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'Nothing heavy, I promise you John. You'll love it, I'm sure! I'm so glad you agreed.' She slid her fingers between her thighs then held them up for me to see how they glistened moistly in the sunlight 'I'm getting wet just thinking about it now.' Then, leaning forward, her breasts swinging towards me enticingly as she did so, she reached out and lightly smeared her wetness over the head of my still almost fully erect cock, letting them linger there for a moment or two, running them over it and on down the shaft beneath.

My eyes were held by the full curving swell of her breasts and I couldn't resist using my free hand to caress them - their smooth weight was thrilling and as my fingers gently fondled and squeezed their soft firmness I could feel their tips tightening. I looked up into her eyes and saw that green flashes of light danced in them, as though reflected from the sunlit trees all around us but, as I knew, in fact signalling her growing excitement.

As I felt a growing swell of need rising from deep in my own body she straightened up, slipping her fingers from around my cock and picking up a chicken leg, she slid it over and even between her pussy lips, then held it out to me. 'Let's eat a little more - then play!'


Chapter 6


We ate and drank, neither saying a word, watching each other, smiling from time to time, each savouring in their own way what was to follow. By the time we had finished I was tense with anticipation and my cock still virtually fully erect from the combination of the sight of Vicki's tempting body and the unknown delights it promised me. When it was clear that we had both finished eating she got up and went to where her bags lay, rummaging amongst their contents until she had found what she wanted, then beckoned me to her.

She had in one hand what appeared to my inexperienced eye to be just a jumble of leather straps with small buckles and rings attached, in the other a length of nylon cord. As always, as I approached, her eyes fixed themselves on my cock and, as her mouth formed a satisfied smile, she took my hand and led me across to the edge of the clearing.

'Trust me John. You'll love this - I promise you. Now, just stand still for a minute or two while I fit this to you, legs apart a little please.'

It felt strange, standing there like that - strange but, I admit, exciting. Feeling her sure hands roaming over me, the straps going around me, tightening as she fitted and then adjusted them. One, attached to a belt around my waist, went down between my arse cheeks, forcing them apart, to it was attached in turn an assembly that fitted tightly around the base of my cock and supported my balls and as Vicki adjusted it the combination of the feel of it encircling it and her fingers holding and briefly playing with me sent another surge of blood up into my shaft, distending it even further in a series of twitches that didn't escape Vicki's notice.

Separate from the straps that encircled my body were two sets that she put around my wrists and ankles, each of which had small, stainless steel rings stitched on to them. When she had everything to her satisfaction she left me standing there while she went across to a small tree nearby and strapped a couple of belts around it, those also had metal rings attached. I got the picture and suddenly thought I knew what the nylon cord would be for!

She returned, took my hand and took me to stand with my back to the tree, then began lacing the cord through various rings, adjusting my stance as she progressed. It took only a few minutes - in less time than I had anticipated I found I was 'restrained', very securely I discovered when I made a few tentative attempts to move. My hands were separated behind me, attached to rings on one of the straps around the tree, my legs, also forced apart were secured to another. The belt around my waist obviously also had a ring attached to the back of it and I really was to all intents and purposes, totally immobilised.

For a moment I thought that after all that she was going to just ignore me but she merely went to get something else from her bag, her camera. Returning with it she spent several minutes taking a series of pictures of me from various angles, including a couple, from below, of close-ups of my rearing cock. As I had the previous evening, I found the feeling that I was just a 'sex-object' strangely exciting - and experienced another, different sort of pleasure from knowing that Vicki was also turning-on, from having me like that, for her own pleasure.

When she was satisfied with her collection of photos she put them down without letting me see the results - 'I'll make sure I get to see those, later.' I thought.

Vicki then set about clearing up the remains of our lunch!

My initial bewilderment at then being completely ignored was offset somewhat by the sheer pleasure I got from seeing her move around - I then realised that what she was doing was in fact all part of her scheme. Certainly she seemed to do a lot of bending, giving me sometimes an exciting view of her lush breasts, at others, as her short skirt rode up high, an even more stimulating one of her naked bottom - both of which, combined with the tight strapping around my cock and balls, kept me in a state of high arousal.

