Virgin Gigolo Ch. 09


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I reached down and stroked her hair, moving my hand down by her face and showing her that I had a condom palmed. I pulled back a bit and bent to her ear once more, "This is for you if you want it." She looked at my hand, glanced at the room, and without saying a thing, stood up and gripped my hand.

"You go, Kathy! Get yourself some!" someone hollered as she led me to an adjacent room. She kicked the door shut as I followed her in. No sooner was the door closed than she dropped to her knees and sucked me into her mouth again.

"Are you going to suck me off, or do you want me to fuck you?" I asked, looking to get that specific 'permission' that Melissa had suggested that I always get. When someone hired me for a one-on-one tryst there wasn't much doubt -- but here, where someone else had arranged and paid for me, there was always the possibility that she could feel 'forced.'

"Oh my God. I haven't been laid in almost 6 months. Hell yes, I want you to fuck me... unless you want to eat me first?" With permission granted, I took charge and soon had her naked, but not before she reached up and acted like she wanted to take my mask off. "If you're going to fuck me, I want to see your face." I nodded once and she pulled it off, tossing it to the bed.

Kathy wasn't a bad-looking gal, though not what I would qualify as gorgeous. She had to have been mid-30s, slightly overweight. Not fat, just pleasingly rounded. Her tits were fairly large, easily a C cup or a bit more, as she carried a little extra weight in her tits too, but she had exquisitely responsive nipples. She groaned when I started by leaning in and sucking on them, and she didn't stop me at all when I pushed her backward onto the bed, kissed down her stomach, and found her pussy with my mouth. I soon had her shaking in orgasm before I pulled back and offered her the condom. She readily accepted, taking it from my hand and rolling it onto my cock. Lying back once again she moved her legs around me, using them to pull me forward against the end of the bed as she guided my cock to her waiting pussy. When I came, I could tell she was almost there and continued thrusting into her until she again convulsed in orgasm.

Once she came, I eased up on my thrusting, stopping with my now wilting cock inside her. Her panting came to an end; her eyes, which had been closed, opened and she said "Wow. Where has that been all my life?"

"I take it that was OK?"

"More than OK. My boyfriend never got me off with his cock." I could feel her body gradually relaxing. "That was phenomenal."

"I aim to please."

"You certainly did that," she answered. My tear-off clothes were in the other room, I could do nothing but just watch, naked, as she put her clothes back on. "What's your name?" she asked as I watched her unabashedly fitting her bra over her breasts. I picked up my mask off the bed and put it back on.


"Hi Brent, I'm Kathy."

"I heard. Your friend called you by name." She nodded.

"Can I ask, how much did this cost?"

"This was a package including the exhibition, so it was a little different, but I normally charge $250 an hour with a two-hour minimum for one-on-one." She nodded, and now dressed, turned to her bedside stand, and pulled out a paper and pencil.

"Are you always that good?" I smiled and shrugged a shoulder, and nodded my head in an affirmative motion.

"I don't have many complaints."

"I can't afford that very often, but that was really good." She handed me the paper but held it when I took it, not relinquishing her own grip. "That was really nice," she repeated, "having you take care of me without me needing to do anything in return. That's unusual; most guys are about themselves and... it's almost like my pleasure is an afterthought. Can I have your number?" She asked, relinquishing the hold on the paper, and handing me a pencil. I wrote it down, along with "Brent" and handed it back to her.

She turned and, taking my hand, stepped to the door, just as she'd taken me into the room half an hour before.

There had been perhaps 18 women in the room when we left. Now, there were at least half a dozen more. I'd been able to hear the laughter from the bedroom but hadn't expected the extra people. I spotted Melissa, once again dressed, but also spotted someone I never expected to see -- my mother.

Everyone in the room cheered and clapped as we came out. There was nowhere and no way to hide anyway. I immediately was thankful that I'd put my mask back on.

Most of the girls in the room were already drunk. A half-empty bottle of champagne, along with a completely empty one, and an almost gone container of orange juice, spoke to the Mimosas that were being shared. Several empty bottles of Margarita mix and Tequila spoke to the Margaritas being consumed. When a Margarita was shoved my way, I declined but didn't stop the woman who offered the drink from rubbing her hand up my chest and down to my cock. "Did you take good care of our girl?" she asked.

