiled when Lori's first text arrived—I could sense steam coming from my phone.

[Lori] I don't know why you're treating me so poorly, but it's intolerable. You didn't come home for dinner as I'd asked, you didn't wake me when you climbed into bed, and you left without a goodbye kiss. You know I'll be gone for four days. We'll need to have a long talk when I get back Friday evening.

An hour later.

[Lori] At a bare minimum, I expected, 'I'm sorry. Have a good week.' What's happening to you, Chris?

Between work meetings, customer's calls, and emails, I was also doing much of the pre-divorce work. I had a list of our joint accounts so I could pay off (and cancel) the credit cards and other debts on Thursday, and then we'd divide whatever was left over. Since the house was mine before I met Lori, I kept it. Other than a small, second mortgage, the house was all mine!

I hired movers to help me clear out Lori's personal items so I could drop off everything in her parents' garage on Thursday. The locks on the house were changed, my insurance policies listed my children as my beneficiaries, and my will and other legal documents were being updated so as not to include Lori.

I spent an enjoyable Tuesday night planting hops in my backyard garden—it'd take two years for the plants to reach maturity and begin producing fruit. I ate a late dinner and was in bed and asleep by nine thirty.


After I was up, early Wednesday morning, I turned my phone on and saw a series of Lori's texts from the previous night.

[Lori] Tonight is the first time since we've met that you didn't call while I traveled. Please call me! This can't go on! We need to talk!

A second text came through an hour after the first.

[Lori] I'm begging you! Please call me!

And finally:

[Lori] Don't shut me out! Please tell me what's going on! I love you! I LOVE YOU!

I thought to myself, 'If she wants to know, I guess it's time to tell her!'

[Me] Steve Miller is what's wrong!



As I read, "Steve Miller is what's wrong", I felt a wave of dread, but it passed quickly when I realized Chris couldn't possibly know the depth of my affair.

Because of his strange behavior over the weekend, I'd decided to err on the side of safety and got a room at the Marriott while in Charlotte. Although I was wound up and wanted the release that only Steve could give me, it wasn't worth jeopardizing my marriage. My continued adventures could wait until my next trip to our headquarters next month.

I dialed Chris' cell and was pleasantly surprised when he answered.

"Good morning, Chris! I don't understand. What does Steve have to do with your poor treatment of me?"

Chris' voice sounded tired and perhaps angry when he answered.

"If you don't understand that your relationship with Steve is absolutely inappropriate, I don't know what to tell you."

"Inappropriate? Chris! Steve is a colleague. We have contact with each other, several times, most days."

"I know you do!"

Chris didn't continue, so I jumped in.

"If you're talking about our dinners together, I'm going to be upset. I know you have business dinners with women all the time, but it's never caused me to be upset."

"I've never been concerned about your dinners with Steve or anyone else."

"Then why did you tell me Steve is the cause of your behavior?"

"My behavior changed when I found out about your affair with Steve!"

"My affair? Are you insane? I've never had an affair with Steve or anyone else!"

"Are you telling me that you've never had sex with Steve?"

"For God's sake, of course that's what I'm saying! I've never been unfaithful to you, Honey."

I heard Chris sob, which broke my already aching heart, and beg.

"Promise me, Lori. Promise me you've never had an affair with Steve."

"Of course I'll promise you. I promise, I've never...not ever...had sexual relations with Steve Miller or anyone else!"

The phone line was very quiet.

"Chris? Are we good?"

It took a few seconds for him to respond.

"Yes, Lori. We're good."

"I need to get going because we have an early meeting. Let's talk tonight and put this past week behind us. I love you, Chis! Have a great day!"

Chris signed off with his normal, 'I love you, too.'

I was sweating and my heart was beating hard as I hung up the phone. For the life of me, I couldn't begin to understand why Chris would think I was having an affair. My only thought was that someone from work might have thought Steve and I were too close or had too many dinners together. Perhaps they told Chris.

Knowing that I'd just dodged a bullet, I vowed to limit my "after-work" time with Steve. I'd never again spend the night at his home, and I'd limit myself to one dinner with him every second visit.



Within seconds of Lori hanging up, after telling me lie after lie, I'd started to pull up the cloud-based website used to store their videos and found my favorite three clips of their activities. Within five minutes of ending the call, the video clips were uploaded to Lori's Facebook page and her password was changed.

In the first video, Lori was dressed in a leather bodysuit that had cut-outs for her tits, pussy, and ass. Steve was naked and had his hands bound behind his back. He was kneeling on a hardwood floor with his head resting on the floor and his ass in the air. In the video, Lori could be heard calling Steve a "worthless piece of shit", and other derogatory names, while she beat his ass with a crop. Toward the end of the short clip, you could see welts rising on his ass.

A second video had the naked pair in an unconventional doggie fuck. Lori was wearing a strap-on-dildo and Steve was on his hands and knees while being fucked up his ass as she ranted.

"Do you like my big, fat cock up your ass?"

The third video (my favorite) took place on his back yard patio. Steve was naked and lying on the ground (on his back), and Lori was standing and straddling his prone body. I couldn't believe it when my whore of a wife let loose with a stream of pee, which splashed over his face, and repeatedly told him.

