Valentine's Gift Mix Up


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Claire was still thinking about the gift while she sipped the aperitif.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Did you really think of me when you picked out that present?"

"Yes, I wanted to get you something really special and thought that it would look great on you."

"Really? It just feels like it's a little much, that's all."

"I know it was expensive but you deserve it mom"

"Remember, tonight it's just Claire" She put her finger on his lips as she spoke.

"Sorry I forgot." He blushed at the close, intimate contact with his mother.

"Are you sure you want to see me wear it?"

"Of course, that's why I got it for you. I hope you like it"

"I do, but it does seem like it's a bit much. Don't you think it would have been more appropriate for you girlfriend."

"Thanks for bringing her up again, mo.. Claire." He caught himself just in time, "the salesgirl did think I was buying it for my girlfriend, but I thought of you once I saw it."

Her judgement had all but disappeared by the time they moved onto their cognacs. The effects of the alcohol mixed with her disappointment about her husband not making it home for Valentines Day left her feeling lonely and vulnerable. Despite her drunkenness Claire had no intention of doing anything inappropriate with her son but she felt like having a little fun and decided to put on the outfit for him. It was the least she could do to repay such a generous gift.

"Ok, give me a minute and I'll let you see it."

Mark thought he caught his mother winking at him as she turned to exit the living room. He watched her hips sway beneath her tight red dress while she climbed the stairs, kicking himself as he noticed the thin line of her panties through the tight outfit.

He felt a pang of sadness that he had no chance of getting laid on Valentine's day after all he went through to make it a special night for his now ex-girlfriend.

Mark poured himself another drink while waiting for his mother. He felt the alcohol working it's way into his head and easing the sadness that he felt while he wondered why she was taking so long to put on a sweater. He was speculating that she must not have wanted to put it on over her dress or was touching up her make up when she called out to him.

"Come on up, and would you mind pouring me another drink honey?"

Mark took another long draw from his glass before refilling both drinks and heading up the stairs to the only other room in the house with a light on.

He pushed against the partly open bedroom door and stood in the entryway expecting to see his mother waiting for him.

"Ready?" Her voice was soft and delicate from across the room.

Mark was getting a little annoyed with how long his mother was taking, but he knew that she always liked to add dramatic effect to things.

He heard the creak first and then noticed her bathroom door opening slowly. The bedroom was only dimly lit by a nightstand lamp and so it took him a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright light coming from the bathroom. His mother's silhouette was framed in the doorway as his eyes slowly focused.

Mark nearly dropped both glasses when he realized that his mother was wearing the lingerie that he got for his girlfriend. His mind raced as he took in the sight of his mother wearing the sexiest outfit that he could have ever imagined.

His mouth fell wide open as he pieced together that he must have accidentally mixed up the two gifts because they were both from the same store.

"Well? Is this what you had in mind?" She asked nervously.

"I... uh..." Mark was stunned to silence by the sight before him.

He watched his mother glided across the room as if in a dream. She took the glass from his hand and took a sip. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. The slit down the middle of the nightie parted as she walked, revealing her bar midriff and the matching pink panties.

Mark could see the dark shadow of her aureolas through the nearly transparent lace covering her breasts.

"Oh my god." Was all he could manage to get out.

"I knew it, you hate it! I knew it would look ridiculous on me!"

Claire nearly spilled her drink as she spun on her heels and stomped back to the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

Once she had disappeared Mark slowly regained his senses. "No, mom. You don't look silly at all."

He quickly realized that despite this being a huge misunderstanding things had quickly turned into a very delicate situation and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her feelings.

"Are you sure?"

"You look amazing in that, I just never..."

"You never what?"

"I've never seen you look so beautiful before."

"Really? Do you mean that or are you just saying it?"

The bathroom light blinked out as the door slowly swung open and she reappeared in the doorway wearing a bathrobe.

"Of course I mean it." Knowing that there was no turning back he committed himself to his position. "I never would have got you a gift that I didn't think you would look great in."