"A gentleman never kisses and tells," I answered with a smile, turning to work the room. I tried not to look at my mother although I was acutely aware of where she was. Even then, several times as I scanned the room, I could feel her looking my way, obviously, just like every other woman there, curious about the naked man moving around the room and being fondled or stroked by almost every woman there. Besides getting drunk, I was now the only entertainment left -- just a naked man in a room of horny women.

I worked my way around the room, heading towards the kitchen and Melissa, who was once again fully dressed and talking to a woman. I didn't remember seeing this other woman when I'd first gotten there, so assumed she was someone that had arrived later while I was in the bedroom with Kathy. "Brent!" she said, reaching for my hand as I neared, "This is my good friend from college, Ellen." She glanced at Ellen, and then back at me. "We almost went into business together." In that intro, she told me a lot. Since Melissa had been in business since she'd become an escort in college, I surmised that Ellen had, or almost had, been an escort also. I glanced at her, appraising that just like Melissa, she would have been and, still was, a hottie.

"Can I talk with you for a moment," I quietly asked Melissa, "In private?" I didn't give her a chance to respond, taking her hand and stepping further into the kitchen.

"Be right back," she said to Ellen, following me. "What's up?" She could tell that something was wrong.

"Near the front door, the woman in the purple pantsuit... that's my mother. Oh my God, Melissa, if she figures out who I am...."

"Hmm. Well, that's a bit unusual." She stepped over to the counter and leaned over a bit to look toward the front of the apartment. "How does she know this group?"

"I've got no fucking idea. If I'd known there was even a chance she would have been here..."

"Yeah, of course."

"I've managed to steer away from her, but I can't do it forever. I've refrained from talking, but I know if she hears my voice, she'll put it together."

"You might be surprised. What's that show on TV about singers with masks on? They're famous people and seldom does anyone recognize who they are."

"I can't take that chance."

"Oh yeah, you can't."

"Can you get me my clothes?"

"No. That would be quite obvious. Best thing is to make a show of putting them back on when you get to them. It's about time for us to leave anyway. We don't need to make an announcement; they'll know you're leaving the same way we came in -- by the door opening. I'll see if I can figure out how your mother knows this group, and maybe we can distract her while you're working your way to your clothes."

She turned away looking into the other room for a moment and then turned back and moved back to Ellen. She whispered something to her and I heard Ellen respond with an "Oh yeah, I can do that!" Stepping away from Melissa she came directly to me, reached down, two-handed, and wrapped her arms around me grabbing my bare ass which I knew the entire room could see. "Oh yeah, baby!" she said for the room's benefit, "Brent's leaving so if you want to grab a bit o' hunk better do it now!"

What I had thought was a somewhat inhibited crowd originally had become more uninhibited as the time wore on. Now that almost all of them had imbibed a little bit of social lubricant, some of them quite a lot, as I began to pull away from Ellen, women's hands began to reach out and touch me from all angles. Hands on my butt, rubbing my chest, gripping, and stroking my cock -- almost always with a giggle. The more stroking on my cock, the more I had an erection rise from the dead again but, for some reason, nobody was taking me in their mouth. I'd noticed this before at other events -- once one person took the plunge and sucked on me, others would too - but if nobody made that first effort to take my cock in their mouth, others didn't either.

I managed to return to my clothes without getting too close to my mother, although I saw her eyes on me several times.

I made a beeline to the car once I got outside. Melissa didn't immediately follow. The 5 minutes of waiting seemed to be the longest 5 minutes of my life. "Oh God, Melissa. Do you think she recognized me?"

"Would she have stayed on the opposite side of the room if she had?"

"I'm not sure she was staying away from me -- I was staying away from her." Melissa laughed.

"Well, Ellen ran interference for us," she said, pulling up in front of the building; "she'll probably have a better idea. She was going to chat up your mother and see if she had a clue of who you were. She'll be down in just a moment; we're going to dinner. You're welcome to join us if you'd like." Her arm came up and she waved. Turning, I saw Ellen coming out of the front of the building and heading towards us.