When everything was packed away Vicki brought the blanket across, spread it out just in front of me and stood there, smiling as her eyes wandered all over me.

'You look terrific John, the photos are great too. When you see them and compare them with some others I have in my collection you'll understand what I said about you not having to worry about the competition. Now, seeing as you have made me so excited, I'm going to enjoy myself.'

She finally took off her blouse and skirt and for a moment stood completely naked in front of me. I let my eyes range over her body and I felt my cock jerk higher as I took in the full sweep of her lines and curves. Then, all too quickly, she knelt at my feet, lightly grasped my thickly veined shaft and guided just the swollen head between her lips. I controlled the urge to thrust my cock deep into her mouth, allowing Vicki to do what she wanted to do with my body - and what she did sent waves of pleasure rippling through me.

In the excruciatingly blissful minutes that followed I realised something about Vicki that perhaps I should have recognised the previous evening - but then the events had been so dramatic, so overpowering that I excused myself for having missed it and then I had then been free to move, to touch, to fondle her, in that way releasing some of the tension building within myself - but here and now I was powerless, immobilised, all of my attention was focussed on the only part of me that was unrestrained, my cock and balls. So, as all of my concentration was centred there - and on what Vicki was doing to it, I was in a position to recognise and appreciate the finer details of her actions.

What I realised was that everything Vicki did was in fact perfect, she had so refined her technique that each single action was calculated to produce the absolute maximum effect, either for her partner or herself.

For example, at that time she was holding, stroking my shaft with her hand and slipping her lips back and forth over my cock-head. A service I had had done for me by many women - many, many times. But the technique that Vicki used produced reactions in my body that no other woman had ever done. When I realised that I did my best to suppress the effect of the thrills that she was producing in an effort to concentrate on just how she was achieving them.

Looking down I first saw that instead of just making a fist around the shaft of my cock with her hand she was gripping it with just her fingers and thumb which was positioned on the under-side. Each stroke began with her fingers lightly brushing over the smooth curve of my sensitive head and her thumb flicking the even more sensitive ridge of skin beneath it. Then, tightening her grip a little, she slid them back along the shaft, pushing the small folds of skin ahead of them, until, as she finally reached the base of my cock she loosened her grip slightly and her fingers splayed out, slipping down around my swollen balls to gently fondle them, before returning to begin the next stroke.

Meanwhile, in perfect time with her fingers and using only the inner surface of her wet, slightly parted lips, she leaned forward a little, sliding them slowly over the curved mass of my cock- head. When finally she had all of it within her mouth I saw that she then curled and fractionally tightened her lips and, at the same time as she began to move backwards again, she started to very gently suck, making the cock-head swell even more with the combination of that and the friction produced by the increased tension of her lips.

Having tried to relieve some of the growing pressure by trying to thrust my cock deeper into her throat but finding that the belt and cord made it impossible for me to do that, only heightened the sensations that surged through me, so I gave myself up to her. Why and how she did to me what she did no longer mattered - all that did matter was the exquisite pleasure she was giving me - and the thrills jolting through my entire body, like a series of powerful electric shocks.

Looking down through a thickening haze of lust and previously unknown pleasure I could see that Vicki's treatment of my cock had made it grow to enormous proportions, her lips were now stretched wide by the sheer size of the bloated cock-head and the veins that ran down the now rock-hard shaft were swollen and knotted. Then, below the sight of what she was doing to me, I saw that she was now using her other hand on herself - three fingers plunging stiffly and rhythmically in and out of her pussy.

Then abruptly, just as I felt the surging tide inside me rising faster, as though she had sensed my imminent climax, she released my cock - and, keeping her fingers buried deep inside herself rocked back on her heels and squatted there, just watching me - or rather, my cock. It was monstrous! Rearing up almost vertically from me, so grossly swollen and so absolutely rigid that even though I felt it throbbing and surging uncontrollably, it barely seemed to move.