"Drink my piss, you worthless wimp!"

I wondered how many of Lori's thirteen hundred eighty Facebook friends would see her in action.



I left my hotel room and met my co-worker in the hotel lobby—my talk with Chris had put me behind schedule.

Mallory was a friend and most would describe her as prim and proper, so I was stunned when she asked.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"With your Facebook page! Those awful, disgusting videos of you and Steve!"

"Mallory, what are you talking about?"

Mallory stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"Come with me, Lori! Right now!"

Mallory half dragged me to a quiet corner of the hotel lobby, took out her laptop, and started it. She typed in a few commands, and when I looked, I could see she was on my Facebook page. Mallory pressed on a video I didn't recognize and, during the next few seconds, my world imploded!



Less than ten minutes after I posted the three video clips onto Lori's Facebook page, my son (Matthew) was the first to call.

I answered.

"Hey, Bud!"

Matt tentatively replied.

"Umm, Dad? Something weird is happening on mom's Facebook account. I tried calling her, but my call went straight to voicemail. Umm—"

I interrupted.

"I know, Matt. I have mom's passwords and I posted the videos."

"Oh, crap, Dad! That's brutal! I expect mom will be deleting the posts pretty fast."

"That's going to be tough to do."

"What do you mean, Dad?"

"After I posted the videos, I changed your mom's password. She can't get access to her page."

"You are going to divorce her...aren't you, Dad?"

"I gave her a 'last chance' to tell me the truth only a short time ago, but she lied. So, yes, I'll be filing for a divorce. Can I ask you for a couple of favors?"

"Sure, Dad. I guess."

"Call your sister. Suggest that she not look at the videos, but let her know what's going on. And give your mom a call...she'll need some support."

"I'll do that, Dad."

A few moments later.

"What a mess! I love you, Dad!"

Just before noon, I had an unexpected guest at work. I met Joe (Lori's dad) in the reception area and escorted him back to my office.

"This is a hell of a mess, Chris."

I laughed.

"Those were Matt's words, almost verbatim!"

"Lord! Matt saw those videos?"

Joe was almost in shock as he continued.

"It's bad enough that her mother and I saw them, but her children?"

We were quiet for a few beats.

"I don't understand much about Facebook, but Lori told her mother that she can't access her account, so she can't take the video's down! Apparently, her password has been changed.

His eyes were pleading.

"Chris, I'd consider it a personal favor if you'd take the videos off of Facebook."

I'd always liked Joe and considered both of my in-laws as friends, so I opened Lori's page and, within a few moments, deleted the three files from Facebook.

After I was finished, I looked up at Joe.

"Could Lori stay with you when she gets back? I know we'll have to talk, but I'm still raw and need some time."

Joe had nodded in agreement before I'd finished.

"Of course. In fact, it's probably for the best."

After a few moments, he asked.

"Do you have any...any...longer-term thoughts?"

"Yes, Joe, I do and I think you know me well enough to know what I have to do."

There were tears in Joe's eyes as he admitted.

"Yeah, I'd divorce her, too! What a mess!"


Our sit-down occurred on a Saturday afternoon, two weeks after Lori's return. When we'd talked on the phone (once), she begged.

"Please, Chris? Let's get together and talk!"

"We will, but I need some space first."

Lori continued to plead with me to talk by bombarding me with phone calls, emails, and texts—she also enlisted our kids, our families, and friends. Finally, during the middle of the second week, I texted her.

[Me] Meet me on the back yard patio at noon on Saturday so we can talk.

She sent an endless number of responses thanking me for the meeting and promising she still loved me and wanted to repair the damage to our relationship. I did skim each message, but didn't send any replies.

Before Lori came over on Saturday, I went to Bernie's Deli and picked up a Cobb salad for her and a turkey club for myself. I thought about grabbing a six pack for me and a bottle of wine for Lori, but decided alcohol wouldn't help the conversation. Lime seltzer worked fine.

I'd set up the lunch on our backyard patio table and was waiting for Lori when I heard the doorbell at noon, but I didn't leave my seat. A short time later (after the third ring), I saw Lori coming around the corner of the garage. She saw me, walked toward me, and uttered her first words as she stood (staring at me) with her hands on her hips.

"The least you could do is welcome me at the front door!"

"The least you could do is not be a lying, cheating whore!"

Admittedly, my response was a cheap shot, but I thought it was justified and continued.

"We can continue slinging zingers at each other, or we can talk."

I gestured to the place setting at the table with her salad. After Lori took a seat, we sat in an uneasy silence as we gathered our thoughts.

"Chris, I've been trying to come up with something to say that would help you forgive me, but I can't think of a thing. I need your help."

"Believe it or not, Lori, I've been thinking about the same thing. I've decided there isn't anything you can say."

"But, Chris, think of our family. It'll be destroyed."

"Don't put this on me, Lori! You should've thought about that before you started whoring around. I didn't ask for it and I don't deserve it. I'm simply cleaning up your mess!"

"I know it's a cliché, but it was never about love. It was just...I don't know what it was! I'm so ashamed."