"Well, you were certainly the hit of the party," Ellen laughed, sliding into the back seat. "All I heard about was how I'd really missed something when I was late getting there. Your standing 69 was a real hit. Your mother missed it too, we happened to arrive just about the same time. Does your mother come to your shows very often?" she teased.

"Oh my God," I said, shaking my head, "I don't think she has any clue what I do."

"She said she thought she recognized you from somewhere. She said she thought you looked familiar but couldn't place it."

"Oh no! You asked her?"

"I just asked if she'd gotten there in time to see the show. I told her I'd been late and missed it, but I'd heard it had been pretty hot. She said she hadn't seen it either, but all the girls had been talking about it. When I asked how she knew Kathy, she said they work in the same office. She's apparently more of an acquaintance than a friend, but several of the younger office girls were here so she came along."

"So, Melissa said you almost went into business with her in college?" I asked to make conversation, after I'd declined the invitation to have dinner with them, just telling Melissa she could drop me off. I saw Ellen glance at Melissa, nonverbally querying what she'd told me.

"We were actually roommates," Melissa responded.

"We... double dated, twice," Ellen added. "The money was really good, but I met a guy and I never did it again."

"I take it he didn't like you doing that?" I asked.

"He didn't know at first. I sat him down before we got married and confessed what I'd done."

"How did he take that?"

"Not well at first. But when he told me about all his old flings, I had to ask what the difference was. He'd dated multiple girls and taken them to bed, and I'd just outright told two guys they could just pay me the money and take me to bed. We still went to dinner and just skipped the movie. We both got laid and I didn't have to worry about them thinking I was a girlfriend or something."


At first, it was the nights when Robin and I performed together. Not often, perhaps once a month. Back to her place, walk to the Mexican all night for burritos and Margaritas, and then back to her place.

"What are you doing tonight?" Robin asked as we were getting ready in the morning. I'd spent the night several times after having too much to drink, but we'd always just gone our separate ways the following day. "I don't have a date tonight, want to come back and we can do something together?"

Admittedly, it was a bit unusual for a relationship. Although we both "went to work" at unusual hours, and we both knew that the other's work included fucking other people, we soon found ourselves together as a couple. I would guess that it's like any other couple, that when you go to work, you're doing things to get paid for, and then you come home and meet your partner, and maybe do the same things at home. Do plumbers, or electricians ever have plumbing or electrical problems at home? Those kinds of questions came through my mind multiple times over the next few months as our relationship developed, but the only thing that never came up was jealousy.

"Robin?" I asked, about six months later.

"Yeah? What?"

"Do you want to move in with me?" I had an apartment of my own, although recently I was spending more time at her apartment than at my own. Robin was 'technically' sharing an apartment with Savanna, although we really seldom saw her. Several times Robin and Melissa had spent the night in the next room, but most of the time Savanna stayed with Melissa.

"You don't want to move in here with me? You're spending more time here than Savanna is."

"I was thinking maybe we could get rid of this apartment, and mine too, and get a better one for both of us? Maybe buy a condo or a house so we're not spending money on rent?"

Robin didn't say anything for several minutes. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"I think it's too early to ask you to be my wife." I almost couldn't believe I'd said that, but she didn't act surprised at my statement.

"We can check with Savanna. I'm pretty sure she and Melissa won't be averse to that."

"Is that a yes?"

"A yes to being your girlfriend or a yes to moving in together?"

"How about yes to both?"


That night, for the first time, I made love to Robin. Before, when I'd had sex with Robin, it had a feeling of more than "just sex," but this time included heart and soul. It was listening to her mind, even though she wasn't saying anything different, and willing as much pleasure on her as I could give. Of course, in my mind, I had felt our sex had been lovemaking for quite some time, but this was the first time we ever fucked without a condom. Even more than riding each other bareback, our lovemaking included kissing.

"I think that's what I missed most," Robin said afterward when she was cuddled to my side.

"What's that?" I responded, my mind flipping cartwheels over the fact that I'd made love with a woman for the first time.