I looked down at Vicki, her eyes were glazed and I could see that they had become a dark, jade green colour. Even as I looked I saw the muscles in her arm flex and, as she pushed herself down harder on to the fingers that were still buried inside herself, her mouth gaped wide and a series of low groans escaped from her throat. She stayed like that, obviously enjoying another of her 'private' climaxes and again I found that the combination of watching her in the throes of it and knowing that I was the cause of it, gave me both a deeply satisfying sense of pleasure and, if it was possible in the state I was already in, a real sexual charge.

As the effect of her orgasm subsided she got up, retrieved her camera and took yet more pictures, this time almost entirely concentrating on the rigid immensity of my cock. Having taken what she wanted she went over to her bag again and returned with what looked like a scarf of some sort. It was a scarf, a very fine, light silk scarf - which she then simply draped over my rearing cock, before returning to her bag for something else.

The sensation was unbelievable! My cock-head was so super-sensitive that even the gossamer light material sent a stream of pleasure-sparks flickering up the throbbing length, through the rest of my body and finally registering somewhere deep inside my brain.

Through the red mist that now seemed to screen my vision I heard Vicki's voice. 'I'm just going for a pee - and have a bit of a look around, I won't be gone too long John.'

It wasn't a question, it was a statement - she was leaving me there, like that!

But then, even as a mixture of bewilderment, concern and annoyance rose, I felt a sudden surge of agonising pleasure course through me! Squinting down and focusing my blurred vision, I saw that the scarf was being caught by the slight breeze that blew across the clearing, blowing it lightly to and fro - and that each time it did that it generated new sparks that flickered thrillingly through me. I realised that as usual Vicki knew exactly what she was doing - and the effect that it would have on me - I was trapped, unable to move, being constantly stimulated - strongly enough to keep me on the verge of coming - yet not strongly enough to be able to actually do so!

Just how long would she leave me in that cruelly blissful state I wondered.


Chapter 7

Front And Back

I suppose she was only gone for about ten or fifteen minutes but at the time I would have sworn it was far longer and the combination of my speculation as to what more she still might have in store for me and the scarf, wafting in the intermittent breeze kept me in a state of constant arousal, right on the edge of a climax.

I had never, ever experienced such a long drawn out period of tantalising excitement and my body literally screamed for relief - so much so that by the time I finally heard her coming back through the light undergrowth I felt sure that she would only have to just take hold of my almost bursting cock with her hand, for me to blast the still accumulating semen right across the clearing.

She had a smug grin on her face as she walked, still totally naked, across the clearing towards me - she came and stood immediately in front of me, hands on her hips, flaunting herself - her eyes, rising to meet mine only after they had checked out the state of my erection, had a wicked gleam in them.

'How are you feeling John?'

'Bloody tense.' I heard myself croak. The sight of her like that renewing the pressure that had in any case really subsided very little.

'Well, you did say that one of your fantasies was for me to keep you in a state of arousal for a long, long time. I haven't been gone very long at all really but I'm glad to see that your 'interest' hasn't waned much while I was away. My scarf might have helped a little - do you like the feel of the silk?'

'It's unbelievable Vicki. The damn wind keeps moving it about and the friction is almost unbearable.'

She grinned broadly. 'Good, I'm glad it works for you. Now, tell me - what have you been thinking about while I was away and what would you like to do now?'

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. 'I've been thinking about fucking you - and that's what I want to do right now Vicki.'

'I like the sound of that John.' she said, her eyes darkening fractionally and her smile tightening. 'But I've been thinking about what I would like too - and though I certainly want that gorgeous cock rammed right up inside me, I've been thinking that before that it would be nice to feel your mouth and tongue on my pussy - so, before we fuck I want you to suck me off. Will you do that for me?'

'Of course, I'd love to.' I said hoarsely, the thought of having my tongue up inside her sweet tasting sex causing my cock to jerk her scarf up higher - and her eyes to drop again as they caught that movement.