"I just..." His mother's voice was suddenly more quiet and vulnerable.

"What? Tell me."

"Well, it's just that I'm sad that your father isn't here tonight and I know that I'm getting older. I just feel silly wearing something like this. That's all."

"Don't feel silly. You look absolutely stunning. And besides I know plenty of women half your age that don't look nearly as hot as you."

"Ok, ok. You can stop laying it on so thick."

Mark could could see a tear streaking down her face as she looked up at him. He opened his arms and she came in for a hug.

Claire held her son tight as she let it out and cried into his shoulder. Mark held his mother in his arms and waited for her to make the next move.

"Well, I guess I do owe you something for such a great night."

"What? You don't owe me anything mom."

"Remember, it's Claire tonight. How about a massage? Nothing fancy but I can light some candles and help you get you mind off of whats-her-name."

Mark knew that he couldn't refuse, and he also wasn't one to turn down a massage.

"Ok, that sounds nice Claire."

Claire pulled back from her son and told him to get undressed and then lie down on the bed.

"Don't worry, you can leave your boxers on."

Mark felt better when she flashed a smile at him. Seeing her playfulness returning lightened the mood a little.

"I'm going down to get myself another drink why don't you get comfortable while I'm gone."

Mark was relieved that his mother was feeling better and considered how differently he had planned his night to turn out while getting undressed. He positioned himself in the middle of the bed and waited for his mother to come back.

Mark was surprised to see that his mother had shed her bathrobe and was once again dressed in just the lingerie that he had meant for his girlfriend. He watched her once again glide across the room, catching brief glimpses of her skin as she lit several candles to set a relaxing mood.

Claire took one last drink of her cognac before positioning herself next to the bed, giving her son a clear view of her body and her nipples poking through the thin lace top. Mark noticed for the first time that he could see the outline of his mother's pussy through her panties which was now staring back at him at eye level.

"Why don't you roll over so we can start, ok?"

"Ok" Mark's voice was soft and uncertain.

He was still thrown off by how his mother was dressed but he didn't think too much of it as he turned onto his stomach. Claire climbed up onto the bed and straddled her son's body. A tingle ran through her body as the heat from his flesh caressed her bare thighs. Claire started slowly rubbing on her son's shoulders. Massaging him in slow deliberate circles while getting used to the feeling of his body between her legs.

Although her intentions were innocent there was no denying that she was getting aroused at the intimate contact. As she found herself getting more turned on she let herself go and allowed herself to take her time and enjoy rubbing the young naked flesh before her.

Mark moaned every time that she increased her pressure and she responded by working her hands into his flesh harder and harder. He could feel the thin edges of her lingerie gliding across his back when she leaned forward and then her nails digging into him when she drew them across the length of his spine. Mark arched his back in pleasure and Claire begin unconsciously grinding herself against his firm ass.

Straddling his back meant that her freshly shaved pussy was rubbing against him as she pushed forward. Claire realized that she was starting to get a little too worked up and decided to wrap things up before she crossed a line.

She gave her son one last round on his back and then gave him a gentle pat on his back to indicate that the massage was over. She was already looking forward to having some alone time once he left.

Claire started to lift herself up to allow her son to get up when she watched as he rotated onto his back. His seemingly innocent move made her aware of the impact she was having on him. It was clear that she wasn't the only one who was getting worked up from the close contact.

Perfectly positioned right between her spread legs was her son's rock hard cock straining against the waistband of his boxers. The tip of his cock was just barely visible as it poked out from the top. Claire couldn't help herself. She closed her eyes and slowly lowered her body until she felt his rigid cock pressing against her.

She took a moment enjoining the feeling of his hard cock against her before settling in as innocently as she could manage while still pressing her now swollen mound against her son's cock.

Claire maintained contact with her son's cock against through her thin lace panties while she massaged his chest as if it was an innocent continuation of his massage. After a few minutes on his chest Claire let her hands drift down his abs and towards his thighs before asking him if he minds if she turns around so she can massage his legs.