"Yeah. Skin on skin, I like that too." I lay there for a moment before adding, "I guess I'm going to have to tell Mary that we need to start using condoms?" Robin already knew about my arrangement with Mary, that as long as she was the only one that I was fucking bare, we didn't need condoms.

"Yeah. You should." I'd flipped through my phone contact list and told Robin about every client I'd had, and she'd done the same with me.

"What about your mother?" I asked, "Do you want me to quit seeing her? Or tell her?"

It was totally quiet for a moment, and then she giggled. "Oh my God. She is going to flip when she finds out she's been fucking my boyfriend."

"Yeah, I can imagine."

"When did you last see her?"

"I'd have to look. I think about three weeks? Yeah, pretty sure it was three weeks ago. She'll probably be calling me later this week or next."

"She really likes it in the ass?"

"She likes it front and back both."

"I'm going to go with you."


"I'm going to go with you. When she calls you next time for an appointment, I'll go with you, and we'll tell her about us, and she can tell me about how she's been paying you for sex." She laughed.

"You're sure that's a good idea?"

"I don't know, but it'll all be out in the open."

"Do you want me to quit seeing her?"

"Hmmm. Well... do you use condoms?"


"Just like any other customer?"

"Well, except that she is one of the few that I had met before she was a customer, she's just another customer. The only one I've never used condoms with is Mary." She nodded, presumably in understanding.

"Do you want to quit seeing her?" I could have just flippantly answered but thought about all the women that I'd been having sex with.

"No... I don't know," I told her. "I will if you want me to. Do you want me to?"

"I'm not sure. It wouldn't surprise me if she will want to quit seeing you."

"Will it surprise you if she does want to keep seeing me? Every customer is just more money." She nodded in understanding.

"Are there any of them that you would hate to walk away from?"

"Oh no, not a one. I guess I've got a fond spot for Mary; she was my first for virtually everything, so I'll always remember her for that. But I could walk away and tell her I won't ever see her again without a problem. She's old enough to be my grandmother for God's sake."

"I want to be there when we tell her she can't have you without a condom anymore."

"Oh. You want to go with me?" She nodded. "OK."


I called and told Mary I was coming by the next afternoon, although I didn't tell her I'd be bringing Robin with me. She was surprised to find Robin standing there when the door opened, her face looking startled, but rapidly recovered. I figured a weekday afternoon was better than bringing Robin with me on a Saturday as most of the time, on Saturdays when I arrived, I found Mary dressed to get laid.

Mary glanced back and forth between us as she invited us in. "This is a bit unusual," she said, "Do I detect there's a purpose to this visit?"

I started to answer but before I could find the words Robin spoke up. "You're going to need to start using condoms when Danny visits in the future."

I think I would have said it differently but, in those words, Robin told Mary that she knew I'd been fucking her, that I'd been doing her bareback, and that my arrangement could continue as long as I was now wearing a raincoat. Mary glanced back and forth between us again, and giving a wry smile said, "So I take it Danny has finally hooked up with his dream girl? I wondered if he might finally get around to it when your mother told me you were getting a divorce."

Mary was quite inquisitive, wanting to know how long Robin and I had been seeing each other, confirming that Robin knew I was a sex worker, and was quite surprised when Robin said that she was too. She asked Robin if her mother knew she was an escort, promising that she wasn't going to say anything to her about it. She then told us (telling me again) that she didn't find this all that unusual, as her sister had been an escort her entire adult life, was now economically quite well off, and had, several years before, moved in with one of her customers. She told how her sister wasn't going to marry her lover, but they were quite happy together. "What about you guys?" She pointedly asked. "Just living together, or will this be something more?"

"Just living together," Robin answered.

"For now," I answered almost simultaneously. Mary's eyes shifted between us, a knowing and approving smile on her face.


"Hello Mother," Robin said when the door opened. I had wanted to call and talk to her; Robin had insisted that we do it in person. We'd finally compromised; Robin called her mother and asked if she could come over for dinner and said she was going to bring a friend along. She confirmed what time her father would be home and told her mother we would arrive earlier than that, saying they needed to talk without him there.