'Mmm I see the idea does appeal to you. But I want you to do it while you still have your hands tied - I'll release you from the tree and free your legs - but no hands, O.K.?'

'You're the boss, for now anyway.' I answered.

'That sounds as though you are starting to get ideas about trying something with me sometime.'


'Maybe I'd be interested if you did! But, first things first.'

Moving closer she reached for the scarf that still hung from my 'flag-pole' - but, being Vicki, she didn't just take it off, instead she slowly pulled it down from one side, so that I had to bear the sweet anguish of the feel of the entire length of it skidding over my already super-sensitive cock-head. Then she moved around behind me and began to untie the cord and in just a minute or so I was free, well at least partially free. I stretched my legs, which had become a bit cramped from standing in the one position but could do nothing about the similar ache I was beginning to feel in my arms that were still held securely behind me.

While I was doing that she lay down on the blanket, bent and spread her legs wide then, slipping her hands under her arse, lifted herself, offering her sex up to me.

I got down on my knees and, bending low, pushed my head up between her thighs, feeling the soft warmth of her skin brushing my cheek and, as I got closer, the scent of her filling my nostrils. She sighed softly as she felt my breath on her already puffy, and pouting pussy-lips, then moaned as my tongue began to lightly lick around, over and eventually, between them. As I knew by then that Vicki was never in a rush and preferred to savour each delight to the fullest before moving on to the next, I took my time, slowly progressing from quick and light to longer, more powerful licks and only later, interspersing those with little nibbling sucks with my lips.

By that stage Vicki's body was beginning to react more strongly, the muscles in her thighs and belly contracting as spasms of pleasure rippled outwards from where my mouth, tongue and lips worked their magic on her sex. Her clitoris soon grew to become a sharply protruding ridge of flesh and each time my tongue flashed over it I drew a sharp cry of pleasure from her and when, from time to time I sucked the mix of my saliva and her ever more freely flowing juices from her, she heaved herself upwards against my mouth and moaned loudly at the intensity of the feelings I was generating within her body.

But, although I would have stayed there for as long as she needed it wasn't too long before I felt her climax beginning with a series of rippling, rolling, waves of powerful pleasure that surged right through her - and as they did and as she rode the crest of each successive wave, she gripped my head tightly between her thighs, forcing me hard down between them and holding me tight up against her pulsating sex.

In time, as the waves gradually lessened, subsiding from enormous ocean rollers to more gentle, shoreline breakers, her grip of my head relaxed and I was able to move. The pressure inside of her may have been reduced but mine, which had been almost unbearable before, had only been increased even more by the sight, feel and smell of her sex - my already painfully inflamed cock now felt as though it was white hot with my own urgent need. Vicki still had her hands underneath her arse, her pussy still raised - if it hadn't been, with my hands still tied behind me, I could never have managed it - as it was it was still incredibly difficult and it was only because my cock was so rock-hard that I made it.

Shifting myself awkwardly on to my knees and using the muscles of both my back and abdomen for balance, I briefly looked up at her face - her eyes were closed, a smile of deep satisfaction on her lips - looking down again, between her wide-spread thighs, I aimed and then lunged forward, thrusting my cock between her wetly gaping pussy-lips and with a series of powerful thrusts forced my way deep into the heart of her still contracting cunt.

I heard myself give a long drawn out cry of relief as I plunged into her - the slick tightness heightening my inner tension but, at the same time offering promise of blissful relief. Her eyes flew open and she gave a gasp of surprise as she felt my massive cock stretching her wide, driving deep, filling her completely. 'Oh! Shit - you're so big - I'll never take it all!'

But she did - and though not having the use of my arms for support meant that my actions were primitive and uncoordinated - she obviously loved it. It was a short and frenzied coupling, I had been held on the brink of orgasm for too long for it to be any other way - and after only perhaps a couple of dozen strokes I felt the reservoir of semen boiling up through me, then scorching its way through my pounding shaft to finally blast deep into her innermost depths.