Barely able to think straight, Mark managed to grunt just enough to indicate his approval. Wasting no time, Claire flipped her leg over his body and repositioned herself so that she was straddling his chest right in front of his face before continuing to massage his thighs.

Mark could smell the distinct scent of his mother's wet pussy just inches away. Despite the dimly lit room he was able to clearly see the swollen mound of her pussy pressing against the thin panties.

Claire continued to massage her son, moving further and further down his legs. As she leaned forward she could feel his cock rubbing against her chest as it strained against his boxers desperate to be freed. As she stretched further to rub his legs she pushed back slightly with her hips until her panties just brushed against his face.

"Does this feel good Honey?"

"Mmmm... Yes it does."

"Good, I'm enjoying it too. This has been such a special night, why don't I help you forget about your girl problems for just one night."

"Ok mo... Claire."

Claire hooked her fingers into the waistband if her son's boxer shorts and pushed them down while slowly grinding her pussy against his face.

The heady perfume of his mother's pussy overwhelmed him as his lips began to gently massage her through her soaked panties.

Claire moaned at the now intentional contact from her son pushing back again to encourage him further. He took the hint and pushed his tongue against her, tasting her juices for the first time as she moaned again.

Mark didn't need any more encouragement and pushed her legs further apart allowing him better access to his mother's pussy.

Claire finally took her son's cock in her hands while she felt him sliding her panties down over her ass and down her thighs. She leaned down, taking him in her mouth just as her son's tongue again pressed against her but without any barrier between them.

Claire could barely stand it any longer as his hard cock filled her mouth. The intense pleasure she was getting from her son licking her in a way that she hadn't experienced in years was rapidly pushing her closer to the edge.

Claire hadn't sucked on her husband's cock in nearly a decade and had forgotten how much it turned her on to pleasure a man with her mouth. She continued to slowly grind her hips down into her son's face, matching the rhythm of his tongue all while finding her stride with his cock in her mouth. This continued for what felt like a lifetime of ecstasy, both mother and son moaning and squirming as they brought each other closer and closer to mutual orgasms.

Claire was getting more comfortable sucking his cock and remembered some of her old tricks as she felt his tongue slid deeper inside of her dripping pussy. She moved one hand to cup his balls while circling the base of his shat in her other hand, balancing expertly on his thighs with her elbows. This had always been her finishing move when in college and she was happy to see that not much had changed. Claire felt her son's body tensing up beneath her and his hips thrusting up, pushing his cock deep into her mouth. She braced herself for what was certain to follow and was soon rewarded with her prize. The first taste of her son's cum gushing from his hard coco into her mouth was too much for her and she felt her body shudder as she came simultaneously with her son.

Her lips maintained their suction on him as he slowly bucked his hips back and forth. Wave after wave of his cum flowed from the tip of his cock, which Claire eagerly swallowed. After she sucked the last of him dry she collapsed in exhaustion.

Claire caught her breath for a moment before finally rolling off of him and turning around and lying next to her panting son. They quietly enjoy the moment, unsure of what to do next or what to say.

Claire's natural instinct eventually took over and without saying a word her hand slide across his body and gently wrapped around his glistening, semi-erect cock.

Mark could only manage a get moan as his mother slowly began to stroke his cock while he held her in his arms.

After several minutes Mark decides that it's his turn to make the next move and tells her that it's her turn for a massage.

Mark rolls over and stands up, pulling her up with him. He reaches out and pushes the straps of her nightie off of her shoulders watching in disbelief as it gently flutters to the floor.

Claire's hand moved up to cover her breasts as she suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed standing nearly naked before her son. He leaned in and pushed her hands away to take in the sight of her naked glory aside from the thin lace panties. The sweat on her naked body against the candlelight made her even more sensual to him.

Mark couldn't resist anymore and took his mother's head in his hands as he leaned in to kiss her. She wasn't expecting him to do that but had no ability to resist. He felt her body fall into his arms while his tongue slid through her lips. Claire tasted the familiar flavor of her own pussy in her sons mouth while they kissed like teenagers in heat.

Marks hands began to explore every inch of his mother's body while their lips danced in bliss. He didn't want to stop what he was doing but was ready to fully claim his mother for himself. Mark stepped back and after taking in the sight one more time he told her to lie down.

Claire was more than happy to follow her son's command and slowly lowered herself into her bed, her eyes never leaving his.

Mark looked down at his waiting mother and positioned himself between her legs at the foot of her bed. Her legs spread before him, her chest rising with every breath... Mark moved gracefully as he climbed into her bed.

His hands gently brushed along her calves and then her thighs while he crawled closer and closer to her sweet pussy. Mark pushed her thighs further apart with his knees as his hands slid up her sides and circled her breasts.

Mark slowly massaged his mother's breasts, teasing her as he could see how turned on she was.

Claire was desperate to tell him inside of her and could contain herself any longer.

"Fuck me Mark, fuck your mother!"

He could hear the desperation in her voice and it was just what he needed. His hands slid down from her breasts and grasped the thin waist and if her panties. Claire instinctively lifted her hips so that her son could remove her panties.

Sitting up as he tossed the now soaking shred of fabric to the side he now had a perfect view of his mother's bate pussy. The sight of her swollen mound, the two thin lips parted for him as she continued to beg him to fuck her.

Mark couldn't resist teasing her just a little more paused as he climbed on top of her and once again licked her magnificent pussy. He could feel her body responding to his touch. Mark was enjoying the sound of his mother whimpering as he licked her. Her hands grasped his head and pushed him down, clearly indicating that she approved of his diversion.

"Oh yes... oh yes... don't stop!" Her voice was getting louder and louder as he continued to push her closer and closer to another orgasm.

"Oh god yes!!!" Claire screamed into the night while her body convulsed from the most powerful orgasm that she had felt in years. Mark continued to lick her as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her body. He didn't stop until he could finally hear her panting from exhaustion.

No skipping a beat, Mark proceeded to move his body over hers. Looking down into her eyes he could see the raw sexuality, the need to be fucked by him was clearly evident in her eyes. His face hovered just above her, their lips brushing against each other while she took his cock in her hand and guided it expertly to the entrance of her dripping pussy.

The tip if Mark's cock nestled between his mother's impossibly warm pussy. She was begging him with her eyes.

"Come on baby, fuck me, fuck your mother."

Any shred of resistance melted away young hearing his mother begging him to fuck her. Slowly he lowered himself, his hard cock sliding deeper and deeper into his mother's aching pussy. Mark paused to enjoy the feeling of his mother's pussy gripping the full length if his cock, his lips barely touching hers.

Mark fucked his mother in her candlelit bedroom on Valentine's Day. Filling her with his cock until she came a final time which brought him to another glorious explosion inside of her. He pumped his cock deep while his mother's pussy milked his cock dry. Drained and exhausted Mark rolled off of his mother and held her in his arms while they both drifted off to a well earned sleep.

The next morning, Mark awoke to see his mother coming out if the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He watched her picking out a pair of panties to wear and realized that he doesn't want to let go.

Mark rolled out of the bed an crossed the room to her. He leaned in to kiss but she backed off.

"I'm sorry... this was just for the one night. I can't."

Claire was nervous and ashamed as she rejected her son's advance. Deep down she wasn't ready to end it herself.

"I understand."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok, I guess I just wish that I could have a girlfriend like you."

"Maybe you can." Claire's voice was uncertain and faint but she gave him the opening he was waiting for.

Mark stepped forward and kissed his mother firmly in the lips, letting her know his intentions.

Claire felt her body weaken again as her son took what he wanted from her. Her shaking hands moved to his naked body, submitting to him and allowing her towel to fall to the floor.

Mark once again led his naked mother to her bed but this time in the light of day. He fell back into the bed and watched her mother climbed on top of him. His hard cock waiting for